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Afzal Guru hailed a hero amid "Pakistan Zindabad" slogans & Calls for Azadi at Delhi's JNU

No Sir it is not mine or my nations wish but the circumstances clearly pointing out the outcome of radical Hinduvta policies and attitudes where people from minority religion forbade to eat what they like even lynched, killed in suspicion of doing that. Armed gangs patrolling streets to protect the holy animal and have free hand to provide justice on the spot to the culprits, where P.M is accused of actively involved in a massacre of minority group. ,

Red bold part, where are the armed gangs patrolling? I don't see anyone around. Which India are you seeing? Bro, that is bullshit what you just typed, false information if you want to correct yourself. As for PM being accused, he has been exonerated. Only Congress says he is guilty - like saying Congress had no role in Sikh riots when their leaders have been implicated in it.

And for your information, the Sabarmati Express was burnt by idiots led by a Muslim Legislator of Congress who led these idiots, who again happened to be unemployed muslim youth, to burn the train. It was planned by Congress, read the timeline of the news and see for yourself. Stop parroting crap.
Its like teenagers rebelling against their own parents. When I was a student such people still existed who saw everything bad in their own country but when I meet them now, some of them holding high positions in govt., their embarrassment is reflected in their grin. The same is being repeated after so many years. This is a passing phase. I think its healthy as long as they dont fall in hands of wrong people. Radical elements dont thrive on their own but they take refuge in mainstream politics like SIMI people used leftists or rather leftists allowed themselves to be used by them. We need guard aginst such things and not against dissenting voices.

Even i find a lot of wrong things in our society and country as a whole and regularly voice my opinion about it but whats the point of supporting a terrorist ??

Does it generate a greater impact or actually negates my good intentions ?

Ah! the times when V day used to stand for Victory day.

How can you be married and a Buddha? Wasn't Buddha celibate?

Buddha in Hindi means Old man.
LOL .. your proxies eh?

No offence but it is beyond the capacity for an ordinary person like you to understand.

Read it again or consult someone else(make sure that he's not indian)

Even i find a lot of wrong things in our society and country as a whole and regularly voice my opinion about it but whats the point of supporting a terrorist ??

Does it generate a greater impact or actually negates my good intentions ?
Supporting violence or terror should not be encouraged. Resorting to violence itself means defeat at ideological level.
1. I am unable to comprehend the rest of your post and its relevance.

2. However regarding the Texas analogy - you ever been to Texas? Lol we have always had people who would like nothing better than to secede from the US and form the Great State of Texas. For Texans,Texas come before US. So wrong analogy. If it were NY or Philly the analogy would have been better

1. Afzal Guru was hanged for his support in Parliament Attack as one member already has explained to you. The involvement is of LeT which is funded by ISI of Pakistan. He was tried in due process of law, tried to get clemency from court, filed a mercy plea to president of india and finally all recourse exhausted, he was executed after a delay of 6 years from passing of death penalty. If someone says that it was unfair to him, (s)he is lying. As for Maqbool Bhatt, he hijacked an Indian Airlines aeroplane in 1971 and took it to Lahore. So he is a terrorist. And they both were being shown as victim of Indian judicial system. And hailed as heroes. That is what is wrong. It is disinformation and lies being funded for unrest in society with an eye to drive a wedge between hindus and muslims as UP elections approach (sizeable Muslim population in UP, so fear is being spread to ensure BJP loses. In general elections, even Muslims voted for BJP, much to chagrin of others in UP).

2. Yes I have been to US a number of times. And I know the history also. Sam Houston et al. etc etc. Analogy has been given to try and tell you that it is not same. Our dear friend on western border is actively funding secessionist acts in Kashmir, mexico is not in texas. Pakistani acts are a threat, Mexico is like a fly for US. So your advice to ignore following US example is not tenable here

And lastly, the Muslims of South Asia are predominantly poor converts historically. The rich went to Shias. So the trend is of poor - lack of education etc etc ..... Europe is facing the problems with a large population of this subtype now. We face it on a daily basis. You will face it, with the way things are going, if you keep taking Muslim refugees. And there is active funding of Muslim Mosques by Saudis, who are anyways always promoting Wahabism, which is mother of Taliban, AQ, Al-Nusra and ISIS etc

No offence but it is beyond the capacity for an ordinary person like you to understand.

Read it again or consult someone else(make sure that he's not indian)


Sometime i feel very sad for indian hindus,they were given choice of a seperate state in 47 but they didn't got complete independence.

Please refer to my earlier claim

The muslims in india were left on purpose

Apologies, not at all taking an offence. If my error, apologies for the same. Please do explain how the last line is related to first one. Not asking anyone else. Fragmented sentences really are gibberish to others. Asking you as you are the author of the lines and your thought process will be able to clarify your sentences.


1. Afzal Guru was hanged for his support in Parliament Attack as one member already has explained to you. The involvement is of LeT which is funded by ISI of Pakistan. He was tried in due process of law, tried to get clemency from court, filed a mercy plea to president of india and finally all recourse exhausted, he was executed after a delay of 6 years from passing of death penalty. If someone says that it was unfair to him, (s)he is lying. As for Maqbool Bhatt, he hijacked an Indian Airlines aeroplane in 1971 and took it to Lahore. So he is a terrorist. And they both were being shown as victim of Indian judicial system. And hailed as heroes. That is what is wrong. It is disinformation and lies being funded for unrest in society with an eye to drive a wedge between hindus and muslims as UP elections approach (sizeable Muslim population in UP, so fear is being spread to ensure BJP loses. In general elections, even Muslims voted for BJP, much to chagrin of others in UP).

2. Yes I have been to US a number of times. And I know the history also. Sam Houston et al. etc etc. Analogy has been given to try and tell you that it is not same. Our dear friend on western border is actively funding secessionist acts in Kashmir, mexico is not in texas. Pakistani acts are a threat, Mexico is like a fly for US. So your advice to ignore following US example is not tenable here

And lastly, the Muslims of South Asia are predominantly poor converts historically. The rich went to Shias. So the trend is of poor - lack of education etc etc ..... Europe is facing the problems with a large population of this subtype now. We face it on a daily basis. You will face it, with the way things are going, if you keep taking Muslim refugees. And there is active funding of Muslim Mosques by Saudis, who are anyways always promoting Wahabism, which is mother of Taliban, AQ, Al-Nusra and ISIS etc

Thanks this post is much clearer however obviously there are idiosyncrasies to Indian politics and it's dynamics with Pakistan with which I am not familiar hence it is tough for me to comprehend the nuances.

About Mexico being a fly on the wall for US - not correct. The drug problem from Mexico is acute and leads to thousandss of our citizen dying while US for all it's economic and military might is helpless. I guess situation is kind of similar in India - instead of drugs you have terrorists coming in from across a porous border?

I am not trying to make some false equivalency here but just commiserating with you about the similar problems though the scale and severity might differ.

As for Pakistan - I am not sure how much they are to actually blame, it would be foolish to presume they have the Jishadist under their thumbs when they themselves are dying by thousands.

Forgive me if I don't drink the Kool-Aid regarding Evil Pakistan and Muslims.
I can't watch the video, explain it..what you want to say.

Too bad you cant watch it. Will find a transcript and tag you to it sometime later. Its worth watching. Till later ...!

1. Thanks this post is much clearer however obviously there are idiosyncrasies to Indian politics and it's dynamics with Pakistan with which I am not familiar hence it is tough for me to comprehend the nuances.

2. About Mexico being a fly on the wall for US - not correct. The drug problem from Mexico is acute and leads to thousands of our citizen dying while US for all it's economic and military might is helpless. I guess situation is kind of similar in India - instead of drugs you have terrorists coming in from across a porous border

3. As for Pakistan - I am not sure how much they are to actually blame, it would be foolish to presume they have the Jishadist under their thumbs when they themselves are dying by thousands.

4. Forgive me if I don't drink the Kool-Aid regarding Evil Pakistan and Muslims.

1. Sorry, am travelling and typing over a tab !!!! So maybe was too brief and unclear. Trying to achieve brevity and loosing the gist altogether. My Bad!

2. Mexico being a fly - for trying to break US as a nation. Not in law enforcement.

3. I am not trying to presume or blame them. They are using the policy that US and they used in 80s to get the USSR out of Afghanistan, and by extension, the experience and the spare weapons and fighting force available with Pakistan allowed it to extend it to Kashmir. We bled dearly, and I am telling you as a first hand witness, during end 80s-90s till 2006. But we realized that they will continue and used our diplomatic resources to sound out US in Afghanistan (and even US started accusing Pakistan of severe complicity with Talibanis killing American Soldiers). But the Pakistanis allowed these people (the fundamentalists) so much leeway in 3 decades, that the society paid the price of fundamentalization. Now the State itself is seen as a threat to these groups, so they get paid in their own currency. The Pakistanis created these characters for operation depth in fighting in Kashmir and strategic depth in Afghanistan, and look where they are today That is all. By their own actions they have created their present conditions. Now all we do, is sending monetary help to these disaffected souls and reinforce perception that Pakistan is out to destroy them. It is imploding, and all we do is watch the fun.

NDA is in Pune but the dgrees are conferred by JNU.

Aw .... now I know that .... the location ....... having walked the Sudan Block and sailed the Peacock Bay ... !
Ugh hippies...........
this for those people who say India is intolerant. You see you can easily come to India and f**k with its constitution, people, in the name of free speech and you wont be touched...in fact for this you may win an award which you can use for returning to tarnish India's image further. Now I hope you understand that India is tolerant :pop:
Ah! the times when V day used to stand for Victory day.

How can you be married and a Buddha? Wasn't Buddha celibate?

Buddha was NOT a celibate.

He had a wife and child. His wife was Princess Yasodhara and his SON was Prince Rahula.

Prince Siddhartha (buddha) later renounced his wife and son in the Hindu tradition and took "Sanyasa". When his son was 7, his mother asked him to approach Buddha to seek his inheritance as the prince of Shakya kingdom as the next in line for the throne. However buddha ordained him into his religious order as his true "inheritance". His wife thus got a double wham-my, by first loosing her husband and then later her child. :cheesy:

Rahula later joined his father as a ascetic and sadly died before Buddha.
Mate who supports Texan autonomy exactly? Mexico? ...... there is a difference when you give this analogy .. we have active funding from our "M" world ..... same as against you. Only you don't have the worlds second largest Muslim population yet, but seeing how you guys are suckers for humanitarian disasters, and amount of Muslims you are taking in as refugees, you will soon be in the same boat. Europe was the highlights, the whole drama is yet to unfold ... see what the Muslim immigration does to you now. The Neanderthal thinking which is perpetuated and enforced will send you back a couple of decades too. We are facing this but know how to manage it, you will loose it to political correctness, just like the affirmative action did you in on racial matters


You maybe right, but they fear us all the more '

Our dictum is "Catch them by the B@lls; hearts and minds will follow"
Really ??
thats the reason behind the increase in clashes and protest since 2000 .. :D
Really ??
thats the reason behind the increase in clashes and protest since 2000 .. :D

Clashes with who? Police? Firstly, as a Pakistani decide whether Indian forces are massacring Kashmiris as you say or standing by allowing protests as you claim above. Those two can not go together. We would have run out of Kashmiris to 'Massacre'. Most antithetical position by Pakistanis in this forum on what Indian forces are supposedly doing in Kashmir.

Since you have decided to troll, let me deviate. Bro, I have been on ground there for years, and so I tell you out of experience and not any second hand information. If you think that there is not a well thought out plan of permitting protests and so called clashes, then you have absolutely no clue why Pakistan is still at the same position vis-vis Kashmir as it was in 1980s. Like @Piper sensibly pointed out earlier in the thread, at times it is best to ignore things and let them be. By allowing these 'protests' and 'clashes' to take place, the government of India grandstands to the world. Showcases the Indian democracy working even in restive regions. Look at Manipur, 68 years and now it is free of disturbed area act. Op Hifazat has finally been declared over by Government of India in 2016. The level of violence in Manipur is at a level wherein it is a routine police matter. That is what a state always strives for, to have levels wherein the police suffices.

Sorry to indulge in pontification, but no insurgency has been won in a day or months or years of even a decade. US is learning that lesson the hard way. They need Pakistan in Afghanistan to achieve an honorable exit. We all, and here the members I refer to are the professionals on either side of the border, had said that US was bound to fail in Afghanistan if it withdraws. You ever ask any think tank on how to run counter insurgency operations, and they will give you an Indian example. Its not because I am from India, heaven knows we love to relearn our own lessons as we fail in institutionalization of the lessons learnt in successive decades, but Indian response has always been calibrated, proportional and minimalistic in CI Ops. That is the reason why we have large number of troops, we have physical presence to ensure adequacy of numbers to be brought to bear upon as lesser force has to be compensated with numbers.

In Kashmir, the amount of people for azadi are limited to well to do, those who have a good source of income and have nothing to work for. They have the family money. Most of them have their children outside the valley in Delhi, ,Mumbai or even out of India in US etc. For them it is a matter of politics. The common man on ground has no employment. Majority of Kashmiris I interacted with have primary requirements of jobs, employment and education of their children. They do not care about these politics. The major problem is that since the politicians in valley receive money from both India and Pakistan, they milk both the countries and do not govern at the grassroots. The Indian Army provides for the civil population in areas adjoining the LC. At times, there are no roads built by government there, being dependent on Army for medical, infrastructure support and even communication. When this has been going on for decades, with politicians of valley learning from both Indian and Pakistani counterparts the art of corruption, why wouldn't there be protests?

Ever wondered why Indian army does not intervene in these protests and it is only CRPF, and J&K Police? It is because the army is very clear when these protests erupt as to the reasons of the same. Even if called upon, the government is politely told to shut up.

Its upto you to accept/reject these points. Think logically, you may find some sense in there! Cheers

And the slogan above - we used it as a motto in 90s. Now we have refined it as it is no more required. The balls have been in our hands for sometime now, we just apply pressure once in a while.

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