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KP has completed planning for adding 1471 Megawatts through Hydel Power Generation!

*yawn* Ring the patwari hotline and call Nawaz Sharif and inform him that he does NOT need permission from KESC to visit the dead and suffering Pakistanis at Jinnah Hospital in Karachi... that is IF he gives a damn!
no he doesnt cause his minister has said it that he has no mandate there... cruel but true.
people of karachi feel nothing for pml and vice versa, only parties there are pti mqm and ppp, take your pick while pml still rules 60% pak
no he doesnt cause his minister has said it that he has no mandate there... cruel but true.
people of karachi feel nothing for pml and vice versa, only parties there are pti mqm and ppp, take your pick while pml still rules 60% pak

So Nawaz Sharif is Prime Minister of his vote bank NOT all of Pakistan? Is that how patwari league functions? Makes it personal and ignores those who did not vote for it? Perhaps there is a special patwari definition of 'democracy' hanging somewhere in Raiwind?

Thankyou for exposing PMLN mentality.. :)
So Nawaz Sharif is Prime Minister of his vote bank NOT all of Pakistan? Is that how patwari league functions? Makes it personal and ignores those who did not vote for it? Perhaps there is a special patwari definition of 'democracy' hanging somewhere in Raiwind?

Thankyou for exposing PMLN mentality.. :)
jamhooriat = jamhoor = group of people = if they support you = yes = else = no
hope that was simple enough...
and why do you vote for ppp and mqm every god damn time! shows your idiotic mentality of being a slave!
jamhooriat = jamhoor = group of people = if they support you = yes = else = no hope that was simple enough...
and why do you vote for ppp and mqm every god damn time! shows your idiotic mentality of being a slave!

Thanks for your assumptions on who I voted for.. completely irrelevant and juvenile attempt to shift blame.

And thanks again for your twisted meaning of 'jamhooriyat'.. Clearly this is what happens when inbred, illiterate folks come to power through faulty electoral processes, their foot soldiers try and justify nonsense with nuance. Perhaps Karachi should stop paying taxes to the Federal Government then and breakaway as an independent state since it is clear from your rhetoric that PMLN is fine and doesn't need to care about dying Pakistanis in Karachi.
More talk and lesser action...

Meanwhile N has issued funds for both education and health sector with plans for youth on track....
I myself got a laptop and have completed various projects on it (presentations)...
Anyhow pti needs to do more work and less words please, and also keep the people updated via newspaperss....

Are you planning to sell your laptop for Rs 16000 now that you have gotten a free laptop? hahaha

As claimed by PITiens?

The troll keeps on going like a balloon that's been poked with a needle and goes haywire until its out of gas..

KPK already produces surplus power vis-a-vis its needs. The problem is Federal Law that requires KPK to send that power produced to the national grid and then a quote allotment of that power is provided to KPK for use. Even then KPK is not being provided its allotted quota.

Now, these small HPPs ranging from a couple of MW to a couple of hundred MW are being put in place where accessibility is difficult which means sky high costs of putting transmission lines in place to provide far flung villages and towns up in the mountains, etc with power from the national grid.

Therefore KPK government is building putting these small scale power production units as well as solar power in such areas so that those areas become self-sufficient and self-reliant; not just for their household power needs but also small scale manufacturing, farming, etc.

What you are saying is only a half-truth in that the PMLN and PPP governments have been misleading and fooling the Pakistani public with empty promises of power self-sufficiency that are nothing more than election rhetoric while the performance is ZERO. There is NO comparison between PMLN & PPP federal government stints and their failure to build 1000MW+ powerplants with that of PTI KPK government which is doing what it can to provide strategically placed HPPs to benefit communities who cannot be reached by the national grid.

Bro you have valid points.

It is not PMLN or PTI issues. As you point out. We all must do what can do.
Are you planning to sell your laptop for Rs 16000 now that you have gotten a free laptop? hahaha

As claimed by PITiens?
No matter what they say PML is actually on the highway to become a true national party... with completion of mega projects peoples opinion will change drastically, no matter how unimportant these projects are, millions of people still use them and i am sure they have changed their lives in one way or the other...
also it is true non sense that PML is doing nothing on the health and education fronts, maybe they don't have a dedicated fan following but trust me when i say things are changing and changing fast...

Thanks for your assumptions on who I voted for.. completely irrelevant and juvenile attempt to shift blame.

And thanks again for your twisted meaning of 'jamhooriyat'.. Clearly this is what happens when inbred, illiterate folks come to power through faulty electoral processes, their foot soldiers try and justify nonsense with nuance. Perhaps Karachi should stop paying taxes to the Federal Government then and breakaway as an independent state since it is clear from your rhetoric that PMLN is fine and doesn't need to care about dying Pakistanis in Karachi.

thank you for calling me illiterate but please make yourself at ease when i say that i wan't allowed to cheat in my exams, weird folks... maybe education system here is fuked up for not letting me cheat... unlike somebody

i am no foot soldier of any body if pti goes further than planning then i am more than willing to accept their deeds and i already do... unlike you i don't give two hoots for bhotto or terrorists...

karachi even now pays less taxes than it's supposed to, as far as breaking goes you my friend are more than welcome to try that... i will pray for your safety... amen
thank you for calling me illiterate but please make yourself at ease when i say that i wan't allowed to cheat in my exams, weird folks... maybe education system here is fuked up for not letting me cheat... unlike somebody

i am no foot soldier of any body if pti goes further than planning then i am more than willing to accept their deeds and i already do... unlike you i don't give two hoots for bhotto or terrorists...

karachi even now pays less taxes than it's supposed to, as far as breaking goes you my friend are more than welcome to try that... i will pray for your safety... amen

Ah yes! Making excuses and shifting responsibility and playing blame-game when asked why Nawaz Sharif hasn't visited the dead and dying at Jinnah Hospital in Karachi.. response from @FunkyGen was 'we have 60% Pakistan a.k.a Punjab so go f*** yourself' because PMLN leadership is not obliged to visit dying Pakistanis in Karachi just because they didn't vote for PMLN.. but we are happy to take federal taxes from you Karachiites..

When this patwari is told that, given his rationale for Nawaz Sharif not visiting Karachi, perhaps Karachi should stop paying federal taxes since federal government doesn't want to take responsibility or even send the Prime Minister to share in the grief of the dead and perhaps even breakaway, the patwari starts jumping up and down with threats of 'you can try' to breakaway..

Patwari = Paisay ka pujaari.. wants taxes from Karachiites.. but cannot even send the Prime Minister to say two words of kindness to the lawahiqeen of the dead Pakistanis in Karachi.

Great PR for PMLN by @FunkyGen
When a man is dying of thurst without a single glass of water for days on end,

you don't run around gathering a single drop, and expecting him to live for long

small hydro of 1 to 3 MW are just toys.

No country in the world has met its energy needs by using 1 to 3 MW plants. They cannot provide reliable energy for industry and homes.

What Pakistan needs are the 1000 MW power plants
but our educated elite doesn't believe in such things and thus continue misleading the masses about the toy projects.


No one can dispute the need of Mega Hydel power projects in a country as big as Pakistan. I had commended this approach because big hydel power projects in Pakistan seem to bring out perpetual opposition and get stuck. Its wise then to start with small projects and let people themselves see what change such projects can bring to their lives.

BTW there was a school of thought in India just after independence that small and medium scale projects will serve an underdeveloped country like India. Nehru ofcourse did not go for this and went for Big projects. This approach created islands of prosperity in midst of terrible poverty among the huge number of displaced people. Sorry for off topic rant.
More talk and lesser action...

Meanwhile N has issued funds for both education and health sector with plans for youth on track....
I myself got a laptop and have completed various projects on it (presentations)...
Anyhow pti needs to do more work and less words please, and also keep the people updated via newspaperss....


Yesterday few minutes before Iftaar, we all were sitting watching TV waiting for Maghrib time. My wife told me to change the channel to City42 as its a Lahore based channel, it will show accurate time of Maghrib in Lahore. I obliged.

What followed after Maghrib was News from Lahore. And among headlines, 2nd was about "During an inspection, a critical life saving medicine was found expired and of bad quality in Services Hospital, General Hospital and Gangaram Hospital". Reason? Guess what? "LACK OF FUNDS".. :hitwall:

Take that..
you are most probably right.
Hydro projects are expensive, if the federal govt cannot build even a single one with its own money how do you expect a province to build them??(dasu has alot of foreign funding, nothing else in govt sector)

The only choice is partial govt plus foreign loans which will be blocked by federal govt , as it has done before. PPIB will allow funding the projects but that comes under Federal jurisdiction.(like the suki kinari project)

I feel so sorry for KPK people.

well at least I hope this planning leads the next gov to do something.

i hope next time KPK govt is the same which is in the center so this bias can be over come.

You are overdramatic most of the times, KPK is neither building any metros or dams. Yet KPK budget on per son basis is almost double the amount compared to Punjab. PTI don't believe in big projects from its own budget.

For details, visit:
Welcome to Sarhad Hydel Development Organization

What is this? I want more Metro swimming pools instead! I want my vote back!!! :D :D :D

@Aether @syedali73 @TankMan @sadiqqs @Khalidr @pkuser2k12 @Bilal. @Leader @Ryz09 @yesboss @Atanz @Akheilos @GIANTsasquatch @Rasengan @RoadRunner401 @chauvunist @NaMaloom @Rajput_Pakistani @WAJsal @Jzaib @Malik Abdullah @farhan_9909 @Fawad Mahsud @CHARGER @SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @WishLivePak @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Jazzbot
Nothing gona happen. Be sure about that.
You are overdramatic most of the times, KPK is neither building any metros or dams. Yet KPK budget on per son basis is almost double the amount compared to Punjab. PTI don't believe in big projects from its own budget.
and the federal govt?
i am simply quoting a fact that building any mega project requires foreign financing, without which, it is not possible for federal govt let alone a provincial govt.
FACT 1: its still doesnt address the question why cannot centre build a hydro project without loans (look at NJ or dasu, hell it cannot even find funds with loans as seen in NJ) if it has budget of 45 billion dollars. provincial development fund is less than 70 billion rupees. I still didnt get an answer why center is blocking provincial project at 6rs(swat hydro) but allowing federal projects at 8rs (suki kinari)?
FACT 2: ??, what did you expected from a dictator and PPPP or are you implying that PML N is no different than them?
FACT 3: courts repeated asked the federal govt to pay, they simply ignored
Fact 1-if you try to understand me you will get your answer , How come sindh is able to finance its THAR COAL AND COAL MINING projects ? because they had good coordination with fed govt , how can u coordinate and ask for fed govt for support KPK govt in financial loans if you even cant sit with them on one table because of bitterness(forget about right or wrong ). MOreover how can u understand because you are tired of the link that tells that CM KPK refused more than once to visit China for finance arrangements.End of the day poor streategy of kpk govt.
FACT 2 -You cannot tell about the cost of electricity per kwt hr for swat hyro unless you do its financial arrangement and its financial closure , It is speculative figure because if you dont know the interest rates you cannot give the rates of power to be generated .Rates are different in every deal of ADB, WB, private sector ,chinese etc .So please stop this comparison.
FACT 3- If same KPK rulers (ANP and PPP) in federal govt and in province too could give hydro money to its province then KPK should chill out .But i support that the share must be given to kpk but it will take lot of time , things are too bitter at the moment .
Fact 4- Supreme court can send Prime minister home , it is so powerful , how it is possible that they cannot implement its order of kpk share ? kp must fight case in court strongly.
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