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Iran proposes regional anti-terror bloc to include Saudis


May 21, 2006
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TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has proposed the formation of a bloc of Muslim countries to fight terrorism and boost economic cooperation that would include its regional rival Saudi Arabia.

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani told a security conference on Sunday that the two countries, along with Turkey, Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan, should join together to promote “regional peace based on Islam, defending the Palestinian people, fighting terrorism and economic interests.”

Shiite-majority Iran and mainly Sunni Saudi Arabia are bitterly divided, and support opposite sides in the civil wars in Syria and Yemen. Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran in January after Iranian demonstrators stormed Saudi diplomatic facilities to protest the execution of a prominent Saudi Shiite cleric.

Larijani said Saudi Arabia and other nations should know that Iran is not “their enemy.” He said Iran is opposed to “warmongering in Syria and Yemen” and wants to resolve regional conflicts through “national solidarity governments resorting to democratic methods.”

“Iran is not after creating an empire and hegemony in the region,” he said. “Our viewpoint is aimed at improving unity.”

Iran is a close ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and sponsors the Hezbollah armed group in Lebanon as well as state-sanctioned Iraqi Shiite militias. At a two-day security summit in Bahrain last week, the leaders of Western-allied Arab Gulf countries agreed on the need to counter Iran’s “destabilizing activities” in the region.

Saudi Arabia announced the formation of a 34-member “Islamic military alliance” against terrorism nearly a year ago, which excluded Iran.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
A terrorist regime (designated as the number 1 terrorist supporter in the world by the world community, sanctioned and isolated for this very reason as well) and a notorious regional troublemaker since those Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's came to power in 1979 (their entire doctrine is based on what they are doing currently) is proposing what again?

KSA already heads the Islamic Military Alliance which is compromised of 39 Muslim countries and which Raheel Sharif is apparently going to become the commander in chief of.


If such a regional bloc would even come into effect the Mullah's main priority should be to remove themselves from power.

If our morons in power (talking about Arab and Muslim regimes) had any ounce of sanity left, they would not engage with his Mullah regime until and unless they change their behavior. I categorically refuse any cooperation with this cancerous regime. Any Arab regime that aids those Mullah's have committed high treason and due punishment is to be given to those traitors here and now or when the first opportunity arrises.

Let those wannabe-Arab Mullah's find other morons in this regard.
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A terrorist regime (designated as the number 1 terrorist supporter in the world by the world community, sanctioned and isolated for this very reason as well) and a notorious regional troublemaker since those Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's came to power in 1979 (their entire doctrine is based on what they are doing currently) is proposing what again?

KSA already heads the Islamic Military Alliance which is compromised of 39 Muslim countries and which Raheel Sharif is apparently going to become the commander in chief of.


If such a regional bloc would even come into effect the Mullah's main priority should be to remove themselves from power.

If our morons in power (talking about Arab and Muslim regimes) had any ounce of sanity left, they would not engage with his Mullah regime until and unless they change their behavior. I categorically refuse any cooperation with this cancerous regime. Any Arab regime that aids those Mullah's have committed high treason and due punishment is to be given to those traitors here and now or when the first opportunity arrises.

Let those wannabe-Arab Mullah's find other morons in this regard.

Why not include Iran, Iraq, and Syria in that alliance?

They too want to destroy the same terrorists, and it will bring some unity to the Muslim world instead of animosity.
When Iran has upper hand in the region and still calls out for unity amongst regional countries including its the so-called rival i.e. Saudi Arabia then it means something that some people due to some reasons can not comprehend.
When Iran has upper hand in the region and still calls out for unity amongst regional countries including its the so-called rival i.e. Saudi Arabia then it means something that some people due to some reasons can not comprehend.

Upper hand as in having a lively fantasy and wasting billions of dollars (and 1000's of Iranians) in projects doomed to fail (on the long run) in the Arab world (Arab Shias) while the average Iranian could only dream about having the same living standards as the average GCC citizen? If that is considered success then I must congratulate you guys.

Why not include Iran, Iraq, and Syria in that alliance?

They too want to destroy the same terrorists, and it will bring some unity to the Muslim world instead of animosity.

The reasons were stated in post 2.

As for Syria, it's no longer a country but a battleground for everyone be it regional powers or world powers. Al-Assad is a figure head and cannot even control 50% of his country. Iraq (which is in chaos itself) declined membership in the so far biggest Islamic military alliance to date that is headed by KSA and will be headed (as in commander in chief) by Raheel Sharif.

How much sense would it make in your eyes to combat something that a supposed partner is the greatest reason for?

If the Mullah's change their policy I will be open to work with them for the sake of security and stability in the region however we cannot work with a regime that claims to combat what is mentioned in that article while they start fires behind the back. That passivity has ended and naivety of giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Besides Egypt and KSA have no diplomatic ties to the Mullah's so good luck in that regard.
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Sensationalist article by the WP. Nobody said we need to form some sort of bloc or organisation, its probably more of "Islamic Unity", we shouldn't find amongst each other etc. etc. But I think on this occasion he may be too hopeful since the Wahhabi Saudi regime isn't particularly Islamic to be included in any Islamic Unity.
Upper hand as in having a lively fantasy and wasting billions of dollars (and 1000's of Iranians) in projects doomed to fail (on the long run) in the Arab world (Arab Shias) while the average Iranian could only dream about having the same living standards as the average GCC citizen? If that is considered success then I must congratulate you guys.

The reasons were stated in post 2.

As for Syria, it's no longer a country but a battleground for everyone be it regional powers or world powers. Al-Assad is a figure head and cannot even control 50% of his country. Iraq (which is in chaos itself) declined membership in the so far biggest Islamic military alliance to date that is headed by KSA and will be headed (as in commander in chief) by Raheel Sharif.

How much sense would it make in your eyes to combat something that a supposed partner is the greatest reason for?

If the Mullah's change their policy I will be open to work with them for the sake of security and stability in the region however we cannot work with a regime that claims to combat what is mentioned in that article while they start fires behind the back. That passivity has ended and naivety of giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Syria would still be a good partner, even if they don't control most of the country. The Islamic alliance, if it wants to combat ISIS in Iraq/Syria needs the support of those two nations, their assets, bases, supplies, and intel. Its a shame the Iraqi's declined though, but I don't think you will get far without their help.

From my understanding, given this current news, Iran wanted to be a part of the alliance (given that they would include Saudis in the new one) but were sidelined in the creation of the organization.

Fair enough if Saudi Arabia and Iran don't like each other, but with cooperation comes friendship, and I believe that in this case it would be far more beneficial to include Iran than omit her. We're talking about the destruction of terrorism, and peace in the middle east. Something which both of your nations aspire towards.
Syria would still be a good partner, even if they don't control most of the country. The Islamic alliance, if it wants to combat ISIS in Iraq/Syria needs the support of those two nations, their assets, bases, supplies, and intel. Its a shame the Iraqi's declined though, but I don't think you will get far without their help.

From my understanding, given this current news, Iran wanted to be a part of the alliance (given that they would include Saudis in the new one) but were sidelined in the creation of the organization.

Fair enough if Saudi Arabia and Iran don't like each other, but with cooperation comes friendship, and I believe that in this case it would be far more beneficial to include Iran than omit her. We're talking about the destruction of terrorism, and peace in the middle east. Something which both of your nations aspire towards.

There is no reason to partner with 1 totally damaged country that is no longer a country effectively and which is also ruled by a incredibly brutal and illegitimate regime that has nothing to offer and which does not even control 50% of its OWN territory (Syria). Iraq is a failed state too. Essentially divided into 3 parts. Nothing to offer either. Mullah's too have nothing to offer expect for terrorism.

We will do with the largest Islamic Military Alliance to date that is composed of 39 countries (and growing). I think that this will suffice for now. Let those 3 "countries" create their little bloc in return. Good luck.

التحالف الإسلامي العسكري لمحاربة الإرهاب


One member state (Nigeria) has 2.5 times the population that those 3 "countries" have combined.

Also having KSA/GCC, Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan onboard is sufficient by itself. Let alone all the others.

Yes, in a perfect world we would all hold hands and solve everything mutually and peacefully but that is not possible currently therefore I do not take unrealistic options into account. I hope you realize that neither KSA nor Egypt has any diplomatic ties to the Mullah's.
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I don't think the current Saudi regime want to have a diplomatic engagement with the Iranians and therefore they decided to cut their diplomatic ties with Iran and their FM constantly barking about the Iranian policies in the region.

I believe Iran should try to strengthen its ties with other regional players like Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan to counter terrorism and wahhabi ideology which is the cause of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.
A terrorist regime (designated as the number 1 terrorist supporter in the world by the world community, sanctioned and isolated for this very reason as well) and a notorious regional troublemaker since those Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's came to power in 1979 (their entire doctrine is based on what they are doing currently) is proposing what again?

KSA already heads the Islamic Military Alliance which is compromised of 39 Muslim countries and which Raheel Sharif is apparently going to become the commander in chief of.


If such a regional bloc would even come into effect the Mullah's main priority should be to remove themselves from power.

If our morons in power (talking about Arab and Muslim regimes) had any ounce of sanity left, they would not engage with his Mullah regime until and unless they change their behavior. I categorically refuse any cooperation with this cancerous regime. Any Arab regime that aids those Mullah's have committed high treason and due punishment is to be given to those traitors here and now or when the first opportunity arrises.

Let those wannabe-Arab Mullah's find other morons in this regard.

Chill buddy!
Its play time on Khalifa Television...sit back..have a pop corn..enjoy the show..!
Islamic Military Alliance

Including our good old friend supapowa Djibouti:


The Comoros:


And don't forget mighty Somalia!


(their mighty navy personnel seen here under arrest by Iranian marines)

And the Arab supapowa itself Saudi Arabia, seen here boasting winning tactics of standing in a line with no cover:


They're so confident, they don't even need to man the guns on their vehicles!
I don't think the current Saudi regime want to have a diplomatic engagement with the Iranians and therefore they decided to cut their diplomatic ties with Iran and their FM constantly barking about the Iranian policies in the region.

I believe Iran should try to strengthen its ties with other regional players like Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan to counter terrorism and wahhabi ideology which is the cause of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

If that is the case their actions echo much of world's actions hence your Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah terror state having been sanctioned and isolated for decades which is why countries such as Syria and North Korea are some of your best buddies.

More fantastic fantasy at display from this Farsi false-flagger claiming to be an American despite his broken English ( :lol: ). You probably joined after your English-speaking (only as far as I am aware of) Mullah forum ceased to exist, as I hear from a lot of users here, LOL.

Good luck with that considering that those states are all Sunni-majority states that have much worser ties with your Mullah's than they have with KSA. In fact one of them (Egypt) has had no diplomatic ties with you since the Mullah's took power back in 1979.


Anyway let me introduce you to this Farsi,

التحالف الإسلامي العسكري لمحاربة الإرهاب


Can you sink, "sweet dreams are made of this".


Call me the next time your failed Mullah's even manage to establish a single base abroad let alone manage to establish any military alliance to begin with. So far you are left with Russians using your bases. So much for territorial integrity. Or the news today. Where are the "death to America" chants, "holy" hypocrites? Can the super-duper Iranian scientists not create everything by themselves as we so often hear? Maybe on photoshop.:lol:

Yes, because Djibouti and Comoros are the only member states but I suspect that they are more useful than your current-day beloved Syrian and Iraqi regimes or rather what is left of them and their countries. At least militarily.:lol:

Chill buddy!
Its play time on Khalifa Television...sit back..have a pop corn..enjoy the show..!

Any proposal of KSA/GCC/any Arab state expect the two failed ones that are ruled by illegitimate regimes and which I mentioned before, and talk about us joining hands with those Mullah's usually tend to increase my blood pressure for a while.
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