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Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

I believe its a sign of maturity on part of Saudis and quiet a good maturity start .

But seems the Press TV mentality people do not want peace and improved relations between Iran and KSA.

I was thinking the same thing. I read the whole thing it doesn't sound like a proper news article. I noticed that it was located in the opinions section of PressTV. Which means they've given somewhat free range to analyze and give opinions separate from the rest of the site. The article has the guys pic on the bottom of the page on the website. Ofcourse the way this guys words stuff is unconventional
Ignorant bedouins living in the desert around the gulf spend over $100 billion in defense each year, still they seek protection from civilized NATO from other civilized races in Mid East (Iranians, Turks, Kurds, Israelis). Strange indeed. Seems they incapable to protect themselves.
The family of inbred cousins are finally prostrating themselves in front of the new leaders in the middle east. They know which way the winds are blowing and want to hang onto their dictatorial slave state just a little while longer. Cave apes. The entire family. But Iran can let them kiss the ring.

Do you have any facts or statistics to back up this claim? I sincerely doubt it. I think you're talking out of your ***. And you know it.
I've personally experienced this, without using any bad words they censored my comments. I don't know which group/family owns pesstv and who approves their articles before publishing. Without any doubt it's a mullah owned channel.
I've personally experienced this, without using any bad words they censored my comments. I don't know which group/family owns pesstv and who approves their articles before publishing. Without any doubt it's a mullah owned channel.

Here is not a talking room to talk about press tv.I have posted comments many times and did not delete my posts.
har kodumetun az unyeki ahmaghtar man nemidunam shomaha chera enghad shirin aghl shodin,albate tohini nabashe.darin tanha resaneye engilsie Iran ro kharab mikonin.
toam ke ye adame fahim be nazar miomadi tu zard az ab dar umadi.
You're an idiot

bozmaje mano qoute nakon .
Guess what? Everything in the USA is censored. Everything. The websites, the news, all media. And all of the media. All of it is owned by 6 companies. The same companies that pay for the presidential elections. What's your point? That you're had a couple posts deleted on a comment section on a website? Really?

Wake up from your slumber.

I've personally experienced this, without using any bad words they censored my comments. I don't know which group/family owns pesstv and who approves their articles before publishing. Without any doubt it's a mullah owned channel.
Here is not a talking room to talk about press tv.I have posted comments many times and did not delete my posts.
har kodumetun az unyeki ahmaghtar man nemidunam shomaha chera enghad shirin aghl shodin,albate tohini nabashe.darin tanha resaneye engilsie Iran ro kharab mikonin.
toam ke ye adame fahim be nazar miomadi tu zard az ab dar umadi.

bozmaje mano qoute nakon .

Because they agree with your comments, they allow it. But when you give your opinion and it's against "them", they will censor them. I also posted comments which were not censored, but those opinions/comments were not against them.

You know "some of them" even couldn't tolerate ahmadinejad, so who are we (normal citizens) and our opinions to be tolerated. Hiding these facts will not improve our country.

One of the most important function of journalism beside informing is surveillance/watchdog function.
When free journalism is not allowed the society and economy and progress of a country will be corrupted because there is no surveillance/watchdog about what is going wrong in the country and there will be no feedback to politicians and citizens about what must be changed.

In some countries instead a state controlled form of "press" functions as a propaganda machine instead of guardian/watchdog of the country.

Guess what? Everything in the USA is censored. Everything. The websites, the news, all media. And all of the media. All of it is owned by 6 companies. The same companies that pay for the presidential elections. What's your point? That you're had a couple posts deleted on a comment section on a website? Really?

Wake up from your slumber.
That's not good then, in Iran 1 company owns them all, Islamic republic company. Europe is much better I think, and citizen journalism should also be promoted and people should create their own channels. Maybe REALNEWS is a good example?
The Real News - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is not a sign of maturity coming from a trouble maker who thought she had a god given right to foment dissent and murder anyone who does adopt her believes. The KSA cave in after the Obama visit. She learned that the US are not going to do her dirty work..

That does exist in both sides. Radicalism should not given a voice.

Your underlined response also exhibit the same radicalism of thoughts.

Try to be moderate and see things in positive manner . Whatever are the factors behind this we should be more focused on reconciliation between the two
European media is the same. Actually owned by the exact same interests as the American media. Wake up, you're asleep at the wheel. The world is totalitarian. Just because they let you produce and consume until you die doesn't make you free. It makes you a wage slave who is spoon fed propaganda to alter your perception in order to make you more malleable to their agenda.

The worst part is, you don't even know it's happening.

Because they agree with your comments, they allow it. But when you give your opinion and it's against "them", they will censor them. I also posted comments which were not censored, but those opinions/comments were not against them.

You know "some of them" even couldn't tolerate ahmadinejad, so who are we (normal citizens) and our opinions to be tolerated. Hiding these facts will not improve our country.

One of the most important function of journalism beside informing is surveillance/watchdog function.
When free journalism is not allowed the society and economy and progress of a country will be corrupted because there is no surveillance/watchdog about what is going wrong in the country and there will be no feedback to politicians and citizens about what must be changed.

In some countries instead a state controlled form of "press" functions as a propaganda machine instead of guardian/watchdog of the country.

That's not good then, in Iran 1 company owns them all, Islamic republic company. Europe is much better I think, and citizen journalism should also be promoted and people should create their own channels. Maybe REALNEWS is a good example?
The Real News - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
European media is the same. Actually owned by the exact same interests as the American media. Wake up, you're asleep at the wheel. The world is totalitarian. Just because they let you produce and consume until you die doesn't make you free. It makes you a wage slave who is spoon fed propaganda to alter your perception in order to make you more malleable to their agenda.

The worst part is, you don't even know it's happening.
I live in Europe, and I've lived in Iran. Here in Europe I'm free to give my opinion and to vote which party I like. In Iran not.
Please don't compare the political system and press freedom of Europe with that of Iran.(or any asian/middle east country near Iran). Even considering to discuss about this is childish.
I can even set up my own political party.
Like I said. You're not even smart enough or aware enough to know what's happening. You don't even understand the system you live under. Ignorance is bliss. No wonder you're so happy with the scraps they throw at you. You're a good sheep.

I live in Europe, and I've lived in Iran. Here in Europe I'm free to give my opinion and to vote which party I like. In Iran not.
Please don't compare the political system and press freedom of Europe with that of Iran.(or any asian/middle east country near Iran). Even considering to discuss about this is childish.
I can even set up my own political party.
Like I said. You're not even smart enough or aware enough to know what's happening. You don't even understand the system you live under. Ignorance is bliss. No wonder you're so happy with the scraps they throw at you. You're a good sheep.
Please I've no time for nonsense (you're sheep, you're not smart, you don't know what's happening blabla). If you want serious discussion and you have arguments let me know.
Like I said don't compare Iranian politics with that of north-west European countries. There is no "trias politica" (separation of powers) in Iran (and most neighboring countries) and that's the end of the story.
Youre pakistani right? You obviously have no idea what freedom feels like.no wonder your thankful for the scraps your new masters give you. Please be quite already.a pakistani lecturing an american about freedom? Trust me we have it waaaaaaay better than you do and we know we are wage slaves.like i said, youre too ignorant and greatful that you have no idea what is happening.

i hope your children grow up with more awareness and intelligence. Slave mentality should not perpetuate because of ignorants like you

now spare me the bs. Your arguments were basic and not even well thought out. You had a couple posts deleted nd youre screaming bloody murder. Give me a break. I get my posts HERE on a pakistani run website, censored on a daily basis. This means pakistan is a slave state? Well i wont answer that.im sure theyll try to ban me again.

your arguments are shite

Please I've no time for nonsense (you're sheep, you're not smart, you don't know what's happening blabla). If you want serious discussion and you have arguments let me know.
Like I said don't compare Iranian politics with that of north-west European countries. There is no "trias politica" (separation of powers) in Iran (and most neighboring countries) and that's the end of the story.
Youre pakistani right? You obviously have no idea what freedom feels like.no wonder your thankful for the scraps your new masters give you. Please be quite already.a pakistani lecturing an american about freedom? Trust me we have it waaaaaaay better than you do and we know we are wage slaves.like i said, youre too ignorant and greatful that you have no idea what is happening.

i hope your children grow up with more awareness and intelligence. Slave mentality should not perpetuate because of ignorants like you

now spare me the bs. Your arguments were basic and not even well thought out. You had a couple posts deleted nd youre screaming bloody murder. Give me a break. I get my posts HERE on a pakistani run website, censored on a daily basis. This means pakistan is a slave state? Well i wont answer that.im sure theyll try to ban me again.

your arguments are shite
No I'm not a Pakistani and north-west Europe is not like US, It's 10 times better. US spent much on bloody wars while its population are suffering.
What is your obsession with being slave dude haha. Do you work as a slave?
Pakistani and irani flags. Youre not northern european. And lime i said you dont know enough to have a meaningful conversation. Just another ignorant slave.

No I'm not a Pakistani and north-west Europe is not like US, It's 10 times better. US spent much on bloody wars while its population are suffering.
What is your obsession with being slave dude haha. Do you work as a slave?
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