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Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

I'm not Iranian, I'm not shia and I'm not sunni. You sound more pathetic with each response, you are exposing your primitive Arab mindset.

Your Taqqyiah using-method knows no limit.

Enjoy living in a state of denial, forever.

Nothing promoted such reaction on our side, unlike yours.

:lol: Iranians :lol:
Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

By Finian Cunningham
It sounds as if the House of Saud is finally admitting to defeat in its regional proxy terror wars.

This week the Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al Faisal bin Abdulaziz made an apparently surprise announcement indicating that the oil-rich Arab kingdom wanted to improve relations with Iran.

Western media reports suggested that the Saudi rulers are sending a friendly overture to Iran. 'Saudi Arabia moves to ease regional tensions with Iran,' read a headline in the London-based Financial Times.

For decades, the Wahhabi House of Saud, with its extreme Takfiri religious beliefs and its repressive monarchial system, has viewed Shia Iran as its archenemy, ever since the Iranian Revolution of 1979.
I suggest find other neutral sources as well for this news which is a welcome relief for Pakistan which is stuck between the animosity between Iran and KSA

I think the reason for this shift is because of the possible / potential reprisals from funding the Syrian terror war.
the Syrian sectarian war has created two factions fo Anti Asad forces.. the Akhwan Muslemeen and the AlQaeda. while the first one is supported by Oman the second one is supported by other Arab countries and Turkey.

there is a possible backlash from both terror groups when the hounds will return home. if the unthinkable happens and Iran and Saudis join forces then this terrible terror threat can be averted otherwise the fire started by Saudis will consume the entire Muslim world.

the sectarian war started by Wahaism has reached Malaysia where takfiris are buring down shia villiages and burning the sunnis alive that recently converted to shia faith. wahabi funded LeJ, TTP and Sipah sahabah are an existential threat to the state of Pakistan so this news IF true is welcome

I hope the Irani Ayatullahs show some sense and seize the chance for peace.

Nothing will come close to you running with your tail upward to the West begging them for spares of money. :lol: :D :rofl: :laugh: :omghaha:

Taqqyiah using is a well-known tactic, no body is going to kill you if you said you're Shia, don't be scared.
you one bad bad Saudi brother:astagh:

tut tut

I really wish this peaceful gestures are true. for the sake of all countries in the region
I believe its a sign of maturity on part of Saudis and quiet a good maturity start .
Is not a sign of maturity coming from a trouble maker who thought she had a god given right to foment dissent and murder anyone who does adopt her believes. The KSA cave in after the Obama visit. She learned that the US are not going to do her dirty work..

But seems the Press TV mentality people do not want peace and improved relations between Iran and KSA.

That does exist in both sides. Radicalism should not given a voice.
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The family of inbred cousins are finally prostrating themselves in front of the new leaders in the middle east. They know which way the winds are blowing and want to hang onto their dictatorial slave state just a little while longer. Cave apes. The entire family. But Iran can let them kiss the ring.

Do you have any facts or statistics to back up this claim? I sincerely doubt it. I think you're talking out of your ***. And you know it.

Presstv censors comments and mixes news and propaganda. Western media also uses propaganda but presstv more.
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