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Iran proposes regional anti-terror bloc to include Saudis


You are not too bright are you? Still having difficulties with the basics, I see.

Bashar used to beg/kiss a lot of House of Saud *** back in the day. Now he is no longer smiling nor begging. He has left that job for others to fulfill.


Saudis were thinking that by establishing the "Islamic Military Alliance" these countries will joint them in Yemen war and save their royal phat a**. but the response from Sisi and Pakistan's parliament was a middle finger to Salman a.k.a "The Superman Sheikh".

The Islamic Military Alliance has absolutely nothing to do with Yemen and it was created almost 1 year after that war began. Read about what it requires to invade a country and reach consensus in that alliance before barking as well. Try something more creative, Farsi.


when will you stop licking farsis :lol:

its better to have Saudi Iran talking to each other then having a Muslim/Islamic military alliance, it will solve 90% problems as they are behind 90% of proxies killing on behalf of their favourite puppets.
We must distance ourselves from these dead bodies worshiper Iranians, It's like you're saying Saudi Arabia should cooperate with Daesh to eliminate Daesh!!
These Iranian generals and Mullahs probably like to give statements when they get so high. Iran should first let Ahwazians to have their country back from Farsi occupiers then we can talk about restoring diplomatic ties.

People who claim to be/are Arab already rule that Mullah land. Anyway in all honesty what worth is Al-Ahwaz?

Sure it has the most oil/gas and has the richest history of every region in Iran but I don't exactly think that we need new land.

Or oil/gas for that matter. Would only give additional headache. Anyway if they would want autonomy/independence I would of course support this but I can't claim that I care much about it, lol. As long as they are not bothered obviously. But once freedom reaches Mullah land we might see a few changes and if that occurs we should of course support our brethren if they wish so.
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People who claim to be/are Arab already rule that Mullah land. Anyway in all honesty what worth is Al-Ahwaz?

Sure it has the most oil/gas and has the richest history of every region in Iran but I don't exactly think that we need new land.

Or oil/gas for that matter. Would only give additional headache. Anyway if they would want autonomy/independence I would of course support this but I can't claim that I care much about it, lol. As long as they are not bothered obviously. But once freedom reaches Mullah land we might see a few changes and if that occurs we should of course support our brethren if they wish so.
Yesterday I was talking to a saudi donkey who used tge same maps

I don't know who is the donkey who made up these maps but you are stupid and donkey like him when you post these maps you know if you work at geographic center they would kick for falsifying and fabricating
Expect that the maps that I posted are overall accurate. What you have posted is some Turkish trolling unless you are now going to deny all those minority regions of Iran.
No, keep posting your maps, you're cracking me up! :rofl:

Your map is still inaccurate because Iran is a multi ethnic unified state where all ethnic groups live in harmony in one country, not 7! Your map even puts Tehran as part of "south Azerbaijan" :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now go play with your maps, make us some more jokes :rofl:

Can you name a single military group/terrorist group that follows KSA agenda?

Mature move, such bloc will be a death knell for those who seek to divide and induce chaos among muslim lands

If Saudis and Iranians solve their issues and join such a bloc peace will return to the entire region
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Post 7 shows the reality. Not some useless article by the Economist of all people who recently made an article where they repeatedly called Sunni people an ethnicity.

As for hairy, I believe that you Farsis and in particular Mullah's are untouchable on this front. In fact you are notorious for this in the entire region.

Yesterday I was talking to a saudi donkey who used tge same maps

I don't know who is the donkey who made up these maps but you are stupid and donkey like him when you post these maps you know if you work at geographic center they would kick for falsifying and fabricating

Donkeys are the preferable animal in Iran traditionally. We prefer the world famous Arabian horses and camels. You should know.

The map is created by Iranian minorities and opposition groups.

Besides just type "ethnic groups in Iran map" on Google and you will get 1000's of results.

Still nowhere near as moronic as claiming the Eastern Province (half the size of Iran, lol) as a Shia-majority region or talk of separatism which is something that Iran has faced from 3 ethnic groups (Kurds, Baloch and Arabs).

The KSA's Eastern Province is a huge province. They simply can't be separated as there areas are too small to create any sort of political body. There have been no movements for autonomy either. They only belong to 1 single city namely Al Qatif with some surrounding small villages that range between 20-30 villages. Their other locations are also 20-30 villages in Al Ahas (around KM 150 from Qatif), and very small minority in Al Madina.

The oil fields are not located in the Shia areas, except for Al Qatif oil filed with a capacity of 800,000 barrels per day. The reaming oil fields with a production of 8 million barrels are not located in Shia areas. الغوار Al Gawwar 5 million barrels per day) is located in an desert with small historical presence of Bany Hajar بني هاجر, Al Murrah المرة, and Al Ejman العجمان Sunni tribes. The same goes for Al Safaniya and Manifah السفانية ومنيفة oil fields (1.9 million barrel per day) as they are both in the sea. Shaibah شيبة oil field (1 million per day) is in the empty quarter with zero presence of human beings. Khurais خريص oil field (1.3 million barrels per day) is about KM 120 from Riyadh.

Anyway for a person turned Atheist recently you are still the same Wilayat al-Faqih Farsi ***-licker as usual that is writing utter nonsense.:lol:
We must distance ourselves from these dead bodies worshiper Iranians, It's like you're saying Saudi Arabia should cooperate with Daesh to eliminate Daesh!!
These Iranian generals and Mullahs probably like to give statements when they get so high. Iran should first let Ahwazians to have their country back from Farsi occupiers then we can talk about restoring diplomatic ties.
The only arab lands are in the desert of your peninsula

Like I said one million times before donkey khuzestan in iranian land and you animals are the invaders and occupiers you animals twist history is just like saiying the jewish are natives and tge Palestinians are the occupiers or the Europeans are the natives and the red Indians are occupiers

Wahhabi donkey hate the shia but support arab shia in iran:lol:

Speaking about worshiping dead bodies even thou you wahhabi animals when you hear something false you keep repeating it over and over again
they don't whorship dead bodies but they praise them

Speaking about the whorship of dead bodies your whorship black box in the desert of Mecca


Post 7 shows the reality. Not some useless article by the Economist of all people who recently made an article where they repeatedly called Sunni people an ethnicity.

As for hairy, I believe that you Farsis and in particular Mullah's are untouchable on this front. In fact you are notorious for this in the entire region.

Donkeys are the preferable animal in Iran traditionally. We prefer the world famous Arabian horses and camels. You should know.

The map is created by Iranian minorities and opposition groups.

Besides just type "ethnic groups in Iran map" on Google and you will get 1000's of results.

Still nowhere near as moronic as claiming the Eastern Province (half the size of Iran, lol) as a Shia-majority region or talk of separatism which is something that Iran has faced from 3 ethnic groups (Kurds, Baloch and Arabs).

The KSA's Eastern Province is a huge province. They simply can't be separated as there areas are too small to create any sort of political body. There have been no movements for autonomy either. They only belong to 1 single city namely Al Qatif with some surrounding small villages that range between 20-30 villages. Their other locations are also 20-30 villages in Al Ahas (around KM 150 from Qatif), and very small minority in Al Madina.

The oil fields aren't located in the Shia areas, except for Al Qatif oil filed with a capacity of 800,000 barrels per day. The reaming oil fields with a production of 8 million barrels are not located in Shia areas. الغوار Al Gawwar 5 million barrels per day) is located in an desert with small historical presence of Bany Hajar بني هاجر, Al Murrah المرة, and Al Ejman العجمان Sunni tribes. The same goes for Al Safaniya and Manifah السفانية ومنيفة oil fields (1.9 million barrel per day) as they are both in the sea. Shaibah شيبة oil field (1 million per day) is in the empty quarter with zero presence of human beings. Khurais خريص oil field (1.3 million barrels per day) is about KM 120 from Riyadh.
Well you said it your self

Saudis spread false map but they complain about the map that the shia made or the Yemenis when they claim that all the saudi south is Yemeni which is baseless and false

Post 7 shows the reality. Not some useless article by the Economist of all people who recently made an article where they repeatedly called Sunni people an ethnicity.

As for hairy, I believe that you Farsis and in particular Mullah's are untouchable on this front. In fact you are notorious for this in the entire region.

Donkeys are the preferable animal in Iran traditionally. We prefer the world famous Arabian horses and camels. You should know.

The map is created by Iranian minorities and opposition groups.

Besides just type "ethnic groups in Iran map" on Google and you will get 1000's of results.

Still nowhere near as moronic as claiming the Eastern Province (half the size of Iran, lol) as a Shia-majority region or talk of separatism which is something that Iran has faced from 3 ethnic groups (Kurds, Baloch and Arabs).

The KSA's Eastern Province is a huge province. They simply can't be separated as there areas are too small to create any sort of political body. There have been no movements for autonomy either. They only belong to 1 single city namely Al Qatif with some surrounding small villages that range between 20-30 villages. Their other locations are also 20-30 villages in Al Ahas (around KM 150 from Qatif), and very small minority in Al Madina.

The oil fields are not located in the Shia areas, except for Al Qatif oil filed with a capacity of 800,000 barrels per day. The reaming oil fields with a production of 8 million barrels are not located in Shia areas. الغوار Al Gawwar 5 million barrels per day) is located in an desert with small historical presence of Bany Hajar بني هاجر, Al Murrah المرة, and Al Ejman العجمان Sunni tribes. The same goes for Al Safaniya and Manifah السفانية ومنيفة oil fields (1.9 million barrel per day) as they are both in the sea. Shaibah شيبة oil field (1 million per day) is in the empty quarter with zero presence of human beings. Khurais خريص oil field (1.3 million barrels per day) is about KM 120 from Riyadh.

Anyway for a person turned Atheist recently you are still the same Wilayat al-Faqih Farsi ***-licker as usual that is writing utter nonsense.:lol:

What I said are the facts and you can't deny these facts:
How Saudi has faced setbacks in all fronts against the Iranians in the past year

1. Its ambassador has pulled out of Iraq.
2. Pounded by Iranian, Russian and Syrian government forces, the rebels in Aleppo are on the verge of defeat.
3. The Saudis have bowed to Iran’s preference for Lebanon’s president.
4. At the OPEC meeting Saudis agreed to shoulder the largest share of a production cut in a bid to restore prices, while
letting Iran raise its production to pre-sanctions levels.
5. After 20 months of war in Yemen Saudis couldn't reach to Sana.
6. Mousel operation is underway and soon your scums will be eliminated in Iraq.

In regard to the hair your profile photo explains every thing and I don't need to prove anything. :lol:
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has proposed the formation of a bloc of Muslim countries to fight terrorism and boost economic cooperation that would include its regional rival Saudi Arabia.

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani told a security conference on Sunday that the two countries, along with Turkey, Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan, should join together to promote “regional peace based on Islam, defending the Palestinian people, fighting terrorism and economic interests.”

Shiite-majority Iran and mainly Sunni Saudi Arabia are bitterly divided, and support opposite sides in the civil wars in Syria and Yemen. Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran in January after Iranian demonstrators stormed Saudi diplomatic facilities to protest the execution of a prominent Saudi Shiite cleric.

Larijani said Saudi Arabia and other nations should know that Iran is not “their enemy.” He said Iran is opposed to “warmongering in Syria and Yemen” and wants to resolve regional conflicts through “national solidarity governments resorting to democratic methods.”

“Iran is not after creating an empire and hegemony in the region,” he said. “Our viewpoint is aimed at improving unity.”

Iran is a close ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and sponsors the Hezbollah armed group in Lebanon as well as state-sanctioned Iraqi Shiite militias. At a two-day security summit in Bahrain last week, the leaders of Western-allied Arab Gulf countries agreed on the need to counter Iran’s “destabilizing activities” in the region.

Saudi Arabia announced the formation of a 34-member “Islamic military alliance” against terrorism nearly a year ago, which excluded Iran.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Great idea...At the end of the day, terrorism in Muslim nations is mostly due to political divide between Islamic nations...Sit down in a table and talk to each other..Most of your issue will be resolved. And if it is driven by Iran, then at least, they will be considerate about other views too.
1) That map I posted has nothing to do with KSA and I never claimed that it was fully accurate however it gives an overall view of where Iran's minorities mainly live. That is undeniable. Besides as I wrote there are 1000's of such maps out there. Just find your browser, venture into the universe of Google and write the following "Iran ethnic groups map" and you will realize 1000's of maps, many made by Iranian themselves.

Also of course we will always prefer Arab Shias over Farsi Mullah's, what are you even talking about, LOL? What has sect to do with anything? Besides I already told that I do not care about Al-Ahwaz much. Never visited. The Arab world does not really lack land nor oil/gas does it? Only if they are oppressed and if they wish to obtain autonomy/independence I would support them, especially if the Mullah's are around.

Anyway it is not even close to the fantasy that 99,9% of all Iranians bark about in terms of KSA's Eastern Province.

In Iran there have been independence movements/separatism by at least 3 ethnic groups alone.




Some have listed for 100 years in a row. Seems that not everything is a rosy as claimed, lol.

In the entire Arab world the only separatism movements are those of the Kurds (illegal Iranian nomad migrants, Kurds = Iranan nomads mixed with Arabs, Assyrians and Turks who appeared in written history less than 1000 years ago out of nowhere) and tiny Kabyle in Algeria. Tiny Iran in comparison has a much bigger problem in this regard so let us not even talk about such issues here.
Don't be hypocrite

They are invaders so they don't have right on inch of iranian land if they want autonomy/independence they can have it on their original lands in the sands of Arabia

According to you if some people invade and settle in other people lands that land became theirs

So Indians can claim UAE because they are the majority even if they immigrated to emirate 50 years ago??

Or the jewish European have the right to establish state on any land they immigrated to even if there is natives live there??!!!
How Saudi has faced setbacks in all fronts against the Iranians in the past year

1. Its ambassador has pulled out of Iraq.
2. Pounded by Iranian, Russian and Syrian government forces, the rebels in Aleppo are on the verge of defeat.
3. The Saudis have bowed to Iran’s preference for Lebanon’s president.
4. At the OPEC meeting Saudis agreed to shoulder the largest share of a production cut in a bid to restore prices, while
letting Iran raise its production to pre-sanctions levels.
5. After 20 months of war in Yemen Saudis couldn't reach to Sana.
6. Mousel operation is underway and soon your scums will be eliminated in Iraq.

1- No need to send any Ambassador to Iraq till it becomes a real state again.
2- Iran lost 1000+ thousands of its generals and advisors in Syria, not to mention the 10's of billions it lost without any positive result in Syria.
3- Saudis manipulated you in Lebanon and forced Lebanese President to select Saad Hariri as PM, so obviously you lost there badly.
4- Iran will never produce more than 3.9 million b/d as you all were dreaming that your country will produce more than 4 million after sanction!
5- Saudi liberated all the strategic parts and 80% of Yemen so far, while your terrorist regime is struggling to send some weapons to Houthi/Saleh in fishing boats.
6- Daesh as we speak is just committing massacres against Iraqi army /JAHSH Militia and killed 4000 of them though 63 countries are participating with the incompetent Abaddi army!
Donkey is your preferred animal. In KSA/Arab world it is the world famous Arabian horse (the most famous horse in the world,most influential, most expensive, most well-known and the Ferrari of the ancient world for millennia) and the camel which was the second most important and second most expensive land animal before the invention of cars.

As for that video, I believe it was taken in Afghanistan where your blood brothers the Taliban/Tajik have a long history of pedophilia (Bazi bachi something) and other absurd practices that they share with your stateless Kurdish nomads.

Such practices are shunned upon in the cradle of civilization, the Arab world. We leave that to your kind.

Similar with a prevalence of drug addiction in particular heroin addiction.

Therefore I propose the deportation of illegal aliens (Kurds) to Dr. Bashar al-Assad and a future Iraqi leader who should take notice of how his compatriots used to deal with them. Our Assyrians brothers and sisters in particular want revenge for their genocide not long ago and for getting their ancient stolen land back. They should be deported to Iran where they most likely came from.

I think that ancient Arab warrior tribes from Arabia need to reach those regions again as they most recently did less than 100 years ago to deal with them again. Otherwise nothing will be done. The current Iraqi regime has become "sissified" under Farsi influence as expected.

I don't give a crap about your ponies man :lol: Just keep posting maps, they're funny :rofl::rofl:

Saddam tried for 8 years to "liberate" Ahvaz and couldn't accomplish shit :lol:

The most influential horse :lol:

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