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Iran proposes regional anti-terror bloc to include Saudis

Don't be hypocrite

They are invaders so they don't have right on inch of iranian land if they want autonomy/independence they can have it on their original lands in the sands of Arabia

According to you if some people invade and settle in other people lands that land became theirs

So Indians can claim UAE because they are the majority even if they immigrated to emirate 50 years ago??

Or the jewish European have the right to establish state on any land they immigrated to even if there is natives live there??!!!

Similar to how Farsis are invaders from the Kazakh steppe/Central Asian deserts as some of them claim they are? Al-Ahwaz/Southwestern Iran was ruled by Semitic peoples and Elamites millennia before any notion of Iran even came to be. I BET that those Iranian Arabs are more native to that land than the Persians that live there since they have mixed with Elamites and their descendants among others. Something I doubt that the average Farsi from say Mashhad 1500 km away close to the borders of Turkmenistan has.

Hell, it's even an extension of the Arabian Plate/Mesopotamian lowlands. Local cuisine, eaten by all groups, is very similar to Arab cuisine as well. It was an independent sheikdom until the Brits thought otherwise.

Ever wondered why the real Persians of Southern Iran (Fars) look almost identical to neighboring Arabs but vastly different from Iranians from Northern Iran that are supposedly identical to them? Anyway Safavids settled numerous Caucasians (Armenians, Georgians) in Iran so they are likely descended from those people. No resemblance to Persian heartlands.

There are 500.000 million Persians in the GCC and as many of Iranian Arab/Persian/Lur descent mainly. You cannot tell them apart until they open their mouths. This is the reality that pseudo Persians of Northern Iran (Persianized people) should conform too as well as delusional, actual Persians.

Also Arab presence in Iran predates Islam by many, many centuries. In fact Persian rulers used to settle Arabs in Southern Iran BC from modern-day Southern Iraq and Eastern Arabia to help quell rebellions which were very common in Iran as it was a highly feudal society where peasants (98% of the population) lives evolved around serving their local noble/lord.

Why not in the sands of Iran?

Anyway I hope you are aware of the fact that most of the Iranian Arabs have the closest ties to Southern Iraq/Eastern Arabia so whenever you are insulting them you are insulting yourself and by extension the Persians themselves who are supposedly native to that region of the world too (Fars).

Lasly I do not deny Arab imperialism (it was unmatched until the Brits appeared) but it's not like Iranians don't have their own imperial past. All ethnicities of any importance had this. Those that had not, was not because they were better humans but simply because they did not have the abilities to act in such a way.
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Arab - Persian hatred will let nothing happen. Forget it.
Similar to how Farsis are invaders from the Kazakh steppe/Central Asian deserts as some of them claim they are? Al-Ahwaz/Southwestern Iran was ruled by Semitic peoples and Elamites millennia before any notion of Iran even came to be. I BET that those Iranian Arabs are more native to that land than the Persians that live there.

Hell, it's even an extension of the Arabian Plate/Mesopotamian lowlands. Local cuisine, eaten by all groups, is very similar to Arab cuisine as well. It was an independent sheikdom until the Brits thought otherwise.

Ever wondered why the real Persians of Southern Iran (Fars) look almost identical to neighboring Arabs but vastly different from Iranians from Northern Iran that are supposedly identical to them? Anyway Safavids settled numerous Caucasians (Armenians, Georgians) in Iran so they are likely descended from those people. No resemblance to Persian heartlands.

There are 500.000 million Persians in the GCC and as many of Iranian Arab/Persian/Lur descent mainly. You cannot tell them apart until they open their mouths. This is the reality that pseudo Persians of Northern Iran (Persianized people) should conform too as well as delusional, actual Persians.

Also Arab presence in Iran predates Islam by many, many centuries. In fact Persian rulers used to settle Arabs in Southern Iran BC from modern-day Southern Iraq to help quell rebellions which were very common in Iran as it was a highly feudal society where peasants (98% of the population) lives evolved around serving their local noble/lord.

Why not in the sands of Iran?

Anyway I hope you are aware of the fact that most of the Iranian Arabs have the closest ties to Southern Iraq/Eastern Arabia so whenever you are insulting them you are insulting yourself and by extension the Persians themselves who are supposedly native to that region of the world too (Fars).
The Arabs tribes immgrated their after islam that what them selves said

It's the other way around these so called Ahwaz arabs so are the Azeris look very iranian rather than anything else

Stop spreading lies that land was under qajar rule reza shah appolished the local tribal rule only kaab tribe were new to that area they came during the 16th century

The arabs beofre islam were few in that area and they didnt rule it it was the Sassanids who brought them there the arabs didn't have rule there until the late centuries
1- No need to send any Ambassador to Iraq till it becomes a real state again.
2- Iran lost 1000+ thousands of its generals and advisors in Syria, not to mention the 10's of billions it lost without any positive result in Syria.
3- Saudis manipulated you in Lebanon and forced Lebanese President to select Saad Hariri as PM, so obviously you lost there badly.
4- Iran will never produce more than 3.9 million b/d as you all were dreaming that your country will produce more than 4 million after sanction!
5- Saudi liberated all the strategic parts and 80% of Yemen so far, while your terrorist regime is struggling to send some weapons to Houthi/Saleh in fishing boats.
6- Daesh as we speak is just committing massacres against Iraqi army /JAHSH Militia and killed 4000 of them though 63 countries are participating with the incompetent Abaddi army!

1. Good that you confirmed this because Iraqis don't want you there too.
2. In fact Saudi wanted to remove Bashar and couldn't achieve their dream yet.
3. in fact Hariri has bowed to Hizbollah and agreed with them on presidency and now parliament and presidency are controlled by hezbolah and its allies.
4. Iran's production capacity is not more than 3.9 Mb/d and even if they want they can't do it.
5. Aim of the military intervention was to remove Ansarolah but you couldn't.
6. Soon they will liberate Mousel and your scums will not exist there.
The Arabs tribes immgrated their after islam that what them selves said

It's the other way around these so called Ahwaz arabs so are the Azeris look very iranian rather than anything else

Stop spreading lies that land was under qajar rule reza shah appolished the local tribal rule only kaab tribe were new to that area they came during the 16th century

Maybe you should take this discussion with actual historians, Iranians included, who have researched this. I am solely parroting their findings.

LOL. Yes, an Persian from Southern Iran (their homeland) looks indeed like the average Azeri 1500 km to the northwest across deserts, mountains etc. Besides you are wrong. The average Azeri looks like the average Caucasian. You would struggle to tell them apart from Armenians, Georgians etc. for obvious reasons. Persians (the real ones not those that became Persianized in recent times or centuries ago) had/have the closest resemblance to their neighborhood which is Iraq/Eastern Arabia.

Since you have turned Atheist lately I am sure that you know Nasser Dashti from Kuwait. A Kuwaiti of Persian ancestry.

Good luck trying to pick him apart from locals if not for his surname, lol.

I can give 1000's of examples just from Kuwait alone.

Look, there are more Persians, Iranian Arabs, Lurs in the GCC than all of the remaining Arab world combined. I think I know how they look. If not I can post photos of average Persians from Fars province to proof my point which I already did once. The response was silence. I cannot be fooled by anybody. I know this region and its history like my own backyard.

Nonsense. Arabs were in the majority of that region of Iran even before Islam. Let alone Semites which predate the notion of "Iranian" by millennia. If Iranian Arabs are "foreign occupiers" then so are everyone else in Iran using that logic.
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Maybe you should take this discussion with actual historians, Iranians included, who have researched this. I am solely parroting their findings.

LOL. Yes, an Persian from Southern Iran (their homeland) looks indeed like the average Azeri 1500 km to the northwest across deserts, mountains etc. Besides you are wrong. The average Azeri looks like the average Caucasian. You would struggle to tell them apart from Armenians, Georgians etc. for obvious reasons. Persians (the real ones not those that became Persianized in recent times or centuries ago) had/have the closest resemblance to their neighborhood which is Iraq/Eastern Arabia.

Since you have turned Atheist lately I am sure that you know Nasser Dashti from Kuwait. A Kuwaiti of Persian ancestry.

Good look trying to pick him apart from locals if not for his surname, lol.

Look, there are more Persians, Iranian Arabs, Lurs in the GCC than all of the remaining Arab world combined. I think I know how they look. If not I can post photos of average Persians from Fars province to proof my point which I already did once. The response was silence. I cannot be fooled by anybody. I know this region and its history like my own backyard.

Nonsense. Arabs were in the majority of that region of Iran even before Islam. Let alone Semites which predate the notion of "Iranian" by millennia.
Yes I know some arabs tribes they were there like i said but the majority came after islam specially the last 500 years.
You proved by point the Sassanids settled the arabs their so tell you fellow Saudis to stop talking none sence about occupation.

Dasht is an area so that doesn't mean he is persian or arab because there are two kinds if people arabs who lived their are returened and persians who moved to Arabian peninsula
Your king is doing it better. :lol:



LOL, you are posting a video from some kind of wedding (not traditional for sure) where women and men dance. How is that worse than pedophilia/kissing small children which is a favorite pastime of many of your Mullahs?

Anyway that photo is photoshop.

In fact recently a seeeeeeeeeeeeeeks scandal erupted in Iran with a Qur'an teacher accused of rapppppiiiiiingggggg numerous small Iranian boys. He was the right hand of your beloved Holy Supreme Mullah.

Also what's with using the American flag and hiding your identity? You think that people here can't figure out that you are an Iranian when ALL of your posts are about either Iran or KSA/Arabs? Come on, lol.

Yes I know some arabs tribes they were there like i said but the majority came after islam specially the last 500 years.
You proved by point the Sassanids settled the arabs their so tell you fellow Saudis to stop talking none sence about occupation.

Dasht is an area so that doesn't mean he is persian or arab because there are two kinds if people arabs who lived their are returened and persians who moved to Arabian peninsula

LOL, many of the cities/towns were founded by Arabs and have Arabic names. Once again Semitic presence predates any Iranian presence in that region by millennia so to say that Iranian Arabs are occupiers is nonsense as they undoubtedly have ancient Semitic ancestry as well that originates from this very region of the world.

Sure, expect for him admitting being of Persian origin but whatever. As I said I could give you 1000's of examples in Kuwait alone. In fact you could do that yourself after googling this in Arabic. Or better google some towns and villages in Fars province in Persian and see what you will find, lol.

I am right and there is no point discussing this again and again.

In other news my avatar has an badass beard that you for sure cannot rival either.
A terrorist regime (designated as the number 1 terrorist supporter in the world by the world community, sanctioned and isolated for this very reason as well) and a notorious regional troublemaker since those Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's came to power in 1979 (their entire doctrine is based on what they are doing currently) is proposing what again?

KSA already heads the Islamic Military Alliance which is compromised of 39 Muslim countries and which Raheel Sharif is apparently going to become the commander in chief of.


If such a regional bloc would even come into effect the Mullah's main priority should be to remove themselves from power.

If our morons in power (talking about Arab and Muslim regimes) had any ounce of sanity left, they would not engage with his Mullah regime until and unless they change their behavior. I categorically refuse any cooperation with this cancerous regime. Any Arab regime that aids those Mullah's have committed high treason and due punishment is to be given to those traitors here and now or when the first opportunity arrises.

Let those wannabe-Arab Mullah's find other morons in this regard.

: Pakistan's former army chief, General Raheel Sharif (retd.) has agreed to command a multinational Islamic anti-terror force, on certain terms and conditions, including being allowed to arbitrate between belligerents, a media report said.

Raheel Sharif in this file photo. AFP

Daily Pakistan, citing sources, reported that Sharif, who relinquished office of the army chief command last week, was willing to command the 39-nation Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT) set up under Saudi Arabia's auspices in December last year.

The report said that Iran has also assured to accept Pakistan's role in mediating Yemen crisis if Sharif becomes IMAFT chief with an authority of arbitrator, and would use its influence on the Houthi rebels to bring them to the negotiating table.

It quoted the sources as saying that Sharif had expressed his willingness for the arbitration during his meeting with Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz.

The creation of IMAFT, with a joint command centre in Riyadh, was announced by Saudi Arabian Defence Minister Mohammad bin Salman Al-Saud on December 15, 2015.

Initially with 34 members, the military alliance of Muslim countries spanning Nigeria to Malaysia intended to undertake military intervention against IS and other anti-terrorist activities across the Middle East and other countries, had risen to 39 by March 2016.
Tajiks = Persians that happen to inhabit neighboring Afghanistan.

But Afghanistan is not Iran, unless you want to go and tell our numerous Afghani members here that. I think they'll have bone to pick with you in that case. Its not our fault the Afghan police can't deal with it.

Iran =/= Afghanistan.

Iranian Police =/= Afghan Police.

I don't know why you need telling this.
"Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی‎‎, literally "boy play"; from بچه bacha, "child", and بازی bāzī, "game") is a slang term in Afghanistan"


Anyone who wants to debunk his BS only has to search for (Ctrl+F) "Iran" in his own source and they'll find 0 results.


Tajiks = Persians that happen to inhabit neighboring Afghanistan. It would be if Yemenis, Iraqis, Jordanians etc. had this practice and I would deny that they were Arabs and thus this being part of Arab culture.

The name of this practice is even Persian, lol.

It must hurt. Not only do you have Mullah's who have similar unfortunate practices (as documented in this thread) but even key figures in your Islamic "Republic" are accused of serial rapes of children. (Saeed Toosi).

Your brothers across the border in Afghanistan have institutionalized pedophilia and made it into an important part of their culture. How sick and twisted can this be? Never seen anything remotely similar anywhere in the Muslim world.

The same people created Burqa which derives from the Persian Pardeh/Pardah. Cool stuff, cool stuff.

I must congratulate you guys.

Pars stroonk!
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Tajiks = Persians that happen to inhabit neighboring Afghanistan. It would be if Yemenis, Iraqis, Jordanians etc. had this practice and I would deny that they were Arabs and thus this being part of Persian/Tajik culture.

The name of this practice is even Persian, lol.

It must hurt. Not only do you have Mullah's who have similar unfortunate practices (as documented in this thread) but even key figures in your Islamic "Republic" are accused of serial rapes of children. (Saeed Toosi).

Your brothers across the border in Afghanistan has institutionalized pedophilia and made it into an important part of their culture. How sick and twisted can this be? Never seen anything remotely similar anywhere in the Muslim world.

The same people created Burqa which derives from the Persian Pardeh/Pardah. Cool stuff, cool stuff.

I must congratulate you guys.
Once again Al-Baghdadi, Iran isn't occupying Afghanistan, we have no jurisdiction there. You're huffing and puffing at some bad old practice happened in Iran, which doesn't happen anymore because we have effective police and our culture has moved away from what was a minority practice in the first place. But yes, I confess, something bad happened in Iran at some point in Histroy, now shoot me, or better for you, behead me :butcher:

Say it with me:

Iran is not Afghanistan.

Iran is not Afghanistan.

Iran is not Afghanistan.

In lesson two, we will have to tell you the difference between Iran and Iraq. Yes, they are two different countries, one of which is spelt with a q, another with an n...
Once again Al-Baghdadi, Iran isn't occupying Afghanistan, we have no jurisdiction there. You're huffing and puffing at some bad old practice happened in Iran, which doesn't happen anymore because we have effective police and our culture has moved away from what was a minority practice in the first place.

Say it with me:

Iran is not Afghanistan.

Iran is not Afghanistan.

Iran is not Afghanistan.

In lesson two, we will have to tell you the difference between Iran and Iraq. Yes, they are two different countries, one of which is spelt with a q, another with an n...

Khamenei, I do not care about man-made borders and artificial countries (all countries are artificial by default). We are discussing cultural practices of your brothers in Afghanistan who happen to be Persian but are just called Tajik due to Russian colonization and policies.

The name of this practice of yours is even of Persian origin too. So is Burqa btw.

It still occurs on a wide scale among your brothers. It is far from a "dead" practice. You can deny it all you want. Similar to how your Mullah's love to kiss the mouths of children. Or the fact that one of your most famous Qur'an memorizers is accused of raping multiple Iranian boys.

Keep defending pedophilia and your holy beloved Mullah's who are not only incompetent but who falsely claim Arab ancestry. Those pedophiles should not voice any ties to us. Unfortunately they do that time and time again.

Pars Stroonk!

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