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ADL Survey Shows Iran Least Anti-Semitic Middle East Country

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No, because unlike Europeans and a few other people outside of Europe you have actually nothing to do with them other than adopting their language. Nothing more. As I told you then genetic tests do not lie. You can show that up your ***. It's as ridiculous as claiming that Nigerians cluster with Europeans based on them speaking an Indo-European LANGUAGE or similar Bengalis/Indians/Sri Lankan's.:sarcastic:

Yet all ME people cluster especially Semitic people. Even if we assume that they spoke a totally different language they would still cluster with each other.

Just like Dravidian speakers in India cluster with non-Dravidian speakers. You know why? Because both are native to India and of local origin.:sarcastic:

Unlike you I am partial European and know much more about genetics than most users here.

Almost all Indians have 40-70% of Indo-European ancestry and rest of the Dravidian ancestry, so by your logic Indians are qualified to claim the Roman Empire as their own, since you claimed Babylon and Sumer belonged to Saudis Arabs based on Semitic Nationalism :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Almost all Indians have 40-70% of Indo-European ancestry and rest of the Dravidian ancestry, so by your logic Indians are qualified to claim the Roman Empire as their own, since you claimed Babylon and Sumer belonged to Saudis Arabs based on Semitic Nationalism :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

LOL. What is Indo-European ancestry? No, you do not. You do not cluster with Europeans at all. Not even Middle Eastern people. ALL ME people cluster much more with NEARBY Europe than any Indian can dream off if they even dream of such a thing. No whitening cream is going to change that. You are of local admixture. By look, culture and everything else. Only a few Northern Indian families have a connection to Central Asia. Not even Europe.

Besides Semitic is an ethnic group and ALSO a linguistic branch belonging to the larger Afro-Asiatic language family. Yet Semitic people have no genetic connecting to most other Afro-Asiatic speakers. What does this show? This shows that language family does not equal ancestry or

Most people of the ME cluster with each other irrespective of them speaking Semitic, Turkic or Iranian languages. But of course you have no clue about that.

Just like Indians/Bengalis/Sri Lankan's have no genetic connection to Europeans despite both speaking branches of one large LANGUAGE FAMILY. Yet if you spoke any "Indian" language no Europeans would understand anything. Yet Arabic and Hebrew is very similar as is Assyrian. O Aramaic. As are the people. Because the people have lived next to each other for thousands of years and have the same origin. No matter if Assyrians for instance decided to adopt a Dravidian language tomorrow.

Do you understand it now imbecile?
Almost all Indians have 40-70% of Indo-European ancestry and rest of the Dravidian ancestry, so by your logic Indians are qualified to claim the Roman Empire as their own, since you claimed Babylon and Sumer belonged to Saudis Arabs based on Semitic Nationalism :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

The cretin that yesterday created a new race that nobody knows about ("Indian" race - LOL) still does not understand that there is nothing called a Saudi Arabian race or ethnic group. Just like Indian is nothing more than a NATIONALITY. Saudi Arabians are Arabs. Arabs are a branch of the Semitic people. Speaking a Semitic language. Who are native to the ancient ME. Who rightly can claim local and native Semitic civilizations and empires that emerged in the ME long before 99% of all current ethnic groups of today even existed. Why, because genetic tests prove that they are descendants of those early people.

It's very simple. In the meantime you like Nigerians can claim European heritage that you have nothing to do with based on a language family while genetics clearly show that only a tiny part of Indians can trace their ancestry to those hordes of Central Asia.:lol:
The cretin that yesterday created a new race that nobody knows about ("Indian" race - LOL) still does not understand that there is nothing called a Saudi Arabian race or ethnic group. Just like Indian is nothing more than a NATIONALITY. Saudi Arabians are Arabs. Arabs are a branch of the Semitic people. Speaking a Semitic language. Who are native to the ancient ME. Who rightly can claim local and native Semitic civilizations and empires that emerged in the ME long before 99% of all current ethnic groups of today even existed. Why, because genetic tests prove that they are descendants of those early people.

It's very simple. In the meantime you like Nigerians can claim European heritage that you have nothing to do with based on a language family while genetics clearly show that only a tiny part of Indians can trace their ancestry to those hordes of Central Asia.:lol:

A Saudi who think Arabs founded Babylonian culture know better about Indian race. :omghaha::omghaha:
Pan Semitic nationalism is the strangest thing I have ever read.
A Saudi who think Arabs founded Babylonian culture know better about Indian race. :omghaha::omghaha:

You repeating the same lies is not going to change anything. I think that everyone familiar with Middle Eastern history (which you are not as a foreigner) or genetics can show that I am correct and know what I am speaking about.

Yet the only thing you can do after being disproven is repeating the same lies that I have never stated. I already told you that Arabs as a people did not exist 4500 years ago as 99% of all other current ethnic groups found today. Certainly nothing called "Indian" existed back then.

But Babylonians were fellow Semites native to the ME that came from the Arabian Peninsula/Levant. Just like the Arabs. They were native to the ME as well. Today all Semitic people have a genetic closeness. Indians and Europeans on the other hand? No such thing.:lol:

There is nothing called a "Indian race". India is a 67 year old creation. Indian is a nationality.
Then why do almost every genetic test (independent and even among amateur sites) show that most Jews cluster with fellow ME people? Why have it been proven which lineages ancient Jewish families belong to? Such as the Cohen family? Why do they belong to Middle Eastern paternal lineages?

What kind of Jews exactly? And why do you insist on proving your theory based on Cohen family? Cohen family has both Sephradi and Ashkenazi blood in them. The similarities are because of their Sephradi heritage.

Anyway, I find it very interesting, whenever its convenient for you, Jews are European who don't have any claim over Israel, now you try to link them to Middle-East and therefore back their claim on Israel.
You can't just change the fact based on your daily mood swings and the side of discussion you're on.

Anyway, I'm better informed about my own heritage and heritage of my people and I don't need "websites" telling me otherwise.
I could link you to fishes if I want to. :D
What kind of Jews exactly? And why do you insist on proving your theory based on Cohen family? Cohen family has both Sephradi and Ashkenazi blood in them. The similarities are because of their Sephradi heritage.

Anyway, I find it very interesting, whenever its convenient for you, Jews are European who don't have any claim over Israel, now you try to link them to Middle-East and therefore back their claim on Israel.
You can't just change the fact based on your daily mood swings and the side of discussion you're on.

Anyway, I'm better informed about my own heritage and heritage of my people and I don't need "websites" telling me otherwise.
I could link you to fishes if I want to. :D

Cohen are not a Sephardic family. Cohen is a quite popular surname among Ashkenazi Jews. You cannot speak about 1 single family. What was proven was simply that people with the surname Cohen were proven to belong to Middle Eastern lineages. The majority of them obviously.
I can give you plenty of links that show this. Of ordinary people doing it. No grand schemes or anything alike.

We are talking overall here. It's vastly different from recent Jewish converts who later settle in Israel based on being Jew. Same as Black Jews.

I don't need to be Jewish to know about the genetics of Jews based on hundreds of genetic tests that I have studied. Nor do I need to be Chinese to do the same with Chinese genetics.
You repeating the same lies is not going to change anything. I think that everyone familiar with Middle Eastern history (which you are not as a foreigner) or genetics can show that I am correct and know what I am speaking about.

Yet the only thing you can do after being disproven is repeating the same lies that I have never stated. I already told you that Arabs as a people did not exist 4500 years ago as 99% of all other current ethnic groups found today. Certainly nothing called "Indian" existed back then.

But Babylonians were fellow Semites native to the ME that came from the Arabian Peninsula/Levant. Just like the Arabs. They were native to the ME as well. Today all Semitic people have a genetic closeness. Indians and Europeans on the other hand? No such thing.:lol:

There is nothing called a "Indian race". India is a 67 year old creation. Indian is a nationality.

Initially we used the name Aryavarta for our country before switching to more popular name Bharata varsha about 3000 years back which is still used today. You know the ancientness of the names India(Herodotus 500BC) or Hind since one of them was used by ancient Arabs also. ;)
Initially we used the name Aryavarta for our country before switching to more popular name Bharata varsha about 3000 years back which is still used today. You know the ancientness of the names India(Herodotus 500BC) or Hind since one of them was used by ancient Arabs also. ;)
Hindustan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@INDIC do you know we still use Hind for mentioning India?:-)
Initially we used the name Aryavarta for our country before switching to more popular name Bharata varsha about 3000 years back which is still used today. You know the ancientness of the names India(Herodotus 500BC) or Hind since one of them was used by ancient Arabs also. ;)

Ok, can you tell me why nobody recognizes a race known as "Indian"? You are talking about semantics here. Saudi Arabia as a name is 83 or 84 years old. Arabia on the other hand is several millennium years old.

What I am trying to tell you here is that Indian is a nationality and not an ethnic group. That is why you have hundreds of ethnic groups in India. Often not even belonging to the same language family (now since you insists on using language as a prof of origin/ancestry which I have only talked about here) yet the people cluster with each other.
I already told you that Semitic people or people who speak a Semitic language (if you prefer that) DO NOT cluster with other Afro-Asiatic people who are NOT native to the ME.

I have also told you, that ME people, (people native to the Middle East) cluster with each other (meaning that they have a similar origin/ancestry) REGARDLESS of the LANGUAGE family they belong to. In this case Turkic, Semitic or Iranian. They are still of similar origin.

What does this mean? This means that you cannot equal language family with genetics/origin/ancestry.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?

You are busy inventing a new race (Indian race) that I first heard about yesterday from you yet you contradict yourself by countering my claim of Indians being of local admixture (meaning local origin) and not form elsewhere. Outside of a smaller population of Northern Indians who can trace their ancestry to Central Asian nomads. Not even Europeans.

Now please for the sake of this discussion try to read what I have actually written before replying.
Cohen are not a Sephardic family. Cohen is a quite popular surname among Ashkenazi Jews. You cannot speak about 1 single family. What was proven was simply that people with the surname Cohen were proven to belong to Middle Eastern lineages. The majority of them obviously.
I can give you plenty of links that show this. Of ordinary people doing it. No grand schemes or anything alike.

We are talking overall here. It's vastly different from recent Jewish converts who later settle in Israel based on being Jew. Same as Black Jews.

I don't need to be Jewish to know about the genetics of Jews based on hundreds of genetic tests that I have studied. Nor do I need to be Chinese to do the same with Chinese genetics.

Wrong. Cohen is Sephradi.

Julia Phillips Cohen | Department of History | Vanderbilt University
Read this book:
Becoming Ottomans
Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era

I didn't say anything about any grand scheme.
Well you do not know about Jewish genetics. Later today I'm going to send your pictures of the facilities that I have access to.
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