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The influence of Iran-Saudi restoring ties on Palestine and Lebanon issues


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Recently with Chinese efforts Iran and Saudi Arabia for the first time started to normalize their relationship and reduce their tensions.


Iran and Saudi Arabia will return to normalization with no doubt. This will affect the regional countries too. Most of Islamic majority countries esp Arab countries will follow Saudis like always. Countries like Egypt, Morocco, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan and other Saudi-oriented Arab countries. These Arab countries have always defined their foreign policy based upon Saudi dictated principles. When Saudi Arabia designated Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups, all of them followed it and sanctioned Hamas and Hezbollah. Excluding a few Arab countries such as Qatar, Iraq, Algeria, Syria and the likes.

Let's focus on the main subject, Lebanon and Palestine. For starter we have to explain the political systems of these countries first and then analyze the effect of Iran-Saudi normalization on their internal and external matters.

Lebanon is one of the most complicated countries of west Asia located in the eastern shores of Mediterranean sea. This country was a colony of late Ottoman empire for over 400 years before being occupied by French colonizers after Ottoman collapse. This country was occupied by French colonizers until the freedom fighters of Lebanon gained independence from French colonizers in the year 1943.
Lebanon is relgiously and ethnically one of the most diverse countries in the region. Therefore as a consequence of this diversity, its political system is divided among them in a way that satisfies them all and avoids internal conflicts. 60 percent of Lebanese population is composed of Muslims including Shias, Sunnis, Daruzis and Alavis. The remaining 40 percent consists of Greek Catholic Christians, Greek Orthodox Christians and Maronite Christians. Almost 400,000 displaced Palestinians reside in Lebanon too.

Based on an unwritten law, president is chosen from Chritians, and the prime minister is of Muslims. After the civil war which turned Lebanon from a rich country into a poor and underdeveloped country, parts of Lebanon was occupied by Israelis. The displaced Palestinians used south of Lebanon to conduct attacks on Israel which led to occupation of southern Lebanon by Israelis. Thanks to Hezbollah a political and military arm of Lebanon the south of this country was liberated from Zionist occupation. However Israel still occupies the Shebaa farms.
As said, president of Lebanon is chosen from Maronite Christians, Prime Minister from among Sunni Muslims and head of parliament is a Shia Muslim. Orthodox Christians posses the seat of deputy prime minister.
As a consequence of this power sharing in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia has a huge influence on prime minister of Lebanon. For years, thanks to Saudi pressure on Hezbollah of Lebanon, this country always failed to form an strong government hence Lebanon always suffered from political instability that directly benefited Israelis.

Let's again back to the main question, what would be the outcome of Iran-Saudi normalization for Lebanon?
We defined the power of Structure of Lebanon to find out how its government works and who is able to influence it. Hopefully, this improving of relationship and reducing tensions, will lead to forming a united governemnt in Lebanon and this country gets rid of political instability.

If Sauds exclude Hezbollah from their terrorist list and reduce tensions with Hezbollah, then the government of Lebanon will be able to take shape and defend territorial integrity of Lebanon in the international communities. The Shebaa farms according to UN resolution belongs to Lebanon and all Lebanon needs is a united governemnt to defend their rights.

Palestine is a well known country in the west Asia that has been in constant conflicts with Zionist occupiers since almost 75 years. There are 2 major groups, Hamas and Fath, in Gaza strip and west bank respectively that somehow lead the 2 remaining parts of Palestine. The Fath group is highly influenced by UAE, its current boss Mahmoud Abbas has previously held negotiations with Israelis and Americans for a 2 state solution under pressure of UAE that has failed to achieve its goals so far. The reason could be Israel continuing to demolish Palestinians' houses in West Bank and occupying their lands.
Hamas on the other hand is an Ikhwan oriented group highly influenced by Al-Azhar of Egypt, Turkey and Qatar and also Iran. Iran is the military supplier of Hamas according to head of this organization and others are its economic backers eps Qatar. Although Hamas is not main ally of Iran in Gaza Strip, we need to mention that PIJ or Palestinian Islamic Jihad is the representative of Iran in Gaza. Ideologically PIJ is the main ally of Iran among Palestinian groups.

As a matter of fact, Hamas and Fath have suffered from internal conflicts over strategies of dealing with Zionist occupiers. Hamas has refused to hold negotiations with Israel and believes in liberation of holy Quds.

This restoring of Iran- Arab relationship could also be an important factor in reuniting Palestinian groups under one banner. Also, it will lead to a united front against Israelis from Lebanon to Palestine.
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Recently with Chinese efforts Iran and Saudi Arabia for the first time started to normalize their relationship and reduce their tensions.

View attachment 946767

Iran and Saudi Arabia will return to normalization with no doubt. This will affect the regional countries too. Most of Islamic majority countries esp Arab countries will follow Saudis like always. Countries like Egypt, Morocco, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan and other Saudi-oriented Arab countries. These Arab countries have always defined their foreign policy based upon Saudi dictated principles. When Saudi Arabia designated Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups, all of them followed it and sanctioned Hamas and Hezbollah. Excluding a few Arab countries such as Qatar, Iraq, Algeria, Syria and the likes.

Let's focus on the main subject, Lebanon and Palestine. For starter we have to explain the political systems of these countries first and then analyze the effect of Iran-Saudi normalization on their internal and external matters.

Lebanon is one of the most complicated countries of west Asia located in the eastern shores of Mediterranean sea. This country was a colony of late Ottoman empire for over 400 years before being occupied by French colonizers after Ottoman collapse. This country was occupied by French colonizers until the freedom fighters of Lebanon gained independence from French colonizers in the year 1943.
Lebanon is relgiously and ethnically one of the most diverse countries in the region. Therefore as a consequence of this diversity, its political system is divided among them in a way that satisfies them all and avoids internal conflicts. 60 percent of Lebanese population is composed of Muslims including Shias, Sunnis, Daruzis and Alavis. The remaining 40 percent consists of Greek Catholic Christians, Greek Orthodox Christians and Maronite Christians. Almost 400,000 displaced Palestinians reside in Lebanon too.

Based on an unwritten law, president is chosen from Chritians, and the prime minister is of Muslims. After the civil war which turned Lebanon from a rich country into a poor and underdeveloped country, parts of Lebanon was occupied by Israelis. The displaced Palestinians used south of Lebanon to conduct attacks on Israel which led to occupation of southern Lebanon by Israelis. Thanks to Hezbollah a political and military arm of Lebanon the south of this country was liberated from Zionist occupation. However Israel still occupies the Shebaa farms.
As said, president of Lebanon is chosen from Maronite Christians, Prime Minister from among Sunni Muslims and head of parliament is a Shia Muslim. Orthodox Christians posses the seat of deputy prime minister.
As a consequence of this power sharing in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia has a huge influence on prime minister of Lebanon. For years, thanks to Saudi pressure on Hezbollah of Lebanon, this country always failed to form an strong government hence Lebanon always suffered from political instability that directly benefited Israelis.

Let's again back to the main question, what would be the outcome of Iran-Saudi normalization for Lebanon?
We defined the power of Structure of Lebanon to find out how its government works and who is able to influence it. Hopefully, this improving of relationship and reducing tensions, will lead to forming a united governemnt in Lebanon and this country gets rid of political instability.

If Sauds exclude Hezbollah from their terrorist list and reduce tensions with Hezbollah, then the government of Lebanon will be able to take shape and defend territorial integrity of Lebanon in the international communities. The Shebaa farms according to UN resolution belongs to Lebanon and all Lebanon needs is a united governemnt to defend their rights.

Palestine is a well known country in the west Asia that has been in constant conflicts with Zionist occupiers since almost 75 years. There are 2 major groups, Hamas and Fath, in Gaza strip and west bank respectively that somehow lead the 2 remaining parts of Palestine. The Fath group is highly influenced by UAE, its current boss Mahmoud Abbas has previously held negotiations with Israelis and Americans for a 2 state solution
Things have changed considerably since Saudi-Iran broke off ties. Too late now. Israel has become the dominant power of the middle east. Arab states made full relations with Israel without Israel giving concession on land or human rights. Don't know what UAE did for Palestinians to have influence on them. The way I see it, UAE don't care about them at all. UAE wants Israeli weapons, technology, and business.
Things have changed considerably since Saudi-Iran broke off ties. Too late now. Israel has become the dominant power of the middle east.
What a non sense. Israel is a tiny rat, dominant power lmao

Arab states made full relations with Israel without Israel giving concession on land or human rights.
Last time an Israeli ship tried to dock at UAE port went into flames. Israel is not even close to a shit in the regional equations. All its wesight comes from Washington which itself is already engaged with China in the east of Asia and with Russians in the east of Europe. Which means Israeli end is near.

The way I see it, UAE don't care about them at all. UAE wants Israeli weapons, technology, and business.
UAE has to comply.
One of the most shocking scenes that i have seen in my life time.
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@Trango Towers @TopGun786 @SalarHaqq @Mehdipersian

its not shocking its very good News

now that Iran and Saudi can put the differences aside it means a united front against Israel

no more proxy wars in the Middle East

I hope it lasts and New King of Saudi Arabia has clearly said he will not recognise Israel and also week US said Saudi having ties to Israel is far away dream and wont happen

this is good news
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