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Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

This incident is one of the shamefull incident in the history of India. The women's shouldnt be arrested at all.
This shameful incident is comparable to the Ireland abortion incident.
Hope remedial actions are taken
People are going by their biases and forgetting the fundamental issue here. That issue is a real issue - a technical issue in law, i.e. when something hurts someone's sentiments and what can lead to a law and order issue.

India does not follow 100% freedom of speech policy, hurting sentiments on purpose that would lead to law and order and enmity between people is a crime. However these things can not be defined and police will have to use their judgement, sometime in a very short time. Its possible that police may make a mistake - now don't forget maharashtra and delhi are ruled by congress - NOT shivsena. But there is legal recourse to get justice.

So the issue is being blown out of proportion because i suppose everyone wanted some controvercy to happen and the 2 million mourners disappointed everyone by acting with discipline.

This issue needs to be debated on the law and the principles involved, not based on your liking or hatred of shiv sena.

Are you forgetting the case of mamta banerjee and that guy who was arrested? Its not really such a huge unique case in India that destroyed India's constitution in one shot. Stop exaggerating it pls.
So the issue is being blown out of proportion because i suppose everyone wanted some controvercy to happen and the 2 million mourners disappointed everyone by acting with discipline.

Bhai aapne crux ki bat kahi hai.

More Indians disappointed than Pakistanis.


Not really.

We are like this only.

Mind it!
Bhai aapne crux ki bat kahi hai.

More Indians disappointed than Pakistanis.


Not really.

We are like this only.

Mind it!

Yeah, people are describing this as one of the most shameful acts in Indias history, murder of constitution etc etc. Never seen Indians so emotional about the issue of civic liberties. Its a good development I think :)

Statistically 274 people were murdered in India today and 55 women raped and 7 burned alive for dowry. Just saying.
Yeah, people are describing this as one of the most shameful acts in Indias history, murder of constitution etc etc. Never seen Indians so emotional about the issue of civic liberties. Its a good development I think :)

Statistically 274 people were murdered in India today and 55 women raped and 7 burned alive for dowry. Just saying.

There is a reason for that. As I said before, most of us don't expect to be burnt for dowry or get raped. But most youngsters use facebook, and a simple thing as "liking" a post has led to an arrest. The truth is hitting too close to home, and the realization is dawning that if it is that poor girl today, it could be you or I tomorrow. We could all be given life sentences for what we have written here, if this example is to be followed. Hence the outrage.
Yeah, people are describing this as one of the most shameful acts in Indias history, murder of constitution etc etc. Never seen Indians so emotional about the issue of civic liberties. Its a good development I think :)

Statistically 274 people were murdered in India today and 55 women raped and 7 burned alive for dowry. Just saying.

I feel you bro.
Bad we are neither democratic nor dictated , wait we are being dictated by the so called elected democrats .
There is a reason for that. As I said before, most of us don't expect to be burnt for dowry or get raped. But most youngsters use facebook, and a simple thing as "liking" a post has led to an arrest. The truth is hitting too close to home, and the realization is dawning that if it is that poor girl today, it could be you or I tomorrow. We could all be given life sentences for what we have written here, if this example is to be followed. Hence the outrage.

Fair enough, I'm all for freedom of expression. Once I received an infraction on PDF for liking a post :)

I however still do not see this as one of the most shameful acts in India's history. I still maintain people are dramatising and blowing this out of proportion because Thackeray is involved :)

However I'm all for discussing the fundamental principles involved and we do need a stronger civil society indeed. Do you know this man was arrested a month ago for tweeting this?

I think there is a class of Indians who in general are cosy with the mad dog image of the Sena.

The events of the last few days have shaken that.

Then this girl thing came and it was like the nipple had been placed back into the mouth of the petulant child dry sucking air.

The funny part of the whole thing is that neither the Sena nor Mumbaikars nor Maharashtrians, nobody really gives a s.hit. :)

Protest all you want.

Cry rivers of blood.

Write editorials soaked in venom.

Mumbai will go its own way.

And so will we. :cheers:

Jai Hind! Jai Maharashtra!

However I'm all for discussing the fundamental principles involved and we do need a stronger civil society indeed. Do you know this man was arrested a month ago for tweeting this?


Exactly what I mentioned earlier.. We as a country are being held hostages by politicians.. If we do not stand up now and raise against these kind of injustice, we will be as same as a Taliban controlled country..As for me, it is not about Thackeray or any other political figure. We as a nation is much better than arresting a girl for liking a post.. It is indeed a shame on us..
I think there is a class of Indians who in general are cosy with the mad dog image of the Sena.

The events of the last few days have shaken that.

Then this girl thing came and it was like the nipple had been placed back into the mouth of the petulant child dry sucking air.

The funny part of the whole thing is that neither the Sena nor Mumbaikars nor Maharashtrians, nobody really gives a s.hit. :)

Protest all you want.

Cry rivers of blood.

Write editorials soaked in venom.

Mumbai will go its own way.

And so will we. :cheers:

Jai Hind! Jai Maharashtra!

Doc, for christ sake, We are not against Maharashtra or its people..

Dont make it Maharashtra vs rest of the state..

Yes, I personally do not like SS and I do believe that they do not do anything good for this country other than Maharashtra..

Yes, I am surprised by the way SS behaved at the funeral..

But then again they show their true color by vandalizing the clinic..

Are we becoming too narrow minded to arrest a girl for some facebook comment??

Are we so narrow minded to force some one to apologize for stating whats in her mind??

Thackeray may be a great leader for many of the Indian but many more Indians hated him for his hatred against other people..

Where are we as a nation heading, Doc??
I think there is a class of Indians who in general are cosy with the mad dog image of the Sena.

The events of the last few days have shaken that.

Then this girl thing came and it was like the nipple had been placed back into the mouth of the petulant child dry sucking air.

The funny part of the whole thing is that neither the Sena nor Mumbaikars nor Maharashtrians, nobody really gives a s.hit. :)

Protest all you want.

Cry rivers of blood.

Write editorials soaked in venom.

Mumbai will go its own way.

And so will we. :cheers:

Jai Hind! Jai Maharashtra!

Nobody wants any image of shiv sena. Nobody is faulting the shiv sena for this incident. It is the policemen who framed the charges who are to blame, and it is they who are being investigated, and it is they who will be punished. The sena guy who filed a case was fully within his rights to do so. It is the policeman in charge who should have known the law and its proper application. The merits of the shiv sena are a separate issue.

So without even understanding the reason for the outrage, or who it is directed at, don't go beating your chest about Maratha pride or sena pride. Nobody is impressed with a photogenic picture of a thakerey, and it is irrelevant here. This is a question of govt servants not knowing how to do their jobs properly.

The sena guy who filed the complaint will and should go scot free. The outrage is at the ill informed policemen who falsely arrested a girl on baseless charges.
Fair enough, I'm all for freedom of expression. Once I received an infraction on PDF for liking a post :)

I however still do not see this as one of the most shameful acts in India's history. I still maintain people are dramatising and blowing this out of proportion because Thackeray is involved :)

However I'm all for discussing the fundamental principles involved and we do need a stronger civil society indeed. Do you know this man was arrested a month ago for tweeting this?

No, it is not the most shameful thing that ever happened. But it is a shameful thing, and if it is not nipped in the bud, has the potential to start a trend in society where any politician is allowed to stifle people's ideas and spirit. It is good that we are raging against it, so that it wont happen again, or at least wont become commonplace. Every policeman in India would have seen the news and the discussions following it, and society will be happier because of this expression of outrage on our part.
Facebook arrest row: Prithviraj Chavan promises strict action against cops, if found guilty | NDTV.com

Mumbai: In the midst of a raging furore over the arrest of two young women over their Facebook post on the shutdown in Mumbai, Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan has promised "strict action" against police personnel, if they were found guilty in the probe that has been ordered into the incident. One of the women had, on the social networking site, criticised the shutdown in the city on the day of Bal Thackeray's funeral; her friend had "liked" the comment.

"The State Government has taken the matter in all seriousness and strict action will be taken against the defaulting personnel, in case a default is established in the enquiry," Mr Chavan said in an email response to Press Council of India chief Markandey Katju. The latter had, in two separate emails sent to Mr Chavan on Monday, sought immediate" action against the police personnel, and also warned of "legal consequences" if the Chief Minister failed to act.

Mr Chavan also said he would initiate action once he received the probe report on the entire episode. The inquiry is being conducted by Sukhwinder Singh, Special Inspector General of Konkan range. "I have instructed an inquiry to be conducted by a very senior officer immediately. I will act as soon as I receive the report," he said.

The state government had, so far, reacted cautiously over the matter which has sparked a nationwide outrage.

The Shiv Sena, meanwhile, has defended the police action. "We support the police's action," said Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut earlier in the day, adding, "the Facebook comments could have led to a law and order situation." The Sena has repeatedly patted itself on the back since the weekend for peace and calm in Mumbai after Mr Thackeray's death despite lakhs of Sena workers and supporters pouring into the city.

The two women, both 21, told NDTV today that they regretted the Facebook post, which one of them wrote and another liked. The young woman said in her post, "Respect is earned, not given and definitely not forced. Today Mumbai shuts down due to fear and not due to respect."

A local Shiv Sena leader Bhushan Sankhe took umbrage and registered a police complaint against the girls - Sena workers, he said, were "upset at Bal Thackeray being "insulted." The local police came knocking at their doors on Sunday evening, barely half an hour after the post was written, whisked them away and detained them, the women say, till 2.30 am. They were charged under various sections of the law that could entail up to three years in jail, were ordered by a court to serve 14 days in jail and, hours later, were allowed out on bail after paying two bonds of Rs. 15,000 each.

Mr Sankhe has told NDTV that he does not regret his decision to lodge a complaint against the women. He also admitted that he called one of them and asked her to delete her Facebook post because "it was against our beloved leader." He, however, says he knows nothing about an attack that evening on a clinic owned by the woman's uncle, allegedly by 30 to 40 Shiv Sena workers, who ransacked the place. They broke window panes, damaged equipment and ripped out beds and wash basins; there were two in-house patients at the clinic at the time. Nine people have been arrested for that attack.

Even before the police arrived on Sunday, the woman says she had deleted the comment on her Facebook page. And had then posted an "apology." She has since de-activated her Facebook profile. "I never dreamt I would have to go to court," the 21-year-old said.

The two women were booked by the Palghar Police under Section 295 A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for "deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings or any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs." They were later also charged under Section 505 (2) of the IPC for making "statements creating or promoting enmity, hatred or ill-will between classes", and the police added Section 66 (A) of the Information Technology Act, which has been severely criticised for being authoritarian and stifling freedom of expression.

Minister of State for Information Technology Milind Deora has, however, defended the law. "Question isn't about amending 66A of the IT Act, its about preventing misuse by the police, who clearly acted in haste & applied wrong. Also, vandals of Dhada Hospital must be booked! Hope Maharashtra Government takes immediate corrective action," Mr Deora tweeted this morning.

Yesterday Shiv Sena's Rahul Narvekar, who heads the party's legal cell, had denied that the police complaint was lodged by a Sena leader. "It is for the state administration and police department to investigate complaints that are lodged. I am not aware of any complaint filed by any shakha pramukh of Shiv Sena. We will have to look into it. Uddhav Thackeray has made an appeal to the cadre to maintain peace," he had said.

Social media has been abuzz with tweets and Facebook posts about the arrest of the women; most people have been demanding action against the policemen who arrested the two women and the miscreants, allegedly Shiv Sena workers.

Among the many tweets on the incident is that of activist-turned-politician Arvind Kejriwal who said, "Police officers who arrested the two girls in Mumbai shud be immediately dismissed. That's minimum that the govt ought to do."

Sources said top cops at the police headquarters in Mumbai were livid with the Palghar police. "We have ordered an inquiry...if any further action needs to be taken the probe team will decide and send a report. On this report we will act," Deven Bharti, IG (Law and Order), Maharashtra Police said.

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray's death on Saturday afternoon had brought the city to a virtual standstill for the weekend, with shops and other establishments shutting and taxis going off the roads, amid fears of violence by Mr Thackeray's supporters. There was, however, no untoward incident in Mumbai over the weekend. Mr Thackeray was cremated at the Shivaji Park on Sunday evening with nearly two lakh people in attendance.
@Andromache i agree with you and you can read in my post i did objected her arrest.... However she wasnt arrested for commenting on mumbai bandh.... She was arrested for commenting on death of late bal thackeray.... She said people like bal thackeray born and dies everyday.... As far as i know he the only one who worked for maharashtra.... So her comments wasnt good specialy to people who worship bal thackeray....

Crazy religious and all kinds of retards are EVERYWHERE, including India. Thakerey was one of them. Wasn't this the guy who wanted to 'wipe Pakistan off the map', never accepted the divide of India and wanted to take the other land by force and torture? He's the one who threatened to attack the cricket teams, planned masacres against the muslim community.....

Baal Thakerey, OBL, Norweigan killer, the Oklahoma City bomber....are ALL a result of the twisted ideology that comes with every religion and belief. These past two years have been great, OBL gone and now Thakerey gone too. More peace to come !
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