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If u ever doubted will of our people to defend India....

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Please stop desperately trying to sound American.

Genocidal dictator ? Why do you want to sound like Obomba, Bliar, Sarkozy and Erdogan ?

So what exactly are the Al Qaeda members fighting against Assad ? Revolutionaries ?

A genocidal dictator would remain a genocidal dictator irrespective of who us fighting him

Sure. I have a systematic plan for that.

Lol. Good luck with that
Your statement is uncalled for and beneath a Pakistani. Please be mindful that most of these soldiers are just looking for a job to support their families. No one signs up to be a "hero".
And these are same innocent soldier who often target poor farmers working in their fields or civilians going about their business on our side of LOC......
We already have a thread on the soldiers killed in exchange of fire.
Could we transfer this thread over to this one?

They are enemy combatants

I don't care whether they signed up just for a job or a living or something else. They signed up to be an enemy

We will kill them

That is all fair and good. That we will kill our enemies is understood.

I think the objection was on the comment about the family member of the dead soldier.

Usually making derisive comments about the mourning loved ones of the deceased is considered to be in bad taste.

It is similar to how mutilation of the dead body during war is forbidden, because it serves no purpose and is pointlessly uncivil.

That is all fair and good. That we will kill our enemies is understood.

I think the objection was on the comment about the family member of the dead soldier.

Usually making derisive comments about the mourning loved ones of the deceased is considered to be in bad taste.

It is similar to how mutilation of the dead body during war is forbidden, because it serves no purpose and is pointlessly uncivil.

I don't find anything wrong with that comment either

She is distraught and disturbed and enemy is using it for propoganda

Message is clear. Yeah you lost your loved one but that was his destiny he himself opted for. And that would be the destiny of many others like him

We won't stop. Period
And these are same innocent soldier who often target poor farmers working in their fields or civilians going about their business on our side of LOC......

That maybe....and now he is dead. He has to answer for his deeds and we have to answer for ours.
Don't you find something wrong with this statement:
" Tell that mentally disturbed screaming woman that we would kill more. "

I have spent some time at PNS Karsaz (studied at Springfield so Karsaz was like home), Hyderabad Cantt and Kharian Cantt. When the army had batman, I happened to overhear him talking over the phone while doing dishes "Ammi mein filain laga raha houn cabinet mein". I thought to myself why would he say such a thing and then it struck me of course his mother thought he was at "work" (that was the first time i got to know what a batman was -I had heard from my other relatives in the army). I can still remember that feeling of being choked up inside. It was all fun and games with "chacha" but without the realization that that is not what he signed up for.

So lets back off from mocking or jeering someone who signed up to feed his family and not be some kind of hero as the OP suggest. All I am saying is to be dignified in your response. I sincerely hope that this thread is closed as it is neither constructive nor productive.
Then why do they enjoy raping and molesting women. Why do they murder old men and children in cold blood?

That is unfortunate and it hurts I don't understand if you are making a rhetorical statement or expecting some psycho-analysis? Do read Lord of the Flies. I have no issue with our response but once the person is gone why mock his family. The dignified way would have been to not post in this thread at all.
Please stop desperately trying to sound American.

Genocidal dictator ? Why do you want to sound like Obomba, Bliar, Sarkozy and Erdogan ?

So what exactly are the Al Qaeda members fighting against Assad ? Revolutionaries ?

Sure. I have a systematic plan for that.
Pakistan's armed forces represents the will of 100% of Pakistan's people. We are one with them. They are one with us.

Indian media and other media influenced by India portrays our armed forces as some controlling and overarching organisation. On the contrary, their desire to crush Hindustan reflects our people's desire to do the same.

Now in Hindustan, I appreciate the situation is different. Reliance on Gurkhas and Tibetan mercenaries renders your armed forces susceptible to foreign interests. Occupied territories controlled by Hindustan do not have populations that back the Indian army. In fact, there is open revolt against the army in such places. For this reason, India's army does not perform the writ of the people. India's army performs the writ of the government. The third and fourth arms of modern statehood - the courts and the media - are already neck deep in unabashed support for the executive. Modi has cornered the whole mechanism and short circuited any hope of normal democratic functionality.
That is unfortunate and it hurts I don't understand if you are making a rhetorical statement or expecting some psycho-analysis? Do read Lord of the Flies. I have no issue with our response but once the person is gone why mock his family. The dignified way would have been to not post in this thread at all.

Lord of the flies is a good book. What has that got to do with this.
If the family doesn't want to be mocked then don't present itself as the flag bearers of a nations who's own citizens stand up to the army and blame it for rape and murder. Surely you don't want proof as simple Google search will provide you plenty. Perhaps it would have been more dignified as a private funeral but when you Internet trols publicise it then expect reaction
Lord of the flies is a good book. What has that got to do with this.
.......... Perhaps it would have been more dignified as a private funeral but when you Internet trols publicise it then expect reaction
The attempt at trolling is distasteful I agree. Once again it is a privileged person who is commenting for underprivileged who is no more. My point remains that our response should be dignified and not of some bloody person standing in front of a paan shop. I end the conversation here (funnily enough it was not even your comment to start with).

The book answers your question (if there was one in the first place).
Pakistan's armed forces represents the will of 100% of Pakistan's people. We are one with them. They are one with us.

Indian media and other media influenced by India portrays our armed forces as some controlling and overarching organisation. On the contrary, their desire to crush Hindustan reflects our people's desire to do the same.

Now in Hindustan, I appreciate the situation is different. Reliance on Gurkhas and Tibetan mercenaries renders your armed forces susceptible to foreign interests. Occupied territories controlled by Hindustan do not have populations that back the Indian army. In fact, there is open revolt against the army in such places. For this reason, India's army does not perform the writ of the people. India's army performs the writ of the government. The third and fourth arms of modern statehood - the courts and the media - are already neck deep in unabashed support for the executive. Modi has cornered the whole mechanism and short circuited any hope of normal democratic functionality.
Nah. In any democracy the military is answerable to the elected civilian Government. In Pak, even Jinnah's sister was derided as an Indian agent and lost the election against Ayub Khan in what was clearly not the will of the people. The will of the people later was Sheikh Mujib as PM. Was it will of the people that Bhutto was hanged?
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