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British trolled Sikhs by handing over Nankana Sahib to Pakistan which is near border. Sikhs should demand Nankana Sahib provided they can hand over IoK. This is very important place for sikhs.
Do you want Jammu and Ladakh or just the Kashmir valley? I will arrange the swap as soon as possible.
Sacred for Sikhs or you? I don't think Ladakhis and Jammu residents will be happy to join Pakistan.

Sacred for sikhs who else? Hindus can leave IoK just like muslims will leave Nankana Sahib.
They can stay, India is secular.

India is hindu country, they barely let sikhs stay. Sikh population is in huge decline even in Punjab, soon they will make minority. IoK for Nankana Sahib is fair deal.
There are more chances of Bhayiastan than Khalistan in East Punjab.
India is hindu country, they barely let sikhs stay. Sikh population is in huge decline even in Punjab, soon they will make minority. IoK for Nankana Sahib is fair deal.
Madarssa brainwashed youths cannot understand logic. India is not secular as Sikh population is on decline. Then how come Muslim population is rise? Why muslims are not declining as well? Sadly the person who brainwashed you forgot to answer this question.
Himat daiko, an American is calling me indian. What was the last time you were in pakistan boy? When was the last time in karachi you chewed paan and filled your mouth with its taste?

I will take a Paan over your digusting NASWAR any time of the day Mr.Slave of India / Traitor of Pakistan.
Oh look another Pakistani interfering on India's internal matter lol

meanwhile BLA have blown up another 2 Pakistanis using a IED :disagree:
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