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Qaeda will regret any J&K entry: Army commander

where were these strong fighting force when mumbai attack happened
You've started you usual trolling again?

They will regret coming in Kashmir and thats for sure.
Of course they have business in your country

Occupation of kashmir, Gujraat, Muzaffarnager etc

Well bad news for you, we are not an Islamic nation and have no interest in being one.

hell even Myanmar and Sri lanka

You really want to start an anti-Islamic alliance don't you? :D

Don't make ways for your own doom. Join the world and compete with all countries in development, business, trade and commerce. Try defeating others in science, business and research.

Instead of using AKs and RPGs, use books and computer.

Do what Korea and Japan did. They suffered massacres but are now the world most developed countries.

AQ, ISIS lives for this kind of thing, an indian muslim population of almost 200 million being pushed about by radical hindu goverment/groups

What radical? the government hasn't even started anything and you are crying.

Now facts cannot be based on paranoia.

NO you have not had AQ or ISIS in india, the groups you have are not specialists in chaos or slaughter for the sake of slaughter

AQ may be looking for a base to taget south asia

Go ahead. Support it and suffer the consequences like never before.

Believe me, jihad shouldn't set its eyes on India ever.
Of course they have business in your country

Occupation of kashmir, Gujraat, Muzaffarnager etc hell even Myanmar and Sri lanka

AQ, ISIS lives for this kind of thing, an indian muslim population of almost 200 million being pushed about by radical hindu goverment/groups

The love and concern for fellow Muslims is touching.

Maybe they & those who justify their actions should begin with supporting fellow muslims living in Muslim nations first. After all thats where more Muslims die unnatural deaths at the hands of fellow Muslims than any place else.

Whats with Muzaffar nagar ?

India can handle them or their kind, its those whose soil they operate out of who should be worried.
We will simply have to arm the Rusom-2 with hellfire like missiles. Don't know when that will happen but it will definitely happen in the near future. :D
The day it happens. Everyone will die to join army. After all who doesn't like to play games and furthermore getting paid for that :lol:
India doesn't provide a conducive atmosphere for Al-Quida to launch their mission. These kinda groups are only successful in those parts of the world where they have support for their ideology, readily available local militiamen with local bases & a country gripped in civil war. India doesn't provide them with those kinda facilities. No questions asked.. no distinctions will be made between good & bad terrorists! They will be dealt with the moment they set their foot in Indian soil...
man thsi commander is drunk i guess then again what will u expect fromindian military general bringing al qaeda into kashmir conflict to gain international sympathies cry babby cry only Hafiz saeed is enough for you and al qaeda is shit cant control their own areas and dreaming of doing jehad in kashmir thank u al qaeda son of bitches ... kashmiri mujahideen are enough to handle kashmir
With minimal loss of lives. Sure, we could have sent an air force jet and bombed the hotels and killed everybody, like your armed forces do in their war in N Waziristan. But we preferred to evacuate civilians and clear each of the 600+ rooms in the hotels and engage in close quarter combat and kill the b'tard jihadi terrorists. In the end, slow though the process was, only 186 people lost their lives, in a crowded city of several million people that was attacked by heavily armed terrorists with military grade weapons.

6 terrorists with guns
with heavy arms??
how did they get such a heavy artillery in the center of Mumbai and then were able to take it inside a busy hotel
and in the process of eliminating those 6 lightly armed terrorists you lost 186 lives and took you 3 days
well it makes you happy then ok I admit your brave mean forces did a great job, the whole world applauded your bravery

You've started you usual trolling again?


when you call someone on his bullshit then its not called trolling

I guess cooling their heels in Kamran or Mehran bases .

or may be warming their hand as they gotten cold thinking of parliament attack

The same place Pakistani forces were when Karachi airport attack happened.

oh so Pakistani forces use indian forces for comfort

Why do you guys get so pissed off when something against terrorism is spoken or acted?

same as when you guys get pissed of when someone calls banya

In This three days we exposed your country in front of whole world.... with all the proof...You know what is the reputation of pakistan today in this world... ???

thats what you think?
you were a laughing stock of the whole world, no one believed you, everyone knew you are just hiding your incompetency

Yeah, our army is pretty inefficient - it takes 3 days to flush out terrorists, while your army is able to capture Islamabad in a matter of hours - so many times. You guys are amazing. We can only look in jealousy.

our army is army of woman, but this thread is about mean brave fighting machine called Indian Army
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Well, now they are trained by the Usraelis themselves, untill they get a lesson like their trainers got from Hizbollah, they can brag what they want.

I must have really pissed them off, all Indians are going off the grid on this.
or may be warming their hand as they gotten cold thinking of parliament attack

I pity on your ignorance , IA is not responsible for Parliament's safety but they are for their bases.

Anyway we didn't lose half of our Naval aviation fleet during Parliament attack.
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