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If u ever doubted will of our people to defend India....

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We doubt India's will to defend itself because so far, the Chinese are sitting on 1000 square kilometers of newly acquired territory, all in exchange for Tik Tok and PUBG Mobile getting banned :D.
@valkyr_96 will disagree with you. He loves indians and we are all pan shops wala's.
@valkyr_96 will disagree with you. He loves indians and we are all pan shops wala's.
Funny i do not remember any Chinese member calling the dead soldier's mother "mentally disturbed screaming woman" so where does this "we" comes from. Learn something from them.
"Nothing is above the country"... What about speaking about removing the massive socio-economic problems by reconfiguring the country in which the military should be roped in for help ?

And my commiserations to the family and friends of the soldier.
Nothing below the Indian cuntry either.
Funny i do not remember any Chinese member calling the dead soldier's mother "mentally disturbed screaming woman" so where does this "we" comes from. Learn something from them.
Bye bye Indian lover....shame on you.
Lol - as I said at one point even Jinnah's sister was called an Indian agent. Ditto Nawaz. Ditto Mujib. All popular enough to win elections. So much for will of the people.

you are equating two different matters over different time period as one?..

ok .. Imran Khan called Altaf Hussian a Indian agent decades ago... he was proven right.

so much for the stupidity of people?...

now clearly you know very little on this subject or / and are able to apply some quality analysis..

I will save you the trouble... here is the press conference of Shabaz Gill for your education.. watch and learn and stop your one track indian thinking

you are equating two different matters over different time period as one?..

ok .. Imran Khan called Altaf Hussian a Indian agent decades ago... he was proven right.

so much for the stupidity of people?...

now clearly you know very little on this subject or / and are able to apply some quality analysis..

I will save you the trouble... here is the press conference of Shabaz Gill for your education.. watch and learn and stop your one track indian thinking

Reality bites. The primary job of any armed force in the world is to protect the territorial integrity of a nation from external threats. Not to overthrow popular civilians because they don't like their policies - or send them to jail or hang them or exile them.
Reality bites. The primary job of any armed force in the world is to protect the territorial integrity of a nation from external threats. Not to overthrow popular civilians because they don't like their policies - or send them to jail or hang them or exile them.

here are some fun facts for you..

1) the primary job of police is to serve and protect... and not watch idly by as hindus butcher muslims over religious hate.

2) The primary job of courts is to dispense justice and not release hindu terrorist samjota express bombers or Babri mosque destroyers.

3) The primary job of any armed force in the world is to protect the territorial integrity of a nation from external threats. Not to mass murder, rape , torture or oppress because civilians they don't like their policies. ie Indian occupied kashmir.

Reality bites ?.. no?

some corrections

Popular gov : Nawaz popular?,.... who told you that?

exile ?... is Nawaz exiled?.. i thought he was about to die and needed to run to england for treatment.
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If you are so full of 'soldiering spirit' why don't you sign up in the Pak armed forces and kill some TTP and Red Mosque mullahs, or go to Syria and kill some Al Qaeda ?
so you are the one whoz gonna tell people joining the Army, where to go and who to kill.. The pain in ur azz tells me that we killed the right guy and InShaAllah more will join him from ur randian army.
so you are the one whoz gonna tell people joining the Army, where to go and who to kill.. The pain in ur azz tells me that we killed the right guy and InShaAllah more will join him from ur randian army.

So you are angry because I asked him to kill TTP, Red Mosque and Al Qaeda ?
here are some fun facts for you..

1) the primary job of police is to serve and protect... and not watch idly by as hindus butcher muslims over religious hate.

2) The primary job of courts is to dispense justice and not release hindu terrorist samjota express bombers or Babri mosque destroyers.

3) The primary job of any armed force in the world is to protect the territorial integrity of a nation from external threats. Not to mass murder, rape , torture or oppress because civilians they don't like their policies. ie Indian occupied kashmir.

Reality bites ?.. no?

some corrections

Popular gov : Nawaz popular?,.... who told you that?

exile ?... is Nawaz exiled?.. i thought he was about to die and needed to run to england for treatment.
Lol. Pot and kettle.
Wasn't he exiled by Mushy boy?
Your courts actually released an American who killed Muslims by paying blood money. And for good measure they hanged a former Prime Minister / President (whatever ZA Bhutto was).
As I said, reality bites.
Lol. Pot and kettle.
Wasn't he exiled by Mushy boy?
Your courts actually released an American who killed Muslims by paying blood money. And for good measure they hanged a former Prime Minister / President (whatever ZA Bhutto was).
As I said, reality bites.
Who killed indra Ghandi? Oh indian bodyguards. And she deserved it. Who attacked Rajiv Ghandi oh indian troops. Who has hijacked democracy in India oh Hindu tva
Nah. In any democracy the military is answerable to the elected civilian Government. In Pak, even Jinnah's sister was derided as an Indian agent and lost the election against Ayub Khan in what was clearly not the will of the people. The will of the people later was Sheikh Mujib as PM. Was it will of the people that Bhutto was hanged?
In Hindustan, the military should refuse to carry out the PM's anti-constitutional agenda, if they are a truly uninfluenced military. The problem is that they are as hindutva as the rest of India. When a democratic country's PM starts spitting on your own constitution through sectarianism, Hindu supremacism and betrayal of people to whom certain promises were made by imposition of will without consultation/consent (I.e. martial law in IIOJK), that's when the army is supposed to step in and guard the constitution. I'm afraid that any objective analysis of the military (don't get me started on the "free press" in india) will find them wanting in their role as stated above.

For starters, multiple Muslim units within Kashmiri security forces were immediately disarmed and disbanded by their own comrades in the prelude to the great "abrogation", like some Order 66 rip off. This is what dictatorships do.
In Hindustan, the military should refuse to carry out the PM's anti-constitutional agenda, if they are a truly uninfluenced military. The problem is that they are as hindutva as the rest of India. When a democratic country's PM starts spitting on your own constitution through sectarianism, Hindu supremacism and betrayal of people to whom certain promises were made by imposition of will without consultation/consent (I.e. martial law in IIOJK), that's when the army is supposed to step in and guard the constitution. I'm afraid that any objective analysis of the military (don't get me started on the "free press" in india) will find them wanting in their role as stated above.

For starters, multiple Muslim units within Kashmiri security forces were immediately disarmed and disbanded by their own comrades in the prelude to the great "abrogation", like some Order 66 rip off. This is what dictatorships do.
Who killed indra Ghandi? Oh indian bodyguards. And she deserved it. Who attacked Rajiv Ghandi oh indian troops. Who has hijacked democracy in India oh Hindu tva

I love how everyone is sidestepping - your military chief insinuated / said that Fatima Jinnah was an Indian agent.

Do you think the military was espousing the view / will of the people then?
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