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how can a PAF eagale can lock on AN IAF su-30!

Your wish, believe what you want, im not here to educate you.

Tip: Read what i said, UNTIL the MLU or blk 52, its a no-go.
Your wish, believe what you want, im not here to educate you.

Tip: Read what i said, UNTIL the MLU or blk 52, its a no-go.

Thats what you think, MKI is not a F22 aircraft that our radars wont be able to pick it up. When its picked up by our radars, it levels the playing field my friend. I suggest you do some research, it will help you.
In response to my post on another thread, the member blain2 had pointed out that we Indians consider the MKI as "God's gift to Military Aviation". After reading it I was sceptical and just rubbished the comment. But later on as I read through various posts by indians it has become clear to me that blain2 was right!

That the MKI's image is being blown up like an enormous ego bubble by the IAF, the media and fans is a very dangerous development. Because when the ego bubble bursts the effect will be demoralising and paralysing. I'm just hoping that the pilots who fly the MKI's are not being taken in the hype and are just doing their jobs. If not, God help them & God help India.

The way things are going it looks like the MKI will also follow in Sachin Tendulkar's footsteps. Once we indians hyped Sachin, every other team in the world developed a strategy to counter him and then his magic was gone!

Coming back to the point. The MKI is currently THE huge-gest (note that I've deliberately left out the word 'big') fighter in the subcontinent - 'a virtual elephant in the sky'. So I would say that any Pakistani pilot who cannot lock onto an MKI either on the radar or visually, is either mentally retarded or just plain blind.

Another point is that I feel getting a lock-on is similar to getting a hard-on.... it's just the begining...!

(Mods please delete the last line if offensive)
In response to my post on another thread, the member blain2 had pointed out that we Indians consider the MKI as "God's gift to Military Aviation". After reading it I was sceptical and just rubbished the comment. But later on as I read through various posts by indians it has become clear to me that blain2 was right!

That the MKI's image is being blown up like an enormous ego bubble by the IAF, the media and fans is a very dangerous development. Because when the ego bubble bursts the effect will be demoralising and paralysing. I'm just hoping that the pilots who fly the MKI's are not being taken in the hype and are just doing their jobs. If not, God help them & God help India.

The way things are going it looks like the MKI will also follow in Sachin Tendulkar's footsteps. Once we indians hyped Sachin, every other team in the world developed a strategy to counter him and then his magic was gone!

Coming back to the point. The MKI is currently THE huge-gest (note that I've deliberately left out the word 'big') fighter in the subcontinent - 'a virtual elephant in the sky'. So I would say that any Pakistani pilot who cannot lock onto an MKI either on the radar or visually, is either mentally retarded or just plain blind.

Another point is that I feel getting a lock-on is similar to getting a hard-on.... it's just the begining...!

(Mods please delete the last line if offensive)

iamunique; sir
nice input, thats the point, which me & my seniors tryied to explain to our indian counterparts, that"su-30mki" is the best bird flying over the skies,on the sub-continent, but still its just a machine!;)
man behind, machine was important before in the past, & evenly important today, & i am sure it would be important in the future too?:tup::agree:
some more the airframe is totally awsome :victory:

seriously never ever seen a western aircraft do that even with their sophistication russian planes are robust




Nice snaps. But shouldn't this be in some other more appropriate thread?!

hi guys

just let your imagination free THIS PHOTO IS NOT PHOTOSHOPED


thank you

Hmmm... let me see. Probably taken at the same airshow from which you posted the later snaps. From my imagination I would say that

a) Looks like both birds are entering into the landing pattern after their respective displays. The F-16 being cleared first, is ahead, followed by the SU.
b) Slightly similar to the above scenario. Both birds are doing a low altitude fly-by over the crowds. The F-16 being cleared first, is ahead, followed by the SU. The SU pilot seems to have overshot the fly-by area and is trying to make up for his mistake by doing a high-g maneuver to line up with the fly-by area.

But this is just my imagination.
Western aircraft can do that too, look on youtube, there are some great vids on there.
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Here is a vid of the Su-27 doing that low level pass depicted in the pics of Chirag's post! Check out his altitude at around 10-13 secs into the vid!!

That is simply breathtaking! Btw its a Russian pilot - Anatoly Kvochur. Western media calls him "Russian Flying Legend", others call him "pilot by the grace of God'!

There was a lot of chatter on some forums on how that pic was ps'ed/fake. But then its true and its there in that vid. I have seen F-16's/F-18s doing low level passes at air shows but nothing like this!

~ Moriarty
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That flight control and agility is awsome.

The Russians have mastered the art of building great war planes in aero dynamics #

BUT simply dont have the AMERICAN tech in electronics,, stealth,, and radars yet. TO MATCH..

BUT if your smart you go to the ISRAELIS for some of them...

CANT WAIT TO SEE THE RUSSIAN INDO PAK FA/FGFA NEXT YEAR.. even if its just a tech demonstrator and 10 years away from entry

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