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Compare performance of Indian-foreign weapon systems: DRDO


Feb 21, 2014
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DRDO chiefAvinash Chandertoday stressed on the need for a comparison between the performance of indigenous and imported weapon systems against the backdrop of the government focusing on developing home grown defence industrial base.

Emphasising on the induction of indigenous weapon systems, he took an apparent dig at the armed forces saying such equipment should not be rejected "merely because it weighs 50 grams more than the imported stuff".

He also claimed that the Arjun tank was better than the Russian-origin T-90 tanks on many aspects.

"Let us have a performance audit of both imported and indigenous weapon system and comparisons," Chander said while addressing a seminar at the IDSA.

Seeking to justify the need for such a comparison, he said a number of times, indigenous weapon systems are criticised but "I have never heard any imported system's performance being evaluated."

He also stressed on the need for bench-marking Indian systems against the equipment being imported.

The DRDO chief said many times, the defence research agency is asked to develop defence equipment when it is close to be imported from foreign sources.

He said there was a need to increasing interaction with the Army, where the induction of DRDO equipment was "slow".

The Army has placed orders for only around 240 Arjun tanks and has expressed concerns over its weight.

The DRDO has developed several weapon systems including strategic Agni series of missiles and several other equipment such as Arjun tanks, Akash surface-to-air missiles and estimates its value to be around 1.5 lakh crore in armed forces, who rely on foreign sources for over 65 per cent of their requirements.

Compare performance of Indian-foreign weapon systems: DRDO | Business Standard News
1) Emphasising on the induction of indigenous weapon systems, he took an apparent dig at the armed forces saying such equipment should not be rejected "merely because it weighs 50 grams more than the imported stuff".
2) "Let us have a performance audit of both imported and indigenous weapon system and comparisons," Chander said while addressing a seminar at the IDSA.
3) a number of times, indigenous weapon systems are criticised but "I have never heard any imported system's performance being evaluated."
4) the defence research agency is asked to develop defence equipment when it is close to be imported from foreign sources.
5) was a need to increasing interaction with the Army, where the induction of DRDO equipment was "slow".
I was saying all the time,that IA and Airforce didn't set any bencemark for T90S ,SMERCH etc etc.But still they are inducted without any evaluation. Can anyone believe this that T90 Inducted without AC and ERA,while its electronics hardly works in Desert condition.But with god grace they get enlighten and asked DRDO to rectify it with Electronics made for Arjun.:rolleyes:
Emphasising on the induction of indigenous weapon systems, he took an apparent dig at the armed forces saying such equipment should not be rejected "merely because it weighs 50 grams more than the imported stuff".

He also claimed that the Arjun tank was better than the Russian-origin T-90 tanks on many aspects.

It's kind of funny to read that, when we know how much the weight difference between the T90 and the Arjun is and he probably will lose in most performance comparisons too, which is why he should focus more on development and delivery, rather than on barking around in front of the media.
It's kind of funny to read that, when we know how much the weight difference between the T90 and the Arjun is and he probably will lose in most performance comparisons too, which is why he should focus more on development and delivery, rather than on barking around in front of the media.

arjun is heavy because of its superior protection. arjun have better targeting system, sight system, air conditioning systems and have better weapon systems. and these comes in with a heavy weight. armys requirements is like that they want super heavy protection system with a light weight tank!!! which is not possible. arjun is superior to t-90s in many fields and the only problem army says is that arjun is heavy. i think drdo chief is saying the truth, our military likes imported weapons than indian weapons. that is clear when we looks into army's constantly changing requirements on a defense equipment while under development.
It's kind of funny to read that, when we know how much the weight difference between the T90 and the Arjun is and he probably will lose in most performance comparisons too, which is why he should focus more on development and delivery, rather than on barking around in front of the media.

dat delivery is not meant for any layman customer it is for our armed forces, the armed forces are the end users. The delivery gonna be smooth and timely manner if the end user planned and told the developer previously everything in a clear n crisp manner . Media is the best way now a days if u want ur bosses to listen you.

Sir only DRDO is not gonna there for complete indigenization and to revive our defence industry, each n every stake holders r der armed forces, industry, bureaucrats every one but now it seems the lobbyist n middleman r the most powerful stakeholders of our military procurement process.

If one is getting ruski ruble n European euro worth crores of rupees then the 10 ton difference and difference betwwen 1700 and 248 units are of no importance, even why the hell he sud care for the young officer/pilot n soldiers who always be the first to lay their life in borders bcoz i m the general ...i m the bureaucrat ........ i m the decision maker and i am an armchair maverick who always have disdain for locally developed products. If i don want to buy a thing then i can find 10000s way to say it a no, no mater hw good it is.

If i m gonna write like this with out going to technicalities and details den all my emotions against our atrocious defence procurement will burst over here and i want to be laconic here with out going details.

Here is the video of the above a complete 1 hour worth watching video where dat man really strike out some of the serious lacuna in the defence procurements dat impeding our indigenization process

He also unveiled a lot of new tecnology like PINAKA 3 and no of upcoming tests lke MRSAM hot test on coming september..

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It's kind of funny to read that, when we know how much the weight difference between the T90 and the Arjun is and he probably will lose in most performance comparisons too, which is why he should focus more on development and delivery, rather than on barking around in front of the media.
If we will think in this way we will never get rid of weapons import ...Look at China as an example , today china is producing quality stuff ( I agree not as good as US , France or Russia but they are nearby) , because their product was accepted and admired by CHINI army and CHINI people...They invested money heavily on RnD... And today they are getting result ... Today we have invested nothing in comparison with China...Even then we are good in Missile technology and other field we are picking up...I would like to conclude that DRDO is doing good , Just we need to support them as much as possible.
If we will think in this way we will never get rid of weapons import ...Look at China as an example , today china is producing quality stuff ( I agree not as good as US , France or Russia but they are nearby) , because their product was accepted and admired by CHINI army and CHINI people...They invested money heavily on RnD... And today they are getting result ... Today we have invested nothing in comparison with China...Even then we are good in Missile technology and other field we are picking up...I would like to conclude that DRDO is doing good , Just we need to support them as much as possible.

Exactly. :tup:

Maybe a lot of our weapons platforms are not the best in the world, but the important thing is that they are OURS.

Every time we build something or spend money on something, it strengthens our own economy, and strengthens our own indigenous defence industries. And it allows us to produce unlimited amounts of our own weapons platforms during wartime.

If we kept sending our own money to other countries, to improve their economy, and improve their indigenous defence industries, how would our own domestic industries ever improve?

You have to eat some bitterness in order to get ahead. And it's paying off, now we are making platforms like the DF-21D, the first and only ASBM platform in the world, and our own 5th generation fighter jets.

This also applies to commercial companies. Lenovo for example, if no one in the domestic Chinese market was willing to give them a chance, and they all prefered to buy foreign computers/laptops instead, then it would have never become the powerful company that it is today.
There should be a policy in the armed forces that taking part in DRDO R&D project will be considered a plus for promotions.
It's kind of funny to read that, when we know how much the weight difference between the T90 and the Arjun is and he probably will lose in most performance comparisons too, which is why he should focus more on development and delivery, rather than on barking around in front of the media.

You have got good knowledge on air crafts,so keep your rantings out of tanks and other matters.Stick to your silly fighters and leave this thread alone Mr NRI (Non Required Indian).Don't venture into uncharted waters.
Exactly. :tup:

Maybe a lot of our weapons platforms are not the best in the world, but the important thing is that they are OURS.

Every time we build something or spend money on something, it strengthens our own economy, and strengthens our own indigenous defence industries. And it allows us to produce unlimited amounts of our own weapons platforms during wartime.

If we kept sending our own money to other countries, to improve their economy, and improve their indigenous defence industries, how would our own domestic industries ever improve?

You have to eat some bitterness in order to get ahead. And it's paying off, now we are making platforms like the DF-21D, the first and only ASBM platform in the world, and our own 5th generation fighter jets.

This also applies to commercial companies. Lenovo for example, if no one in the domestic Chinese market was willing to give them a chance, and they all prefered to buy foreign computers/laptops instead, then it would have never become the powerful company that it is today.
Agree with you.Chinese made huge strides in their defence industry because they shown the confident even if they were pathetic in quality but now look at J10 B or their submarines or even look at their new generation tanks which they even refused to give it to pakistan.:D because they are premium and more superior to western counterpart. We must learn evolution of industries from Chinese.
Agree with you.Chinese made huge strides in their defence industry because they shown the confident even if they were pathetic in quality but now look at J10 B or their submarines or even look at their new generation tanks which they even refused to give it to pakistan.:D because they are premium and more superior to western counterpart. We must learn evolution of industries from Chinese.

Not the tanks.Even their latest ZTZ 99A2s have got some very serious design drawbacks.But yes,their artillery and the J 10B are truely world-class stuffs.But we are steadily catching up.
It's kind of funny to read that, when we know how much the weight difference between the T90 and the Arjun is and he probably will lose in most performance comparisons too, which is why he should focus more on development and delivery, rather than on barking around in front of the media.
Look at the process in last 65+ years. DRDO develops a weapon, you compare it with your imported weapon, it fails, you buy a small amount to keep DRDO happy and import the rest, then ask DRDO to work on the next generation. Same process is repeated, at the end of 65 years, you are left with multiple platforms, aging weapon systems, and the tag the largest weapons importer in the world. PAF is postponing its purchases because they don't expect a war with India, although they are facing similar problems of obsoletion. Why are our armed forces in such a hurry that they can't wait for DRDO work and rework on its machine's till they meet army's requirement.
Exactly. :tup:

Maybe a lot of our weapons platforms are not the best in the world, but the important thing is that they are OURS.

Every time we build something or spend money on something, it strengthens our own economy, and strengthens our own indigenous defence industries. And it allows us to produce unlimited amounts of our own weapons platforms during wartime.

If we kept sending our own money to other countries, to improve their economy, and improve their indigenous defence industries, how would our own domestic industries ever improve?

You have to eat some bitterness in order to get ahead. And it's paying off, now we are making platforms like the DF-21D, the first and only ASBM platform in the world, and our own 5th generation fighter jets.

This also applies to commercial companies. Lenovo for example, if no one in the domestic Chinese market was willing to give them a chance, and they all prefered to buy foreign computers/laptops instead, then it would have never become the powerful company that it is today.

Man correction , Shaurya is also a ASBM. It is used by Indian Navy only.
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