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India Can Export Fighter Planes, Missiles, Says DRDO Chief

So you think your IAF has better standards than several dozen air forces around the globe which operate the F-16s.
Suffice to remind you that the MiG-21, which IAF flies till this day was rejected by PAF when offered by Soviets back in 1969. Every air force has it's ow requirements, the Eurofighter Typhoon didn't meet PAF's mission specification thus it was rejected , does that mean it's a low grade aircraft...... may i remind you the F-16 is the most successful aircraft of the modern day with an unmatchable combat record.... what battle honours does the MKI or others in IAF service have under their belt. !!!

Well..... same MIG-21 copy PAK bough from China isn't , Well the Fact is PAK was buying US sponsored plane that time and was in US camp that time.

Well , Typhoon was not rejected but PAK don't have simply money to buy, rejection was nearly face saving .

yes F-16 was good plane of last decade, but not it is not, Mirage -2000 have more proven track record , I have given you Mirage -2000 bombing on PAK in 2002 , where f-16 couldn't able to fly.

F-16 was tested on same 500+ point parameters where all aircraft was test, in Fact F-16 failed in single charge ignition in Leh winter test, what else i can say... IAF test parameters are benchmarks for other Af , SU-30 sales only after India bought the plane.
Eurofighter is rejected:eek::eek::eek: Ohh my god if our mod have pockets they would have jumped to buy it it:D:D:confused: @sancho Is it true;););)
It was evaluated and declined back around 2005.....the MOD was very much in a position then but decided to go for the F-16s Block-52 instead., :-)
You think if IAF had a choice, they wouldn't jump to the chance of replacing the MiG-21s.
We recently replaced a squadron of F-7s, which is similar to your MiG-21s with not JF-17s but F-16s.

right now India replacing its MIG-21 with Su-30MKI, and India has Mirage -2000/ MIG-29 for F-16 .

It was evaluated and declined back around 2005.....the MOD was very much in a position then but decided to go for the F-16s Block-52 instead., :-)
isn't those F-16 you taking was coming from US AID money or i would say free of cost ? and n Euro Fighter you have to give money.

So decision is simple for PAK , get free thing, and don't have money to Pay for euro fighter.

Well coming serious , whom you are trying to make fool, PAF flying 40+ F16's and PAf need to buy only 10-15 planes and its more easy and economic to buy and operate F-16's then buying euro fighter and set up separate training and logistic management which is cost more and pAf can't handle.

This is nothing to do with evaluation, its all about forced choose.
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So you think your IAF has better standards than several dozen air forces around the globe which operate the F-16s.
Suffice to remind you that the MiG-21, which IAF flies till this day was rejected by PAF when offered by Soviets back in 1969. Every air force has it's ow requirements, the Eurofighter Typhoon didn't meet PAF's mission specification thus it was rejected , does that mean it's a low grade aircraft...... may i remind you the F-16 is the most successful aircraft of the modern day with an unmatchable combat record.... what battle honours does the MKI or others in IAF service have under their belt. !!!
lol.... what a self thumping guy.....
back In 70's u were a non NATO US alliance and US would not have permitted u to have soviet planes....that is the reason u don't have mig 21 in ur inventory.... later u bought the chinese copy of Mig 21....
and about eurofighter....ur country can't afford it...and hence rejected...heck even india rejected it on ground of overall cost.... 110 million $ plane is highly expensive.... so, don't live in delusion that eurofighter didn't meet ur requirement.....
Well..... same MIG-21 copy PAK bough from China isn't , Well the Fact is PAK was buying US sponsored plane that time and was in US camp that time.

Well , Typhoon was not rejected but PAK don't have simply money to buy, rejection was nearly face saving .

yes F-16 was good plane of last decade, but not it is not, Mirage -2000 have more proven track record , I have given you Mirage -2000 bombing on PAK in 2002 , where f-16 couldn't able to fly.

F-16 was tested on same 500+ point parameters where all aircraft was test, in Fact F-16 failed in single charge ignition in Leh winter test, what else i can say... IAF test parameters are benchmarks for other Af , SU-30 sales only after India bought the plane.
You are just posting for the sake of it, PAF was probably unique in the fact that in 1969 it fielded American, French and Chinese aircraft at the same time.... that bursts your American camp thing, the F-7 was inducted as it met PAF's specifications, remember the earlier MiGs didn't even have a gun.... money wasn't an issue back then, if that was the case, why would PAF evaluate this aircraft.
About your Mirage-2000 mission, is nothing more than a fairy story since in 2002, no attacks were conducted by either air force. When you get off your high horse, check the combat record of F-16 in Middle East, Gulf war and at the hands of PAF during Soviet/Afghan conflict...... how many combat kills does SU-30 or MiG-29 and even Mirage-2000 have to show for their records.

lol.... what a self thumping guy.....
back In 70's u were a non NATO US alliance and US would not have permitted u to have soviet planes....that is the reason u don't have mig 21 in ur inventory.... later u bought the chinese copy of Mig 21....
and about eurofighter....ur country can't afford it...and hence rejected...heck even india rejected it on ground of overall cost.... 110 million $ plane is highly expensive.... so, don't live in delusion that eurofighter didn't meet ur requirement.....
Oh we have another expert on PAF matters. .... When the Soviets offered the MiG-21 and SU-7 back in 1969, PAF was already flying the Chinese F-6 and French Mirage-3......the rest of your delusional thoughts have been answered in my previous posts.
People are dreaming...... Nothing wrong init.... But then dreams need to be kept secret......Not to be discussed in a press conference.....
haha, the problem with you indians is to dream too much and do too little. you should do the opposite, otherwise will end up into nightmare dream.
Will India market LCA on Zhuhai Airshow this year?

Ties are too tense but would pay big money to see LCA dogfight JF 17.

Hint : Tejas is more maneuverable and has better sensors. ;)

haha, the problem with you indians is to dream too much and do too little. you should do the opposite, otherwise will end up into nightmare dream.
And you Chinese copy and paste. Innovatin will make your brain cells fade
Ties are too tense but would pay big money to see LCA dogfight JF 17.

Hint : Tejas is more maneuverable and has better sensors. ;)

And you Chinese copy and paste. Innovatin will make your brain cells fade
yes, you can be proud like Africans that you will never copy and paste. enjoy your incompetence.
And you can be like a Han,1.3 bn of you but look just the same! :woot:

Bloody posers. Can't even make 1 military product without cybertheft or illegality. Now that US cyber systems are stronger what will your ilk do in 10 yrs? Sell noodles with pork rind in them?
do we care your incopetent whinning? our military products scare you shits in the pant, yet you can be proud of being the largest weapon sucker for both russia and america

our way of dealing with US is beyond your comprehesion, do I need to dicuss such complicated issue with you? go back to count your hard-earning green backs, get ready to be ripped off soon, sucker.
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Just to Broken you myth, MIG-21F/FL which is in 1969 do have Guns.... moreover , F-7 is the lic production of MIG-21.

Well PAF can't get MIG-21 as US is providing AID to PAK that time and PAK is US ally in cold war days, India is with Russia ..... PAF bought MIG-21 aka J-7 because they were cheap and also with IAF .

See the below link for IAF bombing in 2002 which PA said.
Information About Incident 9607-16277-38913 in Kargil Pakistan
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan accuses India of Kashmir raid

Either you live in denial ? OR want to say PA is lier ? which one you choose?

Actual incident happen a month back where Mirage -2000 blasted and india termed as Kargil-2 , PAK couldn't not said anything because they again found in Wrong side of line so they change the location.

You talking about Records, Well when was MIG-25 flown over PAK, where was your F-16 or entire AF/radar etc?

You talking about records with superior AF armed with electronic warfare to inferior force AF, under same condition see the record MIG's and US plane in Korea and Vietnam war. Fight not happen it dosen't mean plane is not superior.

Wow , how foolish is Russia was , given its weapons US ally in cold war so that it will fall in enemy hands; During that US fund PAK military heavily . Their is not way Russia would have given you MIG-21 etc during cold war.

You only able to bough J-7 from Chinese because US -china meeting in 71 which eases tension and China ready to place western h/w , radar in J-7.
Sshhhhh....Don't put any thing substantial.
Indian market is quite big enough that keep running either Russian and US company and Indian also.

To become big and independent you need to develop things india on the verge major learning curve. US , Russia, EU become big only because they have their development centre , KSA etc didn't developed because they need to buy things. (military products)
I'm sorry, but I don't understand this comment. Are you contradicting my post, or supporting it?
So you think your IAF has better standards than several dozen air forces around the globe which operate the F-16s.
Suffice to remind you that the MiG-21, which IAF flies till this day was rejected by PAF when offered by Soviets back in 1969. Every air force has it's ow requirements, the Eurofighter Typhoon didn't meet PAF's mission specification thus it was rejected , does that mean it's a low grade aircraft...... may i remind you the F-16 is the most successful aircraft of the modern day with an unmatchable combat record.... what battle honours does the MKI or others in IAF service have under their belt. !!!

You are wasting your time with little kids who think that the world revolves around India . Make better use of it elsewhere .
I'm sorry, but I don't understand this comment. Are you contradicting my post, or supporting it?

India is still a massive net importer of Arms. There is a reason for this as it is much cheaper.

I know that this is cardinal sin in a Defence Forum, But I would rather India fix it's decaying Education system. More quality control in education and upping it's literacy rate.

Have a massive overhaul of it's power infrastructure to spur industrial activity.

Basically getting the basic fundamentals of sanitation, infrastructure, education down pat.

Oh and let's not forget the abysmal standards of Indian police. I would gladly want to see India spen Billions of dollars on training, recruting and equipping the police force.

The ratio of policemen to civilians, especially in the rural areas is shocking.
India is still a massive net importer of Arms. There is a reason for this as it is much cheaper.

I know that this is cardinal sin in a Defence Forum, But I would rather India fix it's decaying Education system. More quality control in education and upping it's literacy rate.

Have a massive overhaul of it's power infrastructure to spur industrial activity.

Basically getting the basic fundamentals of sanitation, infrastructure, education down pat.

Oh and let's not forget the abysmal standards of Indian police. I would gladly want to see India spen Billions of dollars on training, recruting and equipping the police force.

The ratio of policemen to civilians, especially in the rural areas is shocking.
No sin, this is true for every country, even the US needs to deal with this. There is truth in what you're saying, and I feel Pakistan must do exactly this in order to circumvent economic stagnation.
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