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India Can Export Fighter Planes, Missiles, Says DRDO Chief

Can you share more details regarding this corvette?

Water car engineer is right. Its an OPV of the Saryu class of which the IN recently took delivery of 4. It can be fitted with the Brahmos but I'm not sure what armament the KN will fit. When sure,I'll post.
Water car engineer is right. Its an OPV of the Saryu class of which the IN recently took delivery of 4. It can be fitted with the Brahmos but I'm not sure what armament the KN will fit. When sure,I'll post.
So has the deal been confirmed or Kenya is planning to purchase them?
Its under construction as we speak. My info has it the first crewmen should be in Goa by October latest xmas for familiarisation cruise.
Cool! Looking forward for more such deals and big deals like LCA, Tanks, missiles etc :cheers:
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Water car engineer is right. Its an OPV of the Saryu class of which the IN recently took delivery of 4. It can be fitted with the Brahmos but I'm not sure what armament the KN will fit. When sure,I'll post.

I doubt Brahmos. Those quad packs


Look like ones on the Brahmaputra class


Most likely Kh-35

Actually the DRDO chief,from my perspective is right! India already offers price and quality. The Kenya navy has a corvette under construction at Goa shipyard;yes,the DRDO isn't directly involved but their products especially the famous Brahmos may be part of the deal,I'm not sure yet.

Hey bro I think the vessel you showed is the one on display at expo. It appears to be a modified Saryu Class vessel.
It has 8 KH 35 AShM missiles, 1 76mm gun and 2 30mm CIWS. Helicopter can do ASW duty.

KH 35 "Switchblade"

Range 130 Km
Speed Mach 0.8
Warhead 145 kg
Can take down vessels upto 5000 tonnes. A very effective ship for littoral defence.
Cool! Looking forward for more such deals and big deals like LAC, Tanks, missiles etc :cheers:
Its meant to be the first of an intended blue water fleet to later include frigates,destroyers at least 2 LPDs and a sub or 2. Yes,you read that correctly! The entire KN acquisition is wayyyyyy behind schedule;as of now there's the 300 foot flagship Jasiri, 4 ,190 foot gunboats,1 LSP and 1 LST.

Here is the KNS Jasiri. She should have arrived in late 2005 from her Spanish builders but due to politics,no sabotage she sailed into Mombasa in August 2012!!

This is all due to foreign sabotage actually of our 'friends,'Johnny Brit,whose tricks,I'm sure you guys know better than I. A lot is happening in this region. Btw, fincantieri is setting up at the coast
One of the world’s largest ship building firms, Fincantierri of Italy, is considering setting up base at the Port of Mombasa. Visiting Italian Navy aircraft carrier, Cavour, Fincantieri International Business Consultant in charge of Naval Vessel Building Unit, Ezio Vernetti, confirmed that they were eyeing Mombasa for business operations.
Read more at: Standard Digital News : : Business - Italian ship builder to set up base in Mombasa
Its meant to be the first of an intended blue water fleet to later include frigates,destroyers at least 2 LPDs and a sub or 2. Yes,you read that correctly! The entire KN acquisition is wayyyyyy behind schedule;as of now there's the 300 foot flagship Jasiri, 4 ,190 foot gunboats,1 LSP and 1 LST.

Here is the KNS Jasiri. She should have arrived in late 2005 from her Spanish builders but due to politics,no sabotage she sailed into Mombasa in August 2012!!

This is all due to foreign sabotage actually of our 'friends,'Johnny Brit,whose tricks,I'm sure you guys know better than I. A lot is happening in this region. Btw, fincantieri is setting up at the coast

Read more at: Standard Digital News : : Business - Italian ship builder to set up base in Mombasa

Kenya does'nt have any immediate enemy unlike India fortunately. So I believe a strategy involving missile boats and good air cover is needed.
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