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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 180 58.8%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.2%

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Top cover can be provided by jf or f16 why do you think paf sends mirage with jf and f16 to exercises to pitch against j11/suxx and saudi f15 tornado and typhoon
With standoff capabilities Indian airdefences will be taken out first by ROSE Mirages also they can take out air defences with AMR-1 Anti Radiation Missiles. With SEAD and Standoff capability Mirages are still potent platforms.
Yes it is indeed MALD that I couldn't remember at the time. I had come across this a while back and I had the same thought about having MALD like UAVs being part of a bigger swarm which will also have "kamikaze" drones(with targeting systems like radar homing or IR seeker etc along with an explosive payload) and "brain" drones(for target acquisition, detecting the enemy radar through passive sensors, datalink capabilities, etc). This theoretical swarm would be able to effectively destroy even the most advanced(currently) air defense systems in the world. It would also make it cost prohibitive to rely on SAM systems for the enemy. I started a thread on this and tagged u for ur feedback. If u have time please dive in deeper into this topic on that thread(the link is below)


UAV swarm
a concept that pakistan need to work on, do a JV with turkey/china, they are already working on many of these
Top cover can be provided by jf or f16 why do you think paf sends mirage with jf and f16 to exercises to pitch against j11/suxx and saudi f15 tornado and typhoon

Sir problem with Mirages is not abt their capabilities but their age. Which shows now and then in shape of losses especially Mirage IIIs. Every thing has expiry in this world no matter how much injections are inserted. Our Mirages have passed through various overhauls and they lack A2A capabilities especially having no BVR missiles. We are compelled to use them due to lack of resources.

At least instead of advocating in support of old jets it should be priority to replace them as PAF has plans to do at earliest. Only Mirage Vs have better record in this regard.

In worst case scenario if we are planning to push Mirage-III, F7Ps for longer time then we should install some sort of modern safety/ejection systems to save lives of our brave pilots.
The J-10C is an ideal replacement for the Mirages. Obviously, with as much western sub-systems as possible. Will resolve the Ra’ad ground clearance issue as well.
IMO...if the PAF sought the J-10C or J-11B/D, it'd be as-is but with ability to integrate Ra'ad and CM-302. Since these fighters would be standalone (can't link to F-16s), a large number (3 or 4 squadrons) would be necessary to build a sizable offensive force. In this sense, medium weights such as the J-10C (or MiG-35 from Russia) would be more feasible (than Flankers).

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