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Altaf Hussain Speech - Hyderabad 3rd Jan 2014

Demand for a new province is justified and there's nothing wrong with it.
Bangladesh's separation from it's Muslim counterpart was justifiable, contrary to how Jinnah would have imagined his country years later in 1970. My point saying that is, people today like to act all patriotic and they blabber about how "We are better if we stay united", but that's nonsensical. Unity is something we've never been good at. First the separation from India, and then another separation in 1971.
You may argue that the inception of Pakistan was much needed, but the separation in 1971 went against the ideology that was provided by Jinnah in creating Pakistan, yet it was 100% justifiable.
My point is, separation does not always rely on the same point. If Muslims get separated from Muslims, like they did in the past, then there's no point acting all patriotic and heroic. It can be a much needed separation.

Altaf Bhai is right, we deserve equal rights. Nothing more and nothing less. If we don't get equal rights, a new province could definitely rectify our problem. It's just as simple as that, really.
Jiye muhajir.

where are you from, i mean which city?
His party should be put in the banned list, why is this clown being allowed to openly make remarks about disintegrating the country?
whts the most imp bus stop near gulshan square

I don't know, I am currently residing in Saudi Arabia and I study over here. I don't have to know where the most important bus stop is...?
I don't know, I am currently residing in Saudi Arabia and I study over here. I don't have to know where the most important bus stop is...?

i have a theory, u r in india not saudi arab, kumar bhai
i have a theory, u r in india not saudi arab, kumar bhai

LOL I decided to go with the username of "Kuma" because that's what my friends call me, It's not Kumar.
My views or opinions somehow make you think I am an Indian, but I assure you I'm a Pakistani. I can further prove this by sending you a link to my Facebook profile through inbox but only if you feel that much is necessary. With that being said, my opinions and views are no different than those which are firmly believed by my parents, who have grown up in Pakistan.
The major reason behind the demand for new provinces is that several areas in our country feel they are being neglected when it comes to division and allocation of resources within the existing provinces. Many times, this is a very right concern and I see a good justification for this concern. However the response to this unjust division of resources in terms of creation of new provinces may or may not be a better answer.

New provinces mean new political entities and this can at some later stage result into more voices to break away from our country which is already divided and where politics of ethnicity and hatred can galvanize people more easily than efforts to educate their children.

A better alternative might be to work on some kind of a rough formula for division of resources that takes into account population of every district/city, its strategic importance for other cities in terms of trade, education, and administration etc., its backwardness in terms of education, helath, and other infrastructure among other factors. Some areas in Pakistan where we extract mineral resources like parts of Balochistan and Sindh, must be given special consideration in allocation of resources as this was the demand by Balochis. Other factors could be suggested by experts in this area.

No formula would ever be perfect but it would be better than some political party in government allocating most of the government funds where it wishes and where it suits it the most. And when we have thought carefully about our national priorities and those priorities have been the basis of division of resources among different areas, this could be probably the best approach.

This problem of bad allocation of our meager resources is the reason behind Baloch insurgency, demand for surayki province and urban Sindh province.

At the same time another related and very important point has to be stressed that somehow allocation of resources furhter into each micro level has to be made totally public. Which means that every rupee that state spends could be known by its citizens everywhere down to most micro level and claims of different expenditure could be verified by anyone who wants to do it. This should at least, decrease the problem of state money going into private pockets which is a problem of far greater magnitude as compared to the problem of bad allocation of resources. We will mostly continue to divide resources among the corrupt people of every region otherwise and there will be little development.
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Demand for a new province is justified and there's nothing wrong with it.
Bangladesh's separation from it's Muslim counterpart was justifiable, contrary to how Jinnah would have imagined his country years later in 1970. My point saying that is, people today like to act all patriotic and they blabber about how "We are better if we stay united", but that's nonsensical. Unity is something we've never been good at. First the separation from India, and then another separation in 1971.
You may argue that the inception of Pakistan was much needed, but the separation in 1971 went against the ideology that was provided by Jinnah in creating Pakistan, yet it was 100% justifiable.
My point is, separation does not always rely on the same point. If Muslims get separated from Muslims, like they did in the past, then there's no point acting all patriotic and heroic. It can be a much needed separation.

Altaf Bhai is right, we deserve equal rights. Nothing more and nothing less. If we don't get equal rights, a new province could definitely rectify our problem. It's just as simple as that, really.
Jiye muhajir.

So once we are done with this partition.. when will we be partitioning Karachi? Defence from Gulshan.. Kokan from PECHS.. Bihari from UP??

He could win the Pakistan Idol if he competed in one - His singing is legendarily torturous for the rest of us but he still persists; has a 'Never Quit' attitude about him ! :lol:

How the heck did you get Pakola there ? :what:

I'm not gonna let you guys have a separate Province - Period ! :smokin:

So do I consider this issue settled or do I have @Secur tortured the way the English tortured William Wallace in that Mel Gibson movie ? :unsure:

I'm afraid that unlike Mel, apnaaa Secur isn't as strong willed.....he might squeal like a girl sooner than you think ! :undecided:

Achaa waiseee jokes aside, how did this get so politicized ? When did it all start ?

Its a Province - an Administrative Unit of a Sovereign State....the Same State, mind you - after all !

I certainly don't like the idea of an Urdu-Speaker's Province because frankly I don't understand what would that mean because if Altaf Bhai is an Urdu-Speaker...what am I with Urdu as my Mother tongue ?

And if Altaf Bhai is a Muhajir - Immigrant - because his Grand Daddies came from somewhere in mainland British India - Where did the rest of us come from if not from the adjoining areas as well ?

In fact come to think of it if the anthropological/scientific research is to be believed in the short-term (a few thousand years) these areas have faced so many immigrations & emigrations that it would be, theoretically, ludicrous to say one is the Original over the other & if the long-term is looked at (more than a few thousand years) & man started from either somewhere in Africa or Sri Lanka - We're all Immigrants ! :lol:

The issue of Pakistan is simple.. the majority makes the minority's life hell if its in power.. and vice versa. Its a cycle.. up and down.. It wont change unless the elite class is broken into teeny weeny little pieces(literally) in the streets. Otherwise.. Pakistan is, and will remain a ramshackle Banana republic for the next ten years. This year is crucial for Pakistan as it holds the opportunity(provided Ishaq dar, the Army and the rest are up for it) to change the landscape of Pakistan. Sadly, they've already taken the wrong step by protecting the ex-COAS to save face and set the precedent for reinforcing this elite Mullah-Military-Businessman nexus. So , I really cant say if a Mohajir nation will form.. but the precedent for forming many other nations.. along with talibanizaton is quite clear.
in a country like pakistan, province like sindh, MQM is the best product available on the shelf
This is where we all are wrong that we want to go for products available in shelf, rather then carving own destiny.
We need new provinces no doubt but these failed 'leaders' who r only selling their politics, are actually vitiating the atmosphere. They are creating hurdles in creating new provinces.

If an ethnic party, which has divided Sindh into rural and urban, asks for a separate province based on language, the Sindhis will logically react. How will they accept urdu speakers right to have separate province when they gave them refuge and land to allow them to build their lives in their province?

The question is for MQM. Their leader become a British citizen and proudly claims to be British. What his problem in calling himself a Sindhi? He was born and brought up in Sind. It was Sind which gave him opportunity to do his filthy politics. Why he wants to break up Sind?
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