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Musharraf being targeted because he is 'Muhajir': MQM chief

You do realize that I was kidding ! :crazy:

But if you really want to know my opinion about this & I know that you & @Oscar are going to hate me for this but here goes :

The reason why MQM is singled out is indeed because of the Muhajir thing because they've played that 'hallowed be us - the Creators of Pakistan' whilst 'you lot were sitting on your fat arses whilst we died in '47' at every single opportunity that has presented itself & because a disproportionate number of people belonging to the Urdu Speakers do indeed support these Parties !

A parallel between that & nothing else can be drawn here in Pakistan !

Whom do the Punjabis have - PML N ? Do you honestly think that ? No one gives a foOk about PML N & most certainly no one would be willing to romanticize the notion of the plight of the Eastern Punjabis at the time of the Partition & claim superiority over all others in perpetuity....heck not even a single Party has used that slogan or even an individual has thought about that !

People, here in Punjab, vote for PML N not because its a Punjabi Nationalist Party or a Party that is forwarding the interests of the Punjabis but because they deliver....they are the only Party in Pakistan that delivers even if they foOk up most of the time....they still accomplish perhaps 2 out of 10 things they set out to do unlike any other option !

Nawaz Sharif isn't hallowed as some savior or some messianic figure representing Punjabis in a cruel & unforgiving world !

No one would give a foOK about him or his Party the moment a better option presents itself; in fact if the rigging wasn't there PTI would've taken a whole chunk out of their votes this time around & if they perform in these coming 5 years & electronic voting does come to pass - they most certainly would & no one would eulogize PML N & sing tales of its praise of how the Great Lion of Raiwand himself steered the ship - the Punjabi ship - out of such unforgiving odds for the betterment of the Punjabis !

Our Hero...our Savior - the Lion with a Tindd !

No one gives a foOk !

Similarly in KPK - they don't really give two hoots about Bacha Khan's Party, about Maulana Diesel or about any of them - If they perform....they perform...if not then they get booted !

In Baluchistan - No one really gives a foOk about anyone so theres little point talking about that !

But in Sindh - you lot are divided between fanatic support for PPP from the Sindhis & MQM from the Urdu Speakers where a mere utterance of the words of their respective Leaders are as if the words have been uttered by the Almighty himself which must be justified & defended come what may !

Thats the perspective of the reason why people react so strongly when Altaf Bhai sprouts such BS - In every other speech of his the poor, victimized Urdu Speaker who fought for & built Pakistan whilst the rest of us were sitting on our fat arses doing nothing, is mentioned & repeatedly so !

That coupled with threats of creating a separate Province for these Champions of Pakistan....these poor...poor victims of other, jealous & undeserving Pakistanis that the rest of us are leaves a further bad taste to the conversation !

Lastly when you add the threat of a Separate Country altogether - One of many....it makes for a extremely flammable mixture !

Naturally then such shameful things like asking the Muhajir to pack up & leave & to go back to India are mentioned by people with a vested interest to stoke this fire even more !

Naturally then such fillllthy divisions between - Local & Immigrant - is made & perpetuated over & over again !

Naturally if this happens to have been happening for over 2-3 decades it leaves an indelible mark on popular psyche; an unfortunate imprint that sees the repeat of the caustic discussion of above again & again & again !

P.S When Bacha Khan & other Nationalist filllth used to say similar things in the '50s & the '60s long before Altaf was even born - They were treated much worse with long imprisonments but because we didn't have a media back then....none of it got the coverage that this did or this does because right now none of those Nationalists are saying any of these things while Altaf Bhai continues on like a broken recorder at every junction !

As far as prosecuting Mushy is concerned - Where have I said anything otherwise ? I believe that a Turkish Style process should've been in place where everyone was prosecuted & put behind bars - This is most probably a Political Case nothing more !

What irks me is not that its a Political Case & not even that Altaf uttered the things that he did for you are correct that Politicians have uttered worse; what irks me is that how there are those from within the Urdu Speaking Community who'd even defend this & nod their heads in agreement with whatever the Bhai is saying - You can find a handful of them on this very forum !

No one from Punjab even in their wildest dreams mentioned Noora being toppled & sent packing because a Muhajir (Musharaf) just didn't want to move on from the baggage of the Partition or because he had something against a Punjabi because that would be ludicrous & even an illiterate Punjabi would chuckle if you were to mention that or any of those other ethnic colorful BS but there are enough people from the Urdu Speaking Community who'd agree to a similarly ludicrous thing - Thats the thing that creates this alienation & continues to widen the gulf !

Not all Urdu Speakers maybe supporters of the MQM but a huge chunk most certainly is & that chunk is loud enough to create this perception that MQM speaks for the Urdu Speaking Community & so when it speaks & it speaks in these tones with this language & the many similar nuggets from the past - This only reinforces that negative image which gets extrapolate to the whole of the Urdu Speaking Community !

That being said... Punjab has not faced discrimination to raise that voice. Its a natural reaction of the discriminated party to raise its voice on whatever issue it wishes to use as its pillar. This phenomenon is not confined to Pakistan.. it was seen in the Balkans as well in the early days.

On a less serious note.. Altaf Bhai is speaking again... I like his formula.. He says make Sindh-2 for non-Sindhi Speaking Sindhis.. I agree..I want to take this further.. Defence to be made Sindh-111 , Gulshan Sindh-555. I want to make Punjab 2 in Lahore, Raiwind as Punjab 420 and Bahria town as Punjab 10. Peshawar is KPK-5.. and so on. So from now on you are 2 number, I am 111 .. and others may take numbers as we wish. Pakistan is to be a numberi country.
That being said... Punjab has not faced discrimination to raise that voice. Its a natural reaction of the discriminated party to raise its voice on whatever issue it wishes to use as its pillar. This phenomenon is not confined to Pakistan.. it was seen in the Balkans as well in the early days.

On a less serious note.. Altaf Bhai is speaking again... I like his formula.. He says make Sindh-2 for non-Sindhi Speaking Sindhis.. I agree..I want to take this further.. Defence to be made Sindh-111 , Gulshan Sindh-555. I want to make Punjab 2 in Lahore, Raiwind as Punjab 420 and Bahria town as Punjab 10. Peshawar is KPK-5.. and so on. So from now on you are 2 number, I am 111 .. and others may take numbers as we wish. Pakistan is to be a numberi country.

In addition to that Punjab hasn't really had a strong ethno-nationalistic leanings to it either otherwise like the Tamils in Sri Lanka being supported by Tamil Nadu....no one really went over-board or even on-board from Punjab when Punjabi Settlers in Baluchistan were being butchered like cattle or no one even in Karachi where the Punjabis are essentially sandwiched between MQM, ANP & PPP - along with the ethnic groups they represent, thought about 'Hey....lets create a party that fights for our rights' !

I like Altaf Bhai's formula too - If I had my way...every Division should be made into a Province ! :)

P.S @Oscar @Secur - Sorry if I offended you in anything I said....I never meant any offense of any kind, I just get so frustrated with these angles being played by every body including us - Naraaaz nahin honaaa...okay ! :(

You guys are my Brothers forever as is every other Pakistani who gives up this poison of provincialism & any other kind of factionalism ! :kiss3:
We need to dismantle ethnic parties, PMLN-Punjabi, PPP-Sindhi, ANP-Pathans, MQM-Muhajirs. We need national parties in which everyone is represented. Only PTI is one such Party, which is for all the country and has no affiliation to any ethnic group.
In addition to that Punjab hasn't really had a strong ethno-nationalistic leanings to it either otherwise like the Tamils in Sri Lanka being supported by Tamil Nadu....no one really went over-board or even on-board from Punjab when Punjabi Settlers in Baluchistan were being butchered like cattle or no one even in Karachi where the Punjabis are essentially sandwiched between MQM, ANP & PPP - along with the ethnic groups they represent, thought about 'Hey....lets create a party that fights for our rights' !

I like Altaf Bhai's formula too - If I had my way...every Division should be made into a Province ! :)

P.S @Oscar @Secur - Sorry if I offended you in anything I said....I never meant any offense of any kind, I just get so frustrated with these angles being played by every body including us !

Nobody wants to do it . You see most of these ethnic parties have either feudal origins or are middle class activists that took rein. The feaudals have an issue because the other feaudals is reaping the benefit.. and the middle class guy had a genuine complaint.. which he takes up and rouses the more destitute. In comparison, Punjab's feaudals and industrialists enjoyed the gain during the Zia era(as did many of the urdu speaking bureaucrats who were quite happy profiting from this rise). They did not give a hoot about their poor class because since they did not have a problem.. who cares for rabble rousing the poor(unless it was on a water issue). So there really was never a need to raise that voice by the Punjabi elite.. whereas the elite of the rest of the provinces saw their cut being taken up for which they used their best issue.. ethnicity. Somewhere in the middle of the elite, there was also discrimination within the middle class.. but that had more to with the greater nepotism prevalent in society that is in Punjab(and Sindh) due to sheer numbers. So when relatives,friends and clan were preferred over merit..then the complains of racial bias came up. The phenomenon goes beyond politics and into psyche, and one gets to see it if one quietly observes from the sidelines. And its not a one way street either, its tit for tat, "Indian" for "He's a P".. and its not going to end unless the country is able to rid itself of the burden of an elite class and the burden of the Moulvi.

We need to dismantle ethnic parties, PMLN-Punjabi, PPP-Sindhi, ANP-Pathans, MQM-Muhajirs. We need national parties in which everyone is represented. Only PTI is one such Party, which is for all the country and has no affiliation to any ethnic group.
Well, it has not lived up to its expectations. it will take time. The AAP is a phenomenon in India that might replicate itself here.
Shut up altaf, you have no right to criticize, you are in federal and sindh government from 15 years. Even your governor from dozen year and your government . Stop playing mohajir card. Our whole family also came here from India, but we never call ourself mohajir. We are Pakistani. Shut up altaf. ... come Pakistan and stop blaming everyone, British police, international journalist, internal media, Pakistan police , sindh police. Why everybody is against you.
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Nobody wants to do it . You see most of these ethnic parties have either feudal origins or are middle class activists that took rein. The feaudals have an issue because the other feaudals is reaping the benefit.. and the middle class guy had a genuine complaint.. which he takes up and rouses the more destitute. In comparison, Punjab's feaudals and industrialists enjoyed the gain during the Zia era(as did many of the urdu speaking bureaucrats who were quite happy profiting from this rise). They did not give a hoot about their poor class because since they did not have a problem.. who cares for rabble rousing the poor(unless it was on a water issue). So there really was never a need to raise that voice by the Punjabi elite.. whereas the elite of the rest of the provinces saw their cut being taken up for which they used their best issue.. ethnicity. Somewhere in the middle of the elite, there was also discrimination within the middle class.. but that had more to with the greater nepotism prevalent in society that is in Punjab(and Sindh) due to sheer numbers. So when relatives,friends and clan were preferred over merit..then the complains of racial bias came up. The phenomenon goes beyond politics and into psyche, and one gets to see it if one quietly observes from the sidelines. And its not a one way street either, its tit for tat, "Indian" for "He's a P".. and its not going to end unless the country is able to rid itself of the burden of an elite class and the burden of the Moulvi.

Just admit it - the rest of you are jealous of us Punjabis because of our dashing good looks, womanizing ability & a fine...fine culinary palate ! :smokin:

Khair jokes aside - the Elite isn't going anywhere neither is the Mullah which leaves us with the Army but their track record when it comes to Governance has, arguably been, even worse so - How do we break out of this ?

I had high hopes for PTI but they increasingly seem like a Party that lives for the Dharna & little more !

Now I dunno what to do - I'm contemplating sitting for the CSS Exam & if I pass, of joining the Bureaucracy & trying to change the System from within but my Uncles & Cousins keep on dissuading me kehhh Honest bandaaa Bhoookaaa purrr jaataa haii ya phir kahin Khudeiii-Line lagaa deteiii hain - So I dunno I still haven't thought it through !
Just admit it - the rest of you are jealous of us Punjabis because of our dashing good looks, womanizing ability & a fine...fine culinary palate ! :smokin:

Khair jokes aside - the Elite isn't going anywhere neither is the Mullah which leaves us with the Army but their track record when it comes to Governance has, arguably been, even worse so - How do we break out of this ?

I had high hopes for PTI but they increasingly seem like a Party that lives for the Dharna & little more !

Now I dunno what to do - I'm contemplating sitting for the CSS Exam & if I pass, of joining the Bureaucracy & trying to change the System from within but my Uncles & Cousins keep on dissuading me kehhh Honest bandaaa Bhoookaaa purrr jaataa haii ya phir kahin Khudeiii-Line lagaa deteiii hain - So I dunno I still haven't thought it through !

Chal be.. I took the prettiest Punjabun you had and swooned her.. (for a year anyway ).

PTI is still running on IK.. and IK is still running on reactionary ideas(which dont seem that of a oxford grad). This country is either going to come out of 2014 like a pheonix.. or we really will break up and be down the drain... or maybe .. itll all be the same.

Im outta here, had enough of this banana republic of today. My Pakistan is in my house here..and my family..the rest of it can blow itself up or sit its life out in dharnas for all I care.
Continuous oppression lead to statements like this. First during PPP rule they send an uneducated thug like Zulfiqar Mirza who unleash his hatred & now PML-N has joined the party & give free hand to PPP. It was MQM's demand for operation in Karachi but what PML-N did was only launched operation against MQM & settled areas. People of Pakistan needs to know that PML-N & PPP are playing dirty politics in Karachi.

Having said all this i don't support stupid & dumb statements of altaf.
I have no doubts its the fact i live in karachi i know how mahajir/urdu speaking is being systematically abused by govt everyday even by police .. Its really shameful this is mahajir that cant joint pak army or other civil aviation jobs this is mahajir that cover 16% of pakistani population and are most patriotic peoples Not just mahajirs all other minorities groups live like hell in our country although i belong from quetta but i have so far no problem here in karachi .. So called altaf bhai is not mahajir he is just one shit politician.. I have dream that one day will come when we all of us call ourself pakistani with proud and live peacefully inshahllah..

Amen to you brother, but you should also go live in lahore, Peshawar and Larkana to see how those people are being abused by their govts, go see how punjabis are being treated by Punjab police and you will be thankful you are living in Karachi.

That day will come only come when we complain about our problem not as a ethnic group but as Pakistani, untill then that day is tooooo far for you.
He says make Sindh-2 for non-Sindhi Speaking Sindhis.. I agree..I want to take this further.. Defence to be made Sindh-111 , Gulshan Sindh-555. I want to make Punjab 2 in Lahore, Raiwind as Punjab 420 and Bahria town as Punjab 10. Peshawar is KPK-5.. and so on. So from now on you are 2 number, I am 111 .. and others may take numbers as we wish. Pakistan is to be a numberi country.

Saeen any thing similar to 'City government structure' or previous local government system would ensure political and social stability remaining with in the 'Provincial Governing structure' .......
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You do realize that I was kidding ! :crazy:

But if you really want to know my opinion about this & I know that you & @Oscar are going to hate me for this but here goes :

The reason why MQM is singled out is indeed because of the Muhajir thing because they've played that 'hallowed be us - the Creators of Pakistan' whilst 'you lot were sitting on your fat arses whilst we died in '47' at every single opportunity that has presented itself & because a disproportionate number of people belonging to the Urdu Speakers do indeed support these Parties !

A parallel between that & nothing else can be drawn here in Pakistan !

Whom do the Punjabis have - PML N ? Do you honestly think that ? No one gives a foOk about PML N & most certainly no one would be willing to romanticize the notion of the plight of the Eastern Punjabis at the time of the Partition & claim superiority over all others in perpetuity....heck not even a single Party has used that slogan or even an individual has thought about that !

People, here in Punjab, vote for PML N not because its a Punjabi Nationalist Party or a Party that is forwarding the interests of the Punjabis but because they deliver....they are the only Party in Pakistan that delivers even if they foOk up most of the time....they still accomplish perhaps 2 out of 10 things they set out to do unlike any other option !

Nawaz Sharif isn't hallowed as some savior or some messianic figure representing Punjabis in a cruel & unforgiving world !

No one would give a foOK about him or his Party the moment a better option presents itself; in fact if the rigging wasn't there PTI would've taken a whole chunk out of their votes this time around & if they perform in these coming 5 years & electronic voting does come to pass - they most certainly would & no one would eulogize PML N & sing tales of its praise of how the Great Lion of Raiwand himself steered the ship - the Punjabi ship - out of such unforgiving odds for the betterment of the Punjabis !

Our Hero...our Savior - the Lion with a Tindd !

No one gives a foOk !

Similarly in KPK - they don't really give two hoots about Bacha Khan's Party, about Maulana Diesel or about any of them - If they perform....they perform...if not then they get booted !

In Baluchistan - No one really gives a foOk about anyone so theres little point talking about that !

But in Sindh - you lot are divided between fanatic support for PPP from the Sindhis & MQM from the Urdu Speakers where a mere utterance of the words of their respective Leaders are as if the words have been uttered by the Almighty himself which must be justified & defended come what may !

Thats the perspective of the reason why people react so strongly when Altaf Bhai sprouts such BS - In every other speech of his the poor, victimized Urdu Speaker who fought for & built Pakistan whilst the rest of us were sitting on our fat arses doing nothing, is mentioned & repeatedly so !

That coupled with threats of creating a separate Province for these Champions of Pakistan....these poor...poor victims of other, jealous & undeserving Pakistanis that the rest of us are leaves a further bad taste to the conversation !

Lastly when you add the threat of a Separate Country altogether - One of many....it makes for a extremely flammable mixture !

Naturally then such shameful things like asking the Muhajir to pack up & leave & to go back to India are mentioned by people with a vested interest to stoke this fire even more !

Naturally then such fillllthy divisions between - Local & Immigrant - is made & perpetuated over & over again !

Naturally if this happens to have been happening for over 2-3 decades it leaves an indelible mark on popular psyche; an unfortunate imprint that sees the repeat of the caustic discussion of above again & again & again !

P.S When Bacha Khan & other Nationalist filllth used to say similar things in the '50s & the '60s long before Altaf was even born - They were treated much worse with long imprisonments but because we didn't have a media back then....none of it got the coverage that this did or this does because right now none of those Nationalists are saying any of these things while Altaf Bhai continues on like a broken recorder at every junction !

As far as prosecuting Mushy is concerned - Where have I said anything otherwise ? I believe that a Turkish Style process should've been in place where everyone was prosecuted & put behind bars - This is most probably a Political Case nothing more !

What irks me is not that its a Political Case & not even that Altaf uttered the things that he did for you are correct that Politicians have uttered worse; what irks me is that how there are those from within the Urdu Speaking Community who'd even defend this & nod their heads in agreement with whatever the Bhai is saying - You can find a handful of them on this very forum !

No one from Punjab even in their wildest dreams mentioned Noora being toppled & sent packing because a Muhajir (Musharaf) just didn't want to move on from the baggage of the Partition or because he had something against a Punjabi because that would be ludicrous & even an illiterate Punjabi would chuckle if you were to mention that or any of those other ethnic colorful BS but there are enough people from the Urdu Speaking Community who'd agree to a similarly ludicrous thing - Thats the thing that creates this alienation & continues to widen the gulf !

Not all Urdu Speakers maybe supporters of the MQM but a huge chunk most certainly is & that chunk is loud enough to create this perception that MQM speaks for the Urdu Speaking Community & so when it speaks & it speaks in these tones with this language & the many similar nuggets from the past - This only reinforces that negative image which gets extrapolate to the whole of the Urdu Speaking Community !

You do realize that you cant kid everywhere - specially on serious political threads , mate . I thought I owe you an explanation . What would I have answered anyways ? :D . Well then you said the keyword there , yes with explanations , but the thing nonetheless is " MQM is singled out because of overwhelming support of Muhajirs " . Now , I am surprised further with the rationalization of the things and the cultural stereotypes , you have built from . The thought pattern of " creators of Pakistan " is limited to a very tinny number of Urdu speakers - despite knowing about it , there's not a single instance in my life where I would have heard from anybody I have interacted with . Indeed the reality is , a disproportionate number ( if not almost all to exaggerate it beyond all limits ) of people living in Karachi , Hyderabad and other cities ( urban Sindh ) , most of them Urdu speakers but astonishingly a large number of other ethnicity/race support and vote for MQM , they gather just too much support from the local populace sure , they can bring the people to the streets , they have an impressive record in elections over the years even in those held under the army ( electoral fraud can only get you that far ) - including the seats they won in Gilgit-Baltistan and their work was visible at the time - Mustafa Kamal was a Mayor . Accept it or not , it wouldn't again make no difference to the reality on ground . How and Why this happens , there is no one answer , the best possible approach lies in understanding the history of urban part of this province - forced demographic changes , quota system , domiciles , operations , massacres have all contributed to their success with a certain part of population and on the whole with liberals/seculars - learn a little about it . Ignorance of the facts is no excuse and one can only get so far without studying history . There is the issue of " son of soil " thing and a real sense of deprivation and unequal treatment within Muhajirs , that is a reason too . The cause is hidden but the result is well known again . Wasn't it you who said people do not go haywire suddenly ? Why create monsters where none exists and try to fight them , I always ask !

But all of that , even whilst being true , doesn't explain the logic of " blaming a single political party and sparing others when they have done far worse - verbally or physically - take your pick " . Is there anything worse than breaking Pakistan ? Mr.Bhutto is the person responsible for that politically , but nobody even remotely mentions this part of history , let alone blame him of anything . So , of course when people overlook all other things by different political parties and talk of " death to the activists/supporters/voters/leaders of that political party only " without seeing and understanding the bigger picture , it makes no sense . You speak of the situation in other provinces , mate , its not much different than here somehow . If you cant draw a parallel with this thing , you cant draw a parallel with the situation in other provinces . Despite the fact that the Hon PM is occupying the driving seat for the third time now . The KPK has long been obsessed with ANP and Mullahs - alternating between both before settling for PTI for now . The Rural Sindh will not vote for anyone else than the feudal(s) of PPP . The Baluch vote for whoever pays their Sardars - the loyalty lies with the highest bidder . The urban Sindh has two choices only - either vote for MQM or PPP , the latter wont give two hoots about it later , the others just haven't been successful here for whatever reasons and have no political base in this province . There is a limited set of choices that everybody makes in this country , Armstrong , why doubt this thing and base the whole argument on it when the others have been doing more or less the same ? Never read Game Theory ? :D

Now coming to the " strong reactions " part , explain to me the whole thing of absolving others of their sins just because of a false perception of " all powerful sole authority which can somehow always gets it way " and just because the others are alternated at times . Even if I were to accept that , the political parties making such statements in the past were still representatives of the people who voted for them and brought them into power either currently or in the past - you have had three such statements from JI and JUI just this month . What excuse lies for not hyping it upto the point and giving the publicity which the MQM chief has got today ? Siraj-ul-Haq made similar remarks if " equal treatment " isn't meted , the Pakistanis should get ready for another " fall of Dhaka " . The Diesel Moulana had to say that Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa will not remain a part of the Pakistan . Not so long ago , the ANP top leader was threatening to break the federation if Kala-Bagh dam is constructed . PPP leader said that we went out to break the country when Bibi Shaheed was killed - search his name . Altaf Hussain said something similar that if you do not like us , divide the province ( which falls within the framework of the constitution of Pakistan ) before it gets too far and leads to balkanization . Yes it is a disgusting card to use , but in this dirty politics arena , it is used at times . Why cant we treat every statement equally then ?

I wasn't talking in particular about you , do not take things specifically . Most of the times , I talk generally . As for members on the forum , similar is the story with die hard fans of other political parties , so why take them so seriously for it isn't worth it ? Nobody agrees with everything he says , he just makes some valid points which gathers the support . We aren't one big happy family with a single thinking pattern for God's sake ! Did I ever tell you , I agree with his warning that the things if left in the same state will lead to disintegration of country ? No , because I do not . I do not agree with his modus operandi and most of his policies . Rest assured , Urdu speakers will be the last ones to try to do a Bangladesh . But , I am bothered with this inequality of meting out different treatment for the same . Nothing more , nothing less .
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so parviz musharaf who destroyed pakistan with his extremism is being targeted by another group of racists .......

interesting !

i heard he talked about relations with israel :lol: is that true ?
so parviz musharaf who destroyed pakistan with his extremism is being targeted by another group of racists .......

interesting !

i heard he talked about relations with israel is that true ?

lol...Pervez Musharraf exteremist??? Where did you get that?:lol:

Pervez Musharraf was the iron fist leader in whose era Pakistan grew economically, when he took charge in 99 the GDP(nominal) of Pakistan was around 70-80billion US$ & when he left it was around 180billion US$, PKR was stable at 58/59 per US$, Kashmir issue was near solution, BLA & TTP creatures were being killed like rats, he took the reserves from 0.5 Million US$ to around 20 Billion US$.
P.S @Oscar @Secur - Sorry if I offended you in anything I said....I never meant any offense of any kind, I just get so frustrated with these angles being played by every body including us - Naraaaz nahin honaaa...okay ! :(
You guys are my Brothers forever as is every other Pakistani who gives up this poison of provincialism & any other kind of factionalism ! :kiss3:

Why would you say such a thing , mate ? Seriously ? :what:

Nah , I can understand and why would I take offense ? Maybe , you just got things wrong from my previous posts in the other Hyderabad speech thread .

I am not a racist or someone who believes much in politics , Armstrong , for it is anything but good for the country , but at times the attitudes/sentiments/statements/underlying tones of my dear countrymen somehow being unequal do bother me . Rest assured , the republic will continue its existence in the current form , it is going no where .

I apologize if I said something offensive .
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