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Musharraf being targeted because he is 'Muhajir': MQM chief

Where is @W.11 when you need him, I'd love to see his defence for altaf bhai :D
what's wrong with separate province? Wasn't a separate province asked in Punjab too? is it MQM which has neglected Baluchistan and is it MQM which does not allow national anthem to be played? is it MQM which does not let Punjab number plate cars to enter Baluchistan?

i don't agree with many things what uncle in london says but asking for a province is NOT wrong. wasn't it PPP which refused to accept the mandate of people before which resulted in breakup of the country? or was it also MQM?
what's wrong with separate province? Wasn't a separate province asked in Punjab too? is it MQM which has neglected Baluchistan and is it MQM which does not allow national anthem to be played? is it MQM which does not let Punjab number plate cars to enter Baluchistan?

i don't agree with many things what uncle in london says but asking for a province is NOT wrong. wasn't it PPP which refused to accept the mandate of people before which resulted in breakup of the country? or was it also MQM?

MQM policies are for everyone to see, the mess in Khi will take ages to disappear.
what's wrong with separate province? Wasn't a separate province asked in Punjab too? is it MQM which has neglected Baluchistan and is it MQM which does not allow national anthem to be played? is it MQM which does not let Punjab number plate cars to enter Baluchistan?

i don't agree with many things what uncle in london says but asking for a province is NOT wrong. wasn't it PPP which refused to accept the mandate of people before which resulted in breakup of the country? or was it also MQM?

MQM was the first guy who killed prophet adam's son
See! This is MQM for you. It always plays the language card.

Musharraf was not targeted when he became COAS. He was muhajir then too! Musharraf was not targeted when he became President. The whole country accepted him. He was muhajir then too. The whole country wanted him to reform political and electoral process. He wasn't able to, thats another topic.

He is being targeted for personal reasons. More particularly Nawaz Sharif reasons.

MQM thinking is ghutiya and zaleel, Thats why even after 30 years it has not been able to establish itself in the whole country.
i don't agree with many things what uncle in london says but asking for a province is NOT wrong. wasn't it PPP which refused to accept the mandate of people before which resulted in breakup of the country? or was it also MQM?

How many people even know or talk about the events that lead to the breakup of United Pakistan seriously ? They rightfully say that it was Bhutto and not Mujib who broke Pakistan . They find it easy to blame it all on a single party , maybe they consider it too soft a target because I do not see such attitude or sentiments against others , involved in things MQM never has been .
nobody was even demanding separate province until PPP showed its true colours by illegal delimitations and politically manuvering the operation which MQM demanded in the first place

to expect them to give all the basic facilities of local body system is a very far fetched dream

PPP will see a very bad period if they keep suppressing the people's mandate and not start developing Sindh

when MQM was with PPP it was called names for collaborating with corrupt people

when MQM started demanding its rights through different manner, it is now called traitor

i don't know what should MQM do to get things done?
Probably because the Jaaag Punjabi Jaaag was & is for all intents & purposes - Irrelevant because the Punjabis themselves never responded to it !

I wish they had !

Dear pointing to the failure of the system is being termed as "Ghadarai" ...... we all have developed specific structure of thinking due to which it is always the other who is responsible ..... specially if it is a 'southern' blame game initiated without realizing the basics of 'dirty game'.


Jang Multimedia

Juts to refresh following is the series of events in last few days related to the matter.

1- First time issue of ethnic victimisation raised by Musharraf during an interview with Dr. Danish (generally considered a pro MQM host)
2- Only two members of Law team defending Musharraf in treason case are Urdu speaker (Sharifuddin Pirzada & Anwar Mansoor Khan)
3- As of now 'only Anwar Mansoor Khan' from the team of Musharraf case informed to the court that he is receiving 'Threats'

So it shows well thought strategy by team of Musharraf's Lawyers ..... this way they might be expecting to gain soft corner and 'a certain level of political unrest' in a particular community.

1- Just few days before the Altaf Hussain speech in Hyderabad Jalsa Mr. Farooq lead a delegation to have meeting with Ch. Nisar (Jaag Panjabi Jaag) interior Minister .....;)
The main points discussed in that meeting were a)The Karachi operations about which honorable minister assured that no 'particular' political party would be victimized and they 'respect the public mandate' of all political parties of the city, b) Local Goverment (which both MQM and PML-N with others challenged in high court jointly)

2- PPP has announced publically its wish to have mayorship of Karachi & Hyderabad this time.

3- In coming days it will be more important for MQM to have a 'working relations' with 'Central Government' rather than provincial government

I think no need to discuss about them now just wait and see ..... they have their 'political interest' in Sindh but have no 'stakes' hope you can get the point

1- last 5 years of alliance of PPP and MQM was an unwanted affair for both parties ....but it was a political compulsion for both them
2- PPP need to come out of bad political reputation in interior Sindh, earned due to that alliance and to secure their vote bank from Sindhi Nationalist.
3- 'Marsoo Marsoo Sindh na Desoo' tweet should clear a lot of things

So my dear Ethinic Card will serve all it will be a win win situation for all ........

BTW jaag Paunjabi Jaag worked fine for NS he becomes PM very time only from the votes of Punjab ....

MQM was the first guy who killed prophet adam's son

hahahahaha ........... :rofl:
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MQM should increase voice and fight for the cause to restore an efficient local government system in entire pakistan

if they do, they will gain a huge popularity in pakistan
MQM should increase voice and fight for the cause to restore an efficient local government system in entire pakistan

if they do, they will gain a huge popularity in pakistan

only that thing should be avoided I think the 'movement' is the proper way ......
only that think should be avoided I think the 'movement' is the proper way ......

fighting means making effort bhai

supreme court should be approached for this

recently punjab has cancelled the LG elections

no elections visible in KPK etc
Probably because the Jaaag Punjabi Jaaag was & is for all intents & purposes - Irrelevant because the Punjabis themselves never responded to it !

I wish they had !

The implication being that the Muhajirs have indeed responded to the call , whilst others didn't , which begs the question that how are you measuring the responses ? What is the criteria ?
So that is what you get from my posts ? I support something else , not this guy , but equal share in resources and opportunities for urban Sindh and an even playing field . I see nothing wrong in asking for that , I am just amazed that people are ready to talk with terrorists but when it comes to a certain political party , they are more than eager to chant death to its supporters/voters/activists/leaders without a second thought , not even realizing what they are saying . The other political parties and their leaders have done and said far worse , but I never see these comments for them . Amazing ? I myself am astonished to see this phenomenon , I thought it didn't exist .

Lets see the next thing here . Talk of article 6 and then put to trial , a single person , I do not agree with this comment on the cause for persecution but one seriously asks why only Musharraf ? Why is he being put to trial from the day he enforced the emergency and not from the day , the coup took place ?

Read the second and third clauses and ask yourself , answer me why only Musharraf ? Act equally or do not act at all , the message is simple . You provide opportunity to opportunists when you do not act equally and indiscriminately against all involved . Then why complain when they take advantage of it ? Learn from the mistakes and do not create monsters when there are none . Prevention still lies better than cure , mate .

@Oscar Is it the first time that a political leader has said something like that - referring to his Hyderabad speech where he said the things could reach to a breakup of the country if the same treatment is continued ? Why then people condemn one and not all ? Double Standards ?

You do realize that I was kidding ! :crazy:

But if you really want to know my opinion about this & I know that you & @Oscar are going to hate me for this but here goes :

The reason why MQM is singled out is indeed because of the Muhajir thing because they've played that 'hallowed be us - the Creators of Pakistan' whilst 'you lot were sitting on your fat arses whilst we died in '47' at every single opportunity that has presented itself & because a disproportionate number of people belonging to the Urdu Speakers do indeed support these Parties !

A parallel between that & nothing else can be drawn here in Pakistan !

Whom do the Punjabis have - PML N ? Do you honestly think that ? No one gives a foOk about PML N & most certainly no one would be willing to romanticize the notion of the plight of the Eastern Punjabis at the time of the Partition & claim superiority over all others in perpetuity....heck not even a single Party has used that slogan or even an individual has thought about that !

People, here in Punjab, vote for PML N not because its a Punjabi Nationalist Party or a Party that is forwarding the interests of the Punjabis but because they deliver....they are the only Party in Pakistan that delivers even if they foOk up most of the time....they still accomplish perhaps 2 out of 10 things they set out to do unlike any other option !

Nawaz Sharif isn't hallowed as some savior or some messianic figure representing Punjabis in a cruel & unforgiving world !

No one would give a foOK about him or his Party the moment a better option presents itself; in fact if the rigging wasn't there PTI would've taken a whole chunk out of their votes this time around & if they perform in these coming 5 years & electronic voting does come to pass - they most certainly would & no one would eulogize PML N & sing tales of its praise of how the Great Lion of Raiwand himself steered the ship - the Punjabi ship - out of such unforgiving odds for the betterment of the Punjabis !

Our Hero...our Savior - the Lion with a Tindd !

No one gives a foOk !

Similarly in KPK - they don't really give two hoots about Bacha Khan's Party, about Maulana Diesel or about any of them - If they perform....they perform...if not then they get booted !

In Baluchistan - No one really gives a foOk about anyone so theres little point talking about that !

But in Sindh - you lot are divided between fanatic support for PPP from the Sindhis & MQM from the Urdu Speakers where a mere utterance of the words of their respective Leaders are as if the words have been uttered by the Almighty himself which must be justified & defended come what may !

Thats the perspective of the reason why people react so strongly when Altaf Bhai sprouts such BS - In every other speech of his the poor, victimized Urdu Speaker who fought for & built Pakistan whilst the rest of us were sitting on our fat arses doing nothing, is mentioned & repeatedly so !

That coupled with threats of creating a separate Province for these Champions of Pakistan....these poor...poor victims of other, jealous & undeserving Pakistanis that the rest of us are leaves a further bad taste to the conversation !

Lastly when you add the threat of a Separate Country altogether - One of many....it makes for a extremely flammable mixture !

Naturally then such shameful things like asking the Muhajir to pack up & leave & to go back to India are mentioned by people with a vested interest to stoke this fire even more !

Naturally then such fillllthy divisions between - Local & Immigrant - is made & perpetuated over & over again !

Naturally if this happens to have been happening for over 2-3 decades it leaves an indelible mark on popular psyche; an unfortunate imprint that sees the repeat of the caustic discussion of above again & again & again !

P.S When Bacha Khan & other Nationalist filllth used to say similar things in the '50s & the '60s long before Altaf was even born - They were treated much worse with long imprisonments but because we didn't have a media back then....none of it got the coverage that this did or this does because right now none of those Nationalists are saying any of these things while Altaf Bhai continues on like a broken recorder at every junction !

As far as prosecuting Mushy is concerned - Where have I said anything otherwise ? I believe that a Turkish Style process should've been in place where everyone was prosecuted & put behind bars - This is most probably a Political Case nothing more !

What irks me is not that its a Political Case & not even that Altaf uttered the things that he did for you are correct that Politicians have uttered worse; what irks me is that how there are those from within the Urdu Speaking Community who'd even defend this & nod their heads in agreement with whatever the Bhai is saying - You can find a handful of them on this very forum !

No one from Punjab even in their wildest dreams mentioned Noora being toppled & sent packing because a Muhajir (Musharaf) just didn't want to move on from the baggage of the Partition or because he had something against a Punjabi because that would be ludicrous & even an illiterate Punjabi would chuckle if you were to mention that or any of those other ethnic colorful BS but there are enough people from the Urdu Speaking Community who'd agree to a similarly ludicrous thing - Thats the thing that creates this alienation & continues to widen the gulf !

Not all Urdu Speakers maybe supporters of the MQM but a huge chunk most certainly is & that chunk is loud enough to create this perception that MQM speaks for the Urdu Speaking Community & so when it speaks & it speaks in these tones with this language & the many similar nuggets from the past - This only reinforces that negative image which gets extrapolate to the whole of the Urdu Speaking Community !
The reason why MQM is singled out is indeed because of the Muhajir thing because they've played that 'hallowed be us - the Creators of Pakistan' whilst 'you lot were sitting on your fat arses whilst we died in '47' at every single opportunity that has presented itself & because a disproportionate number of people belonging to the Urdu Speakers do indeed support these Parties !

move your fat butt

you keep rubbing your face in your fat butt like a fat pillow :S
The implication being that the Muhajirs have indeed responded to the call , whilst others didn't , which begs the question that how are you measuring the responses ? What is the criteria ?

Others have too !

I just don't think the Punjabis have because :

(1) There is no Punjabi Nationalist Party in Punjab !

(2) And even PML N doesn't have the anything close to the same clout as PPP does in Sindh !

(3) No one is ripping apart half of the Province's Infrastructure or Rallying on the mere mention of the Division of Punjab as they do elsewhere !

(4) There has been not a single incident of ethnic violence in Punjab !

(5) There hasn't even been calls to expel non-ethnic Punjabis from Punjab or to qualify the domicile only for Punjabis !

(6) Punjabi isn't even the Official Language of Punjab !

(7) The leading party of Punjab is infested by people who aren't even Ethnic Punjabis !

(8) Not a single Baluch was touched in Punjab (and they are quite a few here) when Punjabi Settlers in Baluchistan were dropping dead like crazy !

(9) Not even in Karachi have the Punjabis thought about forming a Punjabi Nationalist Party there as the Pukhtoons did with ANP !

(10) Whether it be the NFC Award or the Kalabagh Dam - the Punjabis have said 'Its alright...the Federation is more Important' - Hardly the reaction of a Jaag Punjabi Jaag slogan !

move your fat butt

you keep rubbing your face in your fat butt like a fat pillow :S

Bhai ko lift bhii nahin karataa aur jugaaat bhii martaa haiii ? :cray:

Aur sunna how goes life ? :)
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