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Musharraf being targeted because he is 'Muhajir': MQM chief

Just for the 15 years ..... why this thing exists even in 2013 .... ???
It exists because it is the demand of the majority. If that quota system can be justified, then the current one should be also acceptable.

At federal level quta sys was introdue to create parity b/w provinces ..... 'Karachi being Capital' had only 2% quota

BTW quota system in 1948 is as given below
Bengal 42%
Punjab 23%
All Other provinces [ Sindh,Balochistan and NWFP ]and Princely States 17%
Potential Immigrants from India 15%
Karachi (capital city) 2%

2% for the people that made up 1.5% of the whole population. And who do you think got profited from the 15% seats that were reserved for the immigrants from India?
Anyone who did not see this coming is obviously deluded about Pakistani politics.

In our entire history, with five military supported & direct military takeovers (Iskander, Ayub, Yahya, Zia and Musharraf's) which have involved countless other civilians including members of judiciary, if only one man is held accountable to answer for all of these past sins and is now to be made an example of and on top of that he happens to come from a minority ethnic group then obviously these questions will be raised. This was the case with ZAB's tainted trial and will be the case with Musharraf.

This is something that NS should have understood before rolling the dice. The perception is that this is a majority ethnicity based government, with a former CJP from a majority ethnic group egging this issue forth and the only one on the receiving end is from a minority ethnic group. I understand that some part of the constitution was held in abeyance, but the selective judicial and political activism against only the former Army Chief purposely lets off all others. This is where the patent unfairness of the whole process comes up.

The fact that the CoAS is not being tried under the PAA is another problem that is being looked upon as a solid case of victimization and vendetta that is being sponsored out of the PM house and the former CJP's camp.

If the assumption is that only bengalis and baloch had the right to talk up their resentment and nobody else should, then we have a thing or two coming our way because by their very nature, minorities are always sensitive to how they are treated and will be vocal. Our option is to either discount it, as many above are, and let it fester, or ensure fairness in all our proceedings.

On the point of victimization, why is it that only Musharraf, as the President and CoAS, was held up on cases such as Lal Masjid, Bugti's death and BB's assassination when he has immunity from it? If these idiots carry on with such victimization then every single leader of Pakistan will be dragged into the courts in the future. What of the Taliban supporters sitting in the FATA receiving drone attacks? What if they open up cases against NS for allowing this to go on? What then? Where do you draw the line to prevent the state from becoming completely paralyzed because everyone from the President down to the secretary are scared about signing off on things that lead to punitive action against troublemakers?
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See! This is MQM for you. It always plays the language card.

Musharraf was not targeted when he became COAS. He was muhajir then too! Musharraf was not targeted when he became President. The whole country accepted him. He was muhajir then too. The whole country wanted him to reform political and electoral process. He wasn't able to, thats another topic.

He is being targeted for personal reasons. More particularly Nawaz Sharif reasons.

MQM thinking is ghutiya and zaleel, Thats why even after 30 years it has not been able to establish itself in the whole country.
Well keep in mind that Musharraf was picked to be the CoAS because he had no constituency in the Army given his ethnic background. This is a well known fact within the Army.

I have said this before and will say it again, had this net been broader, including the holier than all of us Chaudhry Iftikhar and party, the ethnic argument would have been completely irrelevant. Now with another typically hasty and idiotic knee jerk policy, the sort that Nawaz Sharif is well known for, we are neither here or there.
So I guess he wasn't Muhajir when he was Pakistan COAS and president? :confused:
It exists because it is the demand of the majority. If that quota system can be justified, then the current one should be also acceptable.

No .....

2% for the people that made up 1.5% of the whole population. And who do you think got profited from the 15% seats that were reserved for the immigrants from India?

15% immigrant 'from all over the India' quota was for whole Pakistan as that time people migrated to all parts of Pakistan Including East Pakistan ......

Further if you want to have a detail debate over the issue kindly open new thread and mention me

Regards .....
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Anyone who did not see this coming is obviously deluded about Pakistani politics.

In our entire history, with five military supported & direct military takeovers (Iskander, Ayub, Yahya, Zia and Musharraf's) which have involved countless other civilians including members of judiciary, if only one man is held accountable to answer for all of these past sins and is now to be made an example of and on top of that he happens to come from a minority ethnic group then obviously these questions will be raised. This was the case with ZAB's tainted trial and will be the case with Musharraf.

This is something that NS should have understood before rolling the dice. The perception is that this is a majority ethnicity based government, with a former CJP from a majority ethnic group egging this issue forth and the only one on the receiving end is from a minority ethnic group. I understand that some part of the constitution was held in abeyance, but the selective judicial and political activism against only the former Army Chief purposely lets off all others. This is where the patent unfairness of the whole process comes up.

The fact that the CoAS is not being tried under the PAA is another problem that is being looked upon as a solid case of victimization and vendetta that is being sponsored out of the PM house and the former CJP's camp.

If the assumption is that only bengalis and baloch had the right to talk up their resentment and nobody else should, then we have a thing or two coming our way because by their very nature, minorities are always sensitive to how they are treated and will be vocal. Our option is to either discount it, as many above are, and let it fester, or ensure fairness in all our proceedings.

On the point of victimization, why is it that only Musharraf, as the President and CoAS, was held up on cases such as Lal Masjid, Bugti's death and BB's assassination when he has immunity from it? If these idiots carry on with such victimization then every single leader of Pakistan will be dragged into the courts in the future. What of the Taliban supporters sitting in the FATA receiving drone attacks? What if they open up cases against NS for allowing this to go on? What then? Where do you draw the line to prevent the state from becoming completely paralyzed because everyone from the President down to the secretary are scared about signing off on things that lead to punitive action against troublemakers?
geart post!
with pure truth inside it?

Yes, says the majority. Only MQM and its followers are against this system and the leaders of MQM are only vocal in their opposition of this system when they are not in power.

15% immigrant 'from all over the India' quota was for whole Pakistan as that time people migrated to all parts of Pakistan Including East Pakistan ......

Further if you want to have a detail debate over the issue kindly open new thread and mention me

Regards .....

15% seats were reserved for the immigrants form India, therefore it is obvious that only Urdu speaking immigrants got profited form this law. There is no need to open a new thread for this topic as their isn't much to say. My point is simple and clear.
Yes, says the majority. Only MQM and its followers are against this system and the leaders of MQM are only vocal in their opposition of this system when they are not in power.

15% seats were reserved for the immigrants form India, therefore it is obvious that only Urdu speaking immigrants got profited form this law. There is no need to open a new thread for this topic as their isn't much to say. My point is simple and clear.

About MQM debate with bhai loog I am not from one of them ......

for your second point I would not say much as you think only 'Urdu speakers' migrated from India .....
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About MQM debate with bhai loog I am not one of them ......

for your second point I would not say much as you think only 'Urdu speakers' migrated from India .....

After 47 mostly only Urdu speaking from northern India and Hyderabas migrated to Pakistan. The ethnic cleansing of Punjabi Muslims from east Punjab was already accomplished a year ago.
After 47 mostly only Urdu speaking from northern India and Hyderabas migrated to Pakistan. The ethnic cleansing of Punjabi Muslims from east Punjab was already accomplished a year ago.

Mr/Ms. 'Porus' you are really playing the role of the elephants of Raja Porus ....... you are denying migration of 'Muslims' from 'East Punjab' to 'Pakistani Punjab' in 1947+ trying to establish a new fact about the "Ethnic background of Punjabies living in Indian Punjab" ...... you said your point was simple ..... might be ..... but your 'contemplation is complex' ....... very complex indeed
Mr/Ms. 'Porus' you are really playing the role of the elephants of Raja Porus ....... you are denying migration of 'Muslims' from 'East Punjab' to 'Pakistani Punjab' in 1947+ trying to establish a new fact about the "Ethnic background of Punjabies living in Indian Punjab" ...... you said your point was simple ..... might be ..... but your 'contemplation is complex' ....... very complex indeed

Where did I say all that?
read your own post dear .....

The ethnic cleansing of the Punjabis Muslims happened during partition in 1947. The quota system was introduced in 1948, and the overwhelming majority who migrated to Pakistan from India after the introduction of this system was Urdu speaking from northern Indian and Hyderabad. I hope my point is clear now.
HRK said: ↑
this is the essence of the whole debate, which people must understand.
Local government and demolition of the quota system are the demand of Urban Sindh, anyone who will raise these issue will fetch strong political support from these areas.
Good point.Indeed,quota system must be demolished,plus unequal distribution of provential bounderies requires reconsideration and re-arrangement/re-division somehow,since these flaws/lapses are causing 'insecurity' due to unequal quota system,as a result of which our selfish political class is 'exploiting' this insecurity.
I have always stated in 'loud and clear' tone that if any xyz political party is willing to take seats in Karachi admimstration,then they must win trust of people of karachi.We want to see well-designed developmental projects and implementation of procedure.

I think there should be a good debate on this issue. The purpose of quota should be to help some talented and competent people from poor areas who do not have access to as good education as residents of large cities can get. But

1. quota system should not allow incompetent people into public services.
2. quotas should be relatively small since too much of it will be unfair to the deserving on total merit and might encourage rural area people to not strongly take the right remedial measures to improve education standards in their areas or work very hard.
3. Efforts should be towards phasing out quotas and instead decreasing disparity in education standards of different regions to reasonable levels, at least.

Social justice should intend to provide better and comparable education facilities to citizens (especially children) everywhere rather than being unfair towards those who work hard but happen to live in large cities. On the other hand, giving most employment to urban area residents, while disparity in education standards remain high, will cause a serious sense of neglect in backward area residents and continue to creat a divide in the society. So we have to look towards all aspects of this complicated issue.
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a former army chief doesnt need a terrorist/ethno-centric traitor to speak on his behalf

i hope someone puts this altaf character out of his misery.....piece of trash
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