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Altaf Hussain Speech - Hyderabad 3rd Jan 2014

seeing that the PML-N government is being a bit too soft all around .

Bit too soft...yea rite. Were you serious about that?:woot:

After PML-N doing 90's politics you call them being bit too soft? I wonder what is hard then.:undecided:

He's like chacha Fazal deen's old speaker who's about to run his service life!!

Pakistani youngsters now vote for Pakistan not for the racists like, Punjabis, Sindhi, yada yada.

Democracy is the best medicine for these monsters. Racists of ANP and Islamofascists of JI have become 'relics' in these elections. If MQM's terrorist wing hadn't been successful in rigging, the too were in for a wipe out.....maybe next time.

Yes we need new provinces, but on administrative basis. Thats the only logical way.

what about PTI rigging the election, come on man, stop crying about rigging, PTI rigged elections in karachi too, no body in MQM is interested to cry rigging after elections otherwise MQM has got plenty of proofs too

wasn't PTI the one which decided ECP right?
Talk about MQM and they drag PTI in it. These MQM walahs have a very high IQ indeed.

A very good message of peace and unity and Pakistan from Zaid Hamid.

Watch A message for people of Sindh Karachi and Hyderabad

Altaf Hussain cant be considered a leader. A leader unites. Altaf Hussain divides Pakistan on ethnicity. He is a fraudia. Thats why he is sitting in London and dares not come back.
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Altaf Hussain cant be considered a leader. A leader unites. Altaf Hussain divides Pakistan on ethnicity. He is a fraudia. Thats why he is sitting in London and dares not come back.

then why people cry when MQM so called united people for five years under PPP coalition, its amazing how people keep ranting and are never satisfied

instead of arguing why these sort of statements are made and their background, people are just cursing altaf hussain here
There is no harm in making provinces across Pakistan and it should be done but not on ethnic basis as Altaf is asking! It will only create divide and hate among people.
The way he has is approaching the issue is wrong, separate Urdu speaking from Sindhi if they don't like em!!

Division should be on administrative basis and not just on Sindh but other states as well.
There is no harm in making provinces across Pakistan and it should be done but not on ethnic basis as Altaf is asking! It will only create divide and hate among people.
The way he has is approaching the issue is wrong, separate Urdu speaking from Sindhi if they don't like em!!

Division should be on administrative basis and not just on Sindh but other states as well.
Are the current provinces not split up on ethnic basis?

I would say get this ethnicity issue out in the open for once and for all. Lets form more provinces. Give people the reigns of their destiny in their own hands, as long as they are within the confines of the Federation of Pakistan, and then they can blame nobody but themselves for their problems. Is that not what devolution of power is suppose to achieve? Local bodies bring accountability to the local level. Lets do the same at the provincial level. Why can we not accept that Pakistan has more ethnicities than the 4 that were recognized at the time of the country's founding?

I would draw a parallel to the regiments in the Army based on ethnic backgrounds and traditions. NLI's raising as a regt was in recognition of the distinct ethnic makeup of the people who hail from the northern areas instead of keeping it as a separate para military outfit or amalgamating it into FF regt. I know creating a separate province is a much more complex issue, but I think this is more of a mental block in our minds than anything else.
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Another shit speech by a secular traitor slave off India and government should ban channels from airing his speeches
@blain2 Yes the current setup is what we want to move away from, division on non-ethnic basis.
@blain2 Yes the current setup is what we want to move away from, division on non-ethnic basis.
It would be a division on non-ethnic basis in Karachi if it were to be split up into a province of its own. Karachi is too diverse to be represented by just one ethnicity. I think the problem requiring some attention is why is Karachi being controlled by a party which has no majority representation in the city (i.e PPP)? Its solely because the PPP has all of the funding at its disposal because it is a majority party at the provincial level. That cannot work for Karachi. It needs its own revenue, budget, policing etc.
It would be a division on non-ethnic basis in Karachi if it were to be split up into a province of its own. Karachi is too diverse to be represented by just one ethnicity. I think the problem requiring some attention is why is Karachi being controlled by a party which has no majority representation in the city (i.e PPP)? Its solely because the PPP has all of the funding at its disposal because it is a majority party at the provincial level. That cannot work for Karachi. It needs its own revenue, budget, policing etc.

The issue is not the division of Sindh into more provinces but the basis on which Altaf is asking for. As you say Karachi is very multicultural and MQM should float the idea accordingly and not by creating a divide between Sindhi and Urdu. What party leaders say has affect on it's followers.
And yes we are in dire need of more administrative units, our current setup is too inefficient to effectively manage large territories.
The issue is not the division of Sindh into more provinces but the basis on which Altaf is asking for. As you say Karachi is very multicultural and MQM should float the idea accordingly and not by creating a divide between Sindhi and Urdu. What party leaders say has affect on it's followers.
And yes we are in dire need of more administrative units, our current setup is too inefficient to effectively manage large territories.
Its an issue of perspective. Baloch leaders and some even in the KPK have said similar things given the policies of the Federal/Provincial governments. Either we disregard all of them as "treasonous anti-Pakistani elements" or we look beyond the newspaper headlines to get to the bottom of the issue. Leaders are often caught in the foot in the mouth type situations, AH is no exception. Yet the problem that I described is a real one in Karachi and is resulting in a lot of discord and unrest in the city.
Its an issue of perspective. Baloch leaders and some even in the KPK have said similar things given the policies of the Federal/Provincial governments. Either we disregard all of them as "treasonous anti-Pakistani elements" or we look beyond the newspaper headlines to get to the bottom of the issue. Leaders are often caught in the foot in the mouth type situations, AH is no exception. Yet the problem that I described is a real one in Karachi and is resulting in a lot of discord and unrest in the city.

If AH want to be taken his ideas seriously, he need to stop drunken rants on TV.
Right on the spot, Aero. Even in the May elections PTI managed to challenge traditional MQM holds and had it not been for the rigging (as in Lahore) the picture would have been very different.

Altaaf is seeing other parties making inroads into Karachi which would be the final kick in the bum of his terrorist machine.

He sees his 'value' in decline after his 'usefullness' under threat in the UK, since the crown doesn't need this clown to run his little circus anymore.

He's paranoid of the young Pakistani generation slowly destroying the racists by taking away their political power. He has seen the pathetic end of ANP, and this is what EXACTLY going to happen when 'free and fair' elections take place and rigging is reduced.

Right after he was threatening his political opponents with murder, he announced an 'overhaul' of the MQM. This so called overhaul was to weed out liberal, reasonable and hard working party members who posed a 'threat' to this obease and annoying ourangetan.

Imran Farooq, Mustafa Kamal and other moderates have been 'weeded out' to make room for the fascist hardliners, who pledge loyalty to the Fuhrer himself (Who pledges loyalty to the British crown) and are 'willing' to work over the phone dictates.

This 'moaning' is also an evidence that the Karachi operation has been somewhat successful and it has hit them where it hurts.
what about PTI rigging the election, come on man, stop crying about rigging, PTI rigged elections in karachi too, no body in MQM is interested to cry rigging after elections otherwise MQM has got plenty of proofs too

wasn't PTI the one which decided ECP right?

Anyone rigging the elections is commiting treason to my land and must be hanged. I care not what party they belong to.

I'm not so sure about you, but my ONLY loyalty lies with my land, my people and my country not with any political party.

For me, these political parties are nothing but an instruments of getting what i want for my country. I'd vote for those who teach me of being a Pakistani and not a Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch and so on.
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