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Altaf Hussain Speech - Hyderabad 3rd Jan 2014

That's exactly the absolutist mentality which give rise to people like Altaf hussain and Sheikh Mujaib.

You do realize that I was saying that in jest ! :crazy:

I want every District of Pakistan (or 2-3 Districts Combined if one isn't viable) to be made into Provinces !

@Secur you thanked this ! :o: :mad: :(
That's exactly the absolutist mentality which give rise to people like Altaf hussain and Sheikh Mujaib.

He's joking ! :D

You do realize that I was saying that in jest ! :crazy:

I want every District of Pakistan (or 2-3 Districts Combined if one isn't viable) to be made into Provinces !

@Secur you thanked this ! :o: :mad: :(

Lol Yeah .

Janab 2-4 mahinay ke liay Punjab mai rakh kar es ko Punjabize kar do, khanay shanay khillao aur koi lateefay shateefay suna aur kuch Punjabi ke aqwal-e-zarrin sikhao, Allah shafa day ga
Get me a fine little house in Murree and I will never return here and I mix easily with people so it ai'nt going to be a problem :lol:
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Sad to see people abusing MQM only
Ye mulk to sirf 2 khandano ki jageer he ek aata he dusra jataa he
jitna nuksan in dono ne Pakistan ko pohnchaya he woh gintee mein nahi
sirf MQM ki dum ke peche lagna kahin ka insaf nahi
He's joking ! :D

He might be joking but alot of others aren't. Which is the very reason anyone talking about separate province or provincial autonomy is categorized as a traitor and an enemy of Pakistan.
This give rise to a sense of victim-hood among the oppressed and thus they start to move towards protest parties, these parties are then hijacked by foreign elements. Thus you create the very monster that you then set about to destroy, making more enemies out of the persecuted population which eventually lead to the demand for break-up of the very country that you set out to defend in the first place.
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Sad to see people abusing MQM only
Ye mulk to sirf 2 khandano ki jageer he ek aata he dusra jataa he
jitna nuksan in dono ne Pakistan ko pohnchaya he woh gintee mein nahi
sirf MQM ki dum ke peche lagna kahin ka insaf nahi

People are against those parties as well. Its not just mqm. But they're dheet, while mqm chooses to play the victim. Corrupt people are born in every land. Its the system that prevents them from becoming dominant. The right, truthful, loyal people should only be filtered up to power. And a strong system is required for that. Other wise u'll keep seeing the crap born in our country in the form of zardari, altaf hussain, ganja, anp leaders, and some JI fake-molanas. Why do they come up while the shareef banda always gets trampled in every province. Its the system.

* Waderas in Sindh are a dying breed. Their lands have been divided throughout generations. One more generation and there would be no waderas to speak of, just like what happened in the parts of Punjab.

Sorry to say this is the wrong assessment of the situation, Waderas of Sindh are not Waderas just because they hold of some acres of agricultural land, they are Waderas because they hold resources, administrative & political resources .... land was just the symbol of political power now provincial bureaucracy is the 'new symbol' just visit Sindh secretariat Karachi ......
Altaf or no Altaf, all the provinces should be given absolute autonomy, and the government should be elected through referendum and the system should be local government type.
This might be good for all the cities in the country,
I completely agree with more autonomy for the provinces. But how do you elect governments through referendum? Can you please elaborate.
Sad to see people abusing MQM only
Ye mulk to sirf 2 khandano ki jageer he ek aata he dusra jataa he
jitna nuksan in dono ne Pakistan ko pohnchaya he woh gintee mein nahi
sirf MQM ki dum ke peche lagna kahin ka insaf nahi

MQM is exactly like PMLN and PPP. Its no different. It has been part of status quo. Difference is - MQM comes from middle class background but behaves exactly like family parties. It has been in govt for past three decades either with PMLN or PPP.

Being in govt, it had all the privileges to do what it wants for 'mohajirs' including finding and prosecuting those who killed its 15000 workers in successful operation against its terrorism. It chose not to. What it did instead - it accepted money from 1997 PMLN govt and chose to sit in govt as allies. also, its goons target killed all police officers from 1996 operation.

So its not so 'becharee' as you make it out.
Non-political basis. The people should elect the mayor instead of the Union Councillors. I believe, every city might have persons who can represent the entire city. I would vote for Dr. Adeeb Rizvi if he is a candidate.

Right now I see. So you are talking about mayoral elections. Again it's a good idea, all the major cities of Pakistan should have their own mayors and city councils.
That's the end game of Altaf Bahi always and seeing that the PML-N government is being a bit too soft all around it's the right time to chime these bells. However, I believe, that it is a mere tactic and nothing serious is going to storm up as the fracturing of Pakistani State is the last thing in everybody wants too see.
During Hyderabad speech Altaf Hussain says that if our rights cannot be given then give a separate provide to Urdu speaking Sindhis. He said that things can escalate from separate province to separate country. He also implied violence and bloodshed.
@Aeronaut @Leader @batmannow @Secur @jaibi

Altaaf is seeing other parties making inroads into Karachi which would be the final kick in the bum of his terrorist machine.

He sees his 'value' in decline after his 'usefullness' under threat in the UK, since the crown doesn't need this clown to run his little circus anymore.

He's paranoid of the young Pakistani generation slowly destroying the racists by taking away their political power. He has seen the pathetic end of ANP, and this is what EXACTLY going to happen when 'free and fair' elections take place and rigging is reduced.

Right after he was threatening his political opponents with murder, he announced an 'overhaul' of the MQM. This so called overhaul was to weed out liberal, reasonable and hard working party members who posed a 'threat' to this obease and annoying ourangetan.

Imran Farooq, Mustafa Kamal and other moderates have been 'weeded out' to make room for the fascist hardliners, who pledge loyalty to the Fuhrer himself (Who pledges loyalty to the British crown) and are 'willing' to work over the phone dictates.

This 'moaning' is also an evidence that the Karachi operation has been somewhat successful and it has hit them where it hurts.
@Aeronaut So true!
With education and awareness, him and the rest of them (all parties) will become relics of the past. The people want prosperity. Enough of slogans and emotional bs. We've been 3rd world for far too long!

He's like chacha Fazal deen's old speaker who's about to run his service life!!

Pakistani youngsters now vote for Pakistan not for the racists like, Punjabis, Sindhi, yada yada.

Democracy is the best medicine for these monsters. Racists of ANP and Islamofascists of JI have become 'relics' in these elections. If MQM's terrorist wing hadn't been successful in rigging, the too were in for a wipe out.....maybe next time.

Yes we need new provinces, but on administrative basis. Thats the only logical way.
EXCELLENT Speech by Altaf Hussain!! Every Karachiite is giddy with excitement! MAYBE now the rest of PAKISTAN will get some sense knocked into them. Election after election, for the past 60 years, y'all voted in the same corrupt, backward, paindu, JAHIL Vaderas and just cry about it. Punjab votes in Ganja for 3 TERMS now. Sindhis will still vote for their Bhutto/Zardari and ilk. Balochis have a love affair with their Zalim sardaars. All PURELY on the basis of ethnicity.

To those ignoramuses that say that MQM still works with the vaderas....welll DUH!!...you guys keep voting them into majority power. What else are they supposed to do? Give up everything they've fought for. Finally the MQM has had enough of this crap....and called for a seperate province.

THe funny thing is....all this could have been avoided if the PPP didn't try and adulterate the whole local body system. Give Karachiites their due share and you wouldn't even have an MQM to worry about. But thats just expecting too much from Pakistan.

I dont see anything wrong with the speech. Since the PPP returned, they have done everything they can to deny the rights of urban Sindhis (mostly urdu speaking folk) through every crooked way possible. Whats wrong with calling for a separate province?? I didn't see anyone $hit their pants when they call for a separate province in Punjab?

And lets be clear....If the PPP or any other corrupt, backward feudal dominated PAINDU party tries to deny the basic rights of the people of Karachi, and continue to conduct unconstitutional acts against the people of Karachi... Karachiites have the FULL RIGHT under the UN CHARTER of HUMAN RIGHTS to seek autonomy.

Pakistan faced the same issue with East Pakistan (surprise..surprise...same feudal dominated party of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto...who refused to give the Bengalis their rightful share of power) And now the PPP in its as usual corrupt ways have pushed Karachiites to call for the same path.

Why dont you all pass a proper local body amendment into the national constitution and settle the whole problem once and for all.
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