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UK jury finds Altaf Hussain not guilty in 'encouraging terrorism' case

Idea is to financially strangulate Pakistan to point where the financial needs erode defences capability (which they already are), and finally to level where to get bailout, IMF ask Pakistan to end its nuclear program or go bankrupt.

Its the West that protects Pakistan's exports by giving them GSP+ status and suffers a trade deficit with Pakistan worth billions not China
Its the West allows millions of Pakistani's to settle in their country and earn a high living standard not China.
Its from the West that you receive billions in remittances not China
Its the West whose embassies you line up in front of to emigrate, not China
Thousands of Pakistani's are trudging at this very moment across Asia and Europe to get to the West as illegal immigrants, not China.
Its a western culture and language you try to emulate, not Chinese.

Etc etc etc

You cannot blame the West for your own profligacy.
You cannot blame the West if the job of running your own economy has been so mismanaged that you are in need of the IMF 22 times.
You are in charge of your economy as Bangladeshi's are in charge of theirs.
You make a dogs dinner out of it then the responsibility is yours and not some deep conspiracy of the West.
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Expecting UK to persecute Mi6 man!!!

Not guilty of course
You cannot blame the West for your own profligacy.
You cannot blame the West if the job of running your own economy has been so mismanaged that you are in need of the IMF 22 times.
You are in charge of your economy as Bangladeshi's are in charge of theirs.
You make a dogs dinner out of it then the responsibility is yours and not some deep conspiracy of the West.
At no point did I blame west and claim Pakistan or Pakistanis are doing everything right.

As far as trade or other dealing are concerned. No one is doing anyone favor. It’s business as usual where both parties either benefits and or west use trade to maintain friendly leverage. There are no free lunches here.

Rest you can take China rant somewhere else. Idk how it’s even relevant.
Expecting UK to persecute Mi6 man!!!

Not guilty of course

Thats just absurd nonsense. This is a British court of law where anyone can sit and watch the trial.
The court has a FULL TRANSCRIPT of the case. Al you whinners here should at least bother to obtain the transcript and see for yourself WHY the verdict was the way it was.

This is UK. The legal system ensures anyone who wants to can obtain the transcript and even sit and watch the trial
Pakistan has a long history of going to courts for legitimate purposes but appointing either unqualified attorneys or using weak evidence for the cases its fights. Either do something right or don’t waste public money by doing a shoddy job.

But since this is Pakistan and it’s government and state are made up of Pakistanis so half hearted shortcut focused shoddy jobs are part of the culture and explains the outcome of this case as well.
I am also guessing that perhaps a lot of the incidents are outside of UK jurisdiction too.
It’s business as usual where both parties either benefits and or west use trade to maintain friendly leverage.

So you are happy to end GSP+ which your govt pleads endlessly must not end.
You are saying GSP+ gives leverage. Then they should give it to China and China will bend over for the West, so simple.
Give it to Cuba or Iran and watch these countries become West's buddies.
Thats just absurd nonsense. This is a British court of law where anyone can sit and watch the trial.
The court has a FULL TRANSCRIPT of the case. Al you whinners here should at least bother to obtain the transcript and see for yourself WHY the verdict was the way it was.

This is UK. The legal system ensures anyone who wants to can obtain the transcript and even sit and watch the trial
Haha Okay

Why an Indian *** is on fire on a topic between Uk and Pakistan? I mean dont you have other things to do like lynch people on suspicion of eating beef, banning muslims in schools and making disinfo news outlets
Why an Indian *** is on fire on a topic between Uk

I have lived in the UK for 40 years. I know our legal system.
Pass comment after looking at the case transcript and understand why a jury was unconvinced by (10 to 2) a paper thin case based more on a stream of accusations than evidence .
In UK you need proper evidence not a feeling that someone must be guilty .
I have lived in the UK for 40 years. I know our legal system.
Pass comment after looking at the case transcript and understand why a jury was unconvinced by (10 to 2) a paper thin case based more on a stream of accusations than evidence .
In UK you need proper evidence not a feeling that someone must be guilty .
Like Uk was going to get convinced that his speech was an incitement for terrorism. We made a huge mistake not to roast the Indian and British roaches in Pakistan. Should be a reminder to everyone in Pakistan that UK would always protect Pakistani criminals.
Like Uk was going to get convinced that his speech was an incitement for terrorism. We made a huge mistake not to roast the Indian and British roaches in Pakistan. Should be a reminder to everyone in Pakistan that UK would always protect Pakistani criminals.

Not an iota of doubt.
There is a reason why corrupt politicians, generals, judges, and oligarchs from around the world bring their wealth and themselves to the UK. They know they'll be safe.
I am also guessing that perhaps a lot of the incidents are outside of UK jurisdiction too.
To an extent but this could have done correctly if they prosecution was prepared properly. It is unfair I suppose to draw conclusions without actually seeing the exact details of the case.
We should also support British Political Dissidents and diplomatically support their cause like the independance referendum of Scotland and the Sinn Fein Political Party in Northern Ireland.
see my response to post from a week ago that he will be let go.Its also time for libtards back home to wake up.
So you are happy to end GSP+ which your govt pleads endlessly must not end.
You are saying GSP+ gives leverage. Then they should give it to China and China will bend over for the West, so simple.
Give it to Cuba or Iran and watch these countries become West's buddies.
Worry about your country, whose PM and FM running around the world begging them to open up more slots for poor Indians work visas.
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