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Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan

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Well since you claimed that Uncle Sam's nod and his wallet orchestrated the lawyer uprising the burden of proof is on you, not me to prove that the lawyers had absolutely no savings or employment since March 2007. How did you find out that the CIA put these lawyers on the payroll, did a little birdie whisper it in your ear? Oh and besides the fact that lawyers are famous for amassing wealth, Aitezas Ahsan should have career wealth as well as pension payments, am I right? So please explain how the CIA seduced these lawyers to all of a sudden become the eye of the storm that blew Mushy over.
It's clever deduction. I'm not taking CIA to court to present concrete evidence, but I'm public, and I'm voicing the public opinion.

As the story goes: Musharraf plays nice with America and everything is good. Musharraf goes against America, then everything is bad.

Okay. I know that, so you do admit that Hamid Gul is definately not on the CIA payroll, correct?
Don't know.

Hamid Gul is one of Mushy's most outspoken critics and openly calls him an American stooge. The reason I mentioned Hamid Gul is because he is the most vocal and visible Gernail who wanted to end Mushy's rule and replace him with a civilian elected ruler because he was totally disgusted with the way Mushy appeared to roll over for the US.
Ya exactly. He was a Mullah, he wanted him out. He would say anything! What credibility does a Musharraf hater have?

In my opinion Hamid Gul was a lot more effective in building up dissent against Mushy and in fact he was arrested on Mushy's orders during the emergency crackdown. So are you going to say Hamid Gul was on the CIA payroll too?
Actually he was a nobody...

Step back a minute here, stop going off on tangents and nitpicking on irrelevent trivia that doesn't really matter. I am arguing the following points in my timestamped commentary on Zaid Hamid's two videos here:

1. Ahmed Qureshi is an open supporter of Mushy. A die hard advocate. No doubt about that right? All he ever does is promote and defent Mushy. Sometimes he pretends not to when he plays devil's advocate with one of his shill guests, namely Zaid Hamid in this episode of his show. I will repeat my point that such a fanatic Mushy fan would never allow anyone critical of Mushy to appear on his show. Yet Zaid Hamid did. That is the whole point--I am trying to show Zaid Hamid pretends to be neutral but is actually in the Mushy/ISI camp.
No actually thats the difference with fanatic mushy fans and fanatics in general.

Musharraf allowed his own criticism. I can't be a Mushy fan without supporting freedom of speech.

2. Ahmed Qureshi claims that Mushy is clashing with the US/CIA by consistently resisting US pressure to recognize Israel. Now I don't want to go off on tangents about Israel's recognition and the benefits to Pakistan--I really don't care if Israel is "recognized" or when it happens. What I care about here is that Ahmed Qureshi claimed that Mushy for whatever reasons stubbornly resisted recognizing Israel and then Ahmed Qureshi sneakily slips in that Mushy "allowed Pak and Israeli foreign ministers to shake hands" as if that was a big bold step for Mushy, like walking a tightrope. Then to contradict this little fairytale by Ahmed QureshiI provided the PakTribune link which has all the details of Mushy getting cushy with Shimon Peres. Now bear in mind this so called intelligence expert Zaid Hamid was sitting right in front of Ahmed Qureshi and endorsing this deception. That is the point--that Ahmed Qureshi made nonsense up about Israel purely to create a false impression about Mushy clashing with Washington over the Israel issue.
No actually you just over simplified the events over an 8 yr rule. Musharraf offered recognition of Israel but put in conditions. Musharraf never recognized Israel because the conditions were not met. Musharraf tried to recognize Israel.

If that's what he said, then that's accurate. Why are you ripping on someone for being accurate?

3. Ahmed Qureshi very clearly asks Zaid Hamid at 3:40 in the first video that despite the fact that Mushy is accused of being a stooge in reality he was actually fighting against the US in the interest of pakistan[implied]. Zaid Hamid ultimately agrees with it after spinning it in a more palateable fashion to a sceptic audience.
Again so? He's pointing out you all wrong because of the reasons mentioned above!!

4. Swat. Regardless of your or my personal opinion it is clear that the blame for Swat was spread more than 10 years back by these two. I mentioned it not to start a tengential argument over Swat but just to illustrate these these two are just sitting there and giving Mushy a clean chit on issue after issue after issue after issue. The way they converse is ridiculous too with Ahmed Qureshi playing devil's advocate against his boss Mushy

No they are throwing the water on a horny lynch mob's groin areas. Musharraf didn't bring in militancy, he fought it!

Militancy fought back. Still doesn't make Musharraf wrong.

This is an open secret so no I don't need to provide proof as it has already been provided and accepted right here, as a matter of fact there were threads made about predators being stationed in Pakistan under CIA control. You seem to have a very short memory.
Right the burden of proof is only going to be one me. Do you really need a base for a UAV? Why can't they fly them off the airstrips in Afghanistan?

Good point. Let Zaid Hamid describe how the CIA controls political parties too. Good point. Why doesn't Zaid Hamid talk about the specifics of how the CIA/MOSSAD/WEST controls Pakistan's economy, trade, political parties

AND secret services and military.
Now I never said that.

Now why doesn't Zaid spend one minute giving details about that while he spends hours on "the new world order" wreaking havoc over the last 500 years. And most of his "economic terorism" series is ripped off documentaries like "the money masters" and other works like that.
Ok you can argue copyright infringements. But New World Order is an old phrase... I don't think anyone holds an IPR on that.

He ripped all of that off documentaries and none of those docus mentioned Pakistan, is that the problem? Or is it because he does not want to educate his gullible viewers on exactly how their politicians, military and economy is hijacked? Can any of Zaid Hamid's fans answer that?
Seriously not a Zaid Hamid fan. But I agree with him that this government's a sell out to UAE, Saudi and the US.

Wait eight years till our public realizes and they'll be out on the streets again...
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The point is that it makes Zaid Hamid into a copycat! If he copies other people's hard work then it means he did no hard work doing research. :

:) you are so confused dear maqsad on the one hand you are terming the analysis on the basis of research work already done while on the other hand you are saying :
"it means he did no hard work doing research":

Also why does Zaid Hamid not explain about the September 11th attack. Is he afraid to mention it? Why is he so scared of that, it is such an important issue! He does not give any details of how the US/CIA blackmailed Mushy over 9/11. Did ISI warn Zaid not to mention it? :eek:

:) i guess you are not in clear picture of all of his work :)

anyway they also issue weekly security reports wherein all the aspects are covered and if you have any access to get their reports of 2000/1 he did mentioned the US blackmail.

and BTW were we in a poisition to stand against US demand at that time??

Anyway your times is being consumed on the forum in hate aginst one person :)

:) you are so confused dear maqsad on the one hand you are terming the analysis on the basis of research work already done while on the other hand you are saying :

:) i guess you are not in clear picture of all of his work :)

anyway they also issue weekly security reports wherein all the aspects are covered and if you have any access to get their reports of 2000/1 he did mentioned the US blackmail.

and BTW were we in a poisition to stand against US demand at that time??

Anyway your times is being consumed on the forum in hate aginst one person :)


Trust me Jana it is actually you who is a bit confused because when you copycat someone else's documentary by translating it into Urdu that is not research that is cheating. Research is when you take 100 sources and combine them into 1 documentary. But when you copy 1 documentary and create one documentary of your own that is not research that is called Plagiarism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway that is not important as my next point. The reason some people are worried about Hamid Zaid is partly because he was hanging out with Ahmed Qureshi(an open defender and promoter of Mushy). The accusation is this: Mushy is actually a CIA agent who is harming Pakistan while he works for the US. Mushy as well as the ISI top brass and Pak military top brass are somehow under the power of the CIA/Washington and are working against Pakistan as much as they can get away with. But you worship Mushy too so it is impossible to get you to look at this problem!

Check this out: Home / Headlines / ISI's desperate bid to save Musharraf - Media Monitors Network (MMN)
Trust me Jana it is actually you who is a bit confused because when you copycat someone else's documentary by translating it into Urdu that is not research that is cheating. Research is when you take 100 sources and combine them into 1 documentary. But when you copy 1 documentary and create one documentary of your own that is not research that is called Plagiarism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway that is not important as my next point. The reason some people are worried about Hamid Zaid is partly because he was hanging out with Ahmed Qureshi(an open defender and promoter of Mushy). The accusation is this: Mushy is actually a CIA agent who is harming Pakistan while he works for the US. Mushy as well as the ISI top brass and Pak military top brass are somehow under the power of the CIA/Washington and are working against Pakistan as much as they can get away with. But you worship Mushy too so it is impossible to get you to look at this problem!

Check this out: Home / Headlines / ISI's desperate bid to save Musharraf - Media Monitors Network (MMN)

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Zaradri is not agent of CIA.

Why CIA tried to bring ISI under the unelected CIA agent Rehman Malik ?????

just ahead of PM's visit to US.

U seems defending CIA agenda against ISI .

hmmm one can understand
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Zaradri is not agent of CIA.

Why CIA tried to bring ISI under the unelected CIA agent Rehman Malik ?????

just ahead of PM's visit to US.

U seems defending CIA agenda against ISI .

hmmm one can understand

Where did Zardari come in from suddenly? Your Mushy was the one who made his prison cell into a little palace, do you remember that? If you say Zardari is CIA then can you please explain why Nawaz Sharif put him in prison for so many years but then Mushy came and made his tough life in prison so nice and comfortable? Can you explain why Mushy dropped corruption charges against Mr. 10% please?

How the hell am I "defending CIA agenda against ISI" by accusing Mushy of being a CIA agent? Did you even read the link I gave you by Abid Ullah Jan? He is accusing Mushy of being a fraud who is helping the CIA and also corrupting the ISI to work against Pakistan instead of FOR pakistan.
Where did Zardari come in from suddenly? Your Mushy was the one who made his prison cell into a little palace, do you remember that? If you say Zardari is CIA then can you please explain why Nawaz Sharif put him in prison for so many years but then Mushy came and made his tough life in prison so nice and comfortable? Can you explain why Mushy dropped corruption charges against Mr. 10% please?

How the hell am I "defending CIA agenda against ISI" by accusing Mushy of being a CIA agent? Did you even read the link I gave you by Abid Ullah Jan? He is accusing Mushy of being a fraud who is helping the CIA and also corrupting the ISI to work against Pakistan instead of FOR pakistan.

Osama and Al Zawari..... can you figure out, for who they work? IS not it CIA?

Ahmad Al Bashir of Indonasia......Do you think he is enemy of Americans when he talks against USA and CIA?

Musharraff and this "khalipha" to be, are no different.......same big boss!

They talk against America, as people like to hear that.......but they are working to damage the very basis of Islam, dividing people and discrediting the political governments........why? It is CIA and ISI which black mails politicians through these paid agents in media.

You do a little research, pick few names of journalists from media and online forums and go n ask some reputed journalists (most of them even don't know them), they will tell you their reality.

It is also possible that guy posting videos here might Zahid Hamid himself or one of his employee....you will never know.
It is also possible that guy posting videos here might Zahid Hamid himself or one of his employee....you will never know.

You must be dreaming about Zahid Hamid all night. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No Jana is not Zahid Hamid or one of his employee. She is ISI. :azn: and she can trace IP addresses as well.. What more can i say.:taz::chilli:
It is also possible that guy posting videos here might Zahid Hamid himself or one of his employee....you will never know.

Jana already admitted to being a pupil of Zaid Hamid in another thread. I cannot find the post but I think you can get her to confirm it when she logs in the next time.

Jana also claims to be a professional journalist but evidently cannot read nor write English properly even at the 9th grade level. :cry:
Jana also claims to be a professional journalist but evidently cannot read nor write English properly even at the 9th grade level. :cry:

:angry: Hay No bloody personal attacks. Give respect earn respect, that's how it works. Sooner you learn it, better it is for you & others with you here. :angry:
:angry: Hay No bloody personal attacks. Give respect earn respect, that's how it works. Sooner you learn it, better it is for you & others with you here. :angry:

Do you have any authority to issue warnings to others?

I do agree with him.........now rest in peace!
You must be dreaming about Zahid Hamid all night. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No Jana is not Zahid Hamid or one of his employee. She is ISI. :azn: and she can trace IP addresses as well.. What more can i say.:taz::chilli:

That crazy jihadi Zahid Hamid is notorious for his participation of Afghan Jihad.

Any English speaking and educated Jihadi is an asset for CIA........you will ask me where CIA came in to picture......right?

It was CIA who recruited all jihadis for Afghan war and those with some education and good English become direct agents of CIA....rather then jihadi organisations.

This to be 'khalipha' is one of them.

He speaks against CIA itself, like Osama do......but being used to blackmail government, recruiting followers and threatening government and economy by issuing his gold coins.

How can you say he is not posting his video's himself? or through his employees?

I think you are either him or one of his team members!
How the hell am I "defending CIA agenda against ISI" by accusing Mushy of being a CIA agent? Did you even read the link I gave you by Abid Ullah Jan? He is accusing Mushy of being a fraud who is helping the CIA and also corrupting the ISI to work against Pakistan instead of FOR pakistan.

:rofl: i knew why you were twisting illogical argument again and again and i also knew that you will come up with this link of Abiduallah uncle.

Due you even know who he is and from where he is operating now and with who's funding ???

I bet you dont know him.

But let me tell you who this man is.
Its such a pitty that this man has out of his hate just like Nawaz Sharif and you had dragged everyone into blam game who has any praise for Musharraf.

This man was a rag tag journalist who's column used to appear in a local English newspaper of Peshawar. He was interogated by intellegence agencis for something ;) (gues what that something could be) after which he ran away to USA.

currently he is in USA and is running a web portal from there, guess what who is funding this propaganda site ;)

and do you think sitting in the US Mr abidullah has the guts to speak against CIA and expose the assests of CIA ?????

ahh my dear as soon as Zaid sahab started exposing the CIA game plan to harm ISI, Army leading to capturing our nukes, this abiduallh got alarmed and started the propaganda that too sitting in the US.

Anyway one needs not a rocket science to understand things keeping in view the development arround us who is exposing whome and who is sincer with the country.

:rofl:i knew why you were twisting illogical argument again and again and i also knew that you will come up with this link of Abiduallah uncle.

Due you even know who he is and from where he is operating now and with who's funding ???

I bet you dont know him.

But let me tell you who this man is.
Firstly, you don't have much credibility with me because all I ever see you doing is writing simpleminded statements in terrible grammar usually backed up with nothing but your own opinion, such as now. Secondly although his background might be interesting why are you avoiding the facts that he is putting forward. To me his facts and his logic are more important than why the ISI harassed him in the 1990s. And I am not twisting an illogical argument I am simply pointing out with 100% clarity the contradictions in Zaid Hamid's interview with Ahmed Qureshi.
Its such a pitty that this man has out of his hate just like Nawaz Sharif and you had dragged everyone into blam game who has any praise for Musharraf.

This man was a rag tag journalist who's column used to appear in a local English newspaper of Peshawar. He was interogated by intellegence agencis for something (gues what that something could be) after which he ran away to USA.
Nawaz Sharif? Was this English newspaper the Frontier Post? I just found an article about the Frontier Post and it turns out it was shut down during Nawaz Sharif's regime. It had nothing to do with Mushy. Like I said before, to me his facts and his logic are more important than why the ISI harassed him in the 1990s. Anyway who told you he was picked up by the intelligence agencies anyway, he never mentions it anywhere and there is nothing on the web to indicate that. And how do you know exactly what he was picked up for under the Nawaz Sharif regime by "Intelligence Agencies"? Do you have some contacts in intelligence agencies for them to give you this inside information or do you have a source like a newspaper report of TV programme? :cheesy:
currently he is in USA and is running a web portal from there, guess what who is funding this propaganda site

and do you think sitting in the US Mr abidullah has the guts to speak against CIA and expose the assests of CIA ?????
He is in Canada not the US. Why do you make things up like this which are so easy to prove false? Do you not think me or anyone else will check whether he lives in the US or not after someone with your credibility says that? And I do not know who is funding him, it could be the ISI or the CIA or someone private or he could be working at a job and making money from his website. Or he could be on welfare, who knows? Why don't you tell us where his funding is coming from--how much that funding is and what he needs it for?

ahh my dear as soon as Zaid sahab started exposing the CIA game plan to harm ISI, Army leading to capturing our nukes, this abiduallh got alarmed and started the propaganda that too sitting in the US.
This is more nonsense. Why do you keep making things up which can be proven to be false in seconds? Abidullah Jan was exposing Mushy's CIA connections years before anyone had ever heard of Zaid Hamid. Why do you make things up which you cannot back. And in fact why do you make nonsense up which not only can you not back but which can be proven to be false? Abidullah Jan in fact is accusing Mushy of leading Pakistan into a trap where the nukes can be captures by the US based on an excuse of Pakistan being a "rogue state" overrun with militants.
^^ In your opinion, when did CIA hired Musharraf?
Before kicking indian but in Kargil or when Clinton said some thing to Sharif?
Go tell Sharif don't stop acting like a pet of Zardari.
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