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Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan

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I didn't say that he is directly recommending sitting down and waiting for divine help. But when he spreads stories like this it effects peoples minds and they don't take things 100% seriously any more because they relax and think Allah will guide them and help them magically in everything they attempt.

:) I wont blam you my dear maqsad as you are not aware of the life of Prophet (PBUH) and Sahaba hence you can say that whatever they said were stories.

Come on seriously, either he is a mullah or he is acting a bit like he is a mullah for some reason. Maybe to appear pure or to give himself protection from enemies in politics? Sure I don't know him but I am judging him by what he says in his videos and how he sounds like whenever he mentions religion.

:lol: enemies in politics. He is much harsh on so-called Taliban led by Baitullah.
He is harsh on all those who are carrying out US/CIA game plane.
He is harsh on all those enemies of Pakistan within us.
He dosnt need to pretend.

As i can say anything about him with 200 % authenticity hence i just smile on those who post about him based on assumptions without knowing him and his work and also the Afghinstan episode.

Also, if he is not a mullah then how do you explain this

Hypocracy on your part to just pick the picture from Brasstacks website and avoide posting other details about him.

:) i dont expect a member like you can do this just to support his emotional argument.

Anyway no one is forcing you to believe him if you dont want to do not.
After all Allah has blessed Human with own mind. One can compare things and believe whatever she/he wants to believe.
@ maqsad
:disagree: first of all he is not a mullah even if he is then so what?
and so what if he fought aganist the soviet as a mujahideen and so did pakistani SSGs!!! :usflag: go ABCD!
@ maqsad
:disagree: first of all he is not a mullah even if he is then so what?
and so what if he fought aganist the soviet as a mujahideen and so did pakistani SSGs!!! :usflag: go ABCD!

:) i dont want to go in sensitive details but if only his great efforts were not destroyed by an idiot person who is sitting in the lap of zardari these days (indeed he is also an unelected person like Rehman Malik) today we would not have NA as our enemy in Afghanistan.
:) I wont blam you my dear maqsad as you are not aware of the life of Prophet (PBUH) and Sahaba hence you can say that whatever they said were stories.

Wow you have a gift for completely missing what people say. What I said was maybe he shows his religious opinions to get sympathy from pakistanis because it is "fashionable" in Pakistan to have a mazhabi naara in your propaganda arsenel.

:lol: enemies in politics. He is much harsh on so-called Taliban led by Baitullah.
He is harsh on all those who are carrying out US/CIA game plane.
He is harsh on all those enemies of Pakistan within us.
He dosnt need to pretend.

As i can say anything about him with 200 % authenticity hence i just smile on those who post about him based on assumptions without knowing him and his work and also the Afghinstan episode.

Rightttttt and my point was that because of that maybe he uses this mullah tactic to get backing from religious minded people in Pakistan to protect himself politically form enemies and also to appear more "pure" and "clean" in motives.

Anyway if he knows so much about CIA tactics why does he not describe CIA tactics giving names, methods and dates of operations! Why is everything so vague coming from him. Why doesn't he give lists of RAW operatives and how RAW controls them and what is the details of their agenda? :undecided:

Hypocracy on your part to just pick the picture from Brasstacks website and avoide posting other details about him.

:) i dont expect a member like you can do this just to support his emotional argument.

Anyway no one is forcing you to believe him if you dont want to do not.
After all Allah has blessed Human with own mind. One can compare things and believe whatever she/he wants to believe.

Which hypocrisy? You denied he is a mullah and I proved he is a mullah by using a picture HE put up on HIS OWN website. But can you explain how that makes me a hypocrite? Do you even know what the word 'hypocrite' means? :tsk:
@ maqsad
:disagree: first of all he is not a mullah even if he is then so what?
and so what if he fought aganist the soviet as a mujahideen and so did pakistani SSGs!!! :usflag: go ABCD!

If he is a mullah then people should admit he is a mullah that is all. It has a lot of implications if the man is a mullah and many people will get uncomfortable if a patriot and a nationalist is also a mullah. Maybe you don't mind the talibanization of pakistan but the majority of pakistanis do not want a dictatorship similar to Saudi. Obviously you don't mind but there are many critics of this within pakistan.
Guys my clear-cut opinion for this person (I have seen all his available videos).

He has good memory.
Read lot of crap stuff from internet.
Good communication skill.
Have stupid personal opinions and dreams (like "this is radio Pakistan from Delhi" ).
And lastly contaminating young minds of Pakistan.
Guys my clear-cut opinion for this person (I have seen all his available videos).

He has good memory.
Read lot of crap stuff from internet.
Good communication skill.
Have stupid personal opinions and dreams (like "this is radio Pakistan from Delhi" ).
And lastly contaminating young minds of Pakistan.

Your OPINION is not backed by any specific facts, is it? What 'crap stuff' is he getting from 'the internet' that you know of anyway. Unless you can point to something specific this 'fact' of yours is still just an unverified opinion. I think you just don't like him because he shows how India is ganged up with other powers to split up pakistan. The man's heart is in the right place and he places the wellbeing of Pakistan very high. The only thing wrong with him is he sounds a little cuckoo because of the religious influence.
although, I sometimes enjoy listening to religious sermons, I think it would be best if zaid tones down a bit. however, i think everyone else here should tone down a bit as well, it's ramadan guys, seriously. why are we fighting? forgive and forget, worry about how you spend your time.

anyways, i still enjoy his programs. he's had a sudden growth in popularity, it's too bad GEO and ARY don't invite him. he has sincere concern for the country and is influencing our youth. that's what counts.

at least the youth in pakistan who watch his programs will be smarter than their senior jahel jiyala counterparts. you what i mean, the idiots who brought zardari into power and actually have the guts to defend him.
He seems to be another Suleiman Rushdie in making on CIA payroll. His way of speaking is irritating and his goals are to announce himself a 'Khalipah' in near future.

Those who remember the past of Tahir ul Qadri, Dr. Israr, Madoodi and Suleiman Rushdie can see many similarities with this retard and previous 'scholars', who later proved to be dividing factor in Ummah. All of them were working on CIA agenda to breed further sects in Islam but were speaking furiously against US and CIA, unfortunately, our beliefs are so weak that we take any retard as 'Massiah' and start worshiping them, who, later start their own sects.

I wonder what will government be doing once this clown has recruited few thousand followers and announces his 'khilaphat' in Islamabad. May be, another Lal Masjid incident in Islamabad.

It's time for government to check the links of this clown and source of fundings.
He seems to be another Suleiman Rushdie in making on CIA payroll. His way of speaking is irritating and his goals are to announce himself a 'Khalipah' in near future.

Those who remember the past of Tahir ul Qadri, Dr. Israr, Madoodi and Suleiman Rushdie can see many similarities with this retard and previous 'scholars', who later proved to be dividing factor in Ummah. All of them were working on CIA agenda to breed further sects in Islam but were speaking furiously against US and CIA, unfortunately, our beliefs are so weak that we take any retard as 'Massiah' and start worshiping them, who, later start their own sects.

I wonder what will government be doing once this clown has recruited few thousand followers and announces his 'khilaphat' in Islamabad. May be, another Lal Masjid incident in Islamabad.

It's time for government to check the links of this clown and source of fundings.

stop your love affair with fake judges and not so sharif brothers then maybe maybe your brain will comprehend the reality... if you wanna link some one of salman rusdi catogory then does "ayesha saddiqi" rings any bell?? both living in UK with indian friends..
He seems to be another Suleiman Rushdie in making on CIA payroll. His way of speaking is irritating and his goals are to announce himself a 'Khalipah' in near future.

Those who remember the past of Tahir ul Qadri, Dr. Israr, Madoodi and Suleiman Rushdie can see many similarities with this retard and previous 'scholars', who later proved to be dividing factor in Ummah. All of them were working on CIA agenda to breed further sects in Islam but were speaking furiously against US and CIA, unfortunately, our beliefs are so weak that we take any retard as 'Massiah' and start worshiping them, who, later start their own sects.

I wonder what will government be doing once this clown has recruited few thousand followers and announces his 'khilaphat' in Islamabad. May be, another Lal Masjid incident in Islamabad.

It's time for government to check the links of this clown and source of fundings.

Crap - Your comment doesn't make any sense. Better debate what he is saying at the moment not what you think he will be doing in future.

And if you don't wana comment now, then please come back and comment when he has announced Khilaphat. It will make more sense.
stop your love affair with fake judges and not so sharif brothers then maybe maybe your brain will comprehend the reality... if you wanna link some one of salman rusdi catogory then does "ayesha saddiqi" rings any bell?? both living in UK with indian friends..

Agreed! I am seeing lot of these politically confused dumb loosers here lately. What surprizes me is that they are all fresh and joining dates are nearly the same. :sniper::sniper:
Crap - Your comment doesn't make any sense. Better debate what he is saying at the moment not what you think he will be doing in future.

And if you don't wana comment now, then please come back and comment when he has announced Khilaphat. It will make more sense.

Is not it stupid to let a 'clown' run wild, recruit followers and become another Baitullah Mehsud or Ghazi and then take action?

Why not government should start a probe on his activities when 'evil is in the bud', we have experienced such retards dividing Ummah before and creating division and sects.

Their followers were as brainless and emotional as retards in hand.

I wish these people have some knowledge of history and Islam and can see how 'scholars' like this clown divided us before!

I have read on his website, the clown is proposing to launch his own parallel currency, in form of dinar, what will be economic cost of such move on development and government backed bonds and investment schemes, if state bank don't take an action and finds who is behind this clown!
Is not it stupid to let a 'clown' run wild, recruit followers and become another Baitullah Mehsud or Ghazi and then take action?

If the most corrupt people can run for elections and can become eligible for Presidency of this country, Mr. Zaid Hamid is entitled to make any political party, if he wishes, as long as he fulfills the legal requirments. You and me can't stop him for what he is doing legally.

Why not government should start a probe on his activities when 'evil is in the bud', we have experienced such retards dividing Ummah before and creating division and sects.

Their followers were as brainless and emotional as retards in hand.

I think from none of his view points he is trying to divide Ummah (by the way where is this united Ummah, looks more like a mob). As a matter of fact whatever he is telling us is difficult for us to swollow because our nation has been politically trained by democratic puppets (that includes you Islamic political jokers as well) to only digest lies & corruption.

Change is never welcomed no matter how desprately we need it to survive.

I have read on his website, the clown is proposing to launch his own parallel currency, in form of dinar, what will be economic cost of such move on development and government backed bonds and investment schemes, if state bank don't take an action and finds who is behind this clown!

He can launch his currency, he can make his political party as long as he has constitutional rights & whatever he plans to do is alright legally. If law allows that, it's ok, let him do it.

Forget about who is behind this man. What will we get by asking this question. Zardari is a CIA puppet, did we do anything, nothing. So...

Let's forget what Zaid will do in future, lets concentrate what he is doing now.
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