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GEO, Jang Group Sent Legal Notice to Zaid Hamid

O I knew you are going to start this crap without any knowledge first hewas not supporter off Yusuf secondly Yusuf never claimed to be prophet Yusuf was had money dispute with owner off khabrain newspaper andowner off newspaper framed him and falsely accused Yusuf and threw him in jail so Yusuf writer letter to molana Abdul sat tar niaxi for help so they sent said sahab to Yusuf in jail to know about case so he met him and when he knew the situation he also went to meet Zia who is owner off khabrain but Zia threatened him and asked him to stay away otherwise he would malign him and that is exactly what he did Zia was given suggestion by said sir on behalf off molana Niazi that they would form board off ulema to decidlater Yusuf got punished by court in pressure from paid molvis who were paid by Zia otherwise if you read the case that is most pathetic case and clearly no proof against Yusuf @usama waqas

Personally, I did not even read your post except for the first sentence, and I don't care what you think, if you are going to follow such shaddy people, then its up to you. You are responsible for yourself, not me...
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Personally, I did not even read your post except for the first sentence, and I don't care what you think, if you are going to follow such shaddy people, then its up to you. You are responsible for yourself, not me...
Yes and you want to blame a person without any knowledge and shows one thing that he is clear person but it shows what kind off person you are and what is your....... personality
Personally, I did not even read your post except for the first sentence, and I don't care what you think, if you are going to follow such shaddy people, then its up to you. You are responsible for yourself, not me...

There is a reason why he has one and a half million followers on just facebook. Do you think all those people have gone astray? 1.5 million people here we are talking about. Also, action speak louder than speculation! Look at what this guy has done and supported Pakistan and being a true patriot. Don't put much emphasis on what people say about Zaid Hamid's relation to Yusuf Kazab because if you just watch one show of Zaid Hamid, you would know he is a patriot. Be open minded?
Zaid awakened the youth of Pakistan to the devious nature of world powers.

He is the reason why we have not had an arab spring and will never have such chaos and civil unrest.

Like Qadir did the atomic explosions.

Zaid did the social enlightenment explosion.

Made us understand who we are and what we stand for. Deciphered between friend and foe.
There is a reason why he has one and a half million followers on just facebook. Do you think all those people have gone astray? 1.5 million people here we are talking about. Also, action speak louder than speculation! Look at what this guy has done and supported Pakistan and being a true patriot. Don't put much emphasis on what people say about Zaid Hamid's relation to Yusuf Kazab because if you just watch one show of Zaid Hamid, you would know he is a patriot. Be open minded?
I have explained that case above those who are close to him have started offering salah even many now also pray thajud they read more darood shared and Quran than ever before their relation with rasool pak saw have increased don't know how this is going astray
Yes and you want to blame a person without any knowledge and shows one thing that he is clear person but it shows what kind off person you are and what is your....... personality

I guess, you just want to see what you want to see....
There is a reason why he has one and a half million followers on just facebook. Do you think all those people have gone astray? 1.5 million people here we are talking about. Also, action speak louder than speculation! Look at what this guy has done and supported Pakistan and being a true patriot. Don't put much emphasis on what people say about Zaid Hamid's relation to Yusuf Kazab because if you just watch one show of Zaid Hamid, you would know he is a patriot. Be open minded?

This is a guy surrounded by controversies. I am afraid he might spread fitna. If people want to still follow him, then they are responsible for their own selves. I am not responsible for them.
This is a guy surrounded by controversies. I am afraid he might spread fitna. If people want to still follow him, then they are responsible for their own selves. I am not responsible for them.

He is not spreading fitna you stop posting lies and first do research on that so called controversy than come and talk
This guy is a known liar and many of his silly lies are exposed-Yet just because he is a patriot pakistanis want to see him as a savior..!!
Our reply to legal notice by Geo News | Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

By Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

GEO sakes sent me a legal notice today accusing me of defaming their already ****** reputation and then asked me to apologize else they will take me to court. Here is my reply to them, alhamdolillah, which has been sent to their lawyers. They started this war. Now we will finish it for them inshAllah.



Ahmed & Qazi
Advocates and Legal Consultants
403-4, 417 Clifton Centre, Clifton,

Sub: Legal Notice under defamation ordinance 2002

Reference your legal notice, dated 17.7.2013 under above subject, please note:

1. I reject the allegation of leveled against me by you on behalf of your “clients” (Geo-Jang group and others mentioned in your notice).

2. After the above rejection of your allegations, the demand for a public apology becomes superfluous and unnecessary, hence is also rejected.

3. Pakistan today is under attack in a massive urban 4th generation war where the existence of the state, its people and ideology is at stake under a vicious multi-dimensional economic, military, media and political war. The entire State is facing a collapse and over a 100,000 Pakistanis have either been killed or wounded in this imposed asymmetric war.

4. Being a Defense analyst, it is my professional duty to expose and resist those elements of hostile non-state actors who are waging this 4th generation war against the state and its ideology.

5. I have resisted the terrorists and insurgents of TTP and BLA as well as urban insurgents in Karachi and have raised my voice to defend the nation as part of this sacred duty.

6. I have also defended Pakistan’s ideology and exposed the fifth columnists within the Pakistani media who are acting as hostile “media insurgents” to demolish the state from within.

7. We have taken the cases of such elements like SAFMA, Hamid Mir, Najam Sethi etc to the Supreme Court of Pakistan, along with proof of their involvement in anti-state media activities and waging a deliberate hostile information war against Pakistan and its ideology, in this critical time of war, demanding death penalty under article 6 of the constitution for committing treason against the state. The cases are pending in the court of law and will get hearing in due time inshaAllah.

8. This is not a secret any more that certain elements within Pakistani media are waging a hostile information war against the state, armed forces and the nation. Hundreds of articles, TV programs and reports have now been published, circulated and aired on such anti-state activities of certain section of media.

9. During the Abbotabad Commission report also, former DG ISI, General Pasha has also categorically explained the negative role of such hostile media.

10. It is reported on the social media also that Supreme Court Media Commission report also suggest name certain TV programs which are funded from hostile sources, including India and the subject merit serious criminal inquiry.

11. In this age of Social media and freedom of expression, where according to general public perceptions, your clients, and many people on their payroll, have been found to be blatantly involved in anti-state activities by the nation and the youth, the campaigns on the social media are spontaneous and self propagating without any individual controlling their content or direction. Millions of youth are expressing their rage over, what they perceive to be, hostile media activity. Sending me a legal notice on uncontrolled social media activity is comical to say the least. Your clients and many anchors on their payroll have been attacking my honor, self respect, dignity and faith, directly and indirectly but I have always maintained dignified restraint. Please direct your clients to send a million legal notices to all Social media activists, TV anchors, media analysts and Supreme Court Media Commission report members who have allegedly written the Media report and who feel that your client’s role has been damaging to the state, people, faith and constitution.

12. For years, I have been trying to find a proper legal forum to argue my case against hostile media and their role in the urban 4th generation war. Now we have enough material at hand, some of which has already been presented to the Supreme Court, to get treason cases registered against many media houses and their owners as well as their paid media insurgents.

13. You will do a great service to this nation if you file a case against me in a proper court of law. The courts are reluctant to hear cases against media. Maybe, a case filed by your esteemed client will force them to hear our side of the story as well and bring the facts on record for the sake of law, national security and archives of history. We so much want a legal forum to raise our voice over this media terrorism by certain media houses.

14. Millions of youth, patriots and nationalists would also join me, InshAllah, in becoming party in such a case. No need to mention that such a case would set the social media ablaze with excitement and would fully expose the dark sides of the hostile media which the courts are still avoiding to expose. This would become the greatest case against media in entire Pakistan’s history. Indeed an exciting concept!

Wishing you and your “clients” a happy Ramazan.


Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid
GEO propaganda continuing against Zaid Hamid!!!

Yesterday's Capital Talk was solely focused on Zaid Hamid...shows how desperate GEO and Hamid Mir are getting. As if Zaid Hamid is the biggest problem to be talked about in Pakistan!

Geo with another low.
Zaid hamid is ready for Ghazwa-e-Geo .



Disclaimer : Don't play with Rusted sword it may lead to Titanus.
Technically he isnt wrong.. by the definition of a patriot:

Someone who feels strong support for his/her country

By that Zaid Hamid definitely has strong support for his country and is truly a patriot.
However, whether that is misplaced or delusional or maniacal or fanciful or..................

is another matter entirely .

Are you trying to say that by highlighting the hypocrites in the ISI / Pakarmy / GoP / Pak Social media / other strata, GEO is not be a patriot organization. Afterall even GEO wants good of Pakistan as they claim. They just believe that what Zaid Hamid espouses about the above state organs is not correct. GEO believes in less political role for Army and more strength to the politicians. How does that make them traitors? Or do you mean to say that Asma Jahangir or GEO or any other critic of the Army does not love Pakistani?
He is not spreading fitna you stop posting lies and first do research on that so called controversy than come and talk

Renowed religious scholar Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Naeem sahab of Jamia Binoria Islamic Seminary, Karachi has declared Zaid Hamid a kazzab ie liar, charlatan, deceiver and denounced him in strongest words due to his anti-islam activities and has advised muslims especially youth to stay away from this charlatan. He further said that any person(s) who becomes an accomplice or follower of Zaid Hamid in his anti-islam activities shall be counted in the same group as Qadianis and other enemies of islam.

Listen from 28:00 mins

Maulana Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Qadri Barelvi declares Zaid Hamid a kazzab and says that Zaid Hamid should be seized by the people and should be made to repent before Allah for his anti-islam activities. Moreover he says that people should not allow charlatans like Zaid Hamid to roam around freely and become another Yusuf Ali aka Kazzab.

Listen from 26:04

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