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Zaid Hamid and his accomplices are in the same category as Qadianis: Ulema

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Renowed religious scholar Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Naeem sahab of Jamia Binoria Islamic Seminary, Karachi has declared Zaid Hamid a kazzab ie liar, charlatan, deceiver and denounced him in strongest words due to his anti-islam activities and has advised muslims especially youth to stay away from this charlatan. He further said that any person(s) who becomes an accomplice or follower of Zaid Hamid in his anti-islam activities shall be counted in the same group as Qadianis and other enemies of islam.

Listen from 28:00 mins

Maulana Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Qadri Barelvi declares Zaid Hamid a kazzab and says that Zaid Hamid should be seized by the people and should be made to repent before Allah for his anti-islam activities. Moreover he says that people should not allow charlatans like Zaid Hamid to roam around freely and become another Yusuf Ali aka Kazzab.

Listen from 26:04

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These are the same Ulema who were the teachers of Mulla Omar and the Afghan Taliban and they respect these Ulema the way they respect their own parents. Go and ask any one how many Taliban had studied in Binori Town and other Madrasahs and you will know the reality.

If you have lots of knowledge dosn't mean you are an "ehl e nazar", the same go to these mullah who can give a fatwa for few dollars,
These guys are jokes, watch this video:
Do you still believe this guy is an ALLAM?
About Yusuf, remember that it was a religious and sectarian issue where scholars were divided between Deobandis and Barelvis. Some of the greatest names of Ahl sunnah -- Maulan Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi, Sheikh Nazim, Maulana Manzoor Shah Sahib and almost 40 other scholars defended Yusuf in this case. Are these scholars all Kafirs Naoozubillah ???? 

[B]Maulana Sattar Khan Niazi is the one who was sentenced to death for fighting against Qadianis. Now such a great scholar defends Yusuf, then do we have the right to call someone a Kafir ?[/B]?? You can call a Muslim a fasiq, a fajir, a Zaani, a Qatil, a munafiq but calling someone a Kafir needs extremely strict sharia requirements and all great scholars are extremely careful in this matter. Claim of prophet hood is a very dangerous matter and extremely strict sharia requirements are needed here, which are NEVER fulfilled in yusuf case. 

About Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, there is total Ijma or consensus of Muslims. NO difference between any school of thought. But in Yusuf case, greatest of scholars feel that he was misunderstood, misquoted and even subject of a sectarian conspiracy. 

[B]I consider Yusuf an idiot, a person gone astray perhaps, a fool, a corrupt man but prefer NOT to call him Kafir after I read the Fatwa of Maulana Niazi and Sheikh Nazim. [/B]Now is this attitude of mine correct or wrong ?? I am definitely not his follower. [B]have you ever heard me saying anything good about him or praising him ?? NEVER. [/B]

For your satisfaction, giving the address of the website where almost 40 scholars of ahl-sunnah have given their fatwas in favor of Yusuf. Those calling me a Kafir should also call these entire lot of great scholars as Kafirs too. astaghfurullah !! 

[B]DO NOT fall for the lies of GEO. it will NOT hurt me but would destroy your own dunya and akhirat. Be careful. remain focused on mission and defend Pakistan on all battlefronts and destroy the lies of geo and their snakes.[/B]

A big FAQUE to these halwa eater maulvis, used like tissue paper by Geo news and others for few dollars, i pray god to never forgive these snakes if they don't repent.
About Yusuf, remember that it was a religious and sectarian issue where scholars were divided between Deobandis and Barelvis. Some of the greatest names of Ahl sunnah -- Maulan Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi, Sheikh Nazim, Maulana Manzoor Shah Sahib and almost 40 other scholars defended Yusuf in this case. Are these scholars all Kafirs Naoozubillah ???? 

[B]Maulana Sattar Khan Niazi is the one who was sentenced to death for fighting against Qadianis. Now such a great scholar defends Yusuf, then do we have the right to call someone a Kafir ?[/B]?? You can call a Muslim a fasiq, a fajir, a Zaani, a Qatil, a munafiq but calling someone a Kafir needs extremely strict sharia requirements and all great scholars are extremely careful in this matter. Claim of prophet hood is a very dangerous matter and extremely strict sharia requirements are needed here, which are NEVER fulfilled in yusuf case. 

About Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, there is total Ijma or consensus of Muslims. NO difference between any school of thought. But in Yusuf case, greatest of scholars feel that he was misunderstood, misquoted and even subject of a sectarian conspiracy. 

[B]I consider Yusuf an idiot, a person gone astray perhaps, a fool, a corrupt man but prefer NOT to call him Kafir after I read the Fatwa of Maulana Niazi and Sheikh Nazim. [/B]Now is this attitude of mine correct or wrong ?? I am definitely not his follower. [B]have you ever heard me saying anything good about him or praising him ?? NEVER. [/B]

For your satisfaction, giving the address of the website where almost 40 scholars of ahl-sunnah have given their fatwas in favor of Yusuf. Those calling me a Kafir should also call these entire lot of great scholars as Kafirs too. astaghfurullah !! 

[B]DO NOT fall for the lies of GEO. it will NOT hurt me but would destroy your own dunya and akhirat. Be careful. remain focused on mission and defend Pakistan on all battlefronts and destroy the lies of geo and their snakes.[/B]

A big FAQUE to these halwa eater maulvis, used like tissue paper by Geo news and others for few dollars, i pray god to never forgive these snakes if they don't repent.

Friend please try to realize that this Zaid Zaman Hamid Kazzab is the present day's Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani who was the false prophet of Qadianis. Its just a matter of time before he unveils his real true ugly face and agenda and then you will have nothing left except shame and regret. So come out of his cult as soon as possible to save your iman.
World renowed Islamic seminary Jamia Uloom ul Islamia Binori Town's fatwa against Zaid Hamid and his followers.

FATWA – Zaid Hamid and his followers are Kaafir. December 6th,2011 « Zaid Hamid Exposition

screw pakistans ulema, they are hypocrites ill take zaid hamid over them any day

Friend please try to realize that this Zaid Zaman Hamid Kazzab is the present day's Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani the false prophet of Qadianis. Its just a matter of time before he unveils his real true ugly face and agenda and then you will have nothing left except shame and regret. So come out of his cult as soon as possible to save your iman.

well we will wait till that day then i guess, zaid hamid is a good man and a good person, he is a muslim and he wouldnt commit shirk as you would like him to. he is just an analyst not a religious leader.
screw pakistans ulema, they are hypocrites ill take zaid hamid over them any day

well we will wait till that day then i guess, zaid hamid is a good man and a good person, he is a muslim and he wouldnt commit shirk as you would like him to. he is just an analyst not a religious leader.

Then i am afraid that you will be including yourself in the same category as Qadianis as Maulana Naeem sahab rightly commented. Even then if you want to follow this shaitan then do so at the peril of your iman.
in today Show Hamid Mir he said that he Invited Zaid hamid in the show
but Zaid hamid refused

Zaid Hamid on facebook page said He never Invited me

Hamid mir is Lier Shame on Hamid mir

me not trusting Zaid hamid
but hamid mir is Lier
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