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Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan

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At least tell this 'clown', jihadi turned scholar to talk like normal human beings. His way of talking is irritating and more ugly then his thoughts. He looks like a retard who will jump at host next moment.

I will prefer Aamir Liaqat over this juggler.

Also ask him which law allows to issue a parallel currency and state with in state.

Lots of followers of Baitullah Mehsud were saying what you are shouting today, Let's forget what Zaid will do in future, lets concentrate what he is doing now......

And he too turned a big enemy of Pakistan.

Now this jihaidi be allowed to recruit some less educated fighters who become a threat like Lal Masjid...he deserves to be in jail as soon as possible, the act of issuing personal 'dinars' is a criminal and he must be investigated for CIA and RAW links.
At least tell this 'clown', jihadi turned scholar to talk like normal human beings. His way of talking is irritating and more ugly then his thoughts. He looks like a retard who will jump at host next moment.

I will prefer Aamir Liaqat over this juggler.

Also ask him which law allows to issue a parallel currency and state with in state.

Lots of followers of Baitullah Mehsud were saying what you are shouting today, Let's forget what Zaid will do in future, lets concentrate what he is doing now......

And he too turned a big enemy of Pakistan.

Now this jihaidi be allowed to recruit some less educated fighters who become a threat like Lal Masjid...he deserves to be in jail as soon as possible, the act of issuing personal 'dinars' is a criminal and he must be investigated for CIA and RAW links.

Chuba - Stop jumping. Comment something constructive. This women like attitude will not lead you anywhere.

Most of your stuff has been answered before in my last post.
At least tell this 'clown', jihadi turned scholar to talk like normal human beings. His way of talking is irritating and more ugly then his thoughts. He looks like a retard who will jump at host next moment.

I will prefer Aamir Liaqat over this juggler.

Also ask him which law allows to issue a parallel currency and state with in state.

Lots of followers of Baitullah Mehsud were saying what you are shouting today, Let's forget what Zaid will do in future, lets concentrate what he is doing now......

And he too turned a big enemy of Pakistan.

Now this jihaidi be allowed to recruit some less educated fighters who become a threat like Lal Masjid...he deserves to be in jail as soon as possible, the act of issuing personal 'dinars' is a criminal and he must be investigated for CIA and RAW links.

you either dont like to understand english or you are just one of those systematized blind politicians lover or follower in this case "ganja and kana chief dakko"... the last thing you wanna expect from him would be sympathy for terrorists as he himself the only one on pakistani corrupt media exposing the truth behind these so called jihadi groups in pakistan and who is behind them.. the whole point of this post was to discus who the brain mind is behind destruction of pakistan..
you either dont like to understand english or you are just one of those systematized blind politicians lover or follower in this case "ganja and kana chief dakko"... the last thing you wanna expect from him would be sympathy for terrorists as he himself the only one on pakistani corrupt media exposing the truth behind these so called jihadi groups in pakistan and who is behind them.. the whole point of this post was to discus who the brain mind is behind destruction of pakistan..

Tahir ul Qadri was more popular then this anti Pakistan clown and to be Khalipha.....before he established his own sect in name of uniting Pakistan and became Sheikh ul Islam, i was big fan of him, but now, I don't like him.

So was, Dr.Israr, Pervez, Madoodi, Suleman Rushdie....long list of clowns.

Rather then worrying about politicians who are judged by public, worry about this to be khalipha and for who he is working, giving lectures with distorted facts and fake references.
He seems to be another Suleiman Rushdie in making on CIA payroll. His way of speaking is irritating and his goals are to announce himself a 'Khalipah' in near future.

Those who remember the past of Tahir ul Qadri, Dr. Israr, Madoodi and Suleiman Rushdie can see many similarities with this retard and previous 'scholars', who later proved to be dividing factor in Ummah. All of them were working on CIA agenda to breed further sects in Islam but were speaking furiously against US and CIA, unfortunately, our beliefs are so weak that we take any retard as 'Massiah' and start worshiping them, who, later start their own sects.

I wonder what will government be doing once this clown has recruited few thousand followers and announces his 'khilaphat' in Islamabad. May be, another Lal Masjid incident in Islamabad.

It's time for government to check the links of this clown and source of fundings.

LAY OFF with your retarded propaganda without backing it with proofs.
Tahir ul Qadri was more popular then this anti Pakistan clown and to be Khalipha.....before he established his own sect in name of uniting Pakistan and became Sheikh ul Islam, i was big fan of him, but now, I don't like him.

So was, Dr.Israr, Pervez, Madoodi, Suleman Rushdie....long list of clowns.

Rather then worrying about politicians who are judged by public, worry about this to be khalipha and for who he is working, giving lectures with distorted facts and fake references.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yes we can see who is anti-Pakistan and i can also smell who you can be.

Hmmm no wonder those who are being exposed by Zaid sahab are jumping like anything.

I also can understand why someone from across the border pretended as a Muslim on the internet and spitting venom against zaid sahab in a video.

I can also understand that a person who was just a rag tag journalist in Peshawar and i remember that man used to beg many local newspapers including mine one to publish his diary column.
That man somehow was questioned over some of his activities and he ran to US where now he is being funded by CIA with all the required tools.
As soon as he started knowing that CIA has been exposed by brasstacks, this man started propaganda like you calling Zaid sahab working for CIA.
My GOD i would not have commented on that man but was know him very well so i know how fake that journalist is and what is he up to.

He seems to be another Suleiman Rushdie in making on CIA payroll. His way of speaking is irritating and his goals are to announce himself a 'Khalipah' in near future.

Those who remember the past of Tahir ul Qadri, Dr. Israr, Madoodi and Suleiman Rushdie can see many similarities with this retard and previous 'scholars', who later proved to be dividing factor in Ummah. All of them were working on CIA agenda to breed further sects in Islam but were speaking furiously against US and CIA, unfortunately, our beliefs are so weak that we take any retard as 'Massiah' and start worshiping them, who, later start their own sects.

I wonder what will government be doing once this clown has recruited few thousand followers and announces his 'khilaphat' in Islamabad. May be, another Lal Masjid incident in Islamabad.

It's time for government to check the links of this clown and source of fundings.

I agree. Just because some people choose to worship this guy as their own messiah does not mean they can intimidate the rest of us into silence and ignorance. In case this guy is a fraud we need critical, suspicious people who watch what he says very carefully to figure out what his agenda is in case it is harmful to pakistanis.

How do we know this guy is not some wolf in sheeps clothing??? He can make a big noise against corruption, injustice and treachery but how do we know if he does not have some secret deep down inside he is hiding? How naive some people are to think that CIA/RAW/MOSSAD/MI6 cannot work through mullahs using them as pawns. :tsk:
I agree. Just because some people choose to worship this guy as their own messiah does not mean they can intimidate the rest of us into silence and ignorance. In case this guy is a fraud we need critical, suspicious people who watch what he says very carefully to figure out what his agenda is in case it is harmful to pakistanis.

How do we know this guy is not some wolf in sheeps clothing??? He can make a big noise against corruption, injustice and treachery but how do we know if he does not have some secret deep down inside he is hiding? How naive some people are to think that CIA/RAW/MOSSAD/MI6 cannot work through mullahs using them as pawns. :tsk:

Exectly, Sir,

There are so many unemployed people in Pakistan, even being used as 'suicide bombers', we must expect some of them being used as 'propaganda team' for a fake 'khalipha'.

This clown unlike others is trying to introduce his own 'dinar', none of his employes has answered me, under what law or religious verdict a person can introduce his own personal currency, making the national economy to cripple which is dependent on public savings.

If, you watch his lectures you will feel he is going to jump on TV host, next moment, is it a behaviour of Khalid bin Walid or Umar (RA).

This clown is much more dangerous then the previous ones we had suffered in Islamic world, he is not only recuriting followers for his 'khilaphat' but also trying to cripple down the economy of an Islamic state. Should we wait untill he has few thousand less educated warriors to stage a war in Islamabad or we should request government to investigate his links and put him in cage at an early stage before he becomes another bait ullah Mehsud.

So far, what his propaganda team has replied here is not satisfactory and casts more doubts about the activities of 'jihadi turned reformist'.

I hope government and state bank of Pakistan will take an immidiate action sending this clown 'khalipha' behind bars, where he deserves to be. I hate to see such jugglers fooling innocent Muslim youth for their CIA backed plans.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yes we can see who is anti-Pakistan and i can also smell who you can be.

Hmmm no wonder those who are being exposed by Zaid sahab are jumping like anything.

I also can understand why someone from across the border pretended as a Muslim on the internet and spitting venom against zaid sahab in a video.

I can also understand that a person who was just a rag tag journalist in Peshawar and i remember that man used to beg many local newspapers including mine one to publish his diary column.
That man somehow was questioned over some of his activities and he ran to US where now he is being funded by CIA with all the required tools.
As soon as he started knowing that CIA has been exposed by brasstacks, this man started propaganda like you calling Zaid sahab working for CIA.
My GOD i would not have commented on that man but was know him very well so i know how fake that journalist is and what is he up to.


Thank you Sir,

But your personal life has nothing to do with your 'fake kahlipha', please answer the questions in posts above if you are serious in defending the clown, but I hope you are not an employee of retard.
Exectly, Sir,

There are so many unemployed people in Pakistan, even being used as 'suicide bombers', we must expect some of them being used as 'propaganda team' for a fake 'khalipha'.

This clown unlike others is trying to introduce his own 'dinar', none of his employes has answered me, under what law or religious verdict a person can introduce his own personal currency, making the national economy to cripple which is dependent on public savings.

If, you watch his lectures you will feel he is going to jump on TV host, next moment, is it a behaviour of Khalid bin Walid or Umar (RA).

This clown is much more dangerous then the previous ones we had suffered in Islamic world, he is not only recuriting followers for his 'khilaphat' but also trying to cripple down the economy of an Islamic state. Should we wait untill he has few thousand less educated warriors to stage a war in Islamabad or we should request government to investigate his links and put him in cage at an early stage before he becomes another bait ullah Mehsud.

So far, what his propaganda team has replied here is not satisfactory and casts more doubts about the activities of 'jihadi turned reformist'.

I hope government and state bank of Pakistan will take an immidiate action sending this clown 'khalipha' behind bars, where he deserves to be. I hate to see such jugglers fooling innocent Muslim youth for their CIA backed plans.

Hold on a second, what you recommended was just jailing this guy for starting his own gold based currency. But if that is legal in Pakistan then you cannot do that. Here in the US there are actually some gold based digital currencies that are functioning for online transactions and the govt has to allow it by law.

Ok I don't know what he is upto with the gold dinar so I won't comment on its legality but Zaid Hamid should not be arrested unless that gold dinar clearly breaks the laws of Pakistan. Personally I like that guy's style because he points fingers at how corrupt the pakistani politicians are and how the whole of Pakistan is being ripped off and scammed by foreign powers intent on weakening and destroying it.

Now my main objection to Zaid Hamid's style of presentation is he ties all this in with Islam, probably because religion is so fashionable in Pakistan. You put "islamic" in any sentence and idiots get excited. You write "Islam" on a stick of dynamite and you can find some nalaiq moron who will blow himself up with it too. So this is why I think he should remove religion from his documentaries because firstly he sounds like a moron when he mentions stuff like "divine winds" helping out the PA which makes even religious people question his sanity. And secondly if his documentaries get the reputation of being the rantings of a religious nutjob then his message of patriotism, anti-corruptionism and anti-imperialism gets mixed in with the mullah nonsense and does not reach enough educated non-religious pakistanis. This is very bad because generally speaking the older, more educated, more intelligent, more liberal minded a pakistani gets--the more that pakistani dislikes mullahs. It makes me sad and angry that we don't have any patriotic non-mullah pakistanis doing what Zaid Hamid is doing--because if we did then the less religious patriotic pakistanis would get on board.

Also at the same time I am afraid that this guy is a fraud, that he is just pretending to have Pakistan's wellbeing as his primary concern and all this BS is some script given to him by the CIA or whoever...this explains why he puts in the Islam nonsense too so that only retards pay attention to him---and that is his audience??? Retards??? An excellent way of filtering away those with common sense!

Think about that again for a second--he adds "fashionable" stuff about Islam to attract all the gullible religion loving people but then he acts like a total moron talking nonsense about "divine winds". Now with nonsense like that even religious people with common sense will get turned off and run away---but the mentally retarded people will still stay with him like idol worshippers. :eek:
well well well... what do we have here.. a ABCD kid worshiping americans and another chap who is apparently anti mullah no matter what kind... well kids... not all mullahs are bad... those who support terrorism deserve nice place in pit of hell while those who respect our religion without being extremest deserve respect...
I am sorry, I was not that good in my words, you have put it beautifully, these were my concerns erectly but I was unable to put in to proper words.

What I feel, he is a fraud, nothing else, a former security analyst providing security advise to US corporate and transformed in to a 'reformist and 'Khalipha'. Easier to go on CIA payroll and employ a bunch of unemployed 'followers' to extend the propaganda on each and evry forum on internet........this alone says something is going on.

Not to put him in jail without proof, but an investigation seems to be must in his activities. In Pakistan laws, no one can market his own 'coins' weather gold or 'brass', its domain of state bank of Pakistan. Even in times of Umar (RA) the same condition applied.

But what makes me worried is that the clown have few thousand warriors and announces his 'khilaphat', just like Lal masjid, what should government do, killing them will be war against islam and leaving them rum wild will destroy this country.

We need a strong Pakistan, not the one where state with in state paralises the governments. Already there are CIA plans to take down Indonasia, Iran, Malaysia and Libya.........whats happening in Pakistan is a concern for every Muslaim.
well well well... what do we have here.. a ABCD kid worshiping americans and another chap who is apparently anti mullah no matter what kind... well kids... not all mullahs are bad... those who support terrorism deserve nice place in pit of hell while those who respect our religion without being extremest deserve respect...

:) dear leave them carry on their agenda.

i know zaid sahab more than anyone here so for me if someone filled with ignorance continues with their propaganda dosnt matter much.
:) dear leave them carry on their agenda.

i know zaid sahab more than anyone here so for me if someone filled with ignorance continues with their propaganda dosnt matter much.


if you know him that well, i mean really well, then keep it between u and him.

Not suitable for defending a fraud in public and telling about your personal experiences, we are talking about his agenda, his thinking and his future plans, you might not be a suitable person to answer as you are personally related to him, we need an impartial opinion about his activities.
What I feel, he is a fraud, nothing else, a former security analyst providing security advise to US corporate and transformed in to a 'reformist and 'Khalipha'. Easier to go on CIA payroll and employ a bunch of unemployed 'followers' to extend the propaganda on each and evry forum on internet........this alone says something is going on.

hmmm So you two guys have been hired by CIA to carry on propaganda about Zaid Hamid just because he is exposing the CIA game plane to tople Pakistan Army and disintegrate Pakistan.

Not to put him in jail without proof, but an investigation seems to be must in his activities. In Pakistan laws, no one can market his own 'coins' weather gold or 'brass', its domain of state bank of Pakistan.

:lol: indeed ignorance is blessing. You need to scracth your head a little so that you can come to know that ARY Gold is already selling Gold blocks which can be used by people to pay their zakat to poor in gold instead of paper currency.

In Malysia Gold currency has already been started.

Above all he dosnt say that individual should start Gold currency.

What a blindness on part of ignorant people who can not diffrentiate between the analysis of paper currency consequences with gold currency.

Your other comments are not worth replying as these are based on emotional fits nothing else.
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