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Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan

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if you know him that well, i mean really well, then keep it between u and him.

Not suitable for defending a fraud in public and telling about your personal experiences, we are talking about his agenda, his thinking and his future plans, you might not be a suitable person to answer as you are personally related to him, we need an impartial opinion about his activities.

ufff... we now know your hidden agenda... over sensitive about your gunja nawaz as Zaid shaib has nailed his head? huhh.... and by the way... Jana is a lady so when you talk to her talk to her with respect!
I am sorry, I was not that good in my words, you have put it beautifully, these were my concerns erectly but I was unable to put in to proper words.

What I feel, he is a fraud, nothing else, a former security analyst providing security advise to US corporate and transformed in to a 'reformist and 'Khalipha'. Easier to go on CIA payroll and employ a bunch of unemployed 'followers' to extend the propaganda on each and evry forum on internet........this alone says something is going on.

Not to put him in jail without proof, but an investigation seems to be must in his activities. In Pakistan laws, no one can market his own 'coins' weather gold or 'brass', its domain of state bank of Pakistan. Even in times of Umar (RA) the same condition applied.

But what makes me worried is that the clown have few thousand warriors and announces his 'khilaphat', just like Lal masjid, what should government do, killing them will be war against islam and leaving them rum wild will destroy this country.

We need a strong Pakistan, not the one where state with in state paralises the governments. Already there are CIA plans to take down Indonasia, Iran, Malaysia and Libya.........whats happening in Pakistan is a concern for every Muslaim.

Forget about an investigation for now. This guy seems very well established and protected by the corrupt CIA backed Mushy camp in ISI and GoP. Here, look at some facts.

1. Zaid Hamid made many appearances with anchor host Ahmed Qureshi on a PTV(mushy regime controlled) program called "Capital Talk". Ahmed Qureshi is a well known bootlicking chamcha of Mushy and he would never never never have associated with Zaid Hamid if Hamid posed the slightest danger to Mushy regime. Now we can assume Hamid and Qureshi are two pawns working for the same puppetmaster...next...

2. Qureshi makes up nonsense that Mushy is fighting against the US imperial agenda LOL. Source: The plan to topple Pakistan's military?

3. Qureshi claims that Mushy did not send PA soldiers to Iraq thus preventing Turkey from helping in the occupation which is complete nonsense. Turkey's own parliament rejected troops being sent out of disgust of their awam.

4. Qureshi keeps using the anti-US naara to make it look like Mushy is some hero battling the US/CIA when in reality it is becoming more and more clear to everyone that Mushy was a willing US agent since decades! Now anyone who is not a retarded mullah follower must ask themselves, why would Zaid Hamid associate with such a sly fraud like Ahmed Qureshi? And also why is Zaid Hamid telling everyone such detailed stories of "ecomomic terrorism" which are all mostly true btw...but at the same time why is Zaid Hamid not telling his viewers how the CIA corrupts the pak military! Why is Zaid Hamid not telling his viewers how the CIA plants moles in the ISI and blackmails the ISI! Maybe because he does not want to shine a light on himself even in front of his retarded disciples??? :agree:

Sadly I think this guy may very well be part of a very estables cancer. But the good news is I think the cancer is in remission now as seen by the overthrow of Mushy. I hope another cancer does not take it's place. :pakistan:
He seems to be another Suleiman Rushdie in making on CIA payroll. His way of speaking is irritating and his goals are to announce himself a 'Khalipah' in near future.

Those who remember the past of Tahir ul Qadri, Dr. Israr, Madoodi and Suleiman Rushdie can see many similarities with this retard and previous 'scholars', who later proved to be dividing factor in Ummah. All of them were working on CIA agenda to breed further sects in Islam but were speaking furiously against US and CIA, unfortunately, our beliefs are so weak that we take any retard as 'Massiah' and start worshiping them, who, later start their own sects.

I wonder what will government be doing once this clown has recruited few thousand followers and announces his 'khilaphat' in Islamabad. May be, another Lal Masjid incident in Islamabad.

It's time for government to check the links of this clown and source of fundings.
What specifically has this fella done that irks you?

Isn't he speaking up AGAINST CIA, the US imperialism, our sell out politicians, etc?

Isn't he merely echoing this common Pakistani thought rather than breeding it?

You have to do better than that, and convince us what you're saying rather than ranting n raving!
Forget about an investigation for now. This guy seems very well established and protected by the corrupt CIA backed Mushy camp in ISI and GoP. Here, look at some facts.
Man there are people who believe that CIA booted Mush out with creating this Lawyer's movement, which seems to be dead soon after Mushy's leaving.

1. Zaid Hamid made many appearances with anchor host Ahmed Qureshi on a PTV(mushy regime controlled) program called "Capital Talk". Ahmed Qureshi is a well known bootlicking chamcha of Mushy and he would never never never have associated with Zaid Hamid if Hamid posed the slightest danger to Mushy regime. Now we can assume Hamid and Qureshi are two pawns working for the same puppetmaster...next...
Isn't Capital Talk on Geo TV? It's hosted by Hamid Mir and there are usually people from both sides of the debate. Hamid Mir, HATES Mushy. Zaid Hamid hasn't said a word in the favor of Mushy, he is just dissing the other guys along the way such as Mr. President and the lawyer's movement.

2. Qureshi makes up nonsense that Mushy is fighting against the US imperial agenda LOL. Source: The plan to topple Pakistan's military?
It can be so argued. Mushy never relented on a few things, like putting American ground troops on Pak soil, like abandoning IPI, like standing up to the support of BLA/TTP by CIA.

4. Qureshi keeps using the anti-US naara to make it look like Mushy is some hero battling the US/CIA when in reality it is becoming more and more clear to everyone that Mushy was a willing US agent since decades!

Call me a retarded mullah, but its not really clear.

Now anyone who is not a retarded mullah follower must ask themselves, why would Zaid Hamid associate with such a sly fraud like Ahmed Qureshi? And also why is Zaid Hamid telling everyone such detailed stories of "ecomomic terrorism" which are all mostly true btw...but at the same time why is Zaid Hamid not telling his viewers how the CIA corrupts the pak military!
How does the CIA corrupt the Pak military? Why don't you enlighten us?

Why is Zaid Hamid not telling his viewers how the CIA plants moles in the ISI and blackmails the ISI! Maybe because he does not want to shine a light on himself even in front of his retarded disciples??? :agree:
Wasn't the CIA anti-ISI because they couldn't control it?

Sadly I think this guy may very well be part of a very estables cancer. But the good news is I think the cancer is in remission now as seen by the overthrow of Mushy. I hope another cancer does not take it's place. :pakistan:
Yes, let's hope! Btw, Zardari became President.
Man there are people who believe that CIA booted Mush out with creating this Lawyer's movement, which seems to be dead soon after Mushy's leaving.

Really? And did these people find any connection between the lawyers and the CIA? Name some names and give some evidence or proof that links the CIA to the lawyers. Who was on the payroll, how did they start the "lawyer's movement" and why would a bunch of lawyers walking the streets have infinitely more effect on deposing Mushy than people like Hamid Gul. Or are you going to now claim that Hamid Gul(who was against Mushy firing judges) is a CIA agent while Mushy is a pakistani superhero battling against Washington and Langley?

Isn't Capital Talk on Geo TV? It's hosted by Hamid Mir and there are usually people from both sides of the debate. Hamid Mir, HATES Mushy. Zaid Hamid hasn't said a word in the favor of Mushy, he is just dissing the other guys along the way such as Mr. President and the lawyer's movement.

You don't know who Ahmed Qureshi is? I got the name of the show wrong. The correct name of the show is "World View" and it was on PTV. It was on this show that Ahmed Qureshi introduced Zaid Hamid to millions of viewers as a neutral security analyst. While Zaid Hamid does a good job of appearing neutral to the casual observer, things look a bit different if you examine his words more carefully. Here he is as a guest on his first major TV appearance:

1:30 Zaid Hamid starts out by saying there is a sinister aspect behind the US weakening Mushy and replacing him with Benazir. Then he lists some demands made by the US which Mushy is supposedly not meeting because he is "resisting" America like a patriotic general.

2:37 Zaid Hamid says Mushy did not recognize Israel

2:40 Ahmed Qureshi pretends to critique Musharaf and says "but President Musharraff did actually allow his foreign minister to shake hands with the Israeli foreign minister". Zaid Hamid responds with "Cosmetics, in reality Israel was never allowed access into Pakistan. Pakistan never recognised them despite the fact they are so desparate to have access into this area".

Ok now read this link, Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

Here are a few excerpts from the link which contradict Zaid Hamid:

Israeli President Shimon Peres is desperately trying to help his friend President Pervez Musharraf and is putting indirect pressure on the coalition government through different diplomatic channels not to impeach him, Foreign Office sources reveal.
The sources claim that Peres wants a safe exit for Musharraf and he is also ready to provide security to his friend outside Pakistan. These sources also claim that Peres and Musharraf are in regular contact with each other for the last three years. Both met first in Davos in January 2005 and since then they have been writing letters to each other and exchanging pleasantries on telephone regularly.
Diplomatic sources claim that Musharraf is the most popular Pakistani leader in Israel. He was the first Pakistani leader who was invited to address the World Jewish Congress in the US in 2005. After that historic event, the then foreign minister of Pakistan Khurshid Kasuri met his Israeli counterpart Silvon Shalom in Turkey in 2005.

3:40 Ahmed Qureshi now asks the great security analyst Zaid Hamid for his opinion and stamp of approval as to whether Mushy is resisting Washington in contradiction to what most people in Pakistan are saying. Zaid now pretends to be neutral and babbles nonsense for a few seconds trying to appear as if he is not as big a chamcha of Mushy as Ahmed Qureshi is.

5:40 Ahmed Qureshi suggest his hero Mushy has "thrown cold water" on Washington's plans and looks at Zaid Hamid for a stamp of approval and Zaid gives his stamp of approval "this is exactly what he has done".

Now in part 2:

4:14 Ahmed Qureshi starts to play devil's advocate(from the point of view of a Mushy fan) and asks hey is it true that the Swat problem is a result of Pakistan's(read Mushy's) "Afghan policy" meaning where the PA started attacking and killing Pashtuns after 9/2001. Ahmed Qureshi now asks Zaid Hamid for his expert opinion.

4:30 Zaid Hamid says nonsense! Zaid Hamid then claims that the Swat problem started in 1996, once again totally taking the blame away from Mushy!

5:40 Zaid Hamid blames the latest flareup in Swat on supreme court judges who released militants! Once again taking the spotlight away from Mushy's crazy US-endorsed policy of attacking civilians in NWFP.

It can be so argued. Mushy never relented on a few things, like putting American ground troops on Pak soil, like abandoning IPI, like standing up to the support of BLA/TTP by CIA.

Mushy did relent to allowing the US to station secret predetor bases on Pak soil. He also forgot to tell the rest of Pakistan about his little secret.
How does the CIA corrupt the Pak military? Why don't you enlighten us?

Wasn't the CIA anti-ISI because they couldn't control it?

See if I were a seasoned security analyst with a huge budget then that would be one of the topics I would cover thoroughly. This is something that would educate everyone, on exactly how foreign powers take over and puppetteer client states by cultivating agents. Why does he never touch it when he should know how this happens and how it is done?
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2:37 Zaid Hamid says Mushy did not recognize Israel

2:40 Ahmed Qureshi pretends to critique Musharaf and says "but President Musharraff did actually allow his foreign minister to shake hands with the Israeli foreign minister". Zaid Hamid responds with "Cosmetics, in reality Israel was never allowed access into Pakistan. Pakistan never recognised them despite the fact they are so desparate to have access into this area".

Ok now read this link, Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

A point of hope for Israel has been the Pakistan Peoples Party, the center-left party led by Zardari. Markey said that Zardari’s party was not likely to play the anti-Israel card and might, under the right conditions, pursue limited outreach as part of a broader foreign policy agenda.

PPP looking not so different here if only recognition of Israel is the problem.

Why are you bringing the PPP into this out of nowhere? The topic is Zaid Hamid and the fact that he is defending Mushy by making up nonsense. The very title of your link says the PPP is not playing the anti-Israel card so even if they recognize Israel it doesn't matter because they aren't lying about that issue.

Now Zaid Hamid on the other hand is claiming that Mushy is anti-Israel and that was one of the main reasons making the US angry at Mushy--I proved this was nonsense with that link so please stay on topic. Once again Zaid Hamid is meant to be a very knowledgable security analyst and he is clearly making up Rubish which has just been shown to be false.
Really? And did these people find any connection between the lawyers and the CIA?
Nothing can happen in Pakistan without Uncle's nod.

Always follow the money. How are lawyers supporting themselves since 9 march 2007?

Name some names and give some evidence or proof that links the CIA to the lawyers. Who was on the payroll, how did they start the "lawyer's movement" and why would a bunch of lawyers walking the streets have infinitely more effect on deposing Mushy than people like Hamid Gul.
That Aitezaz Ahsan's upto no good.

Remember "I'm retiring, no I'm not retiring" fiasco?

Or are you going to now claim that Hamid Gul(who was against Mushy firing judges) is a CIA agent while Mushy is a pakistani superhero battling against Washington and Langley?
Hamid Gul's just the old Taliban variety partner from the times when Mullahs were good in CIA books.

You don't know who Ahmed Qureshi is?
I know.

I got the name of the show wrong. The correct name of the show is "World View" and it was on PTV. It was on this show that Ahmed Qureshi introduced Zaid Hamid to millions of viewers as a neutral security analyst. While Zaid Hamid does a good job of appearing neutral to the casual observer, things look a bit different if you examine his words more carefully. Here he is as a guest on his first major TV appearance:

1:30 Zaid Hamid starts out by saying there is a sinister aspect behind the US weakening Mushy and replacing him with Benazir. Then he lists some demands made by the US which Mushy is supposedly not meeting because he is "resisting" America like a patriotic general.
Yeah so that's a good argument.

Mushy defying the US isn't a good argument for Mush not being a total lackey?

2:37 Zaid Hamid says Mushy did not recognize Israel
And he didn't, he dangled it, came really close to it. No harm in recognizing Israel btw. But Mushy tried to milk the situation as much as he could.

2:40 Ahmed Qureshi pretends to critique Musharaf and says "but President Musharraff did actually allow his foreign minister to shake hands with the Israeli foreign minister". Zaid Hamid responds with "Cosmetics, in reality Israel was never allowed access into Pakistan. Pakistan never recognised them despite the fact they are so desparate to have access into this area".
Again, not the end of the world!

Israel wanted to look good. Unilateral offer. And plus c'mon that article seems to have been written with the intent to defame Mush. "Help is friend, put pressure on the coalition government"... Uff, As if its not Mush but the Messiah that would lead the Jews to the Promised land.

3:40 Ahmed Qureshi now asks the great security analyst Zaid Hamid for his opinion and stamp of approval as to whether Mushy is resisting Washington in contradiction to what most people in Pakistan are saying. Zaid now pretends to be neutral and babbles nonsense for a few seconds trying to appear as if he is not as big a chamcha of Mushy as Ahmed Qureshi is.
Right non-sense... Great argument.

5:40 Ahmed Qureshi suggest his hero Mushy has "thrown cold water" on Washington's plans and looks at Zaid Hamid for a stamp of approval and Zaid gives his stamp of approval "this is exactly what he has done".
You're again arguing for Mush... If it's true, its true.

4:14 Ahmed Qureshi starts to play devil's advocate(from the point of view of a Mushy fan) and asks hey is it true that the Swat problem is a result of Pakistan's(read Mushy's) "Afghan policy" meaning where the PA started attacking and killing Pashtuns after 9/2001. Ahmed Qureshi now asks Zaid Hamid for his expert opinion.

4:30 Zaid Hamid says nonsense! Zaid Hamid then claims that the Swat problem started in 1996, once again totally taking the blame away from Mushy!

You do remember that around the Mid-90s we totally rooted for Taliban's resurgence... That didn't have any impact on the level of militancy we have in our country? No Mush did it all, out of the blue! Right?

5:40 Zaid Hamid blames the latest flareup in Swat on supreme court judges who released militants! Once again taking the spotlight away from Mushy's crazy US-endorsed policy of attacking civilians in NWFP.
Yeah Civilians ready to blow themselves up! Klashankof Yaaaah, grenades yaaaaah. People who kill, get killed by the cops.

Mushy did relent to allowing the US to station secret predetor bases on Pak soil. He also forgot to tell the rest of Pakistan about his little secret.
'Secret bases'. Nice so you don't need to provide any real evidence because they are secret.

See if I were a seasoned security analyst with a huge budget then that would be one of the topics I would cover thoroughly. This is something that would educate everyone, on exactly how foreign powers take over and puppetteer client states by cultivating agents. Why does he never touch it when he should know how this happens and how it is done?
Right and you don't see any particular agent in Zardari, despite his corruption, despite him murdering Benazir, despite backing off after US bombed Pakistani soldiers, despite him allowing US soldiers in to kill men, women and children on Pak soil, despite the fact that the Judges are still not coming back, despite the fact that our economy is downhill, despite the fact bombings are a weekly feature, despite the fact that our leaders are taking orders from UAE, Saudi, US... Let's just keep blaming Mush!
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Nothing can happen in Pakistan without Uncle's nod.

Always follow the money. How are lawyers supporting themselves since 9 march 2007?

That Aitezaz Ahsan's upto no good.

Remember "I'm retiring, no I'm not retiring" fiasco?

Well since you claimed that Uncle Sam's nod and his wallet orchestrated the lawyer uprising the burden of proof is on you, not me to prove that the lawyers had absolutely no savings or employment since March 2007. How did you find out that the CIA put these lawyers on the payroll, did a little birdie whisper it in your ear? Oh and besides the fact that lawyers are famous for amassing wealth, Aitezas Ahsan should have career wealth as well as pension payments, am I right? So please explain how the CIA seduced these lawyers to all of a sudden become the eye of the storm that blew Mushy over.

Hamid Gul's just the old Taliban variety partner from the times when Mullahs were good in CIA books.

Okay. I know that, so you do admit that Hamid Gul is definately not on the CIA payroll, correct?

Hamid Gul is one of Mushy's most outspoken critics and openly calls him an American stooge. The reason I mentioned Hamid Gul is because he is the most vocal and visible Gernail who wanted to end Mushy's rule and replace him with a civilian elected ruler because he was totally disgusted with the way Mushy appeared to roll over for the US. In my opinion Hamid Gul was a lot more effective in building up dissent against Mushy and in fact he was arrested on Mushy's orders during the emergency crackdown. So are you going to say Hamid Gul was on the CIA payroll too?

I know.

I got the name of the show wrong. The correct name of the show is "World View" and it was on PTV. It was on this show that Ahmed Qureshi introduced Zaid Hamid to millions of viewers as a neutral security analyst. While Zaid Hamid does a good job of appearing neutral to the casual observer, things look a bit different if you examine his words more carefully. Here he is as a guest on his first major TV appearance:

CzSfVjgdGgA[/media] - World View - America Breathing down our neck. Part 1

Yeah so that's a good argument.

Mushy defying the US isn't a good argument for Mush not being a total lackey?

And he didn't, he dangled it, came really close to it. No harm in recognizing Israel btw. But Mushy tried to milk the situation as much as he could.

Again, not the end of the world!

Israel wanted to look good. Unilateral offer. And plus c'mon that article seems to have been written with the intent to defame Mush. "Help is friend, put pressure on the coalition government"... Uff, As if its not Mush but the Messiah that would lead the Jews to the Promised land.

Right non-sense... Great argument.

You're again arguing for Mush... If it's true, its true.

You do remember that around the Mid-90s we totally rooted for Taliban's resurgence... That didn't have any impact on the level of militancy we have in our country? No Mush did it all, out of the blue! Right?

Yeah Civilians ready to blow themselves up! Klashankof Yaaaah, grenades yaaaaah. People who kill, get killed by the cops.

Step back a minute here, stop going off on tangents and nitpicking on irrelevent trivia that doesn't really matter. I am arguing the following points in my timestamped commentary on Zaid Hamid's two videos here:

1. Ahmed Qureshi is an open supporter of Mushy. A die hard advocate. No doubt about that right? All he ever does is promote and defent Mushy. Sometimes he pretends not to when he plays devil's advocate with one of his shill guests, namely Zaid Hamid in this episode of his show. I will repeat my point that such a fanatic Mushy fan would never allow anyone critical of Mushy to appear on his show. Yet Zaid Hamid did. That is the whole point--I am trying to show Zaid Hamid pretends to be neutral but is actually in the Mushy/ISI camp.

2. Ahmed Qureshi claims that Mushy is clashing with the US/CIA by consistently resisting US pressure to recognize Israel. Now I don't want to go off on tangents about Israel's recognition and the benefits to Pakistan--I really don't care if Israel is "recognized" or when it happens. What I care about here is that Ahmed Qureshi claimed that Mushy for whatever reasons stubbornly resisted recognizing Israel and then Ahmed Qureshi sneakily slips in that Mushy "allowed Pak and Israeli foreign ministers to shake hands" as if that was a big bold step for Mushy, like walking a tightrope. Then to contradict this little fairytale by Ahmed QureshiI provided the PakTribune link which has all the details of Mushy getting cushy with Shimon Peres. Now bear in mind this so called intelligence expert Zaid Hamid was sitting right in front of Ahmed Qureshi and endorsing this deception. That is the point--that Ahmed Qureshi made nonsense up about Israel purely to create a false impression about Mushy clashing with Washington over the Israel issue.

3. Ahmed Qureshi very clearly asks Zaid Hamid at 3:40 in the first video that despite the fact that Mushy is accused of being a stooge in reality he was actually fighting against the US in the interest of pakistan[implied]. Zaid Hamid ultimately agrees with it after spinning it in a more palateable fashion to a sceptic audience.

4. Swat. Regardless of your or my personal opinion it is clear that the blame for Swat was spread more than 10 years back by these two. I mentioned it not to start a tengential argument over Swat but just to illustrate these these two are just sitting there and giving Mushy a clean chit on issue after issue after issue after issue. The way they converse is ridiculous too with Ahmed Qureshi playing devil's advocate against his boss Mushy

'Secret bases'. Nice so you don't need to provide any real evidence because they are secret.

This is an open secret so no I don't need to provide proof as it has already been provided and accepted right here, as a matter of fact there were threads made about predators being stationed in Pakistan under CIA control. You seem to have a very short memory.

Right and you don't see any particular agent in Zardari, despite his corruption, despite him murdering Benazir, despite backing off after US bombed Pakistani soldiers, despite him allowing US soldiers in to kill men, women and children on Pak soil, despite the fact that the Judges are still not coming back, despite the fact that our economy is downhill, despite the fact bombings are a weekly feature, despite the fact that our leaders are taking orders from UAE, Saudi, US... Let's just keep blaming Mush!

Good point. Let Zaid Hamid describe how the CIA controls political parties too. Good point. Why doesn't Zaid Hamid talk about the specifics of how the CIA/MOSSAD/WEST controls Pakistan's economy, trade, political parties AND secret services and military. Now why doesn't Zaid spend one minute giving details about that while he spends hours on "the new world order" wreaking havoc over the last 500 years. And most of his "economic terorism" series is ripped off documentaries like "the money masters" and other works like that. He ripped all of that off documentaries and none of those docus mentioned Pakistan, is that the problem? Or is it because he does not want to educate his gullible viewers on exactly how their politicians, military and economy is hijacked? Can any of Zaid Hamid's fans answer that?
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Good point. Let Zaid Hamid describe how the CIA controls political parties too. Good point. Why doesn't Zaid Hamid talk about the specifics of how the CIA/MOSSAD/WEST controls Pakistan's economy, trade, political parties AND secret services and military. Now why doesn't Zaid spend one minute giving details about that while he spends hours on "the new world order" wreaking havoc over the last 500 years. And most of his "economic terorism" series is ripped off documentaries like "the money masters" and other works like that. He ripped all of that off documentaries and none of those docus mentioned Pakistan, is that the problem? Or is it because he does not want to educate his gullible viewers on exactly how their politicians, military and economy is hijacked? Can any of Zaid Hamid's fans answer that?

:) well you need to find sometime out of your hate for few people and seacrh if he said that or not.

BTW its not only he who is talking about this economic system. Manhy people who are part of this economic system of the west have also analyzed it in the same way with indeed logics.
:) well you need to find sometime out of your hate for few people and seacrh if he said that or not.

Trust me I have watched most of his videos and no video is devoted to describing the dirty details of how the US controls, seduced or blackmails politicians. Nor does it describe how the US/West makes puppets inside the pak military. If I missed any of those videos could you please point me to which ones they are? And no...I don't mean some video where he spends 20 seconds talking about it in one or two sentences. :rolleyes:

BTW its not only he who is talking about this economic system. Manhy people who are part of this economic system of the west have also analyzed it in the same way with indeed logics.

BTW you need to find some time out from your hate and look over some of my posts in this very thread and you will find that I have accused him three times of copying the talks about this economic system from other documentaries made in America. So please don't act like Maqsad doesn't realize that other people are also talking about this economic system. :rofl:
BTW you need to find some time out from your hate and look over some of my posts in this very thread and you will find that I have accused him three times of copying the talks about this economic system from other documentaries made in America. So please don't act like Maqsad doesn't realize that other people are also talking about this economic system. :rofl:

:) When people post even on this forum require to give links and in case of research indeed when you say something you need to quote from references.

And one more thing why to go too far just check this speech of Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the State Bank in Karachi where he termed this economic system disastrous for the world.
:) When people post even on this forum require to give links and in case of research indeed when you say something you need to quote from references.

And one more thing why to go too far just check this speech of Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the State Bank in Karachi where he termed this economic system disastrous for the world.

Maybe you are having some comprehension problems? I know very well about the economic system in the world. My point was Zaid Hamid ripped that information off not from Qaid-e-Azam but from American documentaries about the banking system and federal reserve. And please try to write in proper english, I understand you make mistakes when you read posts but please try to write properly at least so that you do not create double confusion.
Maybe you are having some comprehension problems? I know very well about the economic system in the world. My point was Zaid Hamid ripped that information off not from Qaid-e-Azam but from American documentaries about the banking system and federal reserve. And please try to write in proper english, I understand you make mistakes when you read posts but please try to write properly at least so that you do not create double confusion.

lolz what is wrong with that in the first place ????

we post a news or article from a source and then we analyse it. Isnt it ??

So tell me if you dont mention their banking system and federal reserve system in detail how can you analyse or pin point the consequences be these negative or positive.
lolz what is wrong with that in the first place ????

we post a news or article from a source and then we analyse it. Isnt it ??

So tell me if you dont mention their banking system and federal reserve system in detail how can you analyse or pin point the consequences be these negative or positive.

The point is that it makes Zaid Hamid into a copycat! If he copies other people's hard work then it means he did no hard work doing research.

Also why does Zaid Hamid not explain about the September 11th attack. Is he afraid to mention it? Why is he so scared of that, it is such an important issue! He does not give any details of how the US/CIA blackmailed Mushy over 9/11. Did ISI warn Zaid not to mention it? :eek:
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