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Why the hatred for India is so sublime than vice versa...are Pakistanis more civilized

If you want the real internal dynamics of Indian politics then please read my earlier lengthy post. There is no real enmity between the wealthy and upper middle class Indians of all religions and backgrounds. The so called ruling class. Hindu leaders have masses of Muslims supporting them and vice versa. Communal violence is a convenient political tool for these mafia leaders posing as political leaders, including the Gandhis. Claims abound that the BJP leadership in Gujarat were involved in sending the Muslim mob to attack the Hindus which they claim started the violence. India has myriad political leadership. To the average Pakistani Muslim, Indian Muslims are on the brink of a catastrophic genocide. Arm those Indian Muslims and ninety some odd percent will turn their guns on Pakistan, led by people whom I personally know and whom they regard as their leaders

I don't know much about the 1969 violence and haven't heard my father in law speaking about it so forgive my inability to respond

The Mumbai terrorist attacks

You give too much credit to Indian claims. Reality is that the descendants of those so claimed civilised people, both Indians and Pakistanis, possess nuclear weapons capable of wiping out South Asia if not Asia and consequently the world. They behead each other's soldiers and went to barbaric war against each other immediately after the British departed. The Africans may lay claim to a more peaceful history in my view :D

Hello Nilgiri. Thanks

So basically your family is in politics and have no real contact with the hundreds of millions of poor indian muslims who make up 95% of the population aka the masses?

And your in-laws and your father are not just spectators but the players and gain from fascism politically and financially.

Its like a brown man joining EDL.

I think that you are overstretching the reality. Pakistan has expressed regret over its actions in Bangladesh as correctly pointed out earlier by Agnostic Muslim. If not the political leadership in uncertain terms then certainly a large portion of its academics and its ruling elite. Even my father in law, a rabid Pakistani hater, believes that the Pakistani Hindus who came into India were being opportunistic with unrealistic expectations.

The hindus who went to india where not Pakistani or native to Pakistan.
Those were poor low caste bheels from Mewar who are basically nomads and grazed their animals where they could find green pastures.

The same people now live in their own ghettos/slums drinking and cleaning sewerage & cursing their own decisions.
Yes, Pakistanis, generally speaking, are far more civilised and far less bigoted than their Indian neighbours.

The ideology of Hindutva that defines contemporary India is essentially exclusivist and parochial, based entirely on deep hatred towards those (people as well as religions) deemed foreigners; Inferiority complex stemming from thousand years of slavery in their own lands.

OTOH, the areas that constitute Pakistan today have been ruled by Muslims for the last 1000 years (with a few exceptions). So, Pakistani Muslims do not share that deep inferiority complex (and the resultant extreme hatred) with the Indian Hindus. The anti-India sentiment in Pakistan is not rooted in pre 1947 history but the Indian actions against Pakistan and Muslims, esp. in occupied Kashmir, post partition.
That explains the utter nonsense that you wrote before. As i said, fix your lens and do some independent research as the conclusions you have formed are completely invalid and don't have an iota of logic.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM did a great job in debunking your claim that the Army rigged the election but allow me to rip apart your other accusation in regards to Nawaz Sharif. The Supreme Court of Pakistan asked a very simple question, please provide us with the money trail for the properties that were bought in London. What followed was absolute theatrics by Nawaz Sharif with one excuse after another, submitting forged deeds/documents and then finally a letter from the Qatari royals as a money trail. FYI, the lawyers for Nawaz Sharif later on pleaded to discard the Qatari letter.

Now is it the fault of the Military or the Supreme Court that Nawaz Sharif wasn't able to provide the money trail for properties that were worth millions of pounds? Was it the Supreme Court's fault that they submitted forged documents/deeds that were caught by the FIA?

Don't take this the wrong way and i will probably attribute it to your youth, but this is a Pro Research Forum. If you want to engage in a debate, please do your research.

Yes that was very evident for the enlightening research that was conducted Post Feb 27 by these so called 'Think Tanks'. I have lost the count on how many so called Indian Intellectuals have been trying to convince us that on Feb 26 a Madrassa was destroyed with 300 terrorists, and then Abhi shot down an F16. Usually the justification is we believe everything our Government tells us.
Call it an irrational obsession with blaming the Pakistani Army for every ill you can think of then.

There is no credible evidence that the Army 'selected' Imran Khan, just conspiracy theories and circumstantial accounts of minor election irregularities here and there. The polls, the results and independent election observers all largely support the claim that the recent elections were 'largely free and fair'.
Thank you for your views, gentlemen. I appreciate gaining more insights from you but your credentials and logic you share are undermined by the credentials of journalists like Almeida and Sethi and the logic they give. This is further substantiated by other think tanks who are firmly of the opinion that Nawaz's exit was orchestrated by the 'establishment' and the military has moved from direct dictatorship to behind-the-scenes manoeuvres. Dawn's paper mysteriously not being distributed and GEO TV being taken off air with no one in the Government being able to explain why are some of the smallest indicators of the extra-constitutional influence exercised by the said establishment.

Regardless, the only time these aspects truly matter is when negotiations/talks are being conducted between India and Pakistan where they add value to Govt of India by better understanding what can and cannot be delivered by Government of Pakistan. @Politico explained a point well. Let me add to it - After the Mumbai attack, a sea change has occurred in the public and Government sentiment, there is limited to no desire for peace or talks with Pakistan. What Modi initiated by travelling to Pakistan was despite public wishes not because of it. The terror attacks that followed his visit have ensured that he won't be making the same mistake again. Therefore, as neither the public nor the Government is inclined, there will likely be no talks with Pakistan till at least 2024.

In any case, BJP has bigger fish to fry. BJP wants to pass a slew of legislations this term and Pakistan is a means to strengthen their credentials to ease the passage of new laws.
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I am a British citizen whose father is of Indian origin ... I am married to a Gujarati Muslim businessman whose family has also done extremely well both in the UK and in India..... My father - in - law is a high ranking member of the BJP in Gujarat ..

Why Pakistan flag on your profile then ??
Yes, Pakistanis, generally speaking, are far more civilised and far less bigoted than their Indian neighbours.

The ideology of Hindutva that defines contemporary India is essentially exclusivist and parochial, based entirely on deep hatred towards those (people as well as religions) deemed foreigners; Inferiority complex stemming from thousand years of slavery in their own lands.

OTOH, the areas that constitute Pakistan today have been ruled by Muslims for the last 1000 years (with a few exceptions). So, Pakistani Muslims do not share that deep inferiority complex (and the resultant extreme hatred) with the Indian Hindus. The anti-India sentiment in Pakistan is not rooted in pre 1947 history but the Indian actions against Pakistan and Muslims, esp. in occupied Kashmir, post partition.
Al beruni the great scholar visited india(present day multan and surrounding areas)around 1000 AD...he noted that hindus had this feeling of superiority even then...he wrote that hindus believed everything was there in their books and were apprehensive of muslims given the ransacking and plundering of their land a hundred years ago by muslims.
How strange..1000 years later those people converted and are hating the very religion that they followed a few hundred years ago...it shows people generally love the religion their parents follow..pakistanis in 1000AD were hindus and loved hinduism as their parents followed it.
Pakistanis today love islam aa they have been brought up with islam.
Very few people have the power of free and independent thinking...many humans are sheep who follow whatever is taught to them and develop an identity with those teachings.
Al beruni the great scholar visited india(present day multan and surrounding areas)around 1000 AD...he noted that hindus had this feeling of superiority even then...he wrote that hindus believed everything was there in their books and were apprehensive of muslims given the ransacking and plundering of their land a hundred years ago by muslims.
How strange..1000 years later those people converted and are hating the very religion that they followed a few hundred years ago...it shows people generally love the religion their parents follow..pakistanis in 1000AD were hindus and loved hinduism as their parents followed it.
Pakistanis today love islam aa they have been brought up with islam.
Very few people have the power of free and independent thinking...many humans are sheep who follow whatever is taught to them and develop an identity with those teachings.

The dominant religion of coterminous Pakistan was Buddhism, not Hinduism.

Al-Biruni visited India before the Muslim conquest of Northern India. Read what he has written about Ghaznavi and the great city of Ghazni, Afghanistan. Mehmud of Ghazni was not the plunderer you allege he was.

All early Islamic chronicles refer to Sindh and Hind (India) separately.

The Balochistan and KP area of Pakistan were never a part of either Sindh or Hind.

Try again...
The dominant religion of coterminous Pakistan was Buddhism, not Hinduism.

Al-Biruni visited India before the Muslim conquest of Northern India. Read what he has written about Ghaznavi and the great city of Ghazni, Afghanistan. Mehmud of Ghazni was not the plunderer you allege he was.

All early Islamic chronicles refer to Sindh and Hind (India) separately.

The Balochistan and KP area of Pakistan were never a part of either Sindh or Hind.

Try again...
he mentioned attacks by muslims left hindus insecure and when al beruni wanted to learn sanskrit and indian astrology he had to work hard to find someone who can teach him..only after did he become friendly with those brahmins did they teach him.
AL beruni didnt mention nothing of buddhism ...stop your crap...he didnt even move to present day india...he stayed in pakistan and he wrote a book called Tahqiq-i-Hind...he wrote in depth about hindu astrology , puranas and sanskrit...he even praised indians for their intelligence and contributions in various fields.
You can read it online or read this link.
he mentioned attacks by muslims left hindus insecure and when al beruni wanted to learn sanskrit and indian astrology he had to work hard to find someone who can teach him..only after did he become friendly with those brahmins did they teach him.
AL beruni didnt mention nothing of buddhism ...stop your crap...he didnt even move to present day india...he stayed in pakistan and he wrote a book called Tahqiq-i-Hind...he wrote in depth about hindu astrology , puranas and sanskrit...he even praised indians for their intelligence and contributions in various fields.
You can read it online or read this link.

Al-Biruni in fact does mention Buddhists as the closest to Hindus despite their hatred for the Brahmins. Al-Biruni believed that Hindus were extremely haughty, foolishly vein and self-conceited .. But that's besides the point.

Even Al-Biruni has made a clear distinction between Sindh and Hind (India proper).

Thanks for proving me right
Woah woah Hang on a second there lil saffron bud, Kashmiris have the right to show you guys a middle finger from their lands if they want to.

Kashmiris will not simply 'forgive' and 'forget' Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir, it should be you b#stards begging for their forgiveness rather than the other way around.

How would you feel if it was your mother or father thrown into detention centers, left to die off while you're somewhere getting brainwashed to "sympathise" with the same people that are putting them there? or is them being Muslims/non-Hindu enough for your non existent Humanity to disappear?

i thought that padmachen being from the parsi community would turn out to be sensible at the very least. Guess he turned out to be another one of those cunning Indians. @AgNoStiC MuSliM 's litmus test is actually very true. If they do not support Kashmiri's right for a plebiscite then you know what kind of rubbish they are.
Dont get fool from appearances of indians.
This guy padmachan or whatever is hard core islamophobe clown.he want revenge of what Muslims did them in past.
they keep smile on the face and hatred in the heart.
We should learn this skill.

At least @padmachen is honest about his hatred and does a great job in explaining the hatred RSS Hindus have for Muslims. Unlike our other Indian friends who pretend to be multicultural and secularists, but in their hearts they are religious racists as hell.

Always good to have a wolf with you rather then a wolf dressed as a sheep. I fully support @padmachen and would urge to remove his ban.
Well said
Totally agree
Indians like him keep our mind clear about thier mentality.
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Does that negate the fact that Modi got the medal.

@N.Siddiqui some more tehzeeb for you in your tehzeeb thread.

All hail to the 'Crazy' ones...

Seems as though that 'Tahzeeb' euphemism has got stuck in your mind...get over with it sooner than later.

Mr. Siddiqui, i understand your forefathers likely migrated from India, you and some of the folks in that video might have same culture as them..WE DONT HAVE SAME CULTURE AS INDIANS..

Thanks for the video and proving my main point right...

I thought you didn't got to the gist of my post.

Let me re-post some of the points I wrote...

The hatred for Pakistan cuts all sections of the society in India, English speaking or not...

Fact of the matter is not just against Pakistan but against different regions and religions of their own country...this runs deeper and intrinsic in Indian society it seems.

Call it lack of Tahzeeb...or call it lack of empathy.

Think this is because of Indus valley civilization, sufism and religion and a mix of other factors, Tahzeeb, Tamaddun and all that...

Indians need to learn all this...the people from Ganga land...
I have been to both India and Pakistan. Generally speaking there is not much hatred between people exceot when it comes to religious or political topics. Talking to some local Indians in Delhi, I noticed Indians have this notion that Pakistan and Bangladesh was split from them by the British and one day, they will be united. Some of them also suggested that Pakistanis and Bangladeshis had lost their native religion and have betrayed Hindustan. On a whole, you can see the difference between Pakistanis and Indians in terms appearance and religious cultural differences. It's hard for westerners to notice but someone local can spot the differences and similarities. I found in India the concentration of low caste looking people was higher than in Pakistan, even though Pakistan also has such people but the north Indian punjabi look dominates Pakistan while Delhi seemed like a mish mash of brown people.
Also, if we are hindus who converted to Islam than why are modern day Pakistanis genetically and racially different to modern day indians?

No more discussion on racial/genetic similarities between Indians and Pakistanis on this thread. We have plenty of existing threads with reams of discussions on this subject already.
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