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Why the hatred for India is so sublime than vice versa...are Pakistanis more civilized

Thank you for that. I don't consume my Pakistani information from Indians. Of the top of my head, international institutes like Hudson Insitute, Heritage foundation or for Pakistanis, Najam Sethi, Cyril Almeida, Shuja Nawaz among many others.

That explains the utter nonsense that you wrote before. As i said, fix your lens and do some independent research as the conclusions you have formed are completely invalid and don't have an iota of logic.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM did a great job in debunking your claim that the Army rigged the election but allow me to rip apart your other accusation in regards to Nawaz Sharif. The Supreme Court of Pakistan asked a very simple question, please provide us with the money trail for the properties that were bought in London. What followed was absolute theatrics by Nawaz Sharif with one excuse after another, submitting forged deeds/documents and then finally a letter from the Qatari royals as a money trail. FYI, the lawyers for Nawaz Sharif later on pleaded to discard the Qatari letter.

Now is it the fault of the Military or the Supreme Court that Nawaz Sharif wasn't able to provide the money trail for properties that were worth millions of pounds? Was it the Supreme Court's fault that they submitted forged documents/deeds that were caught by the FIA?

Don't take this the wrong way and i will probably attribute it to your youth, but this is a Pro Research Forum. If you want to engage in a debate, please do your research.

Because of the great work done by people like Ayesha Siddiqa, journalists who have not toed the establishment line have been shot at. These paint us a very detailed picture of the Pakistani Army and its primacy in Pakistan.
There are many Indians who take the time to do research - both in the Government and outside. We do have a well-growing think tank culture in India (finally).

Yes that was very evident for the enlightening research that was conducted Post Feb 27 by these so called 'Think Tanks'. I have lost the count on how many so called Indian Intellectuals have been trying to convince us that on Feb 26 a Madrassa was destroyed with 300 terrorists, and then Abhi shot down an F16. Usually the justification is we believe everything our Government tells us.
If you are referring to me, it would be quite a tragedy if you mistook my pointing out that Imran Khan has not been fairly elected for any hatred. I don't have any hatred or love for Imran Khan any more than Nawaz Sharif or Zardari or Z.A Bhutto.

The context of their rise and workings, IoU's, among other aspects gives a better ability to judge their capacity, dependencies, and limitations. This is valuable information.
Call it an irrational obsession with blaming the Pakistani Army for every ill you can think of then.

There is no credible evidence that the Army 'selected' Imran Khan, just conspiracy theories and circumstantial accounts of minor election irregularities here and there. The polls, the results and independent election observers all largely support the claim that the recent elections were 'largely free and fair'.
At least @padmachen is honest about his hatred and does a great job in explaining the hatred RSS Hindus have for Muslims. Unlike our other Indian friends who pretend to be multicultural and secularists, but in their hearts they are religious racists as hell.

Always good to have a wolf with you rather then a wolf dressed as a sheep. I fully support @padmachen and would urge to remove his ban.

Lol he's such a trash poster. I don't know why people think he's uniquely honest when every other pajeet says the exact same thing. The only difference is that he says it in a way reminiscent of annoying uncles and boomers.

He should be permanent banned simply because his posts take up one third of the page since he feels the need to have a separate paragraph for every sentence.
Reports are kept classified by various nations based on their determination of the impact on national security and national interest. In this case, Pakistan's history of military intervention and conflicts with elected governments, in conjunction with the continued threat posed by India, has meant that parts of the report have remained classified to protect the military.

Keeping the report classified has not changed the coverage of the events in 1971 in the Pakistani media, academia etc. It has not changed the fact that people regret the events that happened and that the lessons from 1971 continue to be debated and discussed in Pakistan.

I did preface "in my opinion" somewhere in there for a reason.

TIFWIW as always.

There was a judge in some courtroom drama series I watched long time back that always enforced upon legal counsel to always add "in my opinion" at end of nearly every sentence they used as leading argument. I found it funny foible then (as the show also intended)....nowadays somewhat changed perspective.

You MUST be joking.

I qualified with "may".... such a nice warm word.....I hope the month this year is too.
The hatred for Pakistan cuts all sections of the society in India, English speaking or not...

Fact of the matter is not just against Pakistan but against different regions and religions of their own country...this runs deeper and intrinsic in Indian society it seems.

Call it lack of Tahzeeb...or call it lack of empathy.
Well they are a mob, masquerading as a nation, hence no surprises.

I swear, ask Jana.

I was genuinely surprised years ago to find that you too had Pizza Hut type joints.

I thought it was all bun kebab.
Thank you for pointing out your lack of knowledge, which is the least of our concern.

Initially I thought you being a parsi would be better, since we have a small population of decent ones too, but with you being a closet Sanghi, nothing more needs to be said.

who is JANA?

I feel that this is such an important video at this time. There is so much hostility and tension between India and Pakistan at the moment due to issues with Kashmir and a long difficult history. There seems to be a lot of propaganda and negativity

Mr. Siddiqui, i understand your forefathers likely migrated from India, you and some of the folks in that video might have same culture as them..WE DONT HAVE SAME CULTURE AS INDIANS..

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The Muslim elite in what are now Pakistan & Bangladesh would have likely followed in the footsteps of the Indian Muslim elite Politico referred to - work with the State to protect their landed and business interests.

Fundamentally her experience tells us why Indian Muslims are in the situation they are in

Indian Muslims whilst being 250 million are dispersed, separated and have no leadership

The rich and elite Indian Muslims are shielded by virtue of their wealth and money and in an effort to preserve that wealth and influence are more Indian then the Indians

Whilst the common man faces the brunt of an increasingly divided society where hindutva extremism is spreading

To motivate the Indian Muslims grassroots they need a leader that will step over the liberal muslim elites
Which is why Modi gets all the medals from the Gulf .
You guys need to get your heads out of your behind

Musharraf receives UAE’s highest award
January 25, 2007

I used to be like these libtards (minus the burger bacha accent). Then I realised the error of my ways. India and Indians have journeyed too far into the abyss of self-loathing and simply cannot be corrected. Destruction will ultimately set India free. There is no peace and reconciliation with such a collection of snakes, scorpions and rats. Detente is the only option in the absence of war.
Welcome to the other side Master Chief :pakistan:

Which desert?
Sahara :D
Maybe it is because Pakistani people do not like to elevate their blood pressure due to stupid wet dreams like that of Hindutva.

And conquering area up to Afghanistan.

***Just look at their Star Plus TV shows***

Can I help?
How you gonna help? You are a minority yourself.

A minority on the verge of extinction from india due to migration and intermarriage.

If you dont cease to exist, than your number would also come up.

Remember they quote, bout how I kept quiet till they came for me?
Watching Pakistani tv makes you an admirer of Pakistan ? Lol

You sound like my father in law who in one breath says he has nothing against Pakistanis since his son is married to one but when with his fellow Indian Muslims doesn't hesitate to call Pakistanis "suaras"

Perhaps you should have married in your own community? Are you urdu speaker?

See you still keep your Pakistani flag.

I had tormented ajtr about taking down her Indian one. She got hounded out of the forum by us. Banned by the admins officially I guess.

I hope I can meet her one day and apologize to her.

And what does that tell you about the 2 nations.
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