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Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?

Oh payi ki hoya? :rofl:

Provide specific examples to explain your thread more...otherwise, people will take you as one devoid of any rationality
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?
Define what is rationality? and is it the only ontological construct that should be followed?
How practical is rationality..especially when empiricism offers more practical solutions.
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?

We warm our own meals
Define what is rationality? and is it the only ontological construct that should be followed?
How practical is rationality..especially when empiricism offers more practical solutions.

  1. 1.
    the quality of being based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
    "like any phobia, rationality plays only a small role"
Rationality is the quality or state of being rational – that is, being based on or agreeable to reason.[1][2] Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, and of one's actions with one's reasons for action. "Rationality" has different specialized meanings in philosophy,[3] economics, sociology, psychology, evolutionary biology, game theory and political science.

To determine what behavior is the most rational, one needs to make several key assumptions, and also needs a quantifiable formulation[dubiousdiscuss] of the problem. When the goal or problem involves making a decision, rationality factors in all information that is available (e.g. complete or incomplete knowledge). Collectively, the formulation and background assumptions are the model within which rationality applies. Rationality is relative: if one accepts a model in which benefitting oneself is optimal, then rationality is equated with behavior that is self-interested to the point of being selfish; whereas if one accepts a model in which benefiting the group is optimal, then purely selfish behavior is deemed irrational. It is thus meaningless to assert rationality without also specifying the background model assumptions describing how the problem is framed and formulated.
  1. 1.
    the quality of being based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
    "like any phobia, rationality plays only a small role"
Rationality is the quality or state of being rational – that is, being based on or agreeable to reason.[1][2] Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, and of one's actions with one's reasons for action. "Rationality" has different specialized meanings in philosophy,[3] economics, sociology, psychology, evolutionary biology, game theory and political science.

To determine what behavior is the most rational, one needs to make several key assumptions, and also needs a quantifiable formulation[dubiousdiscuss] of the problem. When the goal or problem involves making a decision, rationality factors in all information that is available (e.g. complete or incomplete knowledge). Collectively, the formulation and background assumptions are the model within which rationality applies. Rationality is relative: if one accepts a model in which benefitting oneself is optimal, then rationality is equated with behavior that is self-interested to the point of being selfish; whereas if one accepts a model in which benefiting the group is optimal, then purely selfish behavior is deemed irrational. It is thus meaningless to assert rationality without also specifying the background model assumptions describing how the problem is framed and formulated.
Bozo, you have copy pasted, now read and try to understand it as well. And it does not answer any of my questions.
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Obviously I will not waste my time typing and explaining something to someone who lacks it already.
Use your common sense..
But even for copying, a little brain is needed but your mindless copy hardly answers any of my questions so you have no common sense..otherwise you won't post such a stupid thread ever.
But again you are living up to your name "some bozo"..that's what you are.
Some Pakistani just pissed you off and you come here to rant against the whole nation...what a loser.

While my personal experience, I never found a single post or a comment from you that ever made a tiny bit of sense ....
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Rationality? Let me tell you this: I live in the 'South' part of America. They are among the poorest in America. It's the Democrats who are far more likely to provide 'benefits'. And yet these bozos overwhelmingly vote for Republicans because of racism and some imagined Christian fairy tales. The result is that the actual 'benefits' they get are constantly under threat under Republicans and yet they continue to vote Republicans and blame the 'liberal media' for their problems.

Rinse and Repeat!!

Now THAT's called irrational!! In an 'educated' society which happens to be the largest economy in the world.

PS. The OP is mostly a shallow troll in PDF.
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?
The answer lies here,
1 - Low Literacy rate
2 - State indoctrination (On certain issues)
3 - Reactive approach (I would blame it on education system)
4 - False sense of superiority

On average Pakistani students do not read much beyond their syllabus and what is given to them from "religious Scholars".
Lack of proper education is one of the big problems in Pakistani society and then you have totally misguided indoctrination of different ideologies. In my opinion one of the biggest culprit was ZIA's islamization process starting in 1970s!
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?

Pakistanis do not have an obsession with India. It is India that has an obsession with us.

1. Look online... Almost everything about Pakistan is infiltrated by Indians.
2. There are more CPEC posts by Indians than by Pakistanis
3. There are Indians here on Pakistan defence forum ....than Pakistanis on Indian defence forums
4. Indians are jealous of us not the other way around.

  • Finally, it is us who seeked independence from them... just to get away from them... Yet they keep stalking us like rapists.. We just want to be left alone.
Pakistanis do not have an obsession with India. It is India that has an obsession with us.

  • Finally, it is us who seeked independence from them... just to get away from them... Yet they keep stalking us like rapists.. We just want to be left alone.

STOP the TERROR supporting activities THEN india can be LEFT to march towards its RIGHTFULL PLACE

IE the 3RD MOST POWERFUL GDP ECONOMY on the THE planet by 2030
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