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Turkish defense companies a casualty of Egyptian coup?


Nov 25, 2012
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Turkish arms manufacturers are concerned about losing one of their most substantial markets after the ouster of Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, who had warm political ties with Ankara


ANKA unmanned aerial vehicles built by
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI),
which had drawn interst from Egypt earlier,
is seen in this file photo. DHA photo

Turkey’s defense industry bureaucracy and weapon system manufacturers have meticulously penetrated the emerging Egyptian market since late 2011, hoping for multiple contracts in line with excellent political relations, but the coup in Cairo may jeopardize future deals.

Procurement officials admit that as the alliance with ousted President Mohamed Morsi drags into a period of uncertainty many of the potential defense contracts could also be obscured. “It is true that the political relations with Egypt worked as a lubricant for defense deals,” a senior official said. “Honestly, I am not sure how we will progress under the circumstances.”

An aviation company executive said he hoped negotiations for possible deals would progress normally although he also expressed suspicion. “Egypt was a looming market for a wide range of Turkish defense systems,” he said. “It is difficult to judge how much of their interest in the Turkish industry was politically motivated. We hope [Turkey’s] political relations with the new regime don’t turn too tense.”

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Friday condemned the military intervention that toppled Egypt’s Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi, as an enemy of democracy, and chastised the West for failing to brand the ouster a coup. “No matter where they are... coups are bad,” Erdoğan said in televised remarks. “Coups are clearly enemies of democracy.” Erdoğan also lashed out at the West for shying away from calling the military intervention a coup, while welcoming the African Union’s decision to suspend Egypt over the army’s actions.

An Arab diplomat in Ankara said he expected “difficult times” in Turkish-Egyptian relations, which may disrupt economic relations too, unless Ankara and Cairo prefer to pursue a pragmatic line. “Apparently Erdoğan is deeply annoyed by the intervention, and he does not hide it. I don’t think he could easily switch to a friendly track with Cairo before democracy is restored. Yet there is always a chance that pragmatism wins over hostility,” he said.

Ironically, in May Turkey granted Egypt a $250 million loan to finance Turkish-Egyptian joint defense projects. The loan, the first of its kind, intends to boost defense cooperation and Turkish defense exports to Egypt.

Earlier, Egypt expressed an interest in buying the new ANKA Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicles built by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). Egypt was one of the pioneers in unmanned aerial systems, fielding the Teledyne Ryan Model 324 Scarab high speed drone and SkyEye tactical UAVs since the early 1980s. The addition of a MALE platform will fulfill the gap offering better persistence, improved imagery and multi-payload capacity.

The potential sale of six to 10 ANKA systems to Egypt was discussed during Erdoğan’s visit to Cairo last November. The ANKA is currently undergoing flight tests.

In a separate deal, Ankara had approved the sale to Egypt of six multi-role tactical platforms, MRTP-20 “fast-intervention crafts,” produced by the privately-owned shipyards Yonca-Onuk. Under this deal, three boats would be constructed in Istanbul and the others in Egypt’s Alexandria shipyard under Turkish license.

A defense industry source said other potential contracts with Egypt could include various models of armored vehicles, corvettes, basic trainer aircraft and, in the longer run, attack helicopters Turkey is building in partnership with the Italian-British AgustaWestland as well as utility helicopters TAI will jointly produce with U.S. Sikorsky.

BUSINESS - Turkish defense companies a casualty of Egyptian coup?

Did you ask yourself who is been responsible for the Egyptian Fleets of F-16 ´s ???

They call them " TAI " or "TUSAŞ" !
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A new political reality could always have influences on other sections of the society, especially the defense related sector. Turkey has been quite loud about this 'military coup', and it remains to be seen how the new Egyptian government is going to react on this.
A new political reality could always have influences on other sections of the society, especially the defense related sector. Turkey has been quite loud about this 'military coup', and it remains to be seen how the new Egyptian government is going to react on this.

I don´t think so , Egyptian Forces need something like Anka or Heron or MQ-1.

IF they don´t get the MQ-1 they will get Anka and not Heron.
I don't think so, Egypt is in need of Turkey as much as Turkey is need of Egypt. The relations will be warm. It's just a critical period Egypt is going through, and no one should take what Egypt says seriously. For them Egypt is first now.
Well, the political tension won't remain forever, I'm sure some settlements could be reached, let's call it a day folks!

No worries there,they will befunded by ''friends'' of the new Egyptian govrnment.

Maybe Turkey itself will hand these UAVs over to Egypt.
Well, the political tension won't remain forever, I'm sure some settlements could be reached, let's call it a day folks!

Maybe Turkey itself will hand these UAVs over to Egypt.
Why not,it would be good advertisement for the product.
It would be the best choice for countries that cant buy US or Israeli UAVs.
Why not,it would be good advertisement for the product.
It would be the best choice for countries that cant buy US or Israeli UAVs.

Turkey's actions speak for themselves more than anyone else ( Including you and me )
Maybe other countries should support and have normal relations with Egypt, no matter who is in power!! Some countries wants to decide for us who should rule us and who shouldn't!! I understand that you support democracy, but if you are not gonna support human rights, and freedom of expression, speech, and belief as much as you support the voting process, then i have the right to doubt your intentions.
Maybe other countries should support and have normal relations with Egypt, no matter who is in power!! Some countries wants to decide for us who should rule us and who shouldn't!! I understand that you support democracy, but if you are not gonna support human rights, and freedom of expression, speech, and belief as much as you support the voting process, then i have the right to doubt your intentions.

We should have just stayed neutral maybe keep abit quiet.
We should have just stayed neutral maybe keep abit quiet.
I don't mind you supporting the voting process because it is an essential part of democracy, but democracy is far more than just voting!! If you are gonna talk about getting rid of Morsi although he was elected, why not talk about the so many undemocratic things Morsi and his party did. Erdogan who is someone i have a lot of respect for is picking and choosing; he is not being consistent.
A new political reality could always have influences on other sections of the society, especially the defense related sector. Turkey has been quite loud about this 'military coup', and it remains to be seen how the new Egyptian government is going to react on this.

no one takes erdogan seriously these days , he is trying to divert attention from whats happening in Turkey and after all Abdullah Gull is there to fix **** caused by erdo .
33 million refuse mursi and remove him and turkey not respect egyptian choice

sure egyptian army will reduce military relation with turkey even our military staff faerie Chinese and Russian product over Turkish for many reason

Technology transfer from Chinese and Russian deeper

Chinese and Russian provide offset deal against nothing from turkey

Turkey new player on arms market and all Turkish product face technical problem Like ANKA % T129 even turkish army refuse receive ANKA and T129 Before achieve Technical specification

Russian for example provide for Egypt 2.5 million tourism annually equal 2.5 Billows against balance trade for Turkish benfits

muslim brother sell egypt for turkey they provide egypt as slave for turkey and help turkey to be leader for Arab world

Wing oong have price and more reliable than ANKA


CH-4 UAV technical proven and Chinese provide higher level for cooperation with Egypt

So why turkey play role against egyptian people and expect cooperation they not accept egyptian people choice and not even support our revolution and need muslin brother mafia govern egyptain by force

when Turkish respect egyptian we can think about cooperation but now we will go to countries support Egypt like china and Russia
You should make a difference between Turkey and Erdogan.
Turkish people respect evry countries choice of governing.
It is Erdogan who doesnt mind his own bussiness.
AKP(Erdogan)and Muslim Brotherhood are the same.
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