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Turkish defense companies a casualty of Egyptian coup?

Most of our Egyptian friends here are mixing support for democracy with support for Mursi. Why do you think good relations of both countries will diminish.

I'm just wondering whether the political establishment in Turkey would be opposed to military maneuvers with Egypt and if so would the Turkish armed forces be able to ignore the political establishment and go ahead with maneuvers. I believe Sea of Friendship already happened this year and if Bright Star is going ahead as planned then the Turkish armed forces should be taking part. :)
I'm just wondering whether the political establishment in Turkey would be opposed to military maneuvers with Egypt and if so would the Turkish armed forces be able to ignore the political establishment and go ahead with maneuvers. I believe Sea of Friendship already happened this year and if Bright Star is going ahead as planned then the Turkish armed forces should be taking part. :)

That decision will be governments, TAF don't have the authority to decide. You made me wondering as well.... I don't know, he is Erdoğan, he is so unpredictable. Hope we participate as well. :)
Coups take countries back, but surrounding the supreme court to prevent judges to get in so they don't say their verdict doesn't ?!! Morsi betrayed democracy by:
1) Ordering his supporters to surround the supreme court to prevent judges to get in so they don't say their verdict about the legitimacy of the constitutional assembly which resulted with forcing a constituion on the people that doesn't respect any human rights, freedom of speech, belief, and expression.
2) Issuing a decree to grant himself sweeping legislative power(above laws and courts).
If Egypt had a good constitution then, most likely Morsi would have been impeached.
I am aware that Morsi didn't do a good job. And I am aware that he messed up big time at some stuff. For instance the constitution in Egypt, how long did it take for Morsi to establish the new constitution? A couple of months after he got elected? I also heard that this new constitution has a polarizing effect.

But a coup in Egypt is still worse than this. Sure, there is going to be a new election and Egypt will be ruled by an elected leader once more. But what is going to keep the military from orchestrating another coup? What is going to keep the military from putting pressure on politicians, intervening with politics?

Egyptians I guess can make laws and write in the constitution so that the Military can't carry out a coup etc. But wasn't that the case with the new Egyptian constitution? The military carried out a coup in Egypt and they suspended the Egyptian constitution. What's going to keep the military from carrying out a another coup in the future and suspend the constitution or other laws as they please?

You really want to know the reason why Erdogan is against this coup? Because of Turkey's own past. There have been a few coup's in Turkish history, and military intervened with politics until only a few years ago. What Turkey has achieved currently didn't come easy, and it took Turkey years to come to this point and still has a long way to go. Every coup in Turkey currently is being condemned by the majority. But back when coup's actually happened in Turkey, people were clapping for the military as the coup happened, because they simply didn't know any better at the time. I am glad that Turkey is condemning the coup in Egypt, and I feel that that is the right thing to do. I am glad and proud of my country for standing by it's principles.
What right do we have to be involved in Egypt's interior politics? Who da phuck is Erdo to dictate what is good or what is bad for Egypt? Let them experience their own natural development for ****'s sake.

Erdo is making a u turn as the two faced SOB he is...
relationships with Egyptian junta government will be established:

As for ANKA deal with Egypt; it may not have reached Turkish Air Force's requirements just yet but it's still overqualified for Egyptian military and due to flat desert geography Egypt has.

ANKA, (in it's current state) is still the most sophisticated piece of equipment Egyptian military ever got their hands on.
What right do we have to be involved in Egypt's interior politics? Who da phuck is Erdo to dictate what is good or what is bad for Egypt? Let them experience their own natural development for ****'s sake.

Erdo is making a u turn as the two faced SOB he is...
relationships with Egyptian junta government will be established:

As for ANKA deal with Egypt; it may not have reached Turkish Air Force's requirements just yet but it's still overqualified for Egyptian military and due to flat desert geography Egypt has.

ANKA, (in it's current state) is still the most sophisticated piece of equipment Egyptian military ever got their hands on.

Erdo plans of Islamizing Turkey failed with the fall of political Islam in Egypt and Libya , he is afraid that mass protests would hunt him anytime soon like what happened with Morsi , anyway AKP will find a way to fix his crap soon .
Erdo plans of Islamizing Turkey failed with the fall of political Islam in Egypt and Libya , he is afraid that mass protests would hunt him anytime soon like what happened with Morsi , anyway AKP will find a way to fix his crap soon .
AKP consists of fractions, they are like flies rushing to dog crap, power keeps them together. Everyone's aware of the inner conflict between Erdo and Melih Gökçek the halfwit Ankara Governor. Everyone's talking about Bülent Arınç's quitting as of now.

Last one was caused by a moment of weakness shown in Gezi protests, Imagine what'd happen if they lost an election. :D Half of the party is ready to go to join CHP or whoever wins. Spineless dogs they are, and they will lose soon enough.
AKP consists of fractions, they are like flies rushing to dog crap, power keeps them together. Everyone's aware of the inner conflict between Erdo and Melih Gökçek the halfwit Ankara Governor. Everyone's talking about Bülent Arınç's quitting as of now.

Last one was caused by a moment of weakness shown in Gezi protests, Imagine what'd happen if they lost an election. :D Half of the party is ready to go to join CHP or whoever wins. Spineless dogs they are, and they will lose soon enough.

Bro Erdo is isolating Turkey in the region and ruining its relations with Nato , gambling on Terrorists organisations like MB and Hamas does not really bring much to Turkey.

What I fear most the gamble his playing with the Sunni card , after all the closest country to Turkey is Azerbijain and they follow shia sect also 15% of Turkey are Alevi , Erodgan needs to stop playing the sectarian card as soon as possible.

He needs to follow what previous governments did , foreign policy based on Turkish nationalism and not affected by religion or sect .

I hope CHP will be able to win 1/3 of parliament seats in 2015 elections , by then they would have the capability to force erdo to abandon his destructive foreign policy and fix the crap he caused.

Sadly Islamists regardless of their nationality have no loyalty to their country, they always say islam first , rather than their countries first.

When the events of Egypt took place recently , I remembered ataturk
Turkey and Egypt taking steps to mend relations

nkara and Cairo have begun taking steps to restore ties, after a few weeks of considerable turbulence in the aftermath of the military coup in Egypt. Turkey is expected to send a new ambassador to the Egyptian capital to demonstrate its willingness to continue working with the interim government.

Turkey’s new ambassador to Cairo, Ahmet Yıldız, is expected to replace Hüseyin Avni Botsalı in the coming weeks and will start his work after presenting his credentials to interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour. The replacement will take place if the situation becomes calmer in Egypt, according to Turkish diplomatic sources.

Turkey could not stay out of the picture

The first sign of rapprochement between Ankara and Cairo was given by President Abdullah Gül, who sent a congratulatory message to Mansour on the occasion of the national day. The decision was taken after the conclusion that Turkey could not stay out of the picture in the Middle East at a moment when U.S.-brokered peace process talks were about to be revived.

Turkey remained alone in categorically rejecting the coup in Egypt while Western and Arab heavyweights supported the interim government politically and financially.

Strongly worded statements issued by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received a rather soft reply from the new government in Egypt while the Egyptian envoy in Ankara, Abdelrahman Salaheldin, conducted intense diplomacy to explain the motives for the military intervention in Egypt and to ensure that bilateral relations be kept unaffected by this process.

Turkey will continue to voice its opposition to the military coup in Egypt and ask for a rapid normalization through fair and inclusive elections, sources said. The same sources said diplomatic channels between the two countries were open and there was an intact dialogue between Ankara and Cairo.

For the interim government, which welcomed Gül’s message, keeping good relations with Turkey is critically important. “Neither Turkey nor Egypt can turn its back on the other,” a diplomatic source said.

Turkey and Egypt deepened economic, trade and strategic ties during ousted President Mohamed Morsi’s short mandate and created an efficient environment for both sides’ businessmen and investors. Turkish investors have been worried about their investments due to the uncertainty and concerns about political stability in Egypt after the military coup brought a new interim government. Around 250 Turkish companies have investments in Egypt totaling around $2 billion.

Egypt reassures Turkish businessmen

The Hürriyet Daily News learned that Salaheldin will meet July 29 with Turkish businessmen and trade circles that have investments and business in Egypt to alleviate their concerns. The message to be delivered will be that Egypt’s policies regarding Turkish businessmen will not change and ongoing projects and contracts will be unaffected by political developments.

“Relations between Turkey and Egypt are historic, strategic and multifaceted. Keeping these relations intact is very important for both the countries and for the entire region as well,” sources told the Daily News.
While Pakistan defense companies were victim of Mursi regime!

Mursi was assigned a task to humiliate Pakistan..... he was a fitna in making.
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