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Turkish Parliament urges Egypt not execute mass death penalty sentences

You told everybody here that the MB was not ready to govern. And here you are defending them for governing when not being ready. You can't see the contradiction or what?

Show me where I said that.

Maybe not getting removed from power after millions of Egyptians took to the streets and not helping ruining the economy further? That would be a good start.

Egypt's military controls the economy, go complain to them. Right after Morsi was ousted fuel shortages became almost non existent. You can't turn an economy around within one year. Why don't you show us exactly how they 'ruined' the already ruined economy further. Please provide me with some sort of statistic or economic issues

How is it an illogical conclusion to say that the MB has achieved nothing in its history as rulers. Tell me about their great achievements in this regard.

This is your problem here, they don't have a history of ruling, unless I'm missing some sort of information.

Been plenty of them. They were not banned anywhere outside of Egypt as you claimed.

Declared terrorist organization by Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Canada and soon Britain. Well I guess they have no influence to you at all which is why these nations are taking very mysterious actions.

Yeah you were crying about KSA and the GCC and Arabs again. How is that discussing normally. For you it is either the MB way or the highway. That's not how it works

Are you stupid? Crying about GCC and KSA? Show me where I'm 'crying' about them, you're the only crying here whenever I bring I talk politics. Get a life already, we can discuss politics as we wish, if you don't like it stop wandering around on an online forum. And no, for me personally I favor Islamists. Yet again more allegations from you very few Arab members here.

No, I base my opinion on what that political party has achieved in 90 years time not only in Egypt but everywhere else and I am not the least impressed and 90% of all Arabs are neither otherwise they would have elected them.

Was never a political party and a social movement, main movement was based in Egypt while other sister parties as you call them are relatively new. MB has been persecuted for seventy years in Egypt and just got out recently for a couple years only to be persecuted once again. To look for what you call 'achievements' as if they've ruled a nation for decades is disturbing.

They are not ruling in Libya. Where do you get this from?

Islamists control Libya.

Liberal nationalist Libyans are ruling Libya today.

Islamists have majority of the seats. It's only a matter of time when they start getting influence since Islamists have been persecuted for the past century in the Arab world. Saudi Arabia even jails many clerics and critics of the regime, they hand pick their religious authority.

Why don't you understand that not everyone, in fact the vast, vast majority of Arabs and Muslims, are not fans of the MB and don't need to be in order to be Muslims or pursuing the right goals.

Why don't you stop putting words in my mouth?

MB is more worried about hegemony. They should have sticked to being a social movement. That was something they actually were good at in Egypt. When it came to politics they proved to be utter failures.

This is your personal opinion, I don't come to such conclusions based off of one year of rule.

Maybe that is why the US and the West wanted them to remain in power so they could weaken the region further.

This is a stupid conspiracy theory, the West was just worried for their credibility since protestors were being massacred. They just recommended a more democratic path and did nothing and have done thing about the current crackdown against any political dissent. You have empty rhetoric which you claim equates to supporting the democratically elected government in Egypt.

Meanwhile we all know Israel didn't want them in power at all, are you going to deny this?
Show me where I said that.

Egypt's military controls the economy, go complain to them. Right after Morsi was ousted fuel shortages became almost non existent. You can't turn an economy around within one year. Why don't you show us exactly how they 'ruined' the already ruined economy further. Please provide me with some sort of statistic or economic issues

This is your problem here, they don't have a history of ruling, unless I'm missing some sort of information.

Declared terrorist organization by Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Canada and soon Britain. Well I guess they have no influence to you at all which is why these nations are taking very mysterious actions.

Are you stupid? Crying about GCC and KSA? Show me where I'm 'crying' about them, you're the only crying here whenever I bring I talk politics. Get a life already, we can discuss politics as we wish, if you don't like it stop wandering around on an online forum. And no, for me personally I favor Islamists. Yet again more allegations from you very few Arab members here.

Was never a political party and a social movement, main movement was based in Egypt while other sister parties as you call them are relatively new. MB has been persecuted for seventy years in Egypt and just got out recently for a couple years only to be persecuted once again. To look for what you call 'achievements' as if they've ruled a nation for decades is disturbing.

Islamists control Libya.

Islamists have majority of the seats. It's only a matter of time when they start getting influence since Islamists have been persecuted for the past century in the Arab world. Saudi Arabia even jails many clerics and critics of the regime, they hand pick their religious authority.

Why don't you stop putting words in my mouth?

This is your personal opinion, I don't come to such conclusions based off of one year of rule.

This is a stupid conspiracy theory, the West was just worried for their credibility since protestors were being massacred. They just recommended a more democratic path and did nothing and have done thing about the current crackdown against any political dissent. You have empty rhetoric which you claim equates to supporting the democratically elected government in Egypt.

Meanwhile we all know Israel didn't want them in power at all, are you going to deny this?

Well, you just admitted to that in this debate and I remember that we once discussed this where we came to this agreement.

OK, let's assume that they committed no mistakes. Then why did millions upon millions of Egyptians go to the streets to demand Mursi to step down?

Also why did the Egyptian army wait 1 year to remove Mursi? Why had the military not forged the elections right from the beginning not to risk MB to even get into power?

Look at the link I posted and all their sister parties. They have achieved nothing in the past 90 years politically.

Also how is it possible for such an supposedly popular party in the Arab world (in reality they are mostly only popular among the poor of Egypt due to their longstanding humanitarian work that they need praise for but totally different from ruling a country) have not yet ruled more than 1-2 countries in 90 years time. They were not banned outside of Egypt once again.

That happened 1-2 months ago did it not. Before they were not an illegal party.

Or you stupid? You are always bitching about KSA and the GCC and other Arab countries while you are rarely criticizing Turkey or Iran.

Are you sure about that? Once again the biggest Libyan party are those guys below. They got 39 seats in the parliament in the latest election.

National Forces Alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The radical clerics that have been persecuted in KSA (they can be counted on a few hands) are radical and harmful people that have called for violence. Misguided people. If you knew them you would agree as well.

Then why are you always criticizing everyone that either does not give a flying **** about some 90 year old Egyptian party (MB) or dares to criticism them? It seems that this bothers you a lot while I do not care if users are criticizing the House of Saud whom I already have said always that I do not agree with on all fronts. Far from it.

But thankfully I do not have any allegiance to any political party. Only to Islam and that of wanting the best for my country and the Arab and Muslim world. I don't need a political party or movement for that.

Are you going to deny the fact that USA were/are more pro Brotherhood than they are pro the current rulers of Egypt? Why all the crying from the Americans then? Why don't we see all that crying in Libya were similar number of people are dying? It stinks.
Well, you just admitted to that in this debate and I remember that we once discussed this where we came to this agreement.

Show me where.

OK, let's assume that they committed no mistakes. Then why did millions upon millions of Egyptians go to the streets to demand Mursi to step down?

Nobody said they didn't make any mistakes, however, no such mistakes that would permit overthrowing the democratically elected leader. Now, since you keep talking about millions and millions of people. Let the Egyptian army open up the Tahrir square and see how many millions will show up, nobody can demonstrate because the army had massacred over a thousand civilians and closed off all major areas for demonstrations. People can only demonstrate in isolated neighborhoods in Egypt, and they're still going on.

Also why did the Egyptian army wait 1 year to remove Mursi? Why had the military not forged the elections right from the beginning not to risk MB to even get into power?

That would have been a great idea wouldn't it. You're not this blind to politics.

Look at the link I posted and all their sister parties. They have achieved nothing in the past 90 years politically.

They never existed for ninety years, unless you can prove otherwise.

Also how is it possible for such an supposedly popular party in the Arab world (in reality they are mostly only popular among the poor of Egypt due to their longstanding humanitarian work that they need praise for but totally different from ruling a country) have not yet ruled more than 1-2 countries in 90 years time. They were not banned outside of Egypt once again.

Because they're a social movement which rarely seeks to gain power. A better question would be telling us what Arab monarchies and dictators have achieved in the past century.

That happened 1-2 months ago did it not. Before they were not an illegal party.

Or you stupid? You are always bitching about KSA and the GCC and other Arab countries while you are rarely criticizing Turkey or Iran.

I criticized Iran plenty of times today, you're whining because I'm discussing politics in this thread. :lol:

You think I criticize KSA and the GCC? Go look at over 90% of the members here going off about the two, I rarely indulge in 'bitching' about the KSA and GCC. You guys are indulging in that with the levant region and about Iran and declaring social movements terrorist organizations. :lol:

Are you sure about that? Once again the biggest Libyan party are those guys below. They got 39 seats in the parliament in the latest election.

Islamists still have majority seats and influence.

The radical clerics that have been persecuted in KSA (they can be counted on a few hands) are radical and harmful people that have called for violence. Misguided people. If you knew them you would agree as well.

Oh yeah sure, radical and very few misguided people. :lol:

Then why are you always criticizing everyone that either does not give a flying **** about some 90 year old Egyptian party (MB) or dares to criticism them? It seems that this bothers you a lot while I do not care if users are criticizing the House of Saud whom I already have said always that I do not agree with on all fronts. Far from it.

Criticize who? :lol:

You keep crying to me as if I'm personally criticizing you people. What are you talking about you monkey? :lol:

Show me where I've done what you're accusing me of doing which I can't even understand. :lol:

I can criticize KSA and GCC as much as I like even though I've done very little to. :lol:

But thankfully I do not have any allegiance to any political party. Only to Islam and that of wanting the best for my country and the Arab and Muslim world. I don't need a political party or movement for that.

Yeah, your monarchies sure do love Islam, don't get me started about the GCC as well. :lol:

Far from religious and you know it.

Are you going to deny the fact that USA were/are more pro Brotherhood than they are pro the current rulers of Egypt? Why all the crying from the Americans then? Why don't we see all that crying in Libya were similar number of people are dying? It stinks.

No such thing, fact is the West worried about its credibility yet did absolutely nothing against Egypt in its crackdown against any political dissent and Israel has praised the coup.
Show me where.

Nobody said they didn't make any mistakes, however, no such mistakes that would permit overthrowing the democratically elected leader. Now, since you keep talking about millions and millions of people. Let the Egyptian army open up the Tahrir square and see how many millions will show up, nobody can demonstrate because the army had massacred over a thousand civilians and closed off all major areas for demonstrations. People can only demonstrate in isolated neighborhoods in Egypt, and they're still going on.

That would have been a great idea wouldn't it. You're not this blind to politics.

They never existed for ninety years, unless you can prove otherwise.

Because they're a social movement which rarely seeks to gain power. A better question would be telling us what Arab monarchies and dictators have achieved in the past century.

That happened 1-2 months ago did it not. Before they were not an illegal party.

I criticized Iran plenty of times today, you're whining because I'm discussing politics in this thread. :lol:

You think I criticize KSA and the GCC? Go look at over 90% of the members here going off about the two, I rarely indulge in 'bitching' about the KSA and GCC. You guys are indulging in that with the levant region and about Iran and declaring social movements terrorist organizations. :lol:

Islamists still have majority seats and influence.

Oh yeah sure, radical and very few misguided people. :lol:

Criticize who? :lol:

You keep crying to me as if I'm personally criticizing you people. What are you talking about you monkey? :lol:

Show me where I've done what you're accusing me of doing which I can't even understand. :lol:

I can criticize KSA and GCC as much as I like even though I've done very little to. :lol:

Yeah, your monarchies sure do love Islam, don't get me started about the GCC as well. :lol:

Far from religious and you know it.

No such thing, fact is the West worried about its credibility yet did absolutely nothing against Egypt in its crackdown against any political dissent and Israel has praised the coup.

Show me where? You just admitted it on this forum kid.:lol:

What is it with all those smileys? You got an seizure of some kind?

It's a relevant question. Why did they not do so. You could not answer the question.

LOL. The MB itself have had a presence in Arab countries outside of Egypt for DECADES. They were already in KSA 50 years ago.

LOL. For instance turning 1 out of 1000's of Arab fishing villages (Dubai) into one of the most visited cities on earth and one of the centerers of commerce due to clever leadership. Ruling the most prosperous, stable and safe part of the Muslim world that is growing on all fronts. Comparing it with some 90 year old Egyptian political party that has failed everywhere is laughable LOL.

It's the hypocrisy. All you care about are Palestinian interests. If USA invaded Israel tomorrow you would praise them as you praise the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's that are sending you a few rockets a year and using you as a glove in their political play for influence in the Levant region.

"Social movement". LOL. Never knew that ruled countries and were conducting terrorism attacks.

So? Nothing to do with the MB. The sister party of the MB in Libya got 10% of the votes. Stop thinking that all islamists have anything to do with MB when only 1% of them have or so.

Yeah, people who praise 9/11 and call for killings of people that are not carbon copies of them are indeed radicals and deserve to be behind bars or to get executed.

At least they rule by Sharia.

Keep sucking up to the Mullah's that are helping starving you Palestinians in the thousands in Syria. Where is your condemnation for that? No, it's easier to cry about "monarchies". Like presidents and republics suddenly became Islamic.:lol:

Of course then we can also criticize the MB and the cretins that treat this 90 year old Egyptian POLITICAL party as some kind of holy grail that speaks for all Muslims.

The USA - your country, was still crying about the removal of the MB. Everyone knows about it. They always supported it.
But after all Morsi was not challenging the West anyway.
the brotherhood has failed you better beleive it you can not live a lie for the rest of your life
first they betrayed everyone in tahrir square while the people blood is on the street they were negotiating with mubark regime they are the last people in Egypt to talk about revoultion they see only the brotherhood


then they said they were going to create a constituion that will represent all of Egypt they said they will bring sharia law to the salfies and a constituion that will respect all citziens of Egypt to the librials they said they will respect the law then they issued a constitutional declaration
BBC News - Q&A: Egypt constitutional crisis
they failed in economy and made matters worse they were starting to talk as if they controled Egypt telling everyone who disagree is not a muslim and he can go to canda if he doesnt like them
they saw waves of people coming our to make morsi give up power they could have left power peacfully with no blood
Show me where? You just admitted it on this forum kid.:lol:

Then show me if I said such a thing. :lol:

What is it with all those smileys? You got an seizure of some kind?


It's a relevant question. Why did they not do so. You could not answer the question.

No it isn't, everybody was anticipating a MB victory and the military regime brought them back 50 years this way.

LOL. For instance turning 1 out of 1000's of Arab fishing villages (Dubai) into one of the most visited cities on earth and one of the centerers of commerce due to clever leadership. Ruling the most prosperous, stable and safe part of the Muslim world that is growing on all fronts. Comparing it with some 90 year old Egyptian political party that has failed everywhere is laughable LOL.

Clever leadership? Are you stupid? Do you know how much debt Dubai is in? :lol:

Yeah you achieved so much, doing the opposite of self sufficient and having foreigners rule your economy. Which is why non of you could do anything independently, you're controlled by the international world. :lol:

It's the hypocrisy. All you care about are Palestinian interests. If USA invaded Israel tomorrow you would praise them as you praise the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's that are sending you a few rockets a year and using you as a glove in their political play for influence in the Levant region.

Wrong, all I care about are Islamic interests. :lol:

So? Nothing to do with the MB. The sister party of the MB in Libya got 10% of the votes. Stop thinking that all islamists have anything to do with MB when only 1% of them have or so.

And? That doesn't change that I'm still pro Islamist and that many Islamists you claim to support in Syria are MB as well. :lol:

Yeah, people who praise 9/11 and call for killings of people that are not carbon copies of them are indeed radicals and deserve to be behind bars or to get executed.

Look where this rant just went, you couldn't be any more insane. :lol:

Keep sucking up to the Mullah's that are helping starving you Palestinians in the thousands in Syria. Where is your condemnation for that? No, it's easier to cry about "monarchies". Like presidents and republics suddenly became Islamic.:lol:

Your population is no different than your rulers, which is why the Prophet(SAW) said if the leaders are of a corrupt kind then the population is of a corrupt kind. Go do more zina you sick animals. :lol:

More anti Iranian rants, lol, it just never ends. :lol:

Of course then we can also criticize the MB and the cretins that treat this 90 year old Egyptian POLITICAL party as some kind of holy grail that speaks for all Muslims.

Of course you could, with false assertions and weak arguments. :lol:

The USA - your country, was still crying about the removal of the MB. Everyone knows about it. They always supported it.
But after all Morsi was not challenging the West anyway.

Sure they were, the West was anti MB ever since Morsi introduced plans to be self sufficient and had agriculture plans that would have made Egypt way less dependent on foreign nations. This would have happened within five years if they stayed in power, which is why the world constructed a coup. Now, a select number of people in the Egyptian society will become rich while everybody else can barely survive. And you're going to preach to us about your 'achieving' military regimes and monarchies. :lol:

the brotherhood has failed you better beleive it you can not live a lie for the rest of your life
first they betrayed everyone in tahrir square while the people blood is on the street they were negotiating with mubark regime they are the last people in Egypt to talk about revoultion they see only the brotherhood


then they said they were going to create a constituion that will represent all of Egypt they said they will bring sharia law to the salfies and a constituion that will respect all citziens of Egypt to the librials they said they will respect the law then they issued a constitutional declaration
BBC News - Q&A: Egypt constitutional crisis
they failed in economy and made matters worse they were starting to talk as if they controled Egypt telling everyone who disagree is not a muslim and he can go to canda if he doesnt like them
they saw waves of people coming our to make morsi give up power they could have left power peacfully with no blood

The only failed people are the Egyptian people who can't even get money to buy bread. :lol:

Meanwhile, let the Egyptian army open the Tahrir square to see how many millions of Egyptians will demonstrate, until them you can't claim the people support the military regime. Desperately trying to crush dissent and close off all areas of protest, now open them and then we'll talk. :lol:
The only failed people are the Egyptian people who can't even get money to buy bread. :lol:

Meanwhile, let the Egyptian army open the Tahrir square to see how many millions of Egyptians will demonstrate, until them you can't claim the people support the military regime. Desperately trying to crush dissent and close off all areas of protest, now open them and then we'll talk. :lol:
yes maybe we should ask gaza to give some money for bread and what is common in the brotherhood fans across the world is iam sorry stupid words that means nothing what do you mean open tahrir square if the brotherhood has millions why are they not protesting anywhere in Egypt right now their numbers are 100 to 500 every friday protesting and then getting back home in the areas they protest in every week
by the way you did not replay to my post is what I said true or not
yes maybe we should ask gaza to give some money for bread and what is common in the brotherhood fans across the world is iam sorry stupid words that means nothing what do you mean open tahrir square if the brotherhood has millions why are they not protesting anywhere in Egypt right now their numbers are 100 to 500 every friday protesting and then getting back home in the areas they protest in every week
by the way you did not replay to my post is what I said true or not

100 to 500? I just thousands alone in videos today. :lol:

Respond to me btw, why won't Egypt open Tahrir square and other majors areas for demonstrations? Why don't you open them, so if millions don't demonstrate then we will say you're absolutely right end of story.
As Davutoglu said in the leaked videos and what I have been saying for more than a year. In middle-east soft power has limited capabilities. Unless Turkey gets capable army to project power in whole of ME. It should stay out.

Morsi was chosen democratically. If Turkey had capable army, it could have silenced that coup and hanged the terrorist who tried to overthrow the government. Arabs are hot heads. We didn't rule Ottoman empire with love but with force. That is why mid-east was most peaceful in history under Ottomans. You need to speak the language they understand.

It was well known the Arabs regret revolving the Ottoman after the British divided their land and began migrating Jews to Palestine and created Israel then the Middle East turmoil started. :lol:

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