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Turkish Parliament urges Egypt not execute mass death penalty sentences

Saudi Arabia does have Sharia, and Morsi was slowly going to introduce reform. You don't need it to be considered Islamist.

The point is Morsi conceded to all demands of liberal opposition and the army overthrew an elected leader.

Because they fear any political opposition, the MB does not seek to overthrow any government. People know that if democratic elections were to occur they view the MB as a threat to their monarchy rule. Not as a threat to the nation.

Qatar supported a democratically elected government, Saudi Arabia and GCC came out before Morsi was even overthrown and pledged support to military regime.

Following events in Egypt they suspended all of them.

I could care less about them sending weapons, 90% of the weapons are produced at home. And don't get started about how they aren't a threat, do you want me to post videos? Is that why Israel is spying 24/7 on Gaza and has attacked it continuously for the past two decades in Gaza?

I'm mocking some Arabs here that suddenly become anti-Israel when most are pro Israel, if some aren't I don't see them expressing it in any way. Rarely do I.

Yet, KSA is not exporting Sharia law to any outside countries like MB is trying to export their political rule to other countries outside of Egypt. So who is really power-hungry? One is even a state while the other just a political party.

Also if you claim that KSA is ruled by Sharia then what importance does it have whether the head of state is an king or an president Islamic speaking? Don't now tell me that the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's with their fake black turbans are elected by any people or that claiming to be infallible as those lunatics claim is Islamic. It does not get much worse than this.

If people of the Arab world let alone Islamic world (I assume that the MB is not only an Arab entity) wanted MB rule this badly then more than those 3 failed examples could be seen in nearly 100 years of MB existence, don't you think so?

What does this matter? Qatar was donating billions to the MB which is good in your eyes but if other states donate billions to the Egyptian opposition it is bad. The donations are not intended for the Egyptian military. @Frogman can tell you that. He should know.

Where is the source for that? So they supported projects during Morsi but then suddenly stopped? Could it have something to do with the MB trying to overthrow the government of UAE?

You know what I am talking about. Nothing that Hamas has in store can defeat Israeli military. We all know it.

Why do they need to express it 100 times during the day? They are not Palestinians. It's not their country that is occupied or people. The average Palestinian does not care about what is going on in other hotspots of the Muslim world but just cares about his own country and struggle.

When was the last time that any MB supporter raised the suppression of Sunni Muslims in Iran for instance?
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Also if you claim that KSA is ruled by Sharia then what importance does it have whether the head of state is an king or an president Islamic speaking? Don't now tell me that the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's with their fake black turbans are elected by any people or that claiming to be infallible as those lunatics claim is Islamic. It does not get much worse than this.

If a state claims to uphold Islamic policy one would assume they would support a Islamic party in neighboring nations. That's just an observation, not sure why you're going all over the place.

If people of the Arab world let alone Islamic world (I assume that the MB is not only an Arab entity) wanted MB rule this badly then more than those 3 failed examples could be seen in nearly 100 years of MB existence, don't you think so?

Who's saying that? It's only you guys which derail the subject, don't put words in my mouth. All that is true is GCC and their allies try crushing political dissent and consider the MB as the number one threat to their rule. As evident by their recent moves and statements.

What does this matter? Qatar was donating billions to the MB which is good in your eyes but if other states donate billions to the Egyptian opposition it is bad. The donations are not intended for the Egyptian military. @Frogman can tell you that. He should know.

It's not about good vs bad, you brought that assertion up. It's about the intentions of the aid and who controls it.

Where is the source for that? So they supported projects during Morsi but then suddenly stopped? Could it have something to do with the MB trying to overthrow the government of UAE?

Not because of Morsi, because they rather not make 'Hamas appear as the legitimate Palestinian recognized government' as they say it.

You know what I am talking about. Nothing that Hamas has in store can defeat Israeli military. We all know it.

What do you mean by defeating the Israeli military? Hamas poses more a threat to the Israeli military than any of you Arab nations. And soon they will make their own GPS guided missiles, not need to expect so much out of a besieged small organization with few resources. Had they had what you had they would've became a regional power.

Why do they need to express it 100 times during the day? They are not Palestinians. It's not their country that is occupied or people. The average Palestinian does not care about what is going on in other hotspots of the Muslim world but just cares about his own country and struggle.

Again, you're putting words in mouth which shows your discomfort when it comes to condemning Israel's policy. They don't even write a single post within months time frame, that's because they sympathize with Israel. We aren't the average Palestinians or Arabs, we are politicians in a sense, so we discuss all issues in the Arab and Muslim world. I'm not sure why you're making a comparison to average people's.
If a state claims to uphold Islamic policy one would assume they would support a Islamic party in neighboring nations. That's just an observation, not sure why you're going all over the place.

Who's saying that? It's only you guys which derail the subject, don't put words in my mouth. All that is true is GCC and their allies try crushing political dissent and consider the MB as the number one threat to their rule. As evident by their recent moves and statements.

It's not about good vs bad, you brought that assertion up. It's about the intentions of the aid and who controls it.

Not because of Morsi, because they rather not make 'Hamas appear as the legitimate Palestinian recognized government' as they say it.

What do you mean by defeating the Israeli military? Hamas poses more a threat to the Israeli military than any of you Arab nations. And soon they will make their own GPS guided missiles, not need to expect so much out of a besieged small organization with few resources. Had they had what you had they would've became a regional power.

Again, you're putting words in mouth which shows your discomfort when it comes to condemning Israel's policy. They don't even write a single post within months time frame, that's because they sympathize with Israel. We aren't the average Palestinians or Arabs, we are politicians in a sense, so we discuss all issues in the Arab and Muslim world. I'm not sure why you're making a comparison to average people's.

No proof of any Islamist policies by Mursi or the MB. Besides as mentioned before KSA already supported Mursi financially but KSA had no reason to go against the will of the Egyptian people and a neighboring country. Mursi was a failure.

Well it's a fact. MB has been a liability in their nearly 100 year old existence. They have achieved nothing.

Once again KSA donated money to both sides. Besides I am against donations to foreign countries. Let them solve their own problems. Nobody is giving money to KSA.

Then why is Hamas only controlling Gaza?

Good luck with defeating Israel then. No Arab country is at war with Israel so why should they?

We are just users on a forum full of trolls.
No proof of any Islamist policies by Mursi or the MB. Besides as mentioned before KSA already supported Mursi financially but KSA had no reason to go against the will of the Egyptian people and a neighboring country. Mursi was a failure.


Well it's a fact. MB has been a liability in their nearly 100 year old existence. They have achieved nothing.

Okay, this is your opinion depending on how one interprets the events in the past century.

Once again KSA donated money to both sides. Besides I am against donations to foreign countries. Let them solve their own problems. Nobody is giving money to KSA.

How about Saudi people in general? What are their opinions on foreign policy?

Then why is Hamas only controlling Gaza?

They don't recognize the results and say they recognize the PA as official representative of Palestinian people.

Good luck with defeating Israel then. No Arab country is at war with Israel so why should they?

They don't need to, I was just making a point.

We are just users on a forum full of trolls.

We aren't the average person by any means.

Okay, this is your opinion depending on how one interprets the events in the past century.

How about Saudi people in general? What are their opinions on foreign policy?

They don't recognize the results and say they recognize the PA as official representative of Palestinian people.

They don't need to, I was just making a point.

We aren't the average person by any means.

You already admitted previously to MB not being ready to govern a country. That proved to be the case as well in reality.

Why is it that we Muslims need political parties or ideologies to unite? Whether it's pan-Arabism, Ba'athism, MB or whatever? I don't understand it. Why can't we just emulate the 1300 years of previous largely glorious Islamic Arab history? Did the Caliphs or Sheikhs, Emirs, Sharifs, Sultans etc. need any of that?

What is there to interpret? MB has existed for nearly 100 years. It's legitimate to question their achievements by now. MB was not banned outside of Egypt for 99,9% of its existence.

Depends who you ask. I think that many are not very fond of us donating money left and right when people at home are in need of it.

But would it not be so that if the vast majority of Palestinians in the West Bank wanted MB rule they would be ruling right now? Why are they not ruling? Just asking since I do not follow Palestinian politics.

We both know that Hamas cannot win a war against Israel. Maybe a short one. Wait, let me say this in another way. Do you really believe that Hamas can achieve their goals?

In the bigger picture we are just two users on a Pakistani forum where trolling is the law of the day. It is impossible to have serious discussions on this forum. Nearly.
You already admitted previously to MB not being ready to govern a country. That proved to be the case as well in reality.

That's not what I said, I said they should have waited more before entering elections.

Why is it that we Muslims need political parties or ideologies to unite? Whether it's pan-Arabism, Ba'athism, MB or whatever? I don't understand it. Why can't we just emulate the 1300 years of previous largely glorious Islamic Arab history? Did the Caliphs or Sheikhs, Emirs, Sharifs, Sultans etc. need any of that?

Where are you taking this discussion? :lol:

First we went from discussing Turkish foreign policy which you changed into an argument making me appear as if I was arguing for and now we're talking about a united Arab world. We don't need any organization to unite as long as we behave as Muslims, but that's far from the case. Do you want to read about the conditions our Prophet(SAW) gave us?

What is there to interpret? MB has existed for nearly 100 years. It's legitimate to question their achievements by now. MB was not banned outside of Egypt for 99,9% of its existence.

More like they were persecuted for 99% of their existence in Egypt. They have influence in the Arab world still.

Depends who you ask. I think that many are not very fond of us donating money left and right when people at home are in need of it.

What are their opinions on foreign issue such as Palestine and Syria and Saudis roles in them?

But would it not be so that if the vast majority of Palestinians in the West Bank wanted MB rule they would be ruling right now? Why are they not ruling? Just asking since I do not follow Palestinian politics.

Elections aren't important in the Palestinian world right now, we are preoccupied with other issues. Only sick people like the PA make such suggestions, and that's due to Hamas being persecuted in the West Bank and having all their leaders arrested by PA/Israel. Hamas isn't the literal MB either, it's a Palestinian Islamic resistance movement.

We both know that Hamas cannot win a war against Israel. Maybe a short one. Wait, let me say this in another way. Do you really believe that Hamas can achieve their goals?

So now the discussion is about Hamas's goals? You're right they can win short wars, as for their long term goals it depends on the will of the Muslim and Palestinian people. It's not necessarily about goals, it's about stated policy. Hamas can achieve liberation in the West Bank if they were allowed to govern there. As for historic Palestine they can't do that alone, they need massive support.
That's not what I said, I said they should have waited more before entering elections.

Where are you taking this discussion? :lol:

First we went from discussing Turkish foreign policy which you changed into an argument making me appear as if I was arguing for and now we're talking about a united Arab world. We don't need any organization to unite as long as we behave as Muslims, but that's far from the case. Do you want to read about the conditions our Prophet(SAW) gave us?

More like they were persecuted for 99% of their existence in Egypt. They have influence in the Arab world still.

What are their opinions on foreign issue such as Palestine and Syria and Saudis roles in them?

Elections aren't important in the Palestinian world right now, we are preoccupied with other issues. Only sick people like the PA make such suggestions, and that's due to Hamas being persecuted in the West Bank and having all their leaders arrested by PA/Israel. Hamas isn't the literal MB either, it's a Palestinian Islamic resistance movement.

So now the discussion is about Hamas's goals? You're right they can win short wars, as for their long term goals it depends on the will of the Muslim and Palestinian people. It's not necessarily about goals, it's about stated policy. Hamas can achieve liberation in the West Bank if they were allowed to govern there. As for historic Palestine they can't do that alone, they need massive support.

Is that not the same thing as saying that they are not ready?!

I don't understand your allegiance to a POLTIICAL party. I don't get it.

I am not talking about any united Arab world?o_O I am asking you why you need POLITICAL ideologies to emulate Islamic rule.

Where is that influence? What have they achieved?

How can I know? I don't speak for 30 million people but they are not in favor of the Fake Wannabe Arab Mullah's in Mullahistan nor are they big fans of the Nusayri Child-Murderer in Syria nor of Israel.

Well then why is Hamas not ruling in the West Bank? Why are the Palestinians not throwing the PA out on the street if they are that bad? I have no idea since I don't follow Palestinian politics closely. Just as I don't follow Mauritanian politics closely.

What can Hamas achieve in the future in your eyes. Is there any other party or movement of worth?
Is that not the same thing as saying that they are not ready?!

No, the people aren't ready for Islam.

I don't understand your allegiance to a POLTIICAL party. I don't get it.

I don't have an allegiance to a political party, you're confusing a political party for a social movement.

I am not talking about any united Arab world?o_O I am asking you why you need POLITICAL ideologies to emulate Islamic rule.

You just answered your own question, very little could be achieved if one can't operate socially and politically countries have political processes, not the other way around. Maybe you can't comprehend that since you're ruled by a family.

Where is that influence? What have they achieved?

In Egypt? You tell me, they had illegal status for six decades and had been in power for one year, the better question should be what did you expect them to achieve in one year? Or are you asking about their stated goals? Go google them.

Well then why is Hamas not ruling in the West Bank? Why are the Palestinians not throwing the PA out to the streets if they are that bad. I have not idea since I don't follow Palestinian politics closely. Just as I don't follow Mauritanian politics closely.

Because Israel prevents it from occurring, Hamas already won the elections as was supposed to rule the West Bank ever since 2006, of course the world didn't recognize the results and Israel prevented vote ballots in many areas where Hamas has much influence in the West Bank. They would crackdown on Hamas either way and it has left people hopeless.

What can Hamas achieve in the future in your eyes. Is there any other party or movement of worth?

Are you really curious or just playing the game of asking endless questions?
No, the people aren't ready for Islam.

I don't have an allegiance to a political party, you're confusing a political party for a social movement.

You just answered your own question, very little could be achieved if one can't operate socially and politically countries have political processes, not the other way around. Maybe you can't comprehend that since you're ruled by a family.

In Egypt? You tell me, they had illegal status for six decades and had been in power for one year, the better question should be what did you expect them to achieve in one year? Or are you asking about their stated goals? Go google them.

Because Israel prevents it from occurring, Hamas already won the elections as was supposed to rule the West Bank ever since 2006, of course the world didn't recognize the results and Israel prevented vote ballots in many areas where Hamas has much influence in the West Bank. They would crackdown on Hamas either way and it has left people hopeless.

Are you really curious or just playing the game of asking endless questions?

What has non-Saudi Arabians not being ready for Islam anything to do with my points? Either the MB is ready to embark on their policy or they are not. You earlier admitted to that not being the case and now you are in a complete defensive mode for me criticizing their obvious failures not only in Egypt but in Tunisia and Libya as well.

Social "movement" disguised as a power hungry political party that uses Islam as the carrot. Is that really needed for you as an Muslim?

Islam is all that you need. You don't any social reforms disguised as political parties or social "movements". That's what you have Islam for.

The MB was legal everywhere else yet they did achieve nothing of worth.


Who else should I ask about internal Palestinian issues if not the only Palestinian?
What has non-Saudi Arabians not being ready for Islam anything to do with my points? Either the MB is ready to embark on their policy or they are not. You earlier admitted to that not being the case and now you are in a complete defensive mode for me criticizing their obvious failures not only in Egypt but in Tunisia and Libya as well.

I personally disagreed with them entering elections, it's not about being ready to run a country but for the society as a whole to embrace Islam. Which 'failures' are you speaking of? So what's the opposite of a 'failure'? Success to you means ultimate power and economics prosperity.

Social "movement" disguised as a power hungry political party that uses Islam as the carrot. Is that really needed for you as an Muslim?

This isn't about me personally, you might as well be a rejectionist and claim the Prophet and his apostles were also power hungry people that used Islam as 'carrot'. That's a stupid allegation since the MB doesn't enter elections in many other places were they do social activities.

Islam is all that you need. You don't any social reforms disguised as political parties or social "movements". That's what you have Islam for.

Need for what?

The MB was legal everywhere else yet they did achieve nothing of worth.

What do you mean by achieving something of worth? They never ran any country so what are you expecting achievements as a state? It's a social pan-Islamic movement still

Go google Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006.

Who else should I ask about internal Palestinian issues if not the only Palestinian?

You have no interest, only delegitimization.
I personally disagreed with them entering elections, it's not about being ready to run a country but for the society as a whole to embrace Islam. Which 'failures' are you speaking of? So what's the opposite of a 'failure'? Success to you means ultimate power and economics prosperity.

This isn't about me personally, you might as well be a rejectionist and claim the Prophet and his apostles were also power hungry people that used Islam as 'carrot'. That's a stupid allegation since the MB doesn't enter elections in many other places were they do social activities.

Need for what?

What do you mean by achieving something of worth? They never ran any country so what are you expecting achievements as a state? It's a social pan-Islamic movement still

Go google Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006.

You have no interest, only delegitimization.

Then why are you contradicting yourself? Either they are ready to run the most populous Arab country or they are not. They proved not to be able to do so without creating trouble in Egypt that prompted millions of Egyptians to go to the streets.

You don't have a clue what I regard as a success or not. But at least you can expect them to be able to rule a country and not help ruining it.

Wow. Wait a minute. Are you now comparing nobodies like the MB to Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Sahaba?

MB or parties that are carbon copies of the MB have entered elections from Yemen to Morocco without little or no success at all.

Arab Muslims that ruled the ME and most of the Muslim world for 1000 years since the very beginning of Islam and during 90% of the Islamic conquests and during the Islamic Golden Age did not need MB before they were created when my paternal grandfather was a baby (LOL) nor will they ever need it in the future. Being against MB or any similar parties has nothing to do with following Islam or not following it as quite a few pro-MB cretins are falsely claiming. That's annoying as hell.

They ran Egypt for 1 year and how did that go?

In Libya everybody expected them to win but they only got 10% of the votes.

It does not seem to me that Arabs are particularly fond of being ruled by the Egyptian MB party (now outlawed again).

Ok, then I guess that you should stick to Iranian users if you are at odds with every single Arab user that dares to criticize the policy of some 90 year old Egyptian political party.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @agentny17 @Arabian Legend @BLACKEAGLE @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa
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Erdogan shouldn't meddling in Egyptian matters
In fact Erdogan should be executed
Then why are you contradicting yourself? Either they are ready to run the most populous Arab country or they are not. They proved not to be able to do so without creating trouble in Egypt that prompted millions of Egyptians to go to the streets.

Contradicting myself about what?

You don't have a clue what I regard as a success or not. But at least you can expect them to be able to rule a country and not help ruining it.

Which is why I asked what you regard as success, they had one year to run Egypt, is that enough to judge their rule?

Wow. Wait a minute. Are you now comparing nobodies like the MB to Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Sahaba?

Nope, pointing a flaw in your logic, you're make a broad assertion which could be applied to anybody in all of history. It's an illogical discussion if you're having that approach, it remains your opinion.

MB or parties that are carbon copies of the MB have entered elections from Yemen to Morocco without little or no success at all.

Which parties are you speaking of? A party in morocco that is not officially related to the MB? So what?

Muslism did not need MB before they were created when my paternal grandfather was alive (LOL) nor will they ever need it in the future. Being against MB or any similar parties has nothing to do with following Islam or not following it as quite a few pro-MB cretins are falsely claiming. That's annoying as hell.

Who the hell said that? We were discussing politics just normally than you went on an tirade and began putting words in my mouth and then try making me appear at odds with myself. What a pathetic person.

They ran Egypt for 1 year and how did that go?

Really? You judge a party based on one year of rule in an Egypt that was going through chaos? Says a lot about you.

In Libya everybody expected them to win but they only got 10% of the votes.

What elections are you talking about? MB is all over Libya ever since the Arab spring. They don't need to rule the whole Arab world to please you

It does not seem to me that Arabs are particularly fond of being ruled by the MB party.

Based on what? And if they are that's fine, that's not what the discussion was about. You couldn't do anything to refute my posts and resorted to bringing up random topics and putting words in my mouth.

Ok, then I guess that you should stick to Iranian users if you are at odds with every single Arab user that dares to criticize the policy of some 90 year old Egyptian political party.

How is this a response to anything I said and where I have been at odds with Arab users over them daring to criticize a social movement which has been persecuted in Egypt for the past six decades? Why don't you start showing us something rather than throw around allegations.
Contradicting myself about what?

Which is why I asked what you regard as success, they had one year to run Egypt, is that enough to judge their rule?

Nope, pointing a flaw in your logic, you're make a broad assertion which could be applied to anybody in all of history. It's an illogical discussion if you're having that approach, it remains your opinion.

Which parties are you speaking of? A party in morocco that is not officially related to the MB? So what?

Who the hell said that? We were discussing politics just normally than you went on an tirade and began putting words in my mouth and then try making me appear at odds with myself. What a pathetic person.

Really? You judge a party based on one year of rule in an Egypt that was going through chaos? Says a lot about you.

What elections are you talking about? MB is all over Libya ever since the Arab spring. They don't need to rule the whole Arab world to please you

Based on what? And if they are that's fine, that's what the discussion was about. You couldn't do anything to refute my posts and resorted to bringing up random topics and putting words in my mouth.

How is this a response to anything I said and where I have been at odds with Arab users over them daring to criticize a social movement which has been persecuted in Egypt for the past six decades? Why don't you start showing us something rather than throw around allegations.

You told everybody here that the MB was not ready to govern. And here you are defending them for governing when not being ready. You can't see the contradiction or what?

Maybe not getting removed from power after millions of Egyptians took to the streets and not helping ruining the economy further? That would be a good start.

How is it an illogical conclusion to say that the MB has achieved nothing in its history as rulers. Tell me about their great achievements in this regard.

I am speaking about sister parties of the MB.

Muslim Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Been plenty of them. They were not banned anywhere outside of Egypt as you claimed.

Yeah you were crying about KSA and the GCC and Arabs again. How is that discussing normally. For you it is either the MB way or the highway. That's not how it works.

No, I base my opinion on what that political party has achieved in 90 years time not only in Egypt but everywhere else and I am not the least impressed and 90% of all Arabs are neither otherwise they would have elected them.

They are not ruling in Libya. Where do you get this from?

Liberal nationalist Libyans are ruling Libya today.

National Forces Alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why don't you understand that not everyone, in fact the vast, vast majority of Arabs and Muslims, are not fans of the MB and don't need to be in order to be Muslims or pursuing the right goals.

MB is more worried about hegemony. They should have sticked to being a social movement. That was something they actually were good at in Egypt. When it came to politics they proved to be utter failures.

Maybe that is why the US and the West wanted them to remain in power so they could weaken the region further.

Trial evidence: U.S. favored Muslim Brotherhood
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