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Turkish Parliament urges Egypt not execute mass death penalty sentences

Yes, but we need a strong constitution first. While the constitution we have in our hands now is way better than Morsi's constitutions, it is still not that great. It protects far more rights, but it still states that the "principles of Sharia" are the main source of legislation and that can kill any right. It also didn't help at all with decentralization which in my mind is essential for Egypt's success in my mind.

So your problem is with Islam and not the MB. Too bad for you, most Egyptians support Islamic principles which is why they continue to be the basis for Egypt's society. You can't do anything to change that besides dream for your ancient coptic empire.
Otherwise the Syrian opposition would not be able to get support from GCC if Turkey prevented it.
And now we are the bad seed while others can slip out of every responsibility...
Stupid FP Erdogan, very stupid FP... :disagree:

Whatever it is, the GCC needs healthy relations with Turkey and can't impose their will on them or outsmart them. The GCC only does that against weak people's and their own citizens whom they persecute for having Islamic political views.
And now we are the bad seed while others can slip out of every responsibility...
Stupid FP Erdogan, very stupid FP... :disagree:
Well, it's like you're saying, let Turkey interfere in every Arab country because it helps in Syria. You can not do that. Turkish role in Syria is great, but you can't deny it's of Turkish interests to oust Assad, yet support FSA groups.
And now we are the bad seed while others can slip out of every responsibility...
Stupid FP Erdogan, very stupid FP... :disagree:

What do you mean by 'bad seed' my friend? :)

Raise your head high, what Turkey has done is not excessive and has had a positive impact on the region. Don't be fooled by Egyptian bravado and political statements, they are just taking orders from Saudi Arabia/GCC. They also did the same thing with the Libyan ambassador and threatened to do so with Qatar but many Egyptians work there. So if Egypt did go ahead with such a move all Qatar needs to do is throw those Egyptians out of their workplace which is devastating for the Egyptian economy.
Apparently they are not.
His party just won the local elections - and by a very convincing margin.

Local elections is one thing, presidential elections are another sir.

His party was bidding on winning the elections within their stronghold, but not across Turkey.
Whatever it is, the GCC needs healthy relations with Turkey and can't impose their will on them or outsmart them. The GCC only does that against weak people's and their own citizens whom they persecute for having Islamic political views.
Do not quote me.
What do you mean by 'bad seed' my friend? :)
There are 50 threads about sarin gas attack alone in PDF for exsample, we are beeing accused of committing a crime against humanity while everybody is quiet about this.

Ironically only US supported us and called the report false.
There are 50 threads about sarin gas attack alone in PDF for exsample, we are beeing accused of committing a crime against humanity while everybody is quet about this.

Ironically only US supported us and called the report false.

I know, that's the thing, when you stand against some Arabs this is what they'll resort to, intimidation and misinformation. You can't prevent that and sadly there are too many clueless people on the earth so theres a chance some people will believe such things. It's the same thing with Hamas for example, there are bizarre articles and threads demonizing them and spreading misinformation. It's just a propaganda war which no one can be free of.

:rofl: :rofl: :omghaha::omghaha::sarcastic:

Don't know why I laughed so much at that

I'm a genius when it comes to debating, nobody can handle me I've made some people go crazy. :lol:

You notice not a single one of them can refute what I post? :D
I'm a genius when it comes to debating, nobody can handle me I've made some people go crazy. :lol:

You notice not a single one of them can refute what I post? :D
Your posts are so stupid, shallow, and contradictive. That's why respected people avoid talking to you.

None of them will refute my posts so they're going to respond by accusing me of 'insulting' people which is their excuse. :lol:

Just look at this thread alone, I haven't directed a single insult against anybody, yet you will see them in this thread call me a 'liar', 'terrorist' and avoid discussion since they know my positions and arguments and rebuttals are too strong for them. :lol:

I guarantee you that's what gonna happen in that order. :D
It's just a propaganda war which no one can be free of.
We could have been free if we didnt meddle in the first place, what did we gained from this? Nothing but a couple doozen dead civilians in our borders, terrorist attacks and lovely new terrorist neighbors.
Not to mention the lost tax money for our goverments strategy games which we could have used for building new hospitals and schools in the east of our country.

We just should have helped the refugees without taking sides...

The problem is US is miles away from Syria and GCC didnt ''officially'' supported anyone with money or weapon, But Turkey officially supported opposition and now we are beeing accused of crimes in Syria, all the burden of a future failure in Syria will be on us and we will be left alone with this.
Your posts are so stupid, shallow, and contradictive. That's why respected people avoid talking to you.

Ha Ha Ha! @Hashshāshīn I told you! LOL!

Rather than refute my posts on this thread they will just lob insults at me and reassure me that 'respected' people avoid talking to me. :rofl:

We could have been free if we didnt meddle in the first place, what did we gained from this? Nothing but a couple doozen dead civilians in our borders, terrorist attacks and lovely new terrorist neighbors.
Not to mention the lost tax money for our goverments strategy games which we could have used for building new hospitals and schools in the east of our country.

We just should have helped the refugees without taking sides...

The problem is US is miles away from Syria and GCC didnt ''officially'' supported anyone with money or weapon, But Turkey officially supported opposition and now we are beeing accused of crimes in Syria, all the burden of a future failure in Syria will be on us and we will be left alone with this.

You can't really gain anything by supporting a weakened opposition, of course there are some slight negatives to it. Overall though, Turkey doesn't actively support the armed groups except one specific organization which is due to the US and Arab allied pressure. It's because you share a border, don't let false misinformation bring you down. The world is well aware of false regime manufactured information spread all over the net. The future of Syria is very far, it's most likely going to stay a partitioned state for maybe another decade if not more.
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