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Turkish Parliament urges Egypt not execute mass death penalty sentences

Thanks, and i wish you guys the best too. I am glad you guys have a Constitution strong enough to stop any madness from any leader.

Even better is your constitution that stops 'madness' from any leader, wink wink. :rofl:
We can call them problem by name - Uneducated Islam scholars. Anybody who can hold a quran calls himself a scholar knowadays. Without any knowledge or sensitivity to handle quran texts according to 21st century.

Islam needs to be reformed. The Muslim communities in the western societies need to build up a foundation which educates proper islamic scholars and send them to muslim countries. I am sure there are thousands of volunteers who are willing to help their home countries to become better muslims who respect life and human rights, instead of becoming jihadist animals who read quran with their arse.
Most of the Islamic foundations and centers in the West are fierce Muslim Brotherhood supporters. They claim that they support human rights and peace in the West, but at the same time they support groups that don't support any of that stuff in Muslim Majority countries. They say something to the West, and completely different things to their own people.
This should explains better. Its hilarious, and sad at the same time

You see, this is the thing about the Middle East. People will stand up for their beliefs and ideologies. You try 'settling' things to keep peace between turkish and Egyptian members on this forum. What you're really doing is surrendering to their views, which is exactly what they want.

The Middle East is a place where things will explode and people will argue, maybe it's not something you're used to but we are. If we had people like you in our region, our dictators would be in power for eternity. :D

I hope you take my advice, don't let them intimidate you. :)
Most of the Islamic foundations and centers in the West are fierce Muslim Brotherhood supporters. They claim that they support human rights and peace in the West, but at the same time they support groups that don't support any of that stuff in Muslim Majority countries. They say something to the West, and completely different things to their own people.
This should explains better. Its hilarious, and sad at the same time

So what? You think we're going to live, eat and sleep the way the West wants us to? It's our people who choose our policy, if the West is there to enforce their policy(Which they are) on the Muslim Arab people then they shouldn't express such a double standard.
Actually its one of the foundation of our Constitution that religion and policy cant be mixed and this should be done in whole ME for a better future.
Hopefully soon for us. It has to be done eventually, or it will not be pretty.
We can call them problem by name - Uneducated Islam scholars. Anybody who can hold a quran calls himself a scholar knowadays. Without any knowledge or sensitivity to handle quran texts according to 21st century.

Islam needs to be reformed. The Muslim communities in the western societies need to build up a foundation which educates proper islamic scholars and send them to muslim countries. I am sure there are thousands of volunteers who are willing to help their home countries to become better muslims who respect life and human rights, instead of becoming jihadist animals who read quran with their arse.
Russia was one of the first countries that declared MB a terror group. :tup:

You see, this is the thing about the Middle East. People will stand up for their beliefs and ideologies. You try 'settling' things to keep peace between turkish and Egyptian members on this forum. What you're really doing is surrendering to their views, which is exactly what they want.

The Middle East is a place where things will explode and people will argue, maybe it's not something you're used to but we are. If we had people like you in our region, our dictators would be in power for eternity. :D

I hope you take my advice, don't let them intimidate you. :)

My and the Egyptian members' view was parallel all along. You obviously didn't understand the source of the discussion.
The reason why Erdogan is so fierce in supporting Morsi and why he couldn't remained silent is because he's exploited the Turkish coups of 1960-80 so much for his own agenda that it would have been a political suicide for him to accept Sisi. At least that is my theory. Other than that, i wish you guys the best.
But that's so stupid, he altered the strategic relationship with Egypt and GCC by such acts. Turkish relations with those countries had been going more than great before Morsi was thrown out.
My and the Egyptian members' view was parallel all along. You obviously didn't understand the source of the discussion.

Even if you agree with your views, don't ever cower to their demands and I'm just warning you for the future. This is the nature of Arabs deal with their affairs, they interim are anybody with opposing views and many members of various nationalities are subjugated to it.
You also need a strong supreme court so nobody cant violate your constitution.
Yes, but we need a strong constitution first. While the constitution we have in our hands now is way better than Morsi's constitutions, it is still not that great. It protects far more rights, but it still states that the "principles of Sharia" are the main source of legislation and that can kill any right. It also didn't help at all with decentralization which in my mind is essential for Egypt's success in my mind.
But that's so stupid, he altered the strategic relationship with Egypt and GCC by such acts. Turkish relations with those countries had been going more than great before Morsi was thrown out.

Wrong, Turkey doesn't need Egypt, Egypt needs Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkish-GCC relations will be just fine in the future and are going pretty well. Otherwise the Syrian opposition would not be able to get support from GCC if Turkey prevented it.
Wrong, Turkey doesn't need Egypt, Egypt needs Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkish-GCC relations will be just fine in the future and are going pretty well. Otherwise the Syrian opposition would not be able to get support from GCC if Turkey prevented it.
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