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Turkish Parliament urges Egypt not execute mass death penalty sentences

Oho, Turks who are superior in Morality blaming egyptians.
Of course Turks helping FSA with some Sarin-attack-killing stuff is not so important to even mention it. :pop:

look who is talking about morality ...I could understand if your nationality was new zealander or norwegian etc as the most peaceful ones... but russians?? gtfo please
Too bad they didn't urge Erdogan to lift Twitter block, and had to wait for the supreme court to do so.
I believe this misconception in Turkey about what is happening in Egypt is due to the blocking of YouTube over there which doesn't make them see the whole picture and only see one side that their government want them to see. I urge the Turkish Parliament to issue a joint statement urging Erdogan to lift the YouTube block in Turkey because the Turkish people have the right to know the truth.
Too bad they didn't urge Erdogan to lift Twitter block, and had to wait for the supreme court to do so.
I believe this misconception in Turkey about what is happening in Egypt is due to the blocking of YouTube over there which doesn't make them see the whole picture and only see one side that their government want them to see. I urge the Turkish Parliament to issue a joint statement urging Erdogan to lift the YouTube block in Turkey because the Turkish people have the right to know the truth.

The YouTube ban can be lifted via the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court only.
Too bad they didn't urge Erdogan to lift Twitter block, and had to wait for the supreme court to do so.
I believe this misconception in Turkey about what is happening in Egypt is due to the blocking of YouTube over there which doesn't make them see the whole picture and only see one side that their government want them to see. I urge the Turkish Parliament to issue a joint statement urging Erdogan to lift the YouTube block in Turkey because the Turkish people have the right to know the truth.

Thousands of people, academicians, politicians, students, bussiness people, in short everybody urged Erdogan to lift the ban, and eventually it has been lifted by the supreme court as expected. You see, unlike most of the people in ME and North Africa, we cannot tolarate dictators nor people with dictatorial tendencies. You can take offence by the way.

As for the topic, when we are talking about the possible execution of hundreds of people, other countrys will have something to say, you guys should suck it up. I know they have right to appeal and not all of them will be executed. I don't give a ****, you can kill every single one of them for all i care.
The YouTube ban can be lifted via the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court only.
Well, they will remain ignorant till then.

Thousands of people, academicians, politicians, students, bussiness people, in short everybody urged Erdogan to lift the ban, and eventually it has been lifted by the supreme court as expected. You see, unlike most of the people in ME and North Africa, we cannot tolarate dictators nor people with dictatorial tendencies. You can take offence by the way.

As for the topic, when we are talking about the possible execution of hundreds of people, other countrys will have something to say, you guys should suck it up. I know they have right to appeal and not all of them will be executed. I don't give a ****, you can kill every single one of them for all i care.
YouTube is still blocked in Turkey, and your people just reelected the same people who blocked twitter, and YouTube. So, no you guys can tolerate dictators just fine.

My people on the the other hand have rejected a regime that belonged to the middle ages and your government that was elected by your people doesn't want to accept that for some reason. My guess is that your government too belongs to the middle ages, and the social media blocking is a clear indication to that.

As for the topic, i hope every single terrorist is killed without even a trail, but too bad not everything you wish for happens.
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Their Social media rights getting cut, made Turks raly and protest by the thousands.

The fact that their government supported Sarin attack on Syrian children did not interest them just a bit. Here is a guy running around called @LegionnairE who even makes fun of a killed Arab girl named Rabia with his Avatar.

If Turks had Russian weapons industry and resources, they would pull a Hitler on Europe.
YouTube is still blocked in Turkey, and your people just reelected the same people who blocked twitter, and YouTube. So, no you guys can tolerate dictators just fine.

I can enter the site without problem. Twitter ban didn't last for more than a week.

Obviously, Erdogan is a leader with dictatorial tendencies, however we have millions of people such as myself forcing him to keep that tendency in check. Put Erdogan in a random Arab country, there he would become a new Gaddafi, Assad, etc...

My people on the the other hand have rejected a regime that belonged to the middle ages and your government that was elected by your people doesn't want to accept that for some reason. My guess is that your government too belongs to the middle ages, and the social media blocking is a clear indication to that.

As for the topic, i hope every single terrorist is killed without even a trail, but too bad not everything you wish for happens.

You have picked the bad over the worst, i can understand that but unfortunately democracy is just a dream for Egypt right now.

I can't say to which age our government belongs to, but we make sure to keep them in 21st century, don't you worry.
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If Turks had Russian weapons industry and resources, they would pull a Hitler on Europe.


We are not Soviet Union. We only want Turkic Union.

Egypt can sink bellow water for much I care. They have proven to be very hostile to Turkey.

As Davutoglu said in the leaked videos and what I have been saying for more than a year. In middle-east soft power has limited capabilities. Unless Turkey gets capable army to project power in whole of ME. It should stay out.

Morsi was chosen democratically. If Turkey had capable army, it could have silenced that coup and hanged the terrorist who tried to overthrow the government. Arabs are hot heads. We didn't rule Ottoman empire with love but with force. That is why mid-east was most peaceful in history under Ottomans. You need to speak the language they understand.
I can enter the site without problem. Twitter ban didn't last for more than a week.

Obviously, Erdogan is a leader with dictatorial tendencies, however we have millions of people such as myself forcing him to keep that tendency in check. Put Erdogan in a random Arab country, there he would become a new Gaddafi, Assad, etc...

You have picked the bad over the worst, i can understand that but unfortunately democracy is just a dream for Egypt right know.

I can't say to which age our government belongs to, but we make sure to keep them in 21st century, don't you worry.
Democracy without a bill of rights is not needed, i am sorry!! We are a country of 90 millions. 30% of them are illiterate. 50% live under 2 dollars per day. Different countries and groups have interests and they give massive support to certain groups to buy people's votes. I can live with that since people learn by practice. But what i can't live with is not having a constitution that protects people's rights and freedom. Your government is supporting a group that that is calling for legalizing female genital mutilation and they put a law to do so and if it wasn't for our constitutional court(supreme court) dissolving the Islamist lead Parliament, it would have been a law already This is just one example. Egypt wasn't democracy when Morsi was elected, and it will not be when Sisi will be elected because the country is lacking the foundations for democracy, and the institution that can protect it. Hopefully the next president, and Parliament and work on making and strengthening such institutions and foundations. Is Egypt a democratic country now ? No, was Egypt a democratic country when Morsi was in power ? Hell no!!
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We can call them problem by name - Uneducated Islam scholars. Anybody who can hold a quran calls himself a scholar knowadays. Without any knowledge or sensitivity to handle quran texts according to 21st century.

Islam needs to be reformed. The Muslim communities in the western societies need to build up a foundation which educates proper islamic scholars and send them to muslim countries. I am sure there are thousands of volunteers who are willing to help their home countries to become better muslims who respect life and human rights, instead of becoming jihadist animals who read quran with their arse.
Democracy without a bill of rights is not needed, i am sorry!! We are a country of 90 millions. 30% of them are illiterate. 50% live under 2 dollars per day. Different countries and groups have interests and they give massive support to certain groups to buy people's votes. I can live with that since people learn by practice. But what i can't live with is not having a constitution that protects people's rights and freedom. Your government is supporting a group that that is calling for legalizing female genital mutilation and they put a law to do so and if it wasn't for our constitutional court(supreme court) dissolving the Islamist lead Parliament, it would have been a law already This is just one example. Egypt wasn't democracy when Morsi was elected, and it will not be when Sisi will be elected because the country is lacking the foundations for democracy, and the institution that can protect it. Hopefully the next president, and Parliament and work on making and strengthening such institutions and foundations. Is Egypt a democratic country ? No, was Egypt a democratic country when Morsi was in power ? Hell no!!

The reason why Erdogan is so fierce in supporting Morsi and why he couldn't remained silent is because he's exploited the Turkish coups of 1960-80 so much for his own agenda that it would have been a political suicide for him to accept Sisi. At least that is my theory. Other than that, i wish you guys the best.
The reason why Erdogan is so fierce in supporting Morsi and why he couldn't remained silent is because he's exploited the Turkish coups of 1960-80 so much for his own agenda that it would have been a political suicide for him to accept Sisi. At least that is my theory. Other than that, i wish you guys the best.
Thanks, and i wish you guys the best too. I am glad you guys have a Constitution strong enough to stop any madness from any leader.
Thousands of people, academicians, politicians, students, bussiness people, in short everybody urged Erdogan to lift the ban, and eventually it has been lifted by the supreme court as expected. You see, unlike most of the people in ME and North Africa, we cannot tolarate dictators nor people with dictatorial tendencies. You can take offence by the way.

As for the topic, when we are talking about the possible execution of hundreds of people, other countrys will have something to say, you guys should suck it up. I know they have right to appeal and not all of them will be executed. I don't give a ****, you can kill every single one of them for all i care.

Relax my friend and don't cower into accepting their lame propaganda. This is normal, pro regime Arabs will try intimidating and humiliating you to get you to do exactly what you're doing now. Saying okay, whatever, we shouldn't even be saying anything nor should we be caring. This is something you need to get used to about Arabs, culturally they resort to these kinds of tactics. Just try giving them a taste of their own medicine and trust me you'll be fine, they're not invincible people it's very easy to argue against them if you know the right way. :)

For me it's easier because I'm an Arab who knows how to deal with Arabs. :D

Make them regret condemning Turkey for not supporting the latest ousting and events in Egypt and urging a democratic process. :)
Thanks, and i wish you guys the best too. I am glad you guys have a Constitution strong enough to stop any madness from any leader.
Actually its one of the foundation of our Constitution that religion and policy cant be mixed and this should be done in whole ME for a better future.
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