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The Aryan invasion of India

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The thing is that bachabazi is in the present. Those sculptures were made in the past. Contrary to the popular belief they were of a secular discourse nothing to do with religion. Just perverted individuals with different tastes.

Now I only hate ethnicity/castes who have been bigoted towards me. I have even called out Indian Punjabi supremacists like @SorryNotSorry on this forum for their bigotry towards Indians like me. And I have been banned by Pakistani Punjabi moderators for that.

Now you might be treated like a VIP in Pakistan for your 'pasthun' looks. But that does not give you the right to mock dark Indians.

But for you to display racial hatred towards people who have no ill feelings towards your kind and on the contrary, many bollywood loving dumb darklings who admire only your looks(and not your character) is pretty un-acceptable. Your ancestors murdered and enslaved mine. So why do you harbor a grudge?

I hope you end up as a refugee in a western country and come across a white supremacist mob. Then only you can understand the pain of oppressed un wanteds like us.

You being banned by the moderator had nothing to do with you being dark, or Indian. I highly doubt the moderator was Punjabi and even if he was I get banned too and usually it's fault of my own.

I don't get treated like VIP in Pakistan, I get treated like any other pakistani, no better no worse, I do get looked suspiciously, cautious look but that's about it.

My ancestors did what they had to do at the time and what the time and circumstances dictated, I have no sorrow or guilt for that, they did it for betterment of our people.

Mind you,your ancestors were victims centuries ago and we are still victims of your state sponsored terrorism, hybrid war against our nation and it's people.
The thing is that bachabazi is in the present. Those sculptures were made in the past. Contrary to the popular belief they were of a secular discourse nothing to do with religion. Just perverted individuals with different tastes.

Now I only hate ethnicity/castes who have been bigoted towards me. I have even called out Indian Punjabi supremacists like @SorryNotSorry on this forum for their bigotry towards Indians like me. And I have been banned by Pakistani Punjabi moderators for that.

Now you might be treated like a VIP in Pakistan for your 'pasthun' looks. But that does not give you the right to mock dark Indians.

But for you to display racial hatred towards people who have no ill feelings towards your kind and on the contrary, many bollywood loving dumb darklings who admire only your looks(and not your character) is pretty un-acceptable. Your ancestors murdered and enslaved mine. So why do you harbor a grudge?

I hope you end up as a refugee in a western country and come across a white supremacist mob. Then only you can understand the pain of oppressed un wanteds like us.

You have some serious inferiority complex issues brother. You need help and you will certainly not get it here.
We have a very famous Punjabi folk saying:

khada peeta lahe da, baqi Ahmed shahe da (what you can consume may be of some benefit to you, the rest is taken away by Ahmed Shah)

Waris Shah, the famous Punjabi sufi poet who had witnessed the Afghan plundering campaigns, called the Afghans ‘thieves’.

‘Chadia gazab da katak Kandhar vichon

Ahmed Shah az gab thin aan pausi
(A terrible army started its march from Kandhar, Ahmed Shah will descend from nowhere and strike)

When Abdali and his forces mercilessly plundered the city of Lahore and the citizens at large. Waris Shah narrated:

Tay, tor Lahore day vaikh kay ji daur-i-zameen tey sakht bhoochal hoya,
Waris Shah jiven jal bahj mahi, tivain shehr Lahore da haal hoya.

Waris was very happy when Ahmad Shah Abdali was defeated by the Mughal forces near Delhi and he had to retreat to Kabul through Lahore, where he was never welcomed.

Yey, ya Rab toon mehrban hoyon, tadey pher Choghatian da raj hoya,
Toen diti shikast Qandharian noon, Dilli walian day sir taj hoya.

Waris Shah Qandhari khidar naheen, akheen vaikh, bazi hun harda ee.

His patrons were mostly Mughals, old school pen pusher for money.

You fail to highlight the fact that Punjabis also attacked pushtoons as they joined the ranks of Ranjit Singh, you have to look at both angles it's not always been a one sided affair.

Ranjit and the boys were a small blip that was quickly dealt with but never the less a small blip.
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Mind you,your ancestors were victims centuries ago and we are still victims of your state sponsored terrorism, hybrid war against our nation and it's people.
Let's assume your hypothesis is right.

Who is ruling over India? The upper castes of North India and Gujarat. How do we end up as being responsible for their actions. And they treat us worse. Your Pakistani and Afghani Pashtuns actors are given a red carpet welcome.

You have some serious inferiority complex issues brother. You need help and you will certainly not get it here.
Why do you run away from the truth, my gujarati baniya frand? You need help.
His patrons were mostly Mughals, old school pen pusher for money.

You fail to highlight the fact that Punjabis also attacked pushtoons as they joined the ranks of Ranjit Singh, you have to look at both angles it's not always been a one sided affair.

You calling Waris Shah 'a pen pusher for money' just shows how ignorant you are about Punjab and its history.
Don't worry, I will post a new thread shortly about the evil Afghan plunderer named Ahmed Shah Abdali.

Punjabi Muslims joined Ranjit Singh against Afghans because Ranjit was a much better and just ruler compared to Afghan thieves.
Let's assume your hypothesis is right.

Who is ruling over India? The upper castes of North India and Gujarat. How do we end up as being responsible for their actions. And they treat us worse. Your Pakistani and Afghani Pashtuns actors are given a red carpet welcome.

Why do you run away from the truth, my gujarati baniya frand? You need help.

What Pakistani and Afghan Actors, what Pakistani or Afghan born actors are given a red carpet , you are nuts.

Look to me light, dark, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, jains are all Indian all the same to me enemy of my people my nation I don't differentiate between them.
You calling Waris Shah 'a pen pusher for money' just shows how ignorant you are about Punjab and its history.
Don't worry, I will post a new thread shortly about the evil Afghan plunderer named Ahmed Shah Abdali.

Punjabi Muslims joined Ranjit Singh against Afghans because Ranjit was a much better and just ruler compared to Afghan thieves.

Well we leave that for another thread, also I can list so much that will show waris as man was full of personal grudges against pushtoons and how he was the pioneer of writing for financial rewards , his patrons were Mughals and he wrote well to please his master's.

We can debate another day.
I hope you end up as a refugee in a western country and come across a white supremacist mob. Then only you can understand the pain of oppressed un wanteds like us.

Chin up and keep contributing. Pretty interesting perspective you have of races. And I applaud your bravery to discuss taboo topics in so candid manner. We need to hear from all people to form the 'educated' opinion of this world.

And I am sorry you get subjected to racism because of your skin color. Some people are too insecure in their lives and they take their insecurity upon others. The wanna-be whites here--whether Indians or Pakistanis--would like to check out what the white supremacist would say about them; hint, even Shahid Afridi is not accepted by them as their own. Yes, a mob justice awaits them if they be so unfortunate to be caught in a situation: The white supremacists of America don't bother the African American much anymore because of the consequences and now are after the brown and the wanna-be whites...

There are such wanna-bes in this thread who call even the 4th generation Urdu Speakers Pakistanis as not 'native' and are openly proud of plunderers like Ahmad Shah Abdali. Pathetic or insecure. Take your pick.

As for the Aryan 'invasion', I don't think so. More like migration from Iran and regions around Iran's west. And why not? Rich fertile land with not too harsh winters.

And one thing should be said LOUD and CLEAR: There are no 'original' inhabitants of any place on this big beautiful Mother Earth and that applies equally to both the staunch atheist and also the devoutly religious perspectives.
Lol at Ghazi..
He was just an Afghan dacoit
Those invasions by Afghans were purely plundering campaigns with absolutely no religious overtones or undertones

You are not worth the dust under his feet, and a Quranist is the last person who should be critiquing another's religiosity.


He is Pashtun. Of course he is happy about that.

No I'm not, the only connection I have is that some of my family came from west of the Indus and a few others were Pashtun too (but that's not saying much since my family can be best described by firing a shotgun at a map of Pakistan and seeing the spread).

The main reason I like him is because he was a Muslim who fought against the enemies of Islam. As a Muslim, I identify more with him than the Marathas or the Khalsa.

but what about defending against invaders? it looks like anyone and everyone invaded india.

The fact that India didn't engage in military expansion beyond it's borders as frequently as other civilisations did meant that it lacked the same military insight other civilisations had. If you spend all your time fighting amongst your own, you will not be as militarily capable as a force that fights not just amongst it's own, but also against others.
Well we leave that for another thread, also I can list so much that will show waris as man was full of personal grudges against pushtoons and how he was the pioneer of writing for financial rewards , his patrons were Mughals and he wrote well to please his master's.

We can debate another day.

Reality is much more nuanced than this.

Don’t take @M. Sarmad word completely, as many of us Punjabi Muslims idolize Ahmad Shah Baba and revile Ranjit Singh.

Sikh empire turned Badshahi masjid into a stable for horses and pigs, and desecrated Islamic shrines.

Then this negative policy against Muslims eventually led to their downfall.
The weekly Aryan PDF quota has now been met.

You are not worth the dust under his feet, and a Quranist is the last person who should be critiquing another's religiosity.

No I'm not, the only connection I have is that some of my family came from west of the Indus and a few others were Pashtun too (but that's not saying much since my family can be best described by firing a shotgun at a map of Pakistan and seeing the spread).

The main reason I like him is because he was a Muslim who fought against the enemies of Islam. As a Muslim, I identify more with him than the Marathas or the Khalsa.

The fact that India didn't engage in military expansion beyond it's borders as frequently as other civilisations did meant that it lacked the same military insight other civilisations had. If you spend all your time fighting amongst your own, you will not be as militarily capable as a force that fights not just amongst it's own, but also against others.

Very well put, the most important thing is we are muslims and Pakistanis, I share cultural and heritage link with Abdali but that is not what I like him for, but his decisive action stop to marhattas and threat to the region, his ability, leadership skills, tactics.

Be proud of what you are now a Pakistani but dont forget the past,our glorious Islamic and non Islamic past..
The wanna-be whites here--whether Indians or Pakistanis--would like to check out what the white supremacist would say about them; hint, even Shahid Afridi is not accepted by them as their own. Yes, a mob justice awaits them if they be so unfortunate to be caught in a situation: The white supremacists of America don't bother the African American much anymore because of the consequences and now are after the brown and the wanna-be whites...

The wanna be whites of india who love anything that can connect them to the "white" races of europe such as this worthless word "Aryan" are really a disgusting bunch of fools who unknowingly are becoming prey to the global movement of white supremacism headed by american white racist groups.
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