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The Aryan invasion of India

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Did say that India existed at that time? I mentioned northwest south asia.

Marathas were outnumbered and famine destroyed them more than abdali. Abdali had Muslim allies of North India. Sikhs, Rajputs and Jaats watch the battle from the sideline.

Pakistan should take back pashtun students on scholarship, refugees, businessmen and all people of pasthun ancestor who live in India.

There's like 3,000,000 which I find very hard to believe. Probably 1/8 of that. Iv'e a fair few Indian Muslims carry the surname 'Pathan' and 'Khan' but they don't seem culturally Pashtun.
Did say that India existed at that time? I mentioned northwest south asia.

Marathas were outnumbered and famine destroyed them more than abdali. Abdali had Muslim allies of North India. Sikhs, Rajputs and Jaats watch the battle from the sideline.

Pakistan should take back pashtun students on scholarship, refugees, businessmen and all people of pasthun ancestor who live in India.

They are no pushtoons in India not the real thing anyway, they are as much pushtoons as Urdu speakers are original and native Pakistanis.
Pakistan is not solely responsible forr pushtoons of elsewhere that burden falls on Afghanistan.

Marhattas lost because they were beaten by better opponent just like many before.
There's like 3,000,000 which I find very hard to believe. Probably 1/8 of that. Iv'e a fair few Indian Muslims carry the surname 'Pathan' and 'Khan' but they don't seem culturally Pashtun.
even if they have mixed with locals they have pasthun ancestory. Since these 2 pashtun believe that they are superior to us take brethren back. Rohilla Pashtuns of UP did not migrate to Pakistan or Afghanistan. They stayed here. So did the others.

They are no pushtoons in India not the real thing anyway, also Pakistan us not solely responsible for pushtoons of elsewhere that burden falls on Afghanistan.
Sharukh Khan's cousin was elected from peshawar region. Lol

Keep denying the obvious.

Stupid Indians love these pasthuns and afghanistan. And hate on our own dark skinned. Shame on these punjabis of bollywood and their like.
@Mangus Ortus Novem
There's like 3,000,000 which I find very hard to believe. Probably 1/8 of that. Iv'e a fair few Indian Muslims carry the surname 'Pathan' and 'Khan' but they don't seem culturally Pashtun.

Nothing like us in appearance either.

even if they have mixed with locals they have pasthun ancestory. Since these 2 pashtun believe that they are superior to us take brethren back. Rohilla Pashtuns of UP did not migrate to Pakistan or Afghanistan. They stayed here. So did the others.

Sharukh Khan's cousin was elected from peshawar region. Lol

Keep denying the obvious.

Stupid Indians love these pasthuns and afghanistan. And hate on our own dark skinned. Shame on these punjabis of bollywood and their like.
@Mangus Ortus Novem

Shah rukh is not a pushtoon he is an awan, please at least get your facts right before making such claims, not every Pushto speaker is pushtoon as razakars also speak Pushto.
Nothing like us in appearance either.

Looks like a bihari.

These Punjabis of Bollywood have corrupted the minds of Indians. These pasthuns and afghans should be seen for what they really are.

Looks like a bihari.

These Punjabis of Bollywood have corrupted the minds of Indians. These pasthuns and afghans should be seen for what they really are.

May be a bit of Bihari that was brought back hay many came on their way to Kabul, as they say spoil belongs to the victor.
why was india always so easy to invade?
My dear Indian friend,

Unless we understand the subconcious dynamics of your pervailing society ... in a detached and clinical manner... 'discussion' will revert to bashing and thread closeurs... sad.

What you are trying to achieve requires both patience and understanding of your audience. People here wrongly believe that your audience is Paks... they are not.

Cultural revival and authetic worldview that you wish your countrymen to have is an uphil struggle. But a mighty one at that...so climbing this K2 is noble.

Unless we accept who we are we shall remain a leaf in the wind... the point is rather obvious. Perhaps that is your struggle as well.

Regarding Pakistan we need to see Pakistan not through Indian lens but rather Pak Lens... only then you could appreciate the reality of our existence, our asperations and our faults.... our flaws are many!

If the perspective would remain forceful application of Out of India Theory then...my, my... there are some lofty ones out there... some even go back 70.000 years. So what can we do.

Iqal, our father, our Poet Philosopher clearly defined what Wadi e Sind meant... for now I shall leave at that.

We as Land have been in constant transformation for last 10.000 years. Ancient Paks developed long before Sumer or Persia... again I shall, for now, leave at that.

Where you could see China inclosed you shall find the strength and weakness of Wadi e Sind in its openness. That is the reason har dil ki awaz , dil dil ki awaz... Pakistan Zindabad.

Your own country is a great civilisation in its own right... especially central and southern parts. We need to discuss that sometime...

Pakistan is the Heartland... if one accepts it or not. Matters not.

What is India's heartland?

The lowest casts in the past centuries sought escape from the Laws of Manu through conversion... how good was it for these people is to be seen... it is a developing human story.

Come on, trying using less temper and more restraint.. reason... with some solid underpinning in discourse. You are an intelligent person... come out and play... blossom.


@waz my dear Pak, this thread could be valuable for a discourse...should it not just become a troll fest... otherwise... the Lock!
These racists pasthun showed these bum licking punjabis of bollywood and other Indians their rightful place.

Punjabis of bollywood will mock dark skinned and lower castes. Make songs on 'Afghan Jalebi' rather then not showing the true bacchabazi and drug addiction culture of theirs.

You are a wise man. That's rare on pdf.

@Vikki @pothead @jamahir
Aryan Invasion/Migration theory is true. Nothing to discuss here. Rightwingers will keep cribbing. Throughout history India has been invaded by Central Asians, who settled here and became Indians. This includes Muslim Turks in the Middle Ages.
Aryan invasion has no archeological evidence. Migration might hold true, then again, who are Aryans? CA-Steppe people? The original term has no connection with them, rather it was used to describe Vedic people. Non Vedic ones were not called Aryans and the term further expanded to the ones followed the tradition which clearly transcends race.

Missed Kaptaan sb now ex-TTA. How long he's gonna stay banned? Looks like more than a week @waz. A bit too long for momentary slip.
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Of course, he was a Ghazi for Islam who crushed the Kuffar that ruled the region and oppressed the Muslims within it.

Lol at Ghazi..
He was just an Afghan dacoit
Those invasions by Afghans were purely plundering campaigns with absolutely no religious overtones or undertones
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