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The Aryan invasion of India

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post reported for abusing @Axomiya_lora and why bring only Pakistan into this topic @Axomiya_lora
I love how hard they are trying to steal our history lmao

The Racist came out of the closet.

They are lower caste locals who had converted to Christianity during British period.
Nope and how does that make me a racist? Are you insane or do you only want to hear what you believe?

You are not worthy enough to have an academic conversation..go through the anthroplogy and prehistory of south asia before you quote me again..until then dont quote me again.
Where are you getting your figures from oh great philosopher? Not worthy my a$s like you are anyone to tell me this.
Lol. Nice distortion of history.

A pashtun racist bragging about what exactly? Look at your present conditions. Abdali must be rolling in his graves.

Pashtun used to raid Punjab, ransack it and take women to their harems. Now the situation has reversed.

Let go off your racism.
@waz @Dubious this man right here cant handle the facts so he's resorted to personal attacks and false accusations

I would say they are Pakistanis first, everything else can take the back seat. Likewise, we have Siddis in India also.
Hahaha look at you doing a complete 180
Lol. Nice distortion of history.

A pashtun racist bragging about what exactly? Look at your present conditions. Abdali must be rolling in his graves.

Pashtun used to raid Punjab, ransack it and take women to their harems. Now the situation has reversed.

Let go off your racism.

Got further then Punjab, Read up on Ibrahim lodhi the khiljis and so on, women were plenty there too.
A pashtun racist bragging about what exactly? Look at your present conditions.

The Pashtuns east of the Indus are doing brilliantly, they really punch above their weight. But yes, the ones west of it aren't doing too well (just like other groups living there), Khorasan has unfortunately had a massive fall from grace.

Pashtun used to raid Punjab, ransack it and take women to their harems. Now the situation has reversed.

Rofl what? Punjabis don't ransack Pashtun areas or put Pashtun women into harems lol. And Pashtun invaders didn't really take concubines from the Punjab either. They settled into the region.
As if Pakistan existed in those times. don't divert the topic. No is denying the existence of Pakistan in today's time.

Why not speak about times when Abdali ravaged Punjab? Compare that to present situation.

If India existed at that time hahaha, many small regional kingdoms.

Why not speak about the times when Abdali ravaged and destroyed marhattas?.

You're a Ghiliji right?

Khilji Ghilji Ghilzai same thing.

The Pashtuns east of the Indus are doing brilliantly, they really punch above their weight. But yes, the ones west of it aren't doing too well (just like other groups living there), Khorasan has unfortunately had a massive fall from grace.

Rofl what? Punjabis don't ransack Pashtun areas or put Pashtun women into harems lol. And Pashtun invaders didn't really take concubines from the Punjab either. They settled into the region.

We are doing well, aslong as Pakistan is doing well we are all doing well.
If India existed at that time hahaha, many small regional kingdoms.

Why not speak about the times when Abdali ravaged and destroyed marhattas?.
Did I say that India existed at that time? I mentioned northwest south asia.

Marathas were outnumbered and famine destroyed them more than abdali. Abdali had Muslim allies of North India. Sikhs, Rajputs and Jaats preferred to watch the battle from the sideline.

Pakistan should take back pashtun students on scholarship, refugees, businessmen and all people of pasthun ancestory who live in India.

Go read about the late actor kadar khan a poor pasthun who migrated to India from tribal areas. Take them all and then brag.
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