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The Aryan invasion of India

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He lives abroad and has very little knowledge of Pakistan, barely knows Urdu. He is a Punjabi, I am not sure why he is larping as a Pashtun here, probably for trolling purposes. Not sure what his issues are, but he changes his identity and political ideology every now and then.

OK, then maybe he has some psychological issues probably suffering from depression resulting in de-personalization and de-assciation with the reality. It happens a lot with people suffering from mental depression, their perception of reality keeps changing.
OK, then maybe he has some psychological issues probably suffering from depression resulting in de-personalization and de-assciation with the reality. It happens a lot with people suffering from mental depression, their perception of reality keeps changing.

He’s just trolling @M. Sarmad

Even I get shocked by this poster’s comments, though I try not to argue in futile, useless cases.

Guys (@Taimur Khurram ) anyways it’s Eid so please keep the peace.
has very little knowledge of Pakistan,

But the half-Brazilian who thinks Pakistanis are aliens compared to Indians does.

he changes his identity and political ideology every now and then.

No I don't, I just like to troll. You know me, I don't know how you're unable to see it.

I thought he was always the same.

Talwar is just having another identity crisis because he's half Brazilian, ignore him.

OK, then maybe he has some psychological issues probably suffering from depression resulting in de-personalization and de-assciation with the reality. It happens a lot with people suffering from mental depression, their perception of reality keeps changing.

Make dua for my wrists bro.

He’s a Punjabi who is originally from the same place as me.

I thought you came from Lahore?
Tag me where I spoke about “Punjabi Supremacy ”.

I’ve only ever spoken about whopping your azz, and in turn you asked my IP to report me to the CIA/FBI you liar. :rofl::rofl:
Paaajeet, my panjabi friend. I have tagged you several times in Punjabi racism/bigotry thread. Yet not even once you condemned bollywood or Punjabi Khatris,Jatts, Brahmins.

Even Donald Trump maintains prefers not to answer questions on white supremacy. But it implies his covert support to white racists. You are using the same strategy. But my dravidian brain has more cells than your punjabi one.

Now here is your chance to expose Punjabi and Bollywood bigotry.

P S : My fbi threats were in a lighter vein. Paape, you have no sense of humor.

There was no india during the aryan invasion. There was indus valley civilisation and they ate beef,buried their dead. Those who disagree then ajmal kasab is their father.
They buried as well cremated their dead.

They revered bull. So I doubt they ate beef.

They had nothing to do with current upper castes of Pakistan and North India.

USSR and Scandinavian linguistic experts even concluded their script was similar to Dravidian. Indian government buried this research as usual. Now we have descendants of invaders like Hrithik Roshan claiming to be descendants of IVC. Brahmins and pajeets @SorryNotSorry are white washing history of glorious dravidians.

@manlion @Vikki

One thing I agree with, without any hint of bias towards the race or any race connotation, Gujratis are despicable people. Not because of race but because of their habits. There are plenty of them in and around London.
I am glad you did not come across their marwadi cousins. They are bigger haraemis.
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