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The Aryan invasion of India

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Pashtuns run Pakistan. What ethnic group is the PM?

No, they don't
Pashtuns are only as important as any other Pakistani ethnic group. No more no less
And IK is not a Pashtun, he is a Punjabi Pathan
Enough trolling and derailing already....
This thread is about Aryan (not Afghan) invasion of India, let's get back to the topic

I have a feeling that this taimur guy is "indian muslim", he definitely doesn't sound pakistani to me. Because real pakistanis tend to be very nationalistic, this guy looks like a cuckold type which is a common trait among many indian muslims. Flags on this forum really don't matter.
The thing is that bachabazi is in the present. Those sculptures were made in the past. Contrary to the popular belief they were of a secular discourse nothing to do with religion. Just perverted individuals with different tastes.

Now I only hate ethnicity/castes who have been bigoted towards me. I have even called out Indian Punjabi supremacists like @SorryNotSorry on this forum for their bigotry towards Indians like me. And I have been banned by Pakistani Punjabi moderators for that.

Now you might be treated like a VIP in Pakistan for your 'pasthun' looks. But that does not give you the right to mock dark Indians.

But for you to display racial hatred towards people who have no ill feelings towards your kind and on the contrary, many bollywood loving dumb darklings who admire only your looks(and not your character) is pretty un-acceptable. Your ancestors murdered and enslaved mine. So why do you harbor a grudge?

I hope you end up as a refugee in a western country and come across a white supremacist mob. Then only you can understand the pain of oppressed un wanteds like us.
Tag me where I spoke about “Punjabi Supremacy ”.

I’ve only ever spoken about whopping your azz, and in turn you asked my IP to report me to the CIA/FBI you liar. :rofl::rofl:
Aryan invasion happened. But Brahmans are not going to accept it.

Even Nehru and Balgangadhar Tilak (both brahmans) accepted Aryan Invasion theory.

Some Punjabis and Pasthuns are very light skinned due to intermixing with Greeks during Greek rule in Afghanistan and Northwest South Asia.
Not Greek rule, it was a mix of soldiers in Alexander the Greats army. Most weren't Greek...

The area is close to Central Asia and Iran where light skin people live, I dont think Alexander army has too much impact on the area.
Aryan invasion happened. But Brahmans are not going to accept it.

Even Nehru and Balgangadhar Tilak (both brahmans) accepted Aryan Invasion theory.

Some Punjabis and Pasthuns are very light skinned due to intermixing with Greeks during Greek rule in Afghanistan and Northwest South Asia.

Excuse me!! If any one has more "Aryan" DNA and ancestory it is Pashtuns. And it definitely didn't happened due to mixing with Greeks. Greeks fingerprints are found in Chitral's among non-Pashtuns.
For Pashtuns even the Israelis now paddle the hypothesis of "lost tribe".

but not all Pakistan was negros @Axomiya_lora

These people have came way later in to Pakistan, after the spread of Islam. It had nothing to do with anything else, these are people of "African ancestory". period.

Let's assume your hypothesis is right.

Who is ruling over India? The upper castes of North India and Gujarat. How do we end up as being responsible for their actions. And they treat us worse. Your Pakistani and Afghani Pashtuns actors are given a red carpet welcome.

Why do you run away from the truth, my gujarati baniya frand? You need help.

One thing I agree with, without any hint of bias towards the race or any race connotation, Gujratis are despicable people. Not because of race but because of their habits. There are plenty of them in and around London.
You mostly see Gujratis in the UK and or South Indians. You don't see many Indians from other parts of India in the UK.
many of these banjaras are much fairer than an average south indian( some of them look like afghans)....still they dont have equal status with even backward castes(not dalits)
How in the hell do these "Banjaras" look like Afghans?


And btw anyone who observes indians impartially can easily discern that there was indeed a migration of light skinned people into india...it might have happened in phases .
Light Skin allele


Pakistan is actually the land of negroes..it is the land where negroes settled first before light skinned aryans came.
By that logic, the entire world is the "land of negroes".

.the christians in your country who look dark are a good evidence of that
Those Christians are of Indian origin; they say it themselves.

Many south indians have 40 percent of ANI(aryan dna)
ANI does not equate to "Aryan DNA". Genetic studies have actually shown that North Indians alone barely have any Indo-European influence.


I have a feeling that this taimur guy is "indian muslim", he definitely doesn't sound pakistani to me. Because real pakistanis tend to be very nationalistic, this guy looks like a cuckold type which is a common trait among many indian muslims. Flags on this forum really don't matter.
He lives abroad and has very little knowledge of Pakistan, barely knows Urdu. He is a Punjabi, I am not sure why he is larping as a Pashtun here, probably for trolling purposes. Not sure what his issues are, but he changes his identity and political ideology every now and then.
Siddis in the Makran coast..
They arent called “siddis” the people if makran coast are called Makranis, while ones living in Karachi are called sheedi.

They are africans, bought here as slaves and soldiers of various dynasties. Particularly Baloch ones.

The area is close to Central Asia and Iran where light skin people live, I dont think Alexander army has too much impact on the area.
Arbi thinks he is lighter than other races lol.

He thinks a few thousand greeks who were resisted & fought and later thrown out by locals had an impact of millions of natives yet greeks,romans,Turks, and other Europeans who ruled his land for much longer times didn’t change his genetics.

Not to forget the mongols.
There was no india during the aryan invasion. There was indus valley civilisation and they ate beef,buried their dead. Those who disagree then ajmal kasab is their father.
BS theory propagated by the europeans, Aryans are natives to the Indian subcontinent and europeans/white people are not aryans. Aryan culture is totally different from what is theirs, Indians are the only true aryans and are still connected to our thousands of year old culture.
I know there are many self-hating clueless Punjabis out there who hail Afghani dacoits as their heroes

When you became active again, I thought you changed brother.

Do not take such things personally and learn to relax.

Punjabi’s are Punjabis, and doesn’t matter about their opinion of Ranjeet Singh or Ahmad Shah Baba to determine their Punjabi-ness.

I have a feeling that this taimur guy is "indian muslim", he definitely doesn't sound pakistani to me. Because real pakistanis tend to be very nationalistic, this guy looks like a cuckold type which is a common trait among many indian muslims. Flags on this forum really don't matter.

He’s a Punjabi who is originally from the same place as me.

He is only trolling @M. Sarmad

Don’t take him seriously.

He lives abroad and has very little knowledge of Pakistan, barely knows Urdu. He is a Punjabi, I am not sure why he is larping as a Pashtun here, probably for trolling purposes. Not sure what his issues are, but he changes his identity and political ideology every now and then.

I thought he was always the same. He is Wahhabi, and that’s ok, Pakistanis can be Wahabbis also.

BS theory propagated by the europeans, Aryans are natives to the Indian subcontinent and europeans/white people are not aryans. Aryan culture is totally different from what is theirs, Indians are the only true aryans and are still connected to our thousands of year old culture.

Your history is fully contrived. Your phenotypes prove it. Your religious books have many errors and cannot be taken to have historical accuracy.
Your history is fully contrived. Your phenotypes prove it. Your religious books have many errors and cannot be taken to have historical accuracy.

Dont worry, we dont believe in 'contrived' and falsified history as propounded by the communists who say that the aryans are foreigners, and you worry about your own religious books which say that earth is stationary and that sun revolves around it.
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