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The Aryan invasion of India

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Nappy hair and kinky hair are different. My dad has kinky hair but is not Black at all. Its your temperature and climate that make you adapt to your setting like your hair changing.
This is the childhood pic of famous Indian cricketer. he looks like the girls above.

BTW all Blacks don't have same hair texture. There are blacks with wavy, kinky, nappy and even straight hair.
This is the childhood pic of famous Indian cricketer. he looks like the girls above.

BTW all Blacks don't have same hair texture. There are blacks with wavy, kinky, nappy and even straight hair.
I'm talking about like full Africans like Western Africans. The ones in America.



It grows and looks differently.
But you claimed that whole Pakistan were Negros at the time of arrivial of Aryans but you're wrong most of Pakist were davrideans at the time of Aryans arrivals @Axomiya_lora
I don't care much about race, creed and religion. Think it was you who asked someone to point out negroid communities in Pakistan to which i replied.
I'm talking about like full Africans like Western Africans. The ones in America.



It grows and looks differently.
I know this south Indian girl. She can easily pass for an ethiopian/african.

This is a siddi boy(slaves brought to India by Muslims). He has strong caucasian features due to intermixing.

Blacks in America look different than those in Africa due to inter mixing.

There are negrito tribes living in Andaman Islands and Nilgiri hills.

I don't care much about race, creed and religion. Think it was you who asked someone to point out negroid communities in Pakistan to which i replied.
So why you posted your Sh!t about Pakistan every time, there are also Negros race which situated in In India at ancient times, why you barking against Pakistan every time in your post @Axomiya_lora
So why you posted your Sh!t about Pakistan every time, there are also Negros race which situated in In India at ancient times, why you barking against Pakistan every time in your post @Axomiya_lora
Hold your horses, mate.
there are also Negros race which situated in In India at ancient times,
You come across a pathetic, inconsiderate, racist individual. What's wrong if there are persons of Negroid race in India and Pakistan. Is it supposed to be a d!ck measuring contest about which country have the least of them.
Hold your horses, mate.

You come across a pathetic, inconsiderate, racist individual. What's wrong if there are persons of Negroid race in India and Pakistan. Is it supposed to be a d!ck measuring contest about which country have the least of them.
post reported for abusing @Axomiya_lora and why bring only Pakistan into this topic @Axomiya_lora
Wrong..all the aryans are not considered high castes..there is a caste called banjara(also called lambada who originally hail from Rajastan) which falls under scheduled tribes in my state...many of these banjaras are much fairer than an average south indian( some of them look like afghans)....still they dont have equal status with even backward castes(not dalits)...and for pakistanis information there are many dark people even in higher castes and many light skinned people even in lower castes.

And btw anyone who observes indians impartially can easily discern that there was indeed a migration of light skinned people into india...it might have happened in phases .
Pakistan has no caste system

Aryan invasion happened. But Brahmans are not going to accept it.

Even Nehru and Balgangadhar Tilak (both brahmans) accepted Aryan Invasion theory.

Some Punjabis and Pasthuns are very light skinned due to intermixing with Greeks during Greek rule in Afghanistan and Northwest South Asia.
Northwest south Asia you be Bactrian Pakistan. I love how yall shy away from using Pakistan hahaha
Pakistan is actually the land of negroes..it is the land where negroes settled first before light skinned aryans came..the christians in your country who look dark are a good evidence of that
Christian's mostly all in our country are Indian immigrants who chose Pakistan over India in 1947. Get your facts straight.

Not Greek rule, it was a mix of soldiers in Alexander the Greats army. Most weren't Greek...
Nope, there were Greek kingdoms and the persians relocated a lot of Greeks to modren day Pakistan and Afghanistan

Hmm..but i saw on media many somalis also have straight hair but white arabs have coarse hair.
Many south indians have 40 percent of ANI(aryan dna)
Where are you getting these numbers from?

Those were African slaves that escaped slavery and settled on the coastlines of balochistan.
As if Pakistan existed in those times. don't divert the topic. No is denying the existence of Pakistan in today's time.

Why not speak about times when Abdali ravaged Punjab? Compare that to present situation.
Siddis in the Makran coast..
African slaves, sweetheart.

As if Pakistan existed in those times. don't divert the topic. No is denying the existence of Pakistan in today's time.

Why not speak about times when Abdali ravaged Punjab? Compare that to present situation.
Neither did India, it does now so all those lands automatically become Pakistani along with its history.
Christian's mostly all in our country are Indian immigrants who chose Pakistan over India in 1947. Get your facts straight.

Nope, there were Greek kingdoms and the persians relocated a lot of Greeks to modren day Pakistan and Afghanistan

Where are you getting these numbers from?

Those were African slaves that escaped slavery and settled on the coastlines of balochistan.
You are not worthy enough to have an academic conversation..go through the anthroplogy and prehistory of south asia before you quote me again..until then dont quote me again.
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