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The Aryan invasion of India

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We have a very famous Punjabi folk saying

Can't be that famous if the Punjabi dominated military had no qualms naming a missile after Abdali.

Waris Shah, the famous Khalsa bum licker

Fixed that for you.

When Abdali and his forces mercilessly plundered the city of Lahore

Good. The Muslims there should have either made hijra or sided with Durrani, for them to just coexist with the Khalsa was an act of complacency and treason, they brought his wrath upon themselves. If you live among them, expect to be treated as if you ARE one of them.

Waris was very happy when Ahmad Shah Abdali was defeated by the Mughal forces near Delhi

Durrani's regime was more Islamic, and the Mughals were (at this point) failing. They shouldn't have put up resistance, rather, they should have given the position to a more capable individual. The Mughals did the exact same thing with the Delhi Sultanate, they supplanted it when it started to fail.

Punjabi Muslims joined Ranjit Singh

Any "Muslim" who did that automatically became a Kafir. The Khalsa destroyed Masajid, banned the azaan, sold Muslims as slaves, etc.

You were abusing Chinese posters racially

Oh please, they abuse everyone and get away with it.

It would perhaps be better to not use terminology associated with shirk.

non Islamic past..

I find that stuff interesting, but I can't really identify with those people since every nation was sent a prophet (peace be upon them), and they happened to be one of the many that rejected what was sent to them. There's also the fact that they'd probably want to kill me for being Muslim, and that our culture as well as genetics has been pretty drastically changed since those times of old.
Chin up and keep contributing. Pretty interesting perspective you have of races. And I applaud your bravery to discuss taboo topics in so candid manner. We need to hear from all people to form the 'educated' opinion of this world.

And I am sorry you get subjected to racism because of your skin color. Some people are too insecure in their lives and they take their insecurity upon others. The wanna-be whites here--whether Indians or Pakistanis--would like to check out what the white supremacist would say about them; hint, even Shahid Afridi is not accepted by them as their own. Yes, a mob justice awaits them if they be so unfortunate to be caught in a situation: The white supremacists of America don't bother the African American much anymore because of the consequences and now are after the brown and the wanna-be whites...

There are such wanna-bes in this thread who call even the 4th generation Urdu Speakers Pakistanis as not 'native' and are openly proud of plunderers like Ahmad Shah Abdali. Pathetic or insecure. Take your pick.

As for the Aryan 'invasion', I don't think so. More like migration from Iran and regions around Iran's west. And why not? Rich fertile land with not too harsh winters.

And one thing should be said LOUD and CLEAR: There are no 'original' inhabitants of any place on this big beautiful Mother Earth and that applies equally to both the staunch atheist and also the devoutly religious perspectives.

With all respect, may i pose a simple question to you since you implied certain comments in your post towards me.

USA after 3 to 400 hundred years of European settlement, countless generations up until now, has this transformed them in to native Americans?.

If an Urdu speaker in treated differently, discriminated against, his loyalty to the land he chose questioned then you or who ever prefers can comment and criticise, that has not taken place only point raised was old native and new settler.
Ref proud of plunderer Abdali, I support him as he was a Muslim, a Ghazi and a fellow pushtoon, now you didn't expect me to sway the marhatta and none Muslim way did you?.
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Very well put, the most important thing is we are muslims and Pakistanis, I share cultural and heritage link with Abdali but that is not what I like him for, but his decisive action stop to marhattas and threat to the region, his ability, leadership skills, tactics.

Be proud of what you are now a Pakistani but dont forget the past,our glorious Islamic and non Islamic past..

Most people in punjab pakistan don't care much about the history of non-religious people the way it is cared about in our neighboring cultures on the west and east. For most of us, Ahmed Shah Abdali is neither a hero nor villain. I would say we are indifferent to this person, he doesn't have any importance in our lives, for us he is a no body.

Generally muslims in punjab don't really give any importance to these non-religious historical figures. For us our islamic history is only limited to the history of prophet Muhammad's life and his companions/Sahaba's lives and achievements and the historical events described in Quran and Hadith. Very rarely we give reference to anyone else in historical islamic perspective.
Can't be that famous if the Punjabi dominated military had no qualms naming a missile after Abdali.

Fixed that for you.

Good. The Muslims there should have either made hijra or sided with Durrani, for them to just coexist with the Khalsa was an act of complacency and treason, they brought his wrath upon themselves. If you live among them, expect to be treated as if you ARE one of them.

Durrani's regime was more Islamic, and the Mughals were (at this point) failing. They shouldn't have put up resistance, rather, they should have given the position to a more capable individual. The Mughals did the exact same thing with the Delhi Sultanate, they supplanted it when it started to fail.

Any "Muslim" who did that automatically became a Kafir. The Khalsa destroyed Masajid, banned the azaan, sold Muslims as slaves, etc.

Oh please, they abuse everyone and get away with it.

It would perhaps be better to not use terminology associated with shirk.

I find that stuff interesting, but I can't really identify with those people since every nation was sent a prophet (peace be upon them), and they happened to be one of the many that rejected what was sent to them. There's also the fact that they'd probably want to kill me for being Muslim, and that our culture as well as genetics has been pretty drastically changed since those times of old.

Ouch that must hurt, you have definitely fixed the problem.
The wanna be whites of india and their love for anything that can connect them to the "white" races of europe such as this worthless word "Aryan" are really a disgusting bunch of fools who unknowingly are becoming prey to the global movement of white supremacism headed by american white racist groups.

I get annoyed by this crap or inferiority complex South Asians have for the Hindus its about the whole we wuz Indo Europeans, for Muslims its we wuz Persianz ,Turks or the Seyed complex we wuz Arabs and shiett cmon if you ask I am more of Pan Asian nationalist than boot locker for white Europeans
I get annoyed by this crap or inferiority complex South Asians have for the Hindus its about the whole we wuz Indo Europeans, for Muslims its we wuz Persianz ,Turks or the Seyed complex we wuz Arabs and shiett cmon if you ask I am more of Pan Asian nationalist than boot locker for white Europeans

Who has inferiority complex haven't come across many Pakistanis that suffer from this ailment,
Who has inferiority complex haven't come across many Pakistanis that suffer from this ailment,

It's annoying when I hear Pakistanis be like we wuz Persianz we wuz Central Asians and we wuz arabs turks
It's annoying when I hear Pakistanis be like we wuz Persianz we wuz Central Asians and we wuz arabs turks

Well they are not entirely wrong, Arabs no but rest yes, you have to remember Pakistan is the
Indus valley it has been a centre point for thousand of years, we are a diverse people with diverse culture and history.
Well they are not entirely wrong, Arabs no but rest yes, you have to remember Pakistan is the
Indus valley it has been a centre point for thousand of years, we are a diverse people with diverse culture and history.

I am not questioning that the modern contimenous Pakistan is derived as a crossroads of civilisations heck I am the first one to say the Indosphere myth is bull crap however in 2019 we are Pakistanis enough my ancestor is this nothing wrong about learning origins and history but don't shove like no tomorrow

It's mainly just the diaspora going nuts. We're a crazy bunch.

In a way yes but its also in Pakistan itself as well the problem is the politicians and cleric class are greedy for power instead of uniting the country in a unified nationalism they prefer polarization
In a way yes but its also in Pakistan itself as well the problem is the politicians and cleric class are greedy for power instead of uniting the country in a unified nationalism they prefer polarization

That too.
You are not worth the dust under his feet, and a Quranist is the last person who should be critiquing another's religiosity.

Don't get so Butt hurt, no one has said anything about the religiosity of your Afghani god.
However his invasions of India were purely plundering campaigns with absolutely no religious overtones or undertones as they were directed against other Muslims most of the time.

Reality is much more nuanced than this.

Don’t take @M. Sarmad word completely, as many of us Punjabi Muslims idolize Ahmad Shah Baba and revile Ranjit Singh.

I didn't say all Punjabis revile Ahmad Shah the plunderer, did I?
I know there are many self-hating clueless Punjabis out there who hail Afghani dacoits as their heroes
Good. The Muslims there should have either made hijra or sided with Durrani, for them to just coexist with the Khalsa was an act of complacency and treason, they brought his wrath upon themselves. If you live among them, expect to be treated as if you ARE one of them.

Any "Muslim" who did that automatically became a Kafir. The Khalsa destroyed Masajid, banned the azaan, sold Muslims as slaves, etc.

And now you are showing your true colors and have spoken like a true follower of Abdul Wahhab Najadi....
He too had declared that the Sunni Arabs of Hijaz who refused to accept Ale Saud's rule automatically became kafir and it was permissible for the troops of Ale Saud to kill/loot them.

Expected no better from you
Don't get so Butt hurt, no one has said anything about the religiosity of your Afghani god.
However his invasions of India were purely plundering campaigns with absolutely no religious overtones or undertones as they were directed against other Muslims most of the time.

I didn't say all Punjabis revile Ahmad Shah the plunderer, did I?
I know there are many self-hating clueless Punjabis out there who hail Afghani dacoits as their heroes

I understand where you coming from there a lot of Punjabis that are equally ashamed of their heritage because it's too Indian or Desi to a extent but ask a Pukhtoon,Balochi how it's fun to shove Punjabiness down their throats however I consider Punjab no where close to the so called Indosphere crap
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