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The Aryan invasion of India

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There are such wanna-bes in this thread who call even the 4th generation Urdu Speakers Pakistanis as not 'native' and are openly proud of plunderers like Ahmad Shah Abdali. Pathetic or insecure. Take your pick.

Both, pathetic and insecure.
Just look at their posts, one of those Arab Wannabes has already declared that all those Punjabi Muslims who had opposed the Afghani plunderer Ahmad Shah were kafirs
Both, pathetic and insecure.
Just look at their posts, one of those Arab Wannabes has already declared that all those Punjabi Muslims who had opposed the Afghani plunderer Ahmad Shah were kafirs

Can we not give a damn about it yayyy the Sikhs were dumped out now can we move on as Pakistanis lol @Taimur Khurram
Sikh empire turned Badshahi masjid into a stable for horses and pigs, and desecrated Islamic shrines.

Transforming of Mughal Masjids into stables by Sikhs was a deplorable act, no doubt.

But have you forgotten what Mughal Kings did to Sikh Gurus and their children? or what Ahmad Shah Abdali had done to Sikh Gurdawaras, esp. the holiest of them for Sikhs, the Golden Temple; blew up the building and filled the pond with ****.

Ranjit Singh, later on, handed Muslims most of their mosques back. He even gifted all Nowadrat (Islamic Relics) to the respectable Fakir Family (of Lahore) instead of destroying or desecrating them. Today, Fakir Khana is the largest privately owned museum in South Asia.

The man in charge of the treasury as well as the arsenal of the Sikh empire during Ranjit Singh's era was a Muslim. Ranjit Singh's Foreign Minister was also a Muslim. Many of his emissaries were Punjabi Muslims too.

Many Punjabi Muslims held high posts in Ranjit Singh's Punjab. He was a secular ruler. One of his Muslim generals, Elaahi Bukhsh of Lahore, the in-charge of Khalsa Artillery, was the man behind the defeat of Sayyad Ahmad Shaheed's Yousafzai Army in the famous battle of Balakot. It was not about Muslim Vs Non-muslim as many people try to make it look like. With a few exceptions, those wars were fought just for power, territory and wealth.

What did the Afghans do in Punjab, other than indiscriminate loot and plunder?

And here we have people issuing Fatwas of kufr against those who opposed Afghani dacoits!!
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Can we not give a damn about it yayyy the Sikhs were dumped out now can we move on as Pakistanis lol @Taimur Khurram

Everyone who opposes these maggots magically becomes an Arab wannabe lol.

@M. Sarmad

I'd call you a Kafir wannabe, but that would imply you already aren't one.

And now you are showing your true colors and have spoken like a true follower of Abdul Wahhab Najadi....

Whose teacher was from Sindh, remember that.

of your Afghani god.

You worship Indians much more than anyone here has praised Pashtuns,

However his invasions of India were purely plundering campaigns with absolutely no religious overtones or undertones

Everyone who opposes these maggots magically becomes an Arab wannabe lol.

@M. Sarmad

I'd call you a Kafir wannabe, but that would imply you already aren't one.

You have already declared all those who opposed your dacoit Afghani gods as 'Kafirs', calling me Kafir won't make me one... However, it proves that we have a pathetic sectarian Takfiri among us

You worship Indians much more than anyone here has praised Pashtuns,

I did not even mention India or Indians here :lol:

Yes, you are a joker, we already know that, you really didn't have to half-quote my statement to prove that :lol:

Whose teacher was from Sindh, remember that.

He was a Najadi, don't try to associate him with Pakistan....

And it's really funny how you try to associate Abdul Wahhab Najadi with Pakistan but then complain about others calling you Arab wannabe :rofl::rofl:
Transforming of Mughal Masjids into stables by Sikhs was a deplorable act, no doubt.

It also means anyone who supports them is a Kafir.

But have you forgotten what Mughal Kings did to Sikh Gurus and their children? or what Ahmad Shah Abdali had done to Sikh Gurdawaras, esp. the holiest of them for Sikhs, the Golden Temple; blew up the building and filled the pond with ****.

If they don't like getting burnt, they shouldn't play with fire.

Ranjit Singh, later on, handed Muslims most of their mosques back. He even gifted all Nowadrat (Islamic Relics) to the respectable Fakir Family (of Lahore) instead of destroying or desecrating them. Today, Fakir Khana is the largest privately owned museum in South Asia.

You've glossed over all the Muslims he killed, his banning of the azaan, the fact that he didn't rule by Sharia, and all the Masajid he desecrated (leaving them doesn't change that). The only way their crimes could be forgiven is via the shedding of Khalsa blood, and the thirst was quenched.

The man in charge of the treasury as well as the arsenal of the Sikh empire during Ranjit Singh's era was a Muslim. Ranjit Singh's Foreign Minister was also a Muslim. Many of his emissaries were Punjabi Muslims too.

You'd probably still consider someone a Muslim if they fought for Banu Quraytha.

It was not about Muslim Vs Non-muslim

Lmao Ahmad Shah Durrani literally had Punjabi volunteers in his army, it wasn't some ethnic conflict.

What did the Afghans do in Punjab, other than indiscriminate loot and plunder?

These Pasthuns are now part of the same nation as you. If you don't like them, you can go to India and join them in prostrating towards the enemies of Islam.

it proves that we have a pathetic sectarian Takfiri among us

Cry some more.

I did not even mention India or Indians here

You have done so in previous threads. Your frustration is apparent, I think you should go eat some daal to calm down. Try mixing it with rice, it will taste better.

He was a Najadi, don't try to associate him with Pakistan....

Like it or not, he's well respected by many Pakistanis, and his teacher came from our watan and influenced his opinions a lot.
Pakistani Pashtuns ... Yes
Mofo Afghanis and their supporters ... No

You do realise Durranis are one of the largest Pashtun tribes in Pakistan, right? He's considered a hero by many of them, hence the naming of a missile after him.

You are the Afghani Munafiq here issuing kufr fatwas

That moment when most of your family isn't Afghan, but he calls you Afghan anyway since you disagree with him (even if you've previously made this clear).

That moment when most of your family isn't Afghan, but he calls you Afghan anyway since you disagree with him (even if you've previously made this clear).

You are a bloody liar ... And you have been exposed
No Punjabi would take a jibe on another Punjabi by calling him "Daal Khor"
Only retarded Afghanis say that :lol:
You are a bloody liar ... And you have been exposed
No Punjabi would take a jibe on another Punjabi by calling him "Daal Khor"
Only retarded Afghanis say that :lol:

Except I never called you a daal khor. I said you SHOULD be one though. Go on, eat some daal. It's nice!
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